As of version 1.4.0, Neo supports eager-loading. However, given the nature of eager-loading, templating an eager-loaded Neo field is quite different to a non-eager-loaded Neo field. This page will attempt to educate you on the differences and provide an example of how to template with it. Keep in mind it expects you have a fairly solid understanding of the Elements system in Craft.
The typical value of a Neo field is something called an Element Query. At its core, it's simply a wrapper for creating database queries that retrieve elements, or in this case, Neo blocks. You can modify these element queries to more finely select elements — for example, you can add a level filter to only select Neo blocks from that particular level: entry.neoField.level(1)
An eager-loaded Neo field is no longer an element query. The database query that an element query would make has already been made when eager-loading, with the resulting value of entry.neoField
being a simple array. This means you can no longer filter your results like above.
The answer to this is an unfortunate “it depends” — but it mostly depends on whether your Neo field makes use of the child blocks feature. I'll split this into two cases; Neo fields with hierarchy and Neo fields without.
Good news! Chances are you probably don't have to change your code. Though if you are filtering your blocks in some other way, you will have to change your template code a little bit. As an example, you might be filtering your blocks by some block type with the handle pullQuote
{% for pullQuotes in entry.neoField.type('pullQuote').all() %}
{% endfor %}
For an eager-loaded Neo field, the above can simply be changed to the following:
{% for pullQuotes in entry.neoField if pullQuotes.type.handle == 'pullQuote' %}
{% endfor %}
This is where things start to get a little hairy. Using the same approach above to select only the top-level blocks will indeed work:
{% for block in entry.neoField if block.level == 1 %}
{% endfor %}
The problem shows up when you output a block's children — it'll end up creating another database query, which entirely defeats the purpose of eager-loading:
{% for block in entry.neoField if block.level == 1 %}
{% for child in block.children %}
{# `block.children` is an element query
which will cause an unnecessary database call #}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
There is a feature in Neo that will allow you to avoid these database calls, and it works with or without eager loading! At the top of your loop, add the following: {% do block.useMemoized(entry.neoField) %}
{% for block in entry.neoField if block.level == 1 %}
{% do block.useMemoized(entry.neoField) %}
{% endfor %}
What this does is it forces Neo blocks to use and query against a “local database” of blocks instead of going to the database. When eager-loading, all blocks of a Neo field are queried for, so the child blocks for any block will already exist in this eager-loaded array. This means instead of creating a database query to get these blocks, this array can just be scanned through.
Be aware though, every block (include all child blocks) should have the useMemoized
method called in order to completely avoid all unnecessary database calls. If you split rendering your blocks into separate template files or macros, it'll get complicated as you'll have to manually pass around the entry.neoField
eager loaded array. Therefore, I recommend doing this: iterate over all your blocks and call the useMemoized
method first:
{# Preparation for the eager-loaded Neo field #}
{% for block in entry.neoField %}
{% do block.useMemoized(entry.neoField) %}
{% endfor %}
{# The real-deal #}
{% for block in entry.neoField if block.level == 1 %}
{% endfor %}
From here on out, eager-loading behaves the same way as the Matrix field type. Refer to the official Craft documentation.