[] Create functionalities to add/edit the collected pooints [x] Create a coloroverlay that shows the which point is being registered
Add other methods for registration in the folder.
- PointCloud Registration -> Point set based registration
- Pivot Calibration
- Hand-Eye Calibration
Add improved version of registration method. [] For pointer based registration, sample and pivot around the dimple. For each point, average during the sampling.
Add Tracker and marker in the AMBF world [x] Add moving functionality (-> ambf_tf_plugin??)
[x] Add model view window. [] Make small window within the main_camera rather than having seperate camera [] Only render the CT model [x] Move the model view camera to see the sampling points -> Mouse motion [x] Change the color of the point you are sampling [x] Attach the light on the camera [] Use cmultipoints rather than cShere for the visualizing points.
Slicer [] Add fiducial output functionality