boot to arch usb [don't use net installer!]
edit pacman.conf:
vi /etc/pacman.conf
uncomment color uncomment parallel downloads Add ILoveCandy
Update archinstall:
pacman -Sy archinstall
start installer:
set options and choose KDE desktop
additional packages to install
vim nano wget unarchiver bat bat-extras ipcalc nmap btop iperf3 mtr neofetch shellcheck man-db man-pages texinfo intel-ucode base-devel git bind pkgfile fish yakuake ufw bitwarden signal-desktop tailscale fprint usbutils firefox thunderbird tlp cups easyeffects flatpak linux-firmware-qlogic iio-sensor-proxy handbrake kde-utilities-meta kde-system-meta vlc qbittorrent nextcloud-client dolphin-plugins ffmpegthumbs kdegraphics-thumbnailers kio-admin kio-extras kio-fuse print-manager xwaylandvideobridge
begin install
chroot and do the following:
create softlink for vim:
ln -s /usr/bin/vim /usr/bin/vi
edit pacman.conf
vi /etc/pacman.conf uncomment color uncomment parallel downloads
change shell to fish
chsh -s `which fish`
prepare command-not-found
pkgfile -u
systemctl enable pkgfile-update.timer
Enable tailscale
systemctl enable tailscaled
enable tlp
systemctl enable tlp.service
enable sshd
systemctl enable sshd
Enable cups
systemctl enable cups
exit chroot
open Settings and set autolaunch for yakuake
add the following to .config/fish/config_fish:
source /usr/share/doc/pkgfile/
source .config/fish/config_fish
set dark mode
Install yay
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
Packages to install with yay:
needrestart, espanso-wayland, aic94xx-firmware, wd719x-firmware, upd72020x-fw, balena-etcher, rpi-imager, renamemytvseries-qt-bin, protonvpn
Setup espanso:
espanso service register
espanso start
copy the config entries from bitwarden to the config file thingy
espanso edit [paste config info]
start tailscale:
sudo tailscale up
setup fingerprint login
go into settings > user and set it up then edit the file to make sudo work with fingerprint on the command line
sudo vi /etc/pam.d/sudo
edit the line auth to:
auth sufficient
auth [success=1 new_authtok_reqd=1 default=ignore] try_first_pass likeauth nullok
auth sufficient
auth sufficient try_first_pass likeauth nullok
auth sufficient
setup ufw:
sudo -i
systemctl enable ufw
systemctl start ufw
ufw default deny
ufw allow from
ufw allow from
ufw limit ssh
ufw enable
Setup ssh:
Connect WiFi if using wired so far
Setup Thunderbird and import pgp keys, setup one account at a time and let it update so as to avoid the weirdness with nextcloud calendars
add Framework specific kernel parameters
sudo vi /boot/loader/entries/XXXXXX_linux.conf
net.ifnames=0 libata.allow_tpm=1 module_blacklist=cros_ec_lpcs,hid_sensor_hub acpi_osi="!Windows 2020" tpm_tis.interrupts=0 nvme.noacpi=1 mem_sleep_default=s2idle
configure tlpui per
setup some audio stuff
for u in pipewire.socket pipewire-pulse.socket; do systemctl enable --now --user $u; done
Install EasyEffects presets for Framework laptops
git clone <>
open Easy Effects once to create config directory open Easy Effect and setup preferences in such