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File metadata and controls

194 lines (132 loc) · 5.87 KB


  • GoPro(camera='detect', ip_address='', mac_address='AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF')

Methods defined here:

  • IsRecording(self)

    • Returns either 0 or 1 if the camera is recording or not.
  • KeepAlive(self)

    • Sends keep alive packet
  • init(self, camera='detect', ip_address='', mac_address='AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF')

    • Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
  • str(self)

    • Return str(self).
  • cancelClip(self, video_id)

    • cancels clip conversion
  • changeWiFiSettings(self, ssid, password)

    • Changes ssid and passwod of Hero4 camera
  • clipStatus(self, status)

    • returns clip status
  • delete(self, option)

    • Deletes media. "last", "all" or an integer are accepted values for option
  • deleteFile(self, folder, file)

    • Deletes a file. Pass folder and file as parameters.
  • downloadAll(self, option='')

    • Download all media on camera
  • downloadLastMedia(self, path='', custom_filename='')

    • Downloads last media taken, set custom_filename to download to that filename
  • downloadLowRes(self, path='', custom_filename='')

    • Downloads the low-resolution video
  • downloadMedia(self, folder, file, custom_filename='')

    • Downloads specific folder and filename
  • downloadMultiShot(self, path='')

    • Downloads a multi-shot sequence.
  • getClip(self, file, resolution, frame_rate, start_ms, stop_ms)

    • Starts a clip conversion:
    • file: folder + filename
    • resolution: see constants.Clip
    • frame_rate: see constants.Clip
    • start_ms: start of the video in ms
    • stop_ms: stop of the video in ms
  • getClipURL(self, status)

    • gets clip URL from status
  • getInfoFromURL(self, url)

    • Gets information from Media URL.
  • getMedia(self)

    • Returns last media URL
  • getMediaFusion(self)

  • getMediaInfo(self, option)

    • Returns an array of the last media, both front and back URLs
  • getPassword(self)

    • Gets password from Hero3, Hero3+ cameras
  • getPhotoEXIF(self, option='', folder='', file='')

    • Gets Photo EXIF data, set folder and file parameters.
  • getPhotoInfo(self, option='', folder='', file='')

    • Gets photo nformation, set folder and file parameters.
    • option parameters: w/h/wdr/raw...
  • getStatus(self, param, value='')

    • This returns a status message based on param (status/setting) and value (numeric)
  • getStatusRaw(self)

    • Delivers raw status message
  • getVideoInfo(self, option='', folder='', file='')

    • Gets video information, set folder and file parameters.
      option parameters: dur/tag_count/tags/profile/w/h
  • gpControlCommand(self, param)

    • sends Parameter gpControl/command
  • gpControlExecute(self, param)

    • sends Parameter to gpControl/execute
  • gpControlSet(self, param, value)

    • sends Parameter and value to gpControl/setting
  • hilight(self)

    • Tags a hilight in the video
  • infoCamera(self, option='')

    • Gets camera info, such as mac address and firmware version. See constants.Camera for possible options.
  • listMedia(self, format=False, media_array=False)

    • Lists media on SD card
      format = (True/False) - Sets formatting
      media_array = (True/False) - returns an array
  • livestream(self, option)

    • start livestreaming
      option = "start"/"stop"
  • locate(self, param)

    • Starts or stops locating (beeps camera)
  • mode(self, mode, submode='0')

    • Changes mode of the camera. See constants.Mode and constants.Mode.SubMode for sub-modes.
  • overview(self)

  • pair(self, usepin=True)

    • This is a pairing procedure needed for HERO4 and HERO5 cameras. When those type GoPro camera are purchased the GoPro Mobile app needs an authentication code when pairing the camera to a mobile device for the first time.
      The code is useless afterwards. This function will pair your GoPro to the machine without the need of using the mobile app -- at all.
  • parse_value(self, param, value)

  • power_off(self)

    • Sends power off command
  • power_on(self, _mac_address='')

    • Sends power on command. Mac address might need to be defined
  • power_on_auth(self)

    • Sends power on command to Hero 3/3+ cameras
  • prepare_gpcontrol(self)

  • reset(self, r)

    • Resets video/photo/multishot protune values
  • sendBacpac(self, param, value)

    • sends Parameter and value to
  • sendCamera(self, param, value='')

    • sends Parameter and value to
  • setZoom(self, zoomLevel)

    • Sets camera zoom (Hero6/Hero7), zoomLevel is an integer
  • shoot_video(self, duration=0)

    • Shoots a video, if duration is 0 it will not stop the video, set duration to an integer to set the video duration.
  • shutter(self, param)

    • Starts/stop video or timelapse recording, pass constants.start or constants.stop as value in param
  • stream(self, addr, quality='')

    • Starts a FFmpeg instance for streaming to an address
      addr: Address to stream to
      quality: high/medium/low
  • streamSettings(self, bitrate, resolution)

    • Sets stream settings
  • syncTime(self)

    • Sets time and date to computer's time and date
  • take_photo(self, timer=1)

    • Takes a photo. Set timer to an integer to set a wait time
  • video_settings(self, res, fps='none')

    • Change video resolution and FPS
      See constants.Video.Resolution
  • whichCam(self)

    • This returns what type of camera is currently connected.
      • gpcontrol: HERO4 Black and Silver, HERO5 Black and Session, HERO Session (formally known as HERO4 Session), HERO+ LCD, HERO+.
      • auth: HERO2 with WiFi BacPac, HERO3 Black/Silver/White, HERO3+ Black and Silver.

Data descriptors defined here:

  • dict

    • dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
  • weakref

    • list of weak references to the object (if defined)