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File metadata and controls

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Modmail-docker is using Docker Compose which is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, you use a Compose file to configure your application's services. Then, using a single command, you create and start all the services from your configuration

This repo contains a .env file and a docker-compose.yml file which will be used to setup Modmail, Logviewer, Traefik and MongoDB

All support for Modmail and Logviewer should done at their repos

or on their support discord server


  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • Git

all 3 must be installed prior to setting up Modmail-docker Find a guide on how to setup docker, docker-compose and GIT for your distribution

Quality of life

Add a alias to your .bashrc

$ nano ~/.bashrc

Add in this in the bottom

alias dc='sudo docker-compose'

Now reload your bash to get the new alias or close your terminal and connect again

$ exec bash


Go to the directory you want modmail and logviewer to be installed in.

And git clone the this repo

$ sudo git clone .

Now configure the .env file to your needs by opening the file with your favourite Terminal Text Editor for this i use nano

$ nano .env

And fill out


Next step is to create your docker network which the 4 containers will run on with

$ sudo docker network create internet

Now you should have a filled out .env file and a docker network created and all there is left to do is pull the docker images

$ dc pull

Which will pull the latest version of

Now create the docker containers from the images together with infomation from the .env file and docker-compose.yml

$ dc create

Run a test run to check if everything runs

$ dc up

And you should now see it spin up each service and the logs of it If everthing seems to run fine then stop the docker compose

ctrl + C

Now to start all the containers in the background

$ dc start

Now all your containers should run in the background


$ dc pull

dc pull which fetch the latest images, before you do this you must stop your containers!

$ dc create

dc create which will create your containers with the images you pulled and your settings from docker-compose.yml and .env This most also be done everytime you change something in .env or docker-compose.yml

$ dc start

dc start will start all containers or a targeted container by adding its name after, modmail is used here as a example

$ dc stop

This will stop all containers and must be done before you do a pull or create!

$ dc logs

dc logs will show you the log files, if no container is specified then a merged logs of all containers can add -f to follow the logs

$ dc ps

dc ps is process status which will show you the status on all the containers

You can with all commands use container name to only affect that container such as

$ dc stop modmail
$ dc pull modmail
$ dc create modmail
$ dc start modmail
$ dc logs modmail

How to update

Stop your containers with

$ dc stop

Pull latest version of images

$ dc pull

Rebuild containers with the new images

$ dc create

Start your containers again with

$ dc start

and your Modmail, Logviewer, Traefik, MongoDB is up to date


If you want to run a inbox server you have to remove comment from


in the docker-composer.yml on line 30

for issues or need of help with the docker-compose setup feel free to create a issue or come poke me on the modmail support discord server
for issues or in need of Modmail or Logivewer create a issue on their repo's or contact them on their discord