#Tasks file:///C:/Users/Leon/FAUbox/WW8_Practical/Practical_4_Atomistic/04_MD%20(1).pdf
- write Intro
- outline diffrences EMT vs. pair potential
- why pair potential not suitable
- compare potetials /w respect to parameter identification and fitting
- figur out proper paremeters for copper
- how use them in ASE
- 3.1 sketch fcc and bcc, estimate latice constants
- 3.2 calculate min enegies
- 3.3 write eq. for missing elast constats
- 3.4 eq. for strain distributions
- 3.5 evaluate elastic constants
- 3.6 look at strain energy density, give range where assumption reasonable
- 4.1 LitRes: what kind of CNT exist, choose 5,5 armchair nanotube
- 4.2 estimate crit deformatioin rate (NVE)
- 4.3 calc energy increase by deformation
- 4.4 NVT uniaxial deformation
- 4.5 Calc bond break enegies w/ brenner-potential