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Sergey Mashkov edited this page Feb 20, 2016 · 4 revisions

Building and development

Once you open a project in the IDE you have to select a Maven profile (in Maven tab): it should be kotlin-js or kotlin-jvm, you shouldn't enable both otherwise IDEA inspections will not work.

You can build the project only using Maven. If you run Maven via the IDEA runner please ensure you have -Pkotlin-js,kotlin-jvm in the command line

You have to install shared module before build other dependant submodules. Don't forget to reinstall shared once you have changed something in shared

You can build all by maven by command line

./mvnw clean package

If something is missing

If some tag or attribute is missing then

  • look at generate/src/main/resources/html_5.xsd
  • modify it accordingly
  • in module generate run kotlinx.html.generate.MainKt
  • run tests via ./mvnw clean test