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Git Issues Guidelines

Josh edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 23 revisions

Git Issues

##Issue Format [branch_name"<prefix>-<name>-*"][version"<major>.<minor>.<revision>.<build>"]: description

[feature-hmvc][]: This issue is an issue, did we do recursion?

##Label Color guideline

  • All labels that are directly RELATED to Kunena, have an ACCEPTED status will define a specific color of the normal color spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) excluding tones of black and white.
  • All labels that are directly RELATED to Kunena, have an PENDING status will define a specific color black excluding tones of the normal color spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) and white.
  • All labels that are directly NOT RELATED to Kunena, have an PENDING status will define a specific color white excluding tones of the normal color spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) and black.

##Label Descriptions

  • . Version when the issue was originally created.
  • bug - Bug in implementation, does not always return expected behavior.
  • crash - Crash in implementation, program does not exit correctly.
  • docs - Documentation for current implementation. information.
  • enhance - Current implementation is already in place but can be enhanced to include or alter current
  • feature - Feature is an accepted proposal for implementation.
  • joomla - Joomla specific problem.
  • proposed - Proposed feature implementation.