diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/html/generate/main.kt b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/html/generate/main.kt
index 45d7a050..1554c552 100644
--- a/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/html/generate/main.kt
+++ b/buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/kotlinx/html/generate/main.kt
@@ -261,12 +261,14 @@ fun generate(packg: String, todir: String, jsdir: String) {
append("enum ")
clazz(Clazz(name = "Entities")) {
InputStreamReader("entities.txt".asResourceUrl().openStream()).useLines { lines ->
- lines.filter { it.isNotEmpty() }.forEachIndexed { idx, ent ->
+ // Have to avoid "equals" due to it being an Enum function name
+ lines.filter { it.isNotEmpty() && it != "equals" }.forEachIndexed { idx, ent ->
if (idx > 0) {
- append(ent)
+ // Have to escape "in", as it's a Kotlin keyword
+ append(if (ent == "in") "`$ent`" else ent)
@@ -277,14 +279,7 @@ fun generate(packg: String, todir: String, jsdir: String) {
variable(Var(name = "text", type = "String"))
- defineIs(StringBuilder().apply {
- append("&".quote())
- append(" + ")
- receiverDot("this")
- functionCall("toString", emptyList())
- append(" + ")
- append(";".quote())
- })
+ defineIs("&\$this;".quote())
diff --git a/buildSrc/src/main/resources/entities.txt b/buildSrc/src/main/resources/entities.txt
index 5563467d..8905e8e0 100644
--- a/buildSrc/src/main/resources/entities.txt
+++ b/buildSrc/src/main/resources/entities.txt
@@ -1,101 +1,2125 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/commonMain/kotlin/generated/gen-entities.kt b/src/commonMain/kotlin/generated/gen-entities.kt
index a8f491ed..8351eb65 100644
--- a/src/commonMain/kotlin/generated/gen-entities.kt
+++ b/src/commonMain/kotlin/generated/gen-entities.kt
@@ -8,109 +8,2132 @@ import kotlinx.html.*
enum class Entities {
- nbsp
-, lt
-, gt
-, quot
-, amp
-, apos
-, iexcl
-, cent
-, pound
-, curren
-, yen
-, brvbar
-, sect
-, uml
-, copy
-, ordf
-, laquo
-, not
-, shy
-, reg
-, macr
-, deg
-, plusmn
-, sup2
-, sup3
-, acute
-, micro
-, para
-, middot
-, cedil
-, sup1
-, ordm
-, raquo
-, frac14
-, frac12
-, frac34
-, iquest
-, Agrave
+ AElig
+, AMP
, Aacute
+, Abreve
, Acirc
+, Acy
+, Afr
+, Agrave
+, Alpha
+, Amacr
+, And
+, Aogon
+, Aopf
+, ApplyFunction
+, Aring
+, Ascr
+, Assign
, Atilde
, Auml
-, Aring
-, AElig
+, Backslash
+, Barv
+, Barwed
+, Bcy
+, Because
+, Bernoullis
+, Beta
+, Bfr
+, Bopf
+, Breve
+, Bscr
+, Bumpeq
+, CHcy
+, Cacute
+, Cap
+, CapitalDifferentialD
+, Cayleys
+, Ccaron
, Ccedil
-, Egrave
+, Ccirc
+, Cconint
+, Cdot
+, Cedilla
+, CenterDot
+, Cfr
+, Chi
+, CircleDot
+, CircleMinus
+, CirclePlus
+, CircleTimes
+, ClockwiseContourIntegral
+, CloseCurlyDoubleQuote
+, CloseCurlyQuote
+, Colon
+, Colone
+, Congruent
+, Conint
+, ContourIntegral
+, Copf
+, Coproduct
+, CounterClockwiseContourIntegral
+, Cross
+, Cscr
+, Cup
+, CupCap
+, DD
+, DDotrahd
+, DJcy
+, DScy
+, DZcy
+, Dagger
+, Darr
+, Dashv
+, Dcaron
+, Dcy
+, Del
+, Delta
+, Dfr
+, DiacriticalAcute
+, DiacriticalDot
+, DiacriticalDoubleAcute
+, DiacriticalGrave
+, DiacriticalTilde
+, Diamond
+, DifferentialD
+, Dopf
+, Dot
+, DotDot
+, DotEqual
+, DoubleContourIntegral
+, DoubleDot
+, DoubleDownArrow
+, DoubleLeftArrow
+, DoubleLeftRightArrow
+, DoubleLeftTee
+, DoubleLongLeftArrow
+, DoubleLongLeftRightArrow
+, DoubleLongRightArrow
+, DoubleRightArrow
+, DoubleRightTee
+, DoubleUpArrow
+, DoubleUpDownArrow
+, DoubleVerticalBar
+, DownArrow
+, DownArrowBar
+, DownArrowUpArrow
+, DownBreve
+, DownLeftRightVector
+, DownLeftTeeVector
+, DownLeftVector
+, DownLeftVectorBar
+, DownRightTeeVector
+, DownRightVector
+, DownRightVectorBar
+, DownTee
+, DownTeeArrow
+, Downarrow
+, Dscr
+, Dstrok
+, ENG
+, ETH
, Eacute
+, Ecaron
, Ecirc
+, Ecy
+, Edot
+, Efr
+, Egrave
+, Element
+, Emacr
+, EmptySmallSquare
+, EmptyVerySmallSquare
+, Eogon
+, Eopf
+, Epsilon
+, Equal
+, EqualTilde
+, Equilibrium
+, Escr
+, Esim
+, Eta
, Euml
-, Igrave
+, Exists
+, ExponentialE
+, Fcy
+, Ffr
+, FilledSmallSquare
+, FilledVerySmallSquare
+, Fopf
+, ForAll
+, Fouriertrf
+, Fscr
+, GJcy
+, GT
+, Gamma
+, Gammad
+, Gbreve
+, Gcedil
+, Gcirc
+, Gcy
+, Gdot
+, Gfr
+, Gg
+, Gopf
+, GreaterEqual
+, GreaterEqualLess
+, GreaterFullEqual
+, GreaterGreater
+, GreaterLess
+, GreaterSlantEqual
+, GreaterTilde
+, Gscr
+, Gt
+, HARDcy
+, Hacek
+, Hat
+, Hcirc
+, Hfr
+, HilbertSpace
+, Hopf
+, HorizontalLine
+, Hscr
+, Hstrok
+, HumpDownHump
+, HumpEqual
+, IEcy
+, IJlig
+, IOcy
, Iacute
, Icirc
+, Icy
+, Idot
+, Ifr
+, Igrave
+, Im
+, Imacr
+, ImaginaryI
+, Implies
+, Int
+, Integral
+, Intersection
+, InvisibleComma
+, InvisibleTimes
+, Iogon
+, Iopf
+, Iota
+, Iscr
+, Itilde
+, Iukcy
, Iuml
-, ETH
+, Jcirc
+, Jcy
+, Jfr
+, Jopf
+, Jscr
+, Jsercy
+, Jukcy
+, KHcy
+, KJcy
+, Kappa
+, Kcedil
+, Kcy
+, Kfr
+, Kopf
+, Kscr
+, LJcy
+, LT
+, Lacute
+, Lambda
+, Lang
+, Laplacetrf
+, Larr
+, Lcaron
+, Lcedil
+, Lcy
+, LeftAngleBracket
+, LeftArrow
+, LeftArrowBar
+, LeftArrowRightArrow
+, LeftCeiling
+, LeftDoubleBracket
+, LeftDownTeeVector
+, LeftDownVector
+, LeftDownVectorBar
+, LeftFloor
+, LeftRightArrow
+, LeftRightVector
+, LeftTee
+, LeftTeeArrow
+, LeftTeeVector
+, LeftTriangle
+, LeftTriangleBar
+, LeftTriangleEqual
+, LeftUpDownVector
+, LeftUpTeeVector
+, LeftUpVector
+, LeftUpVectorBar
+, LeftVector
+, LeftVectorBar
+, Leftarrow
+, Leftrightarrow
+, LessEqualGreater
+, LessFullEqual
+, LessGreater
+, LessLess
+, LessSlantEqual
+, LessTilde
+, Lfr
+, Ll
+, Lleftarrow
+, Lmidot
+, LongLeftArrow
+, LongLeftRightArrow
+, LongRightArrow
+, Longleftarrow
+, Longleftrightarrow
+, Longrightarrow
+, Lopf
+, LowerLeftArrow
+, LowerRightArrow
+, Lscr
+, Lsh
+, Lstrok
+, Lt
+, Map
+, Mcy
+, MediumSpace
+, Mellintrf
+, Mfr
+, MinusPlus
+, Mopf
+, Mscr
+, Mu
+, NJcy
+, Nacute
+, Ncaron
+, Ncedil
+, Ncy
+, NegativeMediumSpace
+, NegativeThickSpace
+, NegativeThinSpace
+, NegativeVeryThinSpace
+, NestedGreaterGreater
+, NestedLessLess
+, NewLine
+, Nfr
+, NoBreak
+, NonBreakingSpace
+, Nopf
+, Not
+, NotCongruent
+, NotCupCap
+, NotDoubleVerticalBar
+, NotElement
+, NotEqual
+, NotEqualTilde
+, NotExists
+, NotGreater
+, NotGreaterEqual
+, NotGreaterFullEqual
+, NotGreaterGreater
+, NotGreaterLess
+, NotGreaterSlantEqual
+, NotGreaterTilde
+, NotHumpDownHump
+, NotHumpEqual
+, NotLeftTriangle
+, NotLeftTriangleBar
+, NotLeftTriangleEqual
+, NotLess
+, NotLessEqual
+, NotLessGreater
+, NotLessLess
+, NotLessSlantEqual
+, NotLessTilde
+, NotNestedGreaterGreater
+, NotNestedLessLess
+, NotPrecedes
+, NotPrecedesEqual
+, NotPrecedesSlantEqual
+, NotReverseElement
+, NotRightTriangle
+, NotRightTriangleBar
+, NotRightTriangleEqual
+, NotSquareSubset
+, NotSquareSubsetEqual
+, NotSquareSuperset
+, NotSquareSupersetEqual
+, NotSubset
+, NotSubsetEqual
+, NotSucceeds
+, NotSucceedsEqual
+, NotSucceedsSlantEqual
+, NotSucceedsTilde
+, NotSuperset
+, NotSupersetEqual
+, NotTilde
+, NotTildeEqual
+, NotTildeFullEqual
+, NotTildeTilde
+, NotVerticalBar
+, Nscr
, Ntilde
-, Ograve
+, Nu
+, OElig
, Oacute
, Ocirc
+, Ocy
+, Odblac
+, Ofr
+, Ograve
+, Omacr
+, Omega
+, Omicron
+, Oopf
+, OpenCurlyDoubleQuote
+, OpenCurlyQuote
+, Or
+, Oscr
+, Oslash
, Otilde
+, Otimes
, Ouml
-, times
-, Oslash
-, Ugrave
+, OverBar
+, OverBrace
+, OverBracket
+, OverParenthesis
+, PartialD
+, Pcy
+, Pfr
+, Phi
+, Pi
+, PlusMinus
+, Poincareplane
+, Popf
+, Pr
+, Precedes
+, PrecedesEqual
+, PrecedesSlantEqual
+, PrecedesTilde
+, Prime
+, Product
+, Proportion
+, Proportional
+, Pscr
+, Psi
+, Qfr
+, Qopf
+, Qscr
+, RBarr
+, REG
+, Racute
+, Rang
+, Rarr
+, Rarrtl
+, Rcaron
+, Rcedil
+, Rcy
+, Re
+, ReverseElement
+, ReverseEquilibrium
+, ReverseUpEquilibrium
+, Rfr
+, Rho
+, RightAngleBracket
+, RightArrow
+, RightArrowBar
+, RightArrowLeftArrow
+, RightCeiling
+, RightDoubleBracket
+, RightDownTeeVector
+, RightDownVector
+, RightDownVectorBar
+, RightFloor
+, RightTee
+, RightTeeArrow
+, RightTeeVector
+, RightTriangle
+, RightTriangleBar
+, RightTriangleEqual
+, RightUpDownVector
+, RightUpTeeVector
+, RightUpVector
+, RightUpVectorBar
+, RightVector
+, RightVectorBar
+, Rightarrow
+, Ropf
+, RoundImplies
+, Rrightarrow
+, Rscr
+, Rsh
+, RuleDelayed
+, SHCHcy
+, SHcy
+, SOFTcy
+, Sacute
+, Sc
+, Scaron
+, Scedil
+, Scirc
+, Scy
+, Sfr
+, ShortDownArrow
+, ShortLeftArrow
+, ShortRightArrow
+, ShortUpArrow
+, Sigma
+, SmallCircle
+, Sopf
+, Sqrt
+, Square
+, SquareIntersection
+, SquareSubset
+, SquareSubsetEqual
+, SquareSuperset
+, SquareSupersetEqual
+, SquareUnion
+, Sscr
+, Star
+, Sub
+, Subset
+, SubsetEqual
+, Succeeds
+, SucceedsEqual
+, SucceedsSlantEqual
+, SucceedsTilde
+, SuchThat
+, Sum
+, Sup
+, Superset
+, SupersetEqual
+, Supset
+, TSHcy
+, TScy
+, Tab
+, Tau
+, Tcaron
+, Tcedil
+, Tcy
+, Tfr
+, Therefore
+, Theta
+, ThickSpace
+, ThinSpace
+, Tilde
+, TildeEqual
+, TildeFullEqual
+, TildeTilde
+, Topf
+, TripleDot
+, Tscr
+, Tstrok
, Uacute
+, Uarr
+, Uarrocir
+, Ubrcy
+, Ubreve
, Ucirc
+, Ucy
+, Udblac
+, Ufr
+, Ugrave
+, Umacr
+, UnderBar
+, UnderBrace
+, UnderBracket
+, UnderParenthesis
+, Union
+, UnionPlus
+, Uogon
+, Uopf
+, UpArrow
+, UpArrowBar
+, UpArrowDownArrow
+, UpDownArrow
+, UpEquilibrium
+, UpTee
+, UpTeeArrow
+, Uparrow
+, Updownarrow
+, UpperLeftArrow
+, UpperRightArrow
+, Upsi
+, Upsilon
+, Uring
+, Uscr
+, Utilde
, Uuml
+, VDash
+, Vbar
+, Vcy
+, Vdash
+, Vdashl
+, Vee
+, Verbar
+, Vert
+, VerticalBar
+, VerticalLine
+, VerticalSeparator
+, VerticalTilde
+, VeryThinSpace
+, Vfr
+, Vopf
+, Vscr
+, Vvdash
+, Wcirc
+, Wedge
+, Wfr
+, Wopf
+, Wscr
+, Xfr
+, Xi
+, Xopf
+, Xscr
+, YAcy
+, YIcy
+, YUcy
, Yacute
-, szlig
-, agrave
+, Ycirc
+, Ycy
+, Yfr
+, Yopf
+, Yscr
+, Yuml
+, ZHcy
+, Zacute
+, Zcaron
+, Zcy
+, Zdot
+, ZeroWidthSpace
+, Zeta
+, Zfr
+, Zopf
+, Zscr
, aacute
+, abreve
+, ac
+, acE
+, acd
, acirc
+, acute
+, acy
+, aelig
+, af
+, afr
+, agrave
+, alefsym
+, aleph
+, alpha
+, amacr
+, amalg
+, amp
+, and
+, andand
+, andd
+, andslope
+, andv
+, ang
+, ange
+, angle
+, angmsd
+, angmsdaa
+, angmsdab
+, angmsdac
+, angmsdad
+, angmsdae
+, angmsdaf
+, angmsdag
+, angmsdah
+, angrt
+, angrtvb
+, angrtvbd
+, angsph
+, angst
+, angzarr
+, aogon
+, aopf
+, ap
+, apE
+, apacir
+, ape
+, apid
+, apos
+, approx
+, approxeq
+, aring
+, ascr
+, ast
+, asymp
+, asympeq
, atilde
, auml
-, aring
-, aelig
+, awconint
+, awint
+, bNot
+, backcong
+, backepsilon
+, backprime
+, backsim
+, backsimeq
+, barvee
+, barwed
+, barwedge
+, bbrk
+, bbrktbrk
+, bcong
+, bcy
+, bdquo
+, becaus
+, because
+, bemptyv
+, bepsi
+, bernou
+, beta
+, beth
+, between
+, bfr
+, bigcap
+, bigcirc
+, bigcup
+, bigodot
+, bigoplus
+, bigotimes
+, bigsqcup
+, bigstar
+, bigtriangledown
+, bigtriangleup
+, biguplus
+, bigvee
+, bigwedge
+, bkarow
+, blacklozenge
+, blacksquare
+, blacktriangle
+, blacktriangledown
+, blacktriangleleft
+, blacktriangleright
+, blank
+, blk12
+, blk14
+, blk34
+, block
+, bne
+, bnequiv
+, bnot
+, bopf
+, bot
+, bottom
+, bowtie
+, boxDL
+, boxDR
+, boxDl
+, boxDr
+, boxH
+, boxHD
+, boxHU
+, boxHd
+, boxHu
+, boxUL
+, boxUR
+, boxUl
+, boxUr
+, boxV
+, boxVH
+, boxVL
+, boxVR
+, boxVh
+, boxVl
+, boxVr
+, boxbox
+, boxdL
+, boxdR
+, boxdl
+, boxdr
+, boxh
+, boxhD
+, boxhU
+, boxhd
+, boxhu
+, boxminus
+, boxplus
+, boxtimes
+, boxuL
+, boxuR
+, boxul
+, boxur
+, boxv
+, boxvH
+, boxvL
+, boxvR
+, boxvh
+, boxvl
+, boxvr
+, bprime
+, breve
+, brvbar
+, bscr
+, bsemi
+, bsim
+, bsime
+, bsol
+, bsolb
+, bsolhsub
+, bull
+, bullet
+, bump
+, bumpE
+, bumpe
+, bumpeq
+, cacute
+, cap
+, capand
+, capbrcup
+, capcap
+, capcup
+, capdot
+, caps
+, caret
+, caron
+, ccaps
+, ccaron
, ccedil
-, egrave
+, ccirc
+, ccups
+, ccupssm
+, cdot
+, cedil
+, cemptyv
+, cent
+, centerdot
+, cfr
+, chcy
+, check
+, checkmark
+, chi
+, cir
+, cirE
+, circ
+, circeq
+, circlearrowleft
+, circlearrowright
+, circledR
+, circledS
+, circledast
+, circledcirc
+, circleddash
+, cire
+, cirfnint
+, cirmid
+, cirscir
+, clubs
+, clubsuit
+, colon
+, colone
+, coloneq
+, comma
+, commat
+, comp
+, compfn
+, complement
+, complexes
+, cong
+, congdot
+, conint
+, copf
+, coprod
+, copy
+, copysr
+, crarr
+, cross
+, cscr
+, csub
+, csube
+, csup
+, csupe
+, ctdot
+, cudarrl
+, cudarrr
+, cuepr
+, cuesc
+, cularr
+, cularrp
+, cup
+, cupbrcap
+, cupcap
+, cupcup
+, cupdot
+, cupor
+, cups
+, curarr
+, curarrm
+, curlyeqprec
+, curlyeqsucc
+, curlyvee
+, curlywedge
+, curren
+, curvearrowleft
+, curvearrowright
+, cuvee
+, cuwed
+, cwconint
+, cwint
+, cylcty
+, dArr
+, dHar
+, dagger
+, daleth
+, darr
+, dash
+, dashv
+, dbkarow
+, dblac
+, dcaron
+, dcy
+, dd
+, ddagger
+, ddarr
+, ddotseq
+, deg
+, delta
+, demptyv
+, dfisht
+, dfr
+, dharl
+, dharr
+, diam
+, diamond
+, diamondsuit
+, diams
+, die
+, digamma
+, disin
+, div
+, divide
+, divideontimes
+, divonx
+, djcy
+, dlcorn
+, dlcrop
+, dollar
+, dopf
+, dot
+, doteq
+, doteqdot
+, dotminus
+, dotplus
+, dotsquare
+, doublebarwedge
+, downarrow
+, downdownarrows
+, downharpoonleft
+, downharpoonright
+, drbkarow
+, drcorn
+, drcrop
+, dscr
+, dscy
+, dsol
+, dstrok
+, dtdot
+, dtri
+, dtrif
+, duarr
+, duhar
+, dwangle
+, dzcy
+, dzigrarr
+, eDDot
+, eDot
, eacute
+, easter
+, ecaron
+, ecir
, ecirc
+, ecolon
+, ecy
+, edot
+, ee
+, efDot
+, efr
+, eg
+, egrave
+, egs
+, egsdot
+, el
+, elinters
+, ell
+, els
+, elsdot
+, emacr
+, empty
+, emptyset
+, emptyv
+, emsp13
+, emsp14
+, emsp
+, eng
+, ensp
+, eogon
+, eopf
+, epar
+, eparsl
+, eplus
+, epsi
+, epsilon
+, epsiv
+, eqcirc
+, eqcolon
+, eqsim
+, eqslantgtr
+, eqslantless
+, equest
+, equiv
+, equivDD
+, eqvparsl
+, erDot
+, erarr
+, escr
+, esdot
+, esim
+, eta
+, eth
, euml
-, igrave
+, euro
+, excl
+, exist
+, expectation
+, exponentiale
+, fallingdotseq
+, fcy
+, female
+, ffilig
+, fflig
+, ffllig
+, ffr
+, filig
+, fjlig
+, flat
+, fllig
+, fltns
+, fnof
+, fopf
+, forall
+, fork
+, forkv
+, fpartint
+, frac12
+, frac13
+, frac14
+, frac15
+, frac16
+, frac18
+, frac23
+, frac25
+, frac34
+, frac35
+, frac38
+, frac45
+, frac56
+, frac58
+, frac78
+, frasl
+, frown
+, fscr
+, gE
+, gEl
+, gacute
+, gamma
+, gammad
+, gap
+, gbreve
+, gcirc
+, gcy
+, gdot
+, ge
+, gel
+, geq
+, geqq
+, geqslant
+, ges
+, gescc
+, gesdot
+, gesdoto
+, gesdotol
+, gesl
+, gesles
+, gfr
+, gg
+, ggg
+, gimel
+, gjcy
+, gl
+, glE
+, gla
+, glj
+, gnE
+, gnap
+, gnapprox
+, gne
+, gneq
+, gneqq
+, gnsim
+, gopf
+, grave
+, gscr
+, gsim
+, gsime
+, gsiml
+, gt
+, gtcc
+, gtcir
+, gtdot
+, gtlPar
+, gtquest
+, gtrapprox
+, gtrarr
+, gtrdot
+, gtreqless
+, gtreqqless
+, gtrless
+, gtrsim
+, gvertneqq
+, gvnE
+, hArr
+, hairsp
+, half
+, hamilt
+, hardcy
+, harr
+, harrcir
+, harrw
+, hbar
+, hcirc
+, hearts
+, heartsuit
+, hellip
+, hercon
+, hfr
+, hksearow
+, hkswarow
+, hoarr
+, homtht
+, hookleftarrow
+, hookrightarrow
+, hopf
+, horbar
+, hscr
+, hslash
+, hstrok
+, hybull
+, hyphen
, iacute
+, ic
, icirc
+, icy
+, iecy
+, iexcl
+, iff
+, ifr
+, igrave
+, ii
+, iiiint
+, iiint
+, iinfin
+, iiota
+, ijlig
+, imacr
+, image
+, imagline
+, imagpart
+, imath
+, imof
+, imped
+, `in`
+, incare
+, infin
+, infintie
+, inodot
+, int
+, intcal
+, integers
+, intercal
+, intlarhk
+, intprod
+, iocy
+, iogon
+, iopf
+, iota
+, iprod
+, iquest
+, iscr
+, isin
+, isinE
+, isindot
+, isins
+, isinsv
+, isinv
+, it
+, itilde
+, iukcy
, iuml
-, eth
+, jcirc
+, jcy
+, jfr
+, jmath
+, jopf
+, jscr
+, jsercy
+, jukcy
+, kappa
+, kappav
+, kcedil
+, kcy
+, kfr
+, kgreen
+, khcy
+, kjcy
+, kopf
+, kscr
+, lAarr
+, lArr
+, lAtail
+, lBarr
+, lE
+, lEg
+, lHar
+, lacute
+, laemptyv
+, lagran
+, lambda
+, lang
+, langd
+, langle
+, lap
+, laquo
+, larr
+, larrb
+, larrbfs
+, larrfs
+, larrhk
+, larrlp
+, larrpl
+, larrsim
+, larrtl
+, lat
+, latail
+, late
+, lates
+, lbarr
+, lbbrk
+, lbrace
+, lbrack
+, lbrke
+, lbrksld
+, lbrkslu
+, lcaron
+, lcedil
+, lceil
+, lcub
+, lcy
+, ldca
+, ldquo
+, ldquor
+, ldrdhar
+, ldrushar
+, ldsh
+, le
+, leftarrow
+, leftarrowtail
+, leftharpoondown
+, leftharpoonup
+, leftleftarrows
+, leftrightarrow
+, leftrightarrows
+, leftrightharpoons
+, leftrightsquigarrow
+, leftthreetimes
+, leg
+, leq
+, leqq
+, leqslant
+, les
+, lescc
+, lesdot
+, lesdoto
+, lesdotor
+, lesg
+, lesges
+, lessapprox
+, lessdot
+, lesseqgtr
+, lesseqqgtr
+, lessgtr
+, lesssim
+, lfisht
+, lfloor
+, lfr
+, lg
+, lgE
+, lhard
+, lharu
+, lharul
+, lhblk
+, ljcy
+, ll
+, llarr
+, llcorner
+, llhard
+, lltri
+, lmidot
+, lmoust
+, lmoustache
+, lnE
+, lnap
+, lnapprox
+, lne
+, lneq
+, lneqq
+, lnsim
+, loang
+, loarr
+, lobrk
+, longleftarrow
+, longleftrightarrow
+, longmapsto
+, longrightarrow
+, looparrowleft
+, looparrowright
+, lopar
+, lopf
+, loplus
+, lotimes
+, lowast
+, lowbar
+, loz
+, lozenge
+, lozf
+, lpar
+, lparlt
+, lrarr
+, lrcorner
+, lrhar
+, lrhard
+, lrm
+, lrtri
+, lsaquo
+, lscr
+, lsh
+, lsim
+, lsime
+, lsimg
+, lsqb
+, lsquo
+, lsquor
+, lstrok
+, lt
+, ltcc
+, ltcir
+, ltdot
+, lthree
+, ltimes
+, ltlarr
+, ltquest
+, ltrPar
+, ltri
+, ltrie
+, ltrif
+, lurdshar
+, luruhar
+, lvertneqq
+, lvnE
+, mDDot
+, macr
+, male
+, malt
+, maltese
+, map
+, mapsto
+, mapstodown
+, mapstoleft
+, mapstoup
+, marker
+, mcomma
+, mcy
+, mdash
+, measuredangle
+, mfr
+, mho
+, micro
+, mid
+, midast
+, midcir
+, middot
+, minus
+, minusb
+, minusd
+, minusdu
+, mlcp
+, mldr
+, mnplus
+, models
+, mopf
+, mp
+, mscr
+, mstpos
+, mu
+, multimap
+, mumap
+, nGg
+, nGt
+, nGtv
+, nLeftarrow
+, nLeftrightarrow
+, nLl
+, nLt
+, nLtv
+, nRightarrow
+, nVDash
+, nVdash
+, nabla
+, nacute
+, nang
+, nap
+, napE
+, napid
+, napos
+, napprox
+, natur
+, natural
+, naturals
+, nbsp
+, nbump
+, nbumpe
+, ncap
+, ncaron
+, ncedil
+, ncong
+, ncongdot
+, ncup
+, ncy
+, ndash
+, ne
+, neArr
+, nearhk
+, nearr
+, nearrow
+, nedot
+, nequiv
+, nesear
+, nesim
+, nexist
+, nexists
+, nfr
+, ngE
+, nge
+, ngeq
+, ngeqq
+, ngeqslant
+, nges
+, ngsim
+, ngt
+, ngtr
+, nhArr
+, nharr
+, nhpar
+, ni
+, nis
+, nisd
+, niv
+, njcy
+, nlArr
+, nlE
+, nlarr
+, nldr
+, nle
+, nleftarrow
+, nleftrightarrow
+, nleq
+, nleqq
+, nleqslant
+, nles
+, nless
+, nlsim
+, nlt
+, nltri
+, nltrie
+, nmid
+, nopf
+, not
+, notin
+, notinE
+, notindot
+, notinva
+, notinvb
+, notinvc
+, notni
+, notniva
+, notnivb
+, notnivc
+, npar
+, nparallel
+, nparsl
+, npart
+, npolint
+, npr
+, nprcue
+, npre
+, nprec
+, npreceq
+, nrArr
+, nrarr
+, nrarrc
+, nrarrw
+, nrightarrow
+, nrtri
+, nrtrie
+, nsc
+, nsccue
+, nsce
+, nscr
+, nshortmid
+, nshortparallel
+, nsim
+, nsime
+, nsimeq
+, nsmid
+, nspar
+, nsqsube
+, nsqsupe
+, nsub
+, nsubE
+, nsube
+, nsubset
+, nsubseteq
+, nsubseteqq
+, nsucc
+, nsucceq
+, nsup
+, nsupE
+, nsupe
+, nsupset
+, nsupseteq
+, nsupseteqq
+, ntgl
, ntilde
-, ograve
+, ntlg
+, ntriangleleft
+, ntrianglelefteq
+, ntriangleright
+, ntrianglerighteq
+, nu
+, num
+, numero
+, numsp
+, nvDash
+, nvHarr
+, nvap
+, nvdash
+, nvge
+, nvgt
+, nvinfin
+, nvlArr
+, nvle
+, nvlt
+, nvltrie
+, nvrArr
+, nvrtrie
+, nvsim
+, nwArr
+, nwarhk
+, nwarr
+, nwarrow
+, nwnear
+, oS
, oacute
+, oast
+, ocir
, ocirc
+, ocy
+, odash
+, odblac
+, odiv
+, odot
+, odsold
+, oelig
+, ofcir
+, ofr
+, ogon
+, ograve
+, ogt
+, ohbar
+, ohm
+, oint
+, olarr
+, olcir
+, olcross
+, oline
+, olt
+, omacr
+, omega
+, omicron
+, omid
+, ominus
+, oopf
+, opar
+, operp
+, oplus
+, or
+, orarr
+, ord
+, order
+, orderof
+, ordf
+, ordm
+, origof
+, oror
+, orslope
+, orv
+, oscr
+, oslash
+, osol
, otilde
+, otimes
+, otimesas
, ouml
-, divide
-, oslash
-, ugrave
+, ovbar
+, par
+, para
+, parallel
+, parsim
+, parsl
+, part
+, pcy
+, percnt
+, period
+, permil
+, perp
+, pertenk
+, pfr
+, phi
+, phiv
+, phmmat
+, phone
+, pi
+, pitchfork
+, piv
+, planck
+, planckh
+, plankv
+, plus
+, plusacir
+, plusb
+, pluscir
+, plusdo
+, plusdu
+, pluse
+, plusmn
+, plussim
+, plustwo
+, pm
+, pointint
+, popf
+, pound
+, pr
+, prE
+, prap
+, prcue
+, pre
+, prec
+, precapprox
+, preccurlyeq
+, preceq
+, precnapprox
+, precneqq
+, precnsim
+, precsim
+, prime
+, primes
+, prnE
+, prnap
+, prnsim
+, prod
+, profalar
+, profline
+, profsurf
+, prop
+, propto
+, prsim
+, prurel
+, pscr
+, psi
+, puncsp
+, qfr
+, qint
+, qopf
+, qprime
+, qscr
+, quaternions
+, quatint
+, quest
+, questeq
+, quot
+, rAarr
+, rArr
+, rAtail
+, rBarr
+, rHar
+, race
+, racute
+, radic
+, raemptyv
+, rang
+, rangd
+, range
+, rangle
+, raquo
+, rarr
+, rarrap
+, rarrb
+, rarrbfs
+, rarrc
+, rarrfs
+, rarrhk
+, rarrlp
+, rarrpl
+, rarrsim
+, rarrtl
+, rarrw
+, ratail
+, ratio
+, rationals
+, rbarr
+, rbbrk
+, rbrace
+, rbrack
+, rbrke
+, rbrksld
+, rbrkslu
+, rcaron
+, rcedil
+, rceil
+, rcub
+, rcy
+, rdca
+, rdldhar
+, rdquo
+, rdquor
+, rdsh
+, real
+, realine
+, realpart
+, reals
+, rect
+, reg
+, rfisht
+, rfloor
+, rfr
+, rhard
+, rharu
+, rharul
+, rho
+, rhov
+, rightarrow
+, rightarrowtail
+, rightharpoondown
+, rightharpoonup
+, rightleftarrows
+, rightleftharpoons
+, rightrightarrows
+, rightsquigarrow
+, rightthreetimes
+, ring
+, risingdotseq
+, rlarr
+, rlhar
+, rlm
+, rmoust
+, rmoustache
+, rnmid
+, roang
+, roarr
+, robrk
+, ropar
+, ropf
+, roplus
+, rotimes
+, rpar
+, rpargt
+, rppolint
+, rrarr
+, rsaquo
+, rscr
+, rsh
+, rsqb
+, rsquo
+, rsquor
+, rthree
+, rtimes
+, rtri
+, rtrie
+, rtrif
+, rtriltri
+, ruluhar
+, rx
+, sacute
+, sbquo
+, sc
+, scE
+, scap
+, scaron
+, sccue
+, sce
+, scedil
+, scirc
+, scnE
+, scnap
+, scnsim
+, scpolint
+, scsim
+, scy
+, sdot
+, sdotb
+, sdote
+, seArr
+, searhk
+, searr
+, searrow
+, sect
+, semi
+, seswar
+, setminus
+, setmn
+, sext
+, sfr
+, sfrown
+, sharp
+, shchcy
+, shcy
+, shortmid
+, shortparallel
+, shy
+, sigma
+, sigmaf
+, sigmav
+, sim
+, simdot
+, sime
+, simeq
+, simg
+, simgE
+, siml
+, simlE
+, simne
+, simplus
+, simrarr
+, slarr
+, smallsetminus
+, smashp
+, smeparsl
+, smid
+, smile
+, smt
+, smte
+, smtes
+, softcy
+, sol
+, solb
+, solbar
+, sopf
+, spades
+, spadesuit
+, spar
+, sqcap
+, sqcaps
+, sqcup
+, sqcups
+, sqsub
+, sqsube
+, sqsubset
+, sqsubseteq
+, sqsup
+, sqsupe
+, sqsupset
+, sqsupseteq
+, squ
+, square
+, squarf
+, squf
+, srarr
+, sscr
+, ssetmn
+, ssmile
+, sstarf
+, star
+, starf
+, straightepsilon
+, straightphi
+, strns
+, sub
+, subE
+, subdot
+, sube
+, subedot
+, submult
+, subnE
+, subne
+, subplus
+, subrarr
+, subset
+, subseteq
+, subseteqq
+, subsetneq
+, subsetneqq
+, subsim
+, subsub
+, subsup
+, succ
+, succapprox
+, succcurlyeq
+, succeq
+, succnapprox
+, succneqq
+, succnsim
+, succsim
+, sum
+, sung
+, sup1
+, sup2
+, sup3
+, sup
+, supE
+, supdot
+, supdsub
+, supe
+, supedot
+, suphsol
+, suphsub
+, suplarr
+, supmult
+, supnE
+, supne
+, supplus
+, supset
+, supseteq
+, supseteqq
+, supsetneq
+, supsetneqq
+, supsim
+, supsub
+, supsup
+, swArr
+, swarhk
+, swarr
+, swarrow
+, swnwar
+, szlig
+, target
+, tau
+, tbrk
+, tcaron
+, tcedil
+, tcy
+, tdot
+, telrec
+, tfr
+, there4
+, therefore
+, theta
+, thetasym
+, thetav
+, thickapprox
+, thicksim
+, thinsp
+, thkap
+, thksim
+, thorn
+, tilde
+, times
+, timesb
+, timesbar
+, timesd
+, tint
+, toea
+, top
+, topbot
+, topcir
+, topf
+, topfork
+, tosa
+, tprime
+, trade
+, triangle
+, triangledown
+, triangleleft
+, trianglelefteq
+, triangleq
+, triangleright
+, trianglerighteq
+, tridot
+, trie
+, triminus
+, triplus
+, trisb
+, tritime
+, trpezium
+, tscr
+, tscy
+, tshcy
+, tstrok
+, twixt
+, twoheadleftarrow
+, twoheadrightarrow
+, uArr
+, uHar
, uacute
+, uarr
+, ubrcy
+, ubreve
, ucirc
+, ucy
+, udarr
+, udblac
+, udhar
+, ufisht
+, ufr
+, ugrave
+, uharl
+, uharr
+, uhblk
+, ulcorn
+, ulcorner
+, ulcrop
+, ultri
+, umacr
+, uml
+, uogon
+, uopf
+, uparrow
+, updownarrow
+, upharpoonleft
+, upharpoonright
+, uplus
+, upsi
+, upsih
+, upsilon
+, upuparrows
+, urcorn
+, urcorner
+, urcrop
+, uring
+, urtri
+, uscr
+, utdot
+, utilde
+, utri
+, utrif
+, uuarr
, uuml
+, uwangle
+, vArr
+, vBar
+, vBarv
+, vDash
+, vangrt
+, varepsilon
+, varkappa
+, varnothing
+, varphi
+, varpi
+, varpropto
+, varr
+, varrho
+, varsigma
+, varsubsetneq
+, varsubsetneqq
+, varsupsetneq
+, varsupsetneqq
+, vartheta
+, vartriangleleft
+, vartriangleright
+, vcy
+, vdash
+, vee
+, veebar
+, veeeq
+, vellip
+, verbar
+, vert
+, vfr
+, vltri
+, vnsub
+, vnsup
+, vopf
+, vprop
+, vrtri
+, vscr
+, vsubnE
+, vsubne
+, vsupnE
+, vsupne
+, vzigzag
+, wcirc
+, wedbar
+, wedge
+, wedgeq
+, weierp
+, wfr
+, wopf
+, wp
+, wr
+, wreath
+, wscr
+, xcap
+, xcirc
+, xcup
+, xdtri
+, xfr
+, xhArr
+, xharr
+, xi
+, xlArr
+, xlarr
+, xmap
+, xnis
+, xodot
+, xopf
+, xoplus
+, xotime
+, xrArr
+, xrarr
+, xscr
+, xsqcup
+, xuplus
+, xutri
+, xvee
+, xwedge
, yacute
-, thorn
+, yacy
+, ycirc
+, ycy
+, yen
+, yfr
+, yicy
+, yopf
+, yscr
+, yucy
, yuml
+, zacute
+, zcaron
+, zcy
+, zdot
+, zeetrf
+, zeta
+, zfr
+, zhcy
+, zigrarr
+, zopf
+, zscr
+, zwj
+, zwnj
val text : String
- get() = "&" + this.toString() + ";"
+ get() = "&$this;"