Different drums are essentially just a combination of different enharmonic modes each with different frequencies, amplitudes, and decay times + some noice from the kick.
- Here we have a button that we can use to make a Bass Drum kick. An approximation of it is OscillatorNodes with the frequencies 50, 86, 136, 182, 225, 273 each with the same decay time (0.2 seconds) but with decreasing amplitude the higher the frequency gets.
- I still havn't added the noise from the kick as I'm still figuring out how to do that in the simplest way.
+ Below here we have a Timpani Drum and soon I will add a Bass Drum.
Time Domain Data
Frequency Data
@code {
- static readonly float[] bassDrumFrecuencies = new float[] { 50, 118, 86, 93, 136, 182, 225, 273 };
- AudioContext? context;
- OscillatorNode[]? oscillatorNodes;
- //AudioBufferSourceNode? noiseNode;
- ChannelMergerNode? channelMergerNode;
- ChannelSplitterNode? channelSplitterNode;
- GainNode? gainNode;
- DynamicsCompressorNode? compressorNode;
- AudioDestinationNode? destinationNode;
- public async Task PlaySound()
+ static readonly float[] timpsFrequencies = new float[] { 1.00f, 1.50f, 1.98f, 2.44f };
+ static readonly float[] timpsAmplitudes = new float[] { 1, 0.8f, 0.6f, 0.2f };
+ static readonly float[] timpsDecays = new float[] { 4.5f, 7.5f, 9f, 8.5f };
+ static readonly double[] lastTimpTime = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+ bool makingMeasurements = false;
+ AudioContext context = default!;
+ DynamicsCompressorNode mainNode = default!;
+ AnalyserNode analyser = default!;
+ byte[] timeDomainMeasurements = Array.Empty();
+ byte[] frequencyMeasurements = Array.Empty();
+ public async Task Initialize()
- if (context is null || gainNode is null)
+ if (context is null || mainNode is null || analyser is null)
- // We create our context and all the nodes we need.
context = await AudioContext.CreateAsync(JSRuntime);
- oscillatorNodes = new OscillatorNode[bassDrumFrecuencies.Length];
- for (int i = 0; i < bassDrumFrecuencies.Length; i++)
- {
- OscillatorOptions options = new() { Type = OscillatorType.Sine, Frequency = bassDrumFrecuencies[i] };
- oscillatorNodes[i] = await OscillatorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, options);
- }
- channelMergerNode = await context.CreateChannelMergerAsync(numberOfInputs: (ulong)bassDrumFrecuencies.Length);
- channelSplitterNode = await context.CreateChannelSplitterAsync(numberOfOutputs: 2);
- gainNode = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 0 });
- compressorNode = await context.CreateDynamicsCompressorAsync();
- destinationNode = await context.GetDestinationAsync();
- // We add a local gain for each of the oscillators and connect them to the merger.
- for (int i = 0; i < bassDrumFrecuencies.Length; i++)
- {
- var oscillatorNode = oscillatorNodes[i];
- GainNode localModeGain = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 1.0f - (i / (float)bassDrumFrecuencies.Length) });
- await oscillatorNode.ConnectAsync(localModeGain);
- await localModeGain.ConnectAsync(channelMergerNode);
- await oscillatorNode.StartAsync();
- }
- // We then add some noise to the mix as well simulating the kick when the stick hits the drum.
- // int bufferSize = (int)await context.GetSampleRateAsync();
- // AudioBuffer buffer = await context.DecodeAudioDataAsync(Enumerable.Range(0, bufferSize).Select(i => (byte)(i % 2)).ToArray());
- // noiseNode = await AudioBufferSourceNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Buffer = buffer });
- // await noiseNode.ConnectAsync(channelMergerNode);
- // We seperate the merged channels out to stereo channels
- // and then through a gain node we use to control when the sound is audible before finally normalising the sound.
- await channelMergerNode.ConnectAsync(channelSplitterNode);
- await channelSplitterNode.ConnectAsync(gainNode);
- await gainNode.ConnectAsync(compressorNode);
- await compressorNode.ConnectAsync(destinationNode);
+ mainNode = await DynamicsCompressorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context);
+ analyser = await context.CreateAnalyserAsync();
+ var mixer = await context.GetDestinationAsync();
+ await mainNode.ConnectAsync(analyser);
+ await analyser.ConnectAsync(mixer);
+ }
+ public async Task Analyze()
+ {
+ if (makingMeasurements) return;
+ makingMeasurements = true;
- // When the button is clicked we only change the gain of the output.
- // We start of with getting the current value of the gain and the time.
- AudioParam gainAudioParam = await gainNode.GetGainAsync();
- double currentTime = await context.GetCurrentTimeAsync();
- float currentValue = await gainAudioParam.GetValueAsync();
- // Then we hold the value that it has right now for 0.05 seconds.
- await gainAudioParam.CancelAndHoldAtTimeAsync(currentTime);
- await gainAudioParam.SetValueAtTimeAsync(currentValue, currentTime + 0.05);
- // And the we ramp up the amplitude to 1 over 0.05 seconds before ramping down to 0 again over 0.2 seconds.
- await gainAudioParam.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(1, currentTime + 0.1);
- await gainAudioParam.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(0, currentTime + 0.3);
+ int bufferLength = (int)await analyser.GetFrequencyBinCountAsync();
+ var timeDomainDataArray = await Uint8Array.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, bufferLength);
+ var frequencyDataArray = await Uint8Array.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, bufferLength);
+ while (makingMeasurements)
+ {
+ await analyser.GetByteTimeDomainDataAsync(timeDomainDataArray);
+ await analyser.GetByteFrequencyDataAsync(frequencyDataArray);
+ timeDomainMeasurements = await timeDomainDataArray.GetByteArrayAsync();
+ frequencyMeasurements = await frequencyDataArray.GetByteArrayAsync();
+ await Task.Delay(1);
+ StateHasChanged();
+ }
- public async Task StopSound()
+ public async Task PlayTimps(PointerEventArgs eventArgs)
- if (oscillatorNodes is null) return;
+ await Initialize();
+ float distanceFromMid = (float)Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(eventArgs.OffsetX - 100, 2) + Math.Pow(eventArgs.OffsetY - 100, 2));
+ if (distanceFromMid > 90) return;
+ float pitch = 100 + distanceFromMid;
- foreach (OscillatorNode oscillatorNode in oscillatorNodes)
+ ConstantSourceNode cVMixer = await ConstantSourceNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Offset = pitch });
+ await cVMixer.StartAsync();
+ GainNode[]? timpOscillatorAmplifiers = new GainNode[4];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ {
+ var oscillator = await OscillatorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Type = OscillatorType.Sine, Frequency = 0 });
+ var amplifier = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 0 });
+ await oscillator.ConnectAsync(amplifier);
+ await amplifier.ConnectAsync(mainNode);
+ var oscillatorFrequency = await oscillator.GetFrequencyAsync();
+ var frequencyRelativeAmplifier = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = timpsFrequencies[i] });
+ await frequencyRelativeAmplifier.ConnectAsync(oscillatorFrequency);
+ await cVMixer.ConnectAsync(frequencyRelativeAmplifier);
+ timpOscillatorAmplifiers[i] = amplifier;
+ await oscillator.StartAsync();
+ }
+ var time = await context.GetCurrentTimeAsync();
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- await oscillatorNode.StopAsync();
+ var gain = await timpOscillatorAmplifiers[i].GetGainAsync();
+ await gain.SetValueAsync(await gain.GetValueAsync());
+ await gain.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(timpsAmplitudes[i] / timpsAmplitudes.Sum(), time + 0.3);
+ var endTime = time + timpsDecays[i] * 0.1;
+ await gain.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(0, endTime);
+ lastTimpTime[i] = endTime;
+ var noiseCarrier = await OscillatorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Frequency = 100 });
+ var noiseModulator = await OscillatorNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Frequency = 87 });
+ var noiseRingModulator = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 0 });
+ var noiseGain = await noiseRingModulator.GetGainAsync();
+ var noiseHighPassFilter = await BiquadFilterNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Type = BiquadFilterType.Highpass, Frequency = 150, Q = 1 });
+ var noiseAmplifier = await GainNode.CreateAsync(JSRuntime, context, new() { Gain = 0 });
+ await noiseCarrier.ConnectAsync(noiseRingModulator);
+ await noiseModulator.ConnectAsync(noiseGain);
+ await noiseRingModulator.ConnectAsync(noiseHighPassFilter);
+ await noiseHighPassFilter.ConnectAsync(noiseAmplifier);
+ await noiseAmplifier.ConnectAsync(mainNode);
+ await noiseCarrier.StartAsync();
+ await noiseModulator.StartAsync();
+ var noiseAmplifierGain = await noiseAmplifier.GetGainAsync();
+ await noiseAmplifierGain.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(0.2f, time + 0.3);
+ await noiseAmplifierGain.LinearRampToValueAtTimeAsync(0, time + timpsDecays.Max() * 0.1);
+ await Analyze();
+ }
+ public async Task StopSound()
+ {
+ if (mainNode is null || analyser is null) return;
+ await mainNode.DisconnectAsync(analyser);
public async ValueTask DisposeAsync()
+ makingMeasurements = false;
await StopSound();
diff --git a/src/KristofferStrube.Blazor.WebAudio/AudioNodes/ConstantSourceNode.cs b/src/KristofferStrube.Blazor.WebAudio/AudioNodes/ConstantSourceNode.cs
index 96d085c..677b4d1 100644
--- a/src/KristofferStrube.Blazor.WebAudio/AudioNodes/ConstantSourceNode.cs
+++ b/src/KristofferStrube.Blazor.WebAudio/AudioNodes/ConstantSourceNode.cs
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class ConstantSourceNode : AudioScheduledSourceNode
public static async Task CreateAsync(IJSRuntime jSRuntime, BaseAudioContext context, ConstantSourceOptions? options = null)
IJSObjectReference helper = await jSRuntime.GetHelperAsync();
- IJSObjectReference jSInstance = await helper.InvokeAsync("constructConstantSourceNode", context, options);
+ IJSObjectReference jSInstance = await helper.InvokeAsync("constructConstantSourceNode", context.JSReference, options);
return new ConstantSourceNode(jSRuntime, jSInstance);