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File metadata and controls

873 lines (478 loc) · 36.4 KB


The ODM is comprised of ten primary tables and one lookup table. All of them are described below. Example data is stored in data.

Entity Relationship Diagram

Use Entity Relationship Diagram to identify variable type.

  • BLOB: The ASCII-encoded string in lower case representing the media type of the Blob. More details

  • bool: boolean, TRUE, FALSE

  • char: ASCII-encoded string

  • cat: categorical defined using ASCII-encoded string as defined for the variable

  • dateTime: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (24 hour format, in UTC)

  • email: email address

  • float: float-point numerical value

  • int: integer

  • phone: phone number, either ###-###-#### or #-###-###-####

  • url: Uniform Resource Identifier


The sample is a representative volume of wastewater taken from a Site which is then analysed by a lab.

  • sampleID:(Sample id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for sample. Suggestion:siteID-date-index.

  • siteID:(Site id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the Site table to describe the location of sampling.

  • instrumentID:(Instrument id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the Instrument table to describe the instrument used for sampling.

  • reporterID:(reporter ID): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the reporter table to identify the reporter who collected the sample.

  • dateTime:(Date time): [datetime] for grab samples this is the date, time and timezone the sample was taken.

  • dateTimeStart:(Date time start): [datetime] For integrated time averaged samples this is the date, time and timezone the sample was started being taken.

  • dateTimeEnd:(Date time end): [datetime] For integrated time average samples this is the date, time and timezone the sample was finished being taken.

  • type:(Type): [category] Type of sample.

    • rawWW: Raw wastewater.
    • swrSed: Sediments obtained in sewer.
    • pstGrit: Raw wastewater after a treatment plant's headworks.
    • pSludge: Sludge produced by primary clarifiers.
    • pEfflu: Effluent obtained after primary clarifiers.
    • sSludge: Sludge produced by secondary clarifiers.
    • sEfflu: Effluent obtained after secondary clarifiers.
    • water: Non-wastewater, coming from any kind of water body.
    • faeces: Fecal matter.
    • other: Other type of site. Add description to typeOther.
  • typeOther:(Type other): [string] Description for other type of sample not listed in

  • collection:(Collection): [category] Method used to collect the sample.

    • cpTP24h: A time proportional 24-hour composite sample generally collected by an autosampler.
    • cpFP24h: A flow proportional 24-hour composite sample generally collected by an autosampler.
    • grb: A single large representative grab sample.
    • grbCp8h: A 8-hour composite with 8 grab samples each taken once per hour, generally manually performed.
    • grbCp3h: A 3-hour composite with 3 grab samples each taken once per hour, generally manually performed.
    • grbCp3: A grab-composite sample composed of 3 separate grab samples.
    • mooreSw: Moore swab passive sample.
    • other: Other type of collection method. Add description to collectionOther.
  • collectionOther:(Collection other): [string] Description for other type of method not listed in collection.

  • preTreatment:(Pre treatment): [boolean] Was the sample chemically treated in anyway with the addition of stabilizers or other

  • preTreatmentDescription:(Pre treatment description): [string] If preTreatment then describe the treatment that was performed.

  • pooled:(Pooled): [boolean] Is this a pooled sample, and therefore composed of multiple child samples obtained at different sites

  • children:(Children): [string] If this is a sample with many smaller samples either because of pooling or sub-sampling this indicates a comma separated list of child sampleID's.

  • parent:(Parent): [string] If this sample has been pooled into one big sample for analysis this indicates the sampleID of the larger pooled sample.

  • sizeL:(Size l): [float] Total volume of water or sludge sampled.

  • fieldSampleTempC:(Field sample temp c): [float] Temperature that the sample is stored at while it is being sampled. This field is mainly relevant for composite samples which are either kept at ambient temperature or refrigerated while being sampled.

  • shippedOnIce:(Shipped on ice): [boolean] Was the sample kept cool while being shipped to the lab

  • storageTempC:(Storage temp c): [float] Temperature that the sample is stored at in Celsius.

  • qualityFlag:(Quality flag): [boolean] Does the reporter suspect the sample having some quality issues

  • notes:(Notes): [string] Any additional notes.


Measurement result (ie. single variable) from a wastewater sample. WWMeaasure includes data that is commonly collected by staff at wastewater laboratories where measurement is performed using an assay method (see AssayMethod), but can also be performed using specific instruments (see Instruments. Measures performed at the site of the wastewater sample are reported in SiteMeasure.

  • uWwMeasureID:(U ww measure id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier a measurement within the measurement table.

  • wwMeasureID:(Ww measure id): [string] Unique identifier for wide table only. Use when all measures are performed on a single sample at the same time and same laboratory. Suggestion: siteID_sampleID_LabID_reportDate_ID.

  • sampleID:(Sample id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the identified Sample

  • labID:(Lab id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the identified Lab that performed the analysis.

  • assayID:(Assay id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the AssayMethod used to perform the analysis. Use instrument.ID for measures that are not viral measures.

  • instrumentID:(Instrument id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the Instrument used to perform the analysis. Use assay.ID for viral measures.

  • reporterID:(Reporter id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the reporter that is responsible for the data.

  • analysisDate:(Analysis date): [date] date the measurement was performed in the lab.

  • reportDate:(Report date): [date] date the data was reported. One sampleID may have updated reports based on updates to assay method or reporting standard. In this situation, use the original sampleID but updated MeasureID, reportDate and assayID (if needed).

  • fractionAnalyzed:(Fraction analyzed): [category] Fraction of the sample that is analyzed.

    • liquid: Liquid fraction
    • solid: Solid fraction
    • mixed: Mixed/homogenized sample
  • type:(Type): [category] The variable that is being measured on the sample, e.g. a SARS-CoV-2 gene target region (cov), a biomarker for normalisation (n) or a water quality parameter (wq).

    • covN1: SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid gene N1
    • covN2: SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid gene N2
    • covN3: SARS-like coronaviruses nucleocapsid gene N3
    • covE: SARS-CoV-2 gene region E
    • varB117: Variant B.1.1.7
    • varB1351: Variant B.1.351
    • varP1: Variant P.1
    • covRdRp: SARS-CoV-2 gene region RdRp
    • nPMMoV: Pepper mild mottle virus
    • ncrA: cross-assembly phage
    • nbrsv: bovine respiratory syncytial virus
    • wqTS: Total solids concentration.
    • wqTSS: Total suspended solids concentration.
    • wqVSS: Volatile suspended solids concentration.
    • wqCOD: Chemical oxygen demand.
    • wqOPhos: Ortho-phosphate concentration.
    • wqNH4N: Ammonium nitrogen concentration, as N.
    • wqTN: Total nitrogen concentration, as N.
    • wqPh: pH
    • wqCond: Conductivity
    • temp: temperature of the sample when the measurement is taken, often when it arrives at the lab.
    • other: Other measurement category. Add description to categoryOther.
  • typeOther:(Type other): [string] Description for an other variable not listed in category.

  • unit:(Unit): [category] Unit of the measurement.

    • gcPMMoV: Gene or variant copies per copy of PMMoV.
    • gcMl: Gene or variant copies per milliliter.
    • gcGs: Gene or variant copies per gram solids.
    • gcL: Gene or variant copies per liter.
    • gcCrA: Gene or variant copies per copy of crAssphage.
    • Ct: Cycle threshold.
    • mgL: Milligrams per liter.
    • ph: pH units
    • uScm: Micro-siemens per centimeter.
    • detected: Gene copies or variant detected in the sampleGene or variant copiesDetected = 1Gene or variant copiesNot detected = 0.
    • propVar: Proportion of variant in sample
    • pp: Percent positive, for Moore swab.
    • pps: Percent primary sludge, for total solids.
    • c: temperature in celsius
    • bool: In cases where a boolean yes or no is required use bool
    • other: Other measurement of viral copies or wastewater treatment plant parameter. Add description to UnitOther.
  • unitOther:(Unit other): [string] Description for other measurement unit not listed in unit.

  • aggregation:(Aggregation): [category] Statistical measures used to report the sample units of Ct/Cq, unless otherwise stated. Each aggregation has a corresponding value.

    • single: This value is not an aggregate measurement in any way (ie. not a mean, median, max or any other) and can be a replicate value.
    • mean: Arithmetic mean
    • meanNr: Arithmetic mean, normalized
    • geoMn: Geometric mean
    • geoMnNr: Geometric mean, normalized
    • median: Median
    • min: Lowest value in a range of values
    • max: Highest value in a range of values
    • sd: Standard deviation
    • sdNr: Standard deviation, normalized
    • other: Other aggregation method. Add description to aggregationOther
  • aggregationOther:(Aggregation other): [string] Description for other type of aggregation not listed in aggregation.

  • index:(Index): [integer] Index number in case the measurement was taken multiple times.

  • value:(Value): [float] The actual value that is being reported for this measurement. Use "NA" for missing values and make sure to leave a note.

  • qualityFlag:(Quality flag): [boolean] Does the reporter suspect the measurement having some quality issues

  • accessToPublic:(Access to public): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be available to the public. If missing, data will be available to the public.

  • accessToAllOrg:(Access to all org): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be available to any partner organization. If missing, data will be available to the all organizations.

  • accessToSelf:(Access to self): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be shown on the portal when this reporter logs in. If missing, data will be available to this reporter.

  • accessToPHAC:(Access to phac): [boolean] If this is 'no', the data will not be available to employees of the Public Health Agency of Canada - PHAC. If missing, data will be available to employees of the Public Health Agency of Canada - PHAC.

  • accessToLocalHA:(Access to local ha): [boolean] If this is 'no', the, data will not be available to local health authorities. If missing, data will be available to local health authorities.

  • accessToProvHA:(Access to prov ha): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be available to provincial health authorities. If missing, data will be available to provincial health authorities.

  • accessToOtherProv:(Access to other prov): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be available to other data providers not listed before. If missing, data will be available to other data providers not listed before

  • accessToDetails:(Access to details): [boolean] More details on the existing confidentiality requirements of this measurement.

  • notes:(Notes): [string] Any additional notes.


The site of wastewater sampling, including several defaults that can be used to populate new samples upon creation.

  • siteID:(Site id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for the location where wastewater sample was taken.

  • name:(Name): [string] Given name to the site. Location name could be a treatment plant, campus, institution or sewer location, etc.

  • description:(Description): [string] Description of wastewater site (city, building, street, etc.) to better identify the location of the sampling point.

  • publicHealthDepartment:(Public health department or region): [string] The public health department or region where the site or institute is located. See also healthRegion if there is a separate regional health care delivery authority.

  • healthRegion:(Health planning region): [string] The health planning authority where is site or insititute is located. See also publicHealthDepartment

  • type:(Type): [category] Type of site or institution where sample was taken.

    • airPln: Airplane.
    • corFcil: Correctional facility.
    • school: School
    • hosptl: Hospital
    • ltcf: Long-term care facility.
    • swgTrck: Sewage truck.
    • uCampus: University campus.
    • mSwrPpl: Major sewer pipeline.
    • pStat: Pumping station.
    • holdTnk: Hold tank.
    • retPond: Retention pond.
    • wwtpMuC: Municipal wastewater treatment plant for combined sewage.
    • wwtpMuS: Municipal wastewater treatment plant for sanitary sewage only.
    • wwtpInd: Industrial wastewater treatment plant.
    • lagoon: Logoon system for extensive wastewater treatment.
    • septTnk: Septic tank.
    • river: River, natural water body.
    • lake: Lake, natural water body.
    • estuary: Estuary, natural water body
    • sea: Sea, natural water body.
    • ocean: Ocean, natural water body.
    • other: Other site type. Add description to typeOther.
  • typeOther:(Type other): [string] Description of the site when the site is not listed. See siteType.

  • sampleTypeDefault:(Sample type default): [category] Used as default when a new sample is created for this site. See type in Sample table.

  • sampleTypeOtherDefault:(Sample type other default): [string] Used as default when a new sample is created for this site. See typeOther in Sample table.

  • sampleCollectionDefault:(Sample collection default): [category] Used as default when a new sample is created for this site. See collection in Sample table.

  • sampleCollectOtherDefault:(Sample collect other default): [string] Used as default when a new sample is created for this site. See collectionOther in Sample table.

  • sampleStorageTempCDefault:(Sample storage temp c default): [float] Used as default when a new sample is created for this site. See storageTempC in Sample table.

  • measureFractionAnalyzedDefault:(Measure fraction analyzed default): [category] Used as default when a new measurement is created for this site. See fractionAnalyzed in Measurement table.

  • geoLat:(Geo lat): [float] Site geographical location, latitude in decimal coordinates, ie.: (45.424721)

  • geoLong:(Geo long): [float] Site geographical location, longitude in decimal coordinates, ie.: (-75.695000)

  • notes:(Notes): [string] Any additional notes.

  • polygonID:(Polygon id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the Polygon table, this should encompass the area that typically drains into this site.

  • sewerNetworkFileLink:(Sewer network file link): [string] Link to a file that has any detailed information about the sewer network associated with the site (any format).

  • sewerNetworkFileBLOB:(Sewer network file blob): [blob] A file blob that has any detailed information about the sewer network associated with the site (any format).


Measurement result (ie. single variable) obtained by at the site of wastewater sample.SiteMeasure includes data that is commonly collected by staff at wastewater treatment facilities and field sample locations. These measures that are not performed on the wastewater sample but provide additional context necessary for the interpretation of the results. Measures performed on the wastewater sample are reported in WWMeasure.

  • uSiteMeasureID:(U site measure id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for each measurement for a site.

  • siteMeasureID:(Site measure id): [string] Unique identifier for wide table only. Use when all measures are performed on a single sample.

  • siteID:(Site id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the Site table to describe the location of measurement.

  • instrumentID:(Instrument id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the Instrument table to describe instrument used for the measurement.

  • reporterID:(Reporter id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the reporter that is responsible for the data.

  • sampleID:(Sample id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the identified Sample

  • dateTime:(Date time): [date] The date and time the measurement was performed.

  • type:(Type): [category] The type of measurement that was performed. The prefix env is used for environmental variables, whereas ww indicates a measurement on wastewater.

    • envTemp: Environmental temperature.
    • envRnF: Rain fall, i.e. amount of precipitation in the form of rain.
    • envSnwF: Snow fall, i.e. amount of precipitation in the form of snow.
    • envSnwD: Total depth of snow on the ground.
    • wwFlow: Flow of wastewater.
    • wwTemp: Temperature of the wastewater.
    • wwTSS: Total suspended solids concentration of the wastewater.
    • wwCOD: Chemical oxygen demand of the wastewater.
    • wwTurb: Turbidity of the wastewater.
    • wwOPhos: Ortho-phosphate concentration.
    • wwNH4N: Ammonium nitrogen concentration, as N.
    • wwTN: Total nitrogen concentration, as N.
    • wwpH: pH of the wastewater.
    • wwBOD5t: 5 day total biochemical oxygen demand
    • wwBOD5c: 5 day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand
    • wwPtot: Total phosphates
    • wwPP: Total phosphorous
    • wwCond: Conductivity of the wastewater.
  • typeOther:(Type other): [string] Description of the measurement in case it is not listed in type.

  • typeDescription:(Type description): [string] Additional information on the performed measurement.

  • aggregation:(Aggregation): [category] When reporting an aggregate measurement, this field describes the method used.

    • single: This value is not an aggregate measurement in any way (ie. not a mean, median, max or any other) and can be a replicate value.
    • mean: Arithmetic mean
    • geoMn: Geometric mean
    • median: Median
    • min: Lowest value in a range of values
    • max: Highest value in a range of values
    • sd: Standard deviation
    • other: Other aggregation method. Add description to aggregationOther
  • aggregationOther:(Aggregation other): [string] Description for other type of aggregation not listed in aggregation.

  • aggregationDesc:(Aggregation desc): [string] Information on OR reference to which measurements that were included to calculate the aggregated measurement that is being reported.

  • value:(Value): [float] The actual value that is being reported for this measurement. Use "NA" for missing values and make sure to leave a note.

  • unit:(Unit): [category] The engineering unit of the measurement.

    • c: Degrees Celcius
    • mm: Millimeters
    • m3H: Cubic meters per hour
    • m3D: Cubic meters per day
    • mgL: Milligrams per liter
    • pH: pH units
    • usCM: Micro-siemens per centimeter
  • qualityFlag:(Quality flag): [boolean] Does the reporter suspect quality issues with the value of this measurement

  • accessToPublic:(Access to public): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be available to the public. If missing, data will be available to the public.

  • accessToAllOrgs:(Access to all orgs): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be available to any partner organization. If missing, data will be available to the all organizations.

  • accessToSelf:(Access to self): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be shown on the portal when this reporter logs in. If missing, data will be available to this reporter.

  • accessToPHAC:(Access to phac): [boolean] If this is 'no', the data will not be available to employees of the Public Health Agency of Canada - PHAC. If missing, data will be available to employees of the Public Health Agency of Canada - PHAC.

  • accessToLocalHA:(Access to local ha): [boolean] If this is 'no', data will not be available to local health authorities. If missing, data will be available to local health authorities.

  • accessToProvHA:(Access to prov ha): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be available to provincial health authorities. If missing, data will be available to provincial health authorities.

  • accessToOtherProv:(Access to other prov): [boolean] If this is 'no', this data will not be available to other data providers not listed before. If missing, data will be available to other data providers not listed before.

  • accessToDetails:(Access to details): [boolean] More details on the existing confidentiality requirements of this measurement.

  • notes:(Notes): [string] Any additional notes.


The individual or organization that is reporting and responsible for the quality of the data.

  • reporterID:(Reporter id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for the person or organization that is reporting the data.

  • siteIDDefault:(Site id default): (Foreign key) [string] Used as default when a new sample is created by this reporter. See ID in Site table.

  • labIDDefault:(Lab id default): (Foreign key) [string] Used as default when a new sample is created by this reporter. See ID in Lab table.

  • contactName:(Contact name): [string] Full Name of the reporter, either an organization or individual.

  • contactEmail:(Contact email): [string] Contact e-mail address.

  • organization:(Organization): [string] The organization to which the reporter is affiliated.

  • contactPhone:(Contact phone): [string] Contact phone number.

  • notes:(Notes): [string] Any additional notes.


Laboratory that performs SARS-CoV-2 wastewater testing at one or more sites.

  • labID:(Lab id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for the laboratory.

  • assayMethodIDDefault:(Assay method id default): (Foreign key) [string] Used as default when a new measurement is created for this lab. See ID in AssayMethod table.

  • name:(Name): [string] Name corresponding to lab.

  • contactName:(Contact name): [string] Contact person or group, for the lab.

  • contactEmail:(Contact email): [string] Contact e-mail address, for the lab.

  • contactPhone:(Contact phone): [string] Contact phone number, for the lab.

  • updateDate:(Update date): [date] date information was provided or updated.


The assay method that was used to perform testing. Create a new record if there are changes (improvements) to an existing assay method. Keep the same ID and use an updated version. A new record for a new version can include only the fields that changed, however, we recommend duplicating existing fields to allow each record to clearly describe all steps. Add a current date when recording a new version to an assay.

  • assayMethodID:(Assay method id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for the assay method.

  • instrumentID:(Instrument id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the Instrument table to describe instruments used for the measurement.

  • name:(Name): [string] Name of the assay method.

  • version:(Version): [string] Version of the assay. Semantic versioning is recommended.

  • summary:(Summary): [string] Short description of the assay and how it is different from the other assay methods.

  • referenceLink:(Reference link): [string] Link to standard operating procedure.

  • date:(Date): [date] date on which the assayMethod was created or updated (for version update).

  • aliasID:(Alias id): [string] ID of an assay that is the same or similar. a comma separated list.

  • extractionVolMl:(Extraction volume in ml): [float] Size of the sample that is analyzed in milliliters.

  • loq:(Loq): [float] Limit of quantification (LOQ) for this method if one exists.

  • lod:(Lod): [float] Limit of detection (LOD) for this method if one exists.

  • unit:(Unit): [category] Unit used by this method, and applicable to the LOD and LOQ.

    • gcPMMoV: Gene copies per copy of PMMoV.
    • gcMl: Gene copies per milliliter.
    • gcGms: Gene copies per gram solids.
    • gcL: Gene copies per liter.
    • gcCrA: Gene copies per copy of crAssphage.
    • other: Other measurement of viral copies. Add description to unitOther.
  • unitOther:(Unit other): [string] Unit used by this method, that are applicable to the LOD and LOQ.

  • methodConc:(Method conc): [string] Description of the method used to concentrate the sample

  • methodExtract:(Method extract): [string] Description of the method used to extract the sample

  • methodPcr:(Method pcr): [string] Description of the PCR method used

  • qualityAssQC:(Quality ass qc): [string] Description of the quality control steps taken

  • inhibition:(Inhibition): [string] Description of the inhibition parameters.

  • surrogateRecovery:(Surrogate recovery): [string] Description of the surrogate recovery for this method.


Instruments that are used for measures in WWMeasure and SiteMeasure. The assay method for viral measurement are described in AssayMethod.

  • instrumentID:(Instrument id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for the instrument.

  • name:(Name): [string] Name of the instrument used to perform the measurement.

  • model:(Model): [string] Model number or version of the instrument.

  • description:(Description): [string] Description of the instrument.

  • alias:(Alias): [string] ID of an assay that is the same or similar. A comma separated list.

  • referenceLink:(Reference link): [string] Link to reference for the instrument.

  • type:(Type): [category] Type of instrument used to perform the measurement.

    • online: An online sensor
    • lab: Offline laboratory analysis
    • hand: A handheld measurement analyzer.
    • atline: An atline analyzer with sampler.
    • other: An other type of measurement instrument. Add description to instrumentTypeOther.
  • typeOther:(Type other): [string] Description of the instrument in case it is not listed in instrumentType.


A simple polygon that encloses an area on the surface of the earth, normally these polygons will either be of a sewer catchment area or of a health region or other reporting area.

  • polygonID:(Polygon id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for the polygon.

  • name:(Name): [string] Descriptive name of the polygon.

  • pop:(Pop): [integer] Approximate population size of people living inside the polygon.

  • type:(Type): [category] Type of polygon.

    • swrCat: Sewer catchment area.
    • hlthReg: Health region served by the sewer network
  • wkt:(Wkt): [string] well known text of the polygon

  • file:(File): [blob] File containing the geometry of the polygon, blob format.

  • link:(Link): [string] Link to an external reference that describes the geometry of the polygon.


Covid-19 patient data for a specified polygon.

  • cphdID:(Cphd id): (Primary Key) [string] Unique identifier for the table.

  • reporterID:(Reporter id): (Foreign key) [string] ID of the reporter who gave this data.

  • polygonID:(Polygon id): (Foreign key) [string] Links with the Polygon table.

  • date:(Date): [string] date of reporting for covid-19 measure.

  • type:(Type): [category] Type of covid-19 patient data.

    • conf: Number of confirmed cases. This measure should be accompanied by dateType.
    • active: Number of active cases.
    • test: Number of tests performed.
    • posTest: Number of positive tests.
    • pPosRt: Percent positivity rate.
    • hospCen: Hospital census or the number of people admitted with covid-19.
    • hospAdm: Hospital admissions or patients newly admitted to hospital.
  • dateType:(Date type): [category] Type of date used for conf cases. Typically report or episode are reported. onset and test date is not usually reported within aggregate data.

    • episode: Episode date is the earliest of onset, test or reported date.
    • onset: Earliest that symptoms were reported for this case. This data is often not known and reported. In lieu, episode is used.
    • report: Date that the numbers were reported publicly. Typically, reported data and this measure is most commonly reported and used.
    • test: Date that the covid-19 test was performed.
  • value:(Value): [float] The actual value that is being reported for this measurement. Use "NA" for missing values and make sure to leave a note.

  • notes:(Notes): [string] Any additional notes.


Used for lookup values of all category based columns

  • tableName:(Table name): [string] Name of the Table

  • columnName:(Column name): [string] Name for the column

  • value:(Value): [string] Name of the value

  • description:(Description): [string] Name of the description

Database templates and input forms

Several database templates and input forms are underdevelopment to help labs and other partners enter data.

Templates are in the template folder.

Available templates:

Database templates

Database templates

Database templates are flat file templates (i.e. Excel or CSV file format) that are used to summarize wastewater SARS-CoV-2 measurements. There are two formats - 'wide' and 'long' that are based on the underlying primary databases that are described in Metadata.

  • 'Wide' format - The 'wide' form of data entry corresponds to how labs commonly hold their own data. This form usually has one sample per row. Each sample corresponds to test performed on a wastewater sample taken on a specific day. This means that each row corresponds to a single day. The main variables are from the 'measurement' table, but there are also variables from other tables. Alternatively, variables from other tables can be collected separately.

  • 'Long' format - This template has one measurement per row. The long format follows the ERD and data dictionary.

Input forms

Input forms correspond to the tables described in metadata. Survey Monkey forms are available for earlier versions of the ODM, but these are current not supported in the most recent version. We are aware of several initiatives to generate Microsoft PowerApp and ArcGIS Survey123. Updates will be provided here as those initiatives develop.

Example of wide and long variable formats

The metadata and Entity Relationship Diagram are long table formats.

Example of reporting two viral regions (N1 and N2) on the same sample

Long table format

date type unit aggregation value
2021-01-15 covN1 nPPMoV mean 40
2021-01-15 covN2 nPPMov mean 42

Wide table format

date covN1_nPPMoV_mean covN2_nPPMoV_mean
2021-01-15 40 42

Order of completion

Because of the multiple relationships between the tables composing the data model, it is important that some tables are completed before others can be. The following order of completion should be respected in order to ensure that the datasets are complete:

  • Step 1: Instrument, Polygon

  • Step 2: Site, AssayMethod

  • Step 3: Lab

  • Step 4: Reporter

  • Step 5: Sample+WWMeasure OR SiteMeasure OR CovidPublicHealthData

Naming conventions

  • Table names: Table names use UpperCamelCase.

  • Variable and category names: Both variables and variable categories use lowerCamelCase. Do not use special characters (only uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers). Reason: variable and category names can be combined to generate derived variables. Using special characters will generate non-allowable characters - see below. Category names a maximum of 7 characters to allow concatenation of four categories into a single variaable to comply with ArcGIS 31 character maximum for variable names.

  • Variables in wide tables: Wide tables use _ to concatenate variables from long tables.

  • Variable order If a multiple measurement take place on different dates this has a natural form in the long table format, however in the pivot wider format this can be ambiguous. In this case, show a reportDate followed by a series of measurements taken on that date (e.g. covN1_PPMV_mean) followed by more measurements (e.g. covN2_PPMV_mean)

  • Merging tables : Merging tables into a wide table requires additional steps when a variable does not have an unique name (when the variable name appears in more than one table). For example, variables such as dateTime, notes, description, type, version and ID variables such as sampleID are used in several tables. Use the following approach:

    • Variable that are not unique (they are in more than one table): add the table name to the variable by concatenate column names with _. e.g. dateTime from the Sample table becomes Sample_dateTime.
    • Variable that are unique (they are in only one table in the entire OMD). No variable name changes are needed.
  • Derived, summary or transformed measure: These measures are generated to summarize or transform one or more variables. Naming convention follows the same approach as naming variable and category names, except use a _ when concatenating variable or category names. Examples of a derived measure is the calculation of a mean value of one or more SARS-CoV-2 regions. Normalization and standardization are other examples of a transformed measure. Typically derived, summary or transformed measures are not reported, rather the preferred reporting approach is reporting the underlying individual measures.

  • Date time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (24 hour format, in UTC)

  • Location: well known text for polygon.

  • Version: Semantic versioning

Examples of how to generate wide variable and category names

1) Simple viral region report

A long table would represent viral measures of:

date = 2021-01-15
type = covN1
unit = nPMMoV
aggregation = mean
value = 40
date = 2021-01-15
type = covN2
unit = nPMMoV
aggregation = mean
value = 42

In a long table as:

date type unit aggregation value
2021-01-15 covN1 nPPMoV mean 40
2021-01-15 covN2 nPPMoV mean 42

A wide table would represent the same measurement as:

    covidN1_PPMV_mean = 40
    covidN2_PPMV_mean = 42

In a wide table as:

date covN1_nPPMoV_mean covN2_nPPMoV_mean
2021-01-15 40 42

2) Derived measure

To report a mean value of existing covidN1 and covidN2 measures:

    date = 2021-01-15
    type = covN1
    unit = ml
    aggregation = mean
    value = 42
    date = 2021-01-15
    type = covN2
    unit = ml
    aggregation = mean
    value = 40

Represent the derived measure as:

long table format

    date = 2021-01-15
    type = covN1covN2
    unit = ml
    aggreation = mean
    value = 41
date type unit aggregation value
2021-01-15 covN1covN2 ml mean 41

or, wide table format

    date = 2021-01-15
    covN1covN2_ml_mean = 41
  • Viral SARS-CoV-2 copies per reference copies.

3) Transformed measure

To report mean viral copies of mean value N1 and N2 per viral copies of PMMoV:

Represent the derived measure as:

long table description

    date = 2021-01-15
    covN1covN2 = 2
    unit = PPMV
    type = meanNr


wide table format

    covidN1covidN2_PPMV_meanNr = 2