Tickets, articles (with attachments), users and organizations are indexed by default.
A simple search for all objects can be: "something". If you want to search for objects with certain attributes you can use "attribute: something".
- For example: "customer: some name"
With complex searches you can use conditions with () and AND/OR options.
- For example: "state: open AND (from:me OR from:somebody else)"
Note: In general you can use Elasticsearch queries for search (
- number:1118566
- title:"some words with spaces" # exact phrase / without quotation marks " an AND search for the words will be performed (in Zammad 1.5 and lower an OR search will be performed)
- title:"some wor*" # exact phrase beginning with "some wor*" will be searched
- created_at:[2017-01-01 TO 2017-12-31] # a time range
- created_at:>now-1h # created within last hour
- state:new OR state:open
- (state:new OR state:open) OR priority:"3 normal"
- (state:new OR state:open) AND customer.lastname:smith
- state:(new OR open) AND title:(full text search) # state: new OR open & title: full OR text OR search
- tag: sometag
- tag: "some tag"
- "[email protected]" AND state: (new OR open OR pending*) # show all open tickets of a certain agent
- state:closed AND _missing_:tag # all closed objects without tags
- article_count: [1 TO 5] # tickets with 1 to 5 articles
- article:count: [10 TO *] # tickets with 10 or more articles
- article.from: bob # also article.from can be used
- article.body: heat~ # using the fuzzy operator will also find terms that are similar, in this case also "head"
- article.body: /joh?n(ath[oa]n)/ # using regular expressions
- number: string
- title: string
- group: string
- priority: string
- state: string
- organization: string
- owner: object (owner.firstname, owner.lastname,, ...)
- customer: object (customer.firstname, customer.lastname,, ...)
- first_response_at: timestamp
- first_response_in_min: integer (business min till first response)
- close_at: timestamp
- close_in_min: integer (business min till close)
- last_contact_at: timestamp (last contact by customer or agent)
- last_contact_agent_at: timestamp (last contact by agent)
- last_contact_customer_at: timestamp (last contact by customer)
- create_article_type: string (email|phone|web|...)
- create_article_sender: string (Customer|Agent|System)
- article_count: integer
- escalation_at: timestamp
- pending_time: timestamp
- article.from: string
- string
- string
- article.subject: string
- article.body: string
- article.attachment._name: string (filename of attachment)
- article.attachment._content: string (content of attachment)