Currently we support SLES 12 and OpenSUSE 42.2
sudo zypper addrepo "" "nginx"
sudo wget -O /etc/zypp/repos.d/zammad.repo \ sudo zypper install zammad
Go to http://localhost and you'll see:
- "Welcome to Zammad!", there you need to create your admin user and invite other agents.
Note: Make sure that the firewall is not blocking port 80 (configure firewall via "yast firewall" or stop it via "systemctl stop SuSEfirewall2").
Add your fully qualified domain name or public IP to server name directive in your web server configuration and restart your web server. The installer will give you a hint where Zammad's web server config file is located.
server { listen 80; # replace 'localhost' with your fqdn if you want to use zammad from remote server_name localhost;
sudo systemctl status zammad sudo systemctl stop zammad sudo systemctl start zammad sudo systemctl restart zammad
sudo systemctl status zammad-web sudo systemctl stop zammad-web sudo systemctl start zammad-web sudo systemctl restart zammad-web
sudo systemctl status zammad-worker sudo systemctl stop zammad-worker sudo systemctl zammad-worker sudo systemctl restart zammad-worker
sudo systemctl status zammad-websocket sudo systemctl stop zammad-websocket sudo systemctl start zammad-websocket sudo systemctl restart zammad-websocket