Script are made using the language Lua, it runs in a sandbox with limited resources so things like endless while loops aren't possible.
Returns nil
Add a role to a member.
discord.add_role("yuwui", "awoo")
Returns nil
Remove a role from a member.
discord.remove_role("yuwui", "owner")
Returns { username, discriminator, avatar_url, nick, mention, owner, id }
Gets info on a user.
local user = discord.get_user "yuwui"
Returns { username, discriminator, avatar_url, nick, mention, owner, id }
if ctx.user.username == "yuwui" then
ctx.send "hello master"
Returns ["...","...",...]
if ctx.args[1] == "meme" then
ctx.send "oof"
Returns nil
ctx.send "hello world!"