Standard extensions are jar files with an OSGi manifest and an extension.xml defining the extension and how it integrates with SQL Developer.
Set up your environment. If using the eclipse project, also modify paths in SQLDeveloper18.1.userlibraries and import into eclipse.
packaged XML
XML Examples packaged as an extension.jar -
DependencyExample An example editor and viewer for object dependency graphs.
DumpObjectTypesAction A quick object action to dump the list of connection / objects types as INFO message in the log window. Plus one to show the selected object's connection / object type.
ContextMenuAction A quick context menu action on FUNCTION, PROCEDURE code editor to insert a static string and a PLDoc template if PL/Scope information is available.
InsertTemplateAction A quick context menu action on code editor to insert a template string for @maternaDev01
ConnectionHelper Optionally accept connection info from the command line and/or on a SocketServer
ConnectionHelperClient A simple command line client for the ConnectionHelper socket server.
WorksheetAction How to add actions to the worksheet context menu and / or toolbar; execute the action directly or in a background task; and present advanced / detailed information in a result panel.