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Kiwi edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the curlpaste wiki!

Usage: curlpaste [options] -f [file[s]]

    -f, --file FILE(s)              list of files to upload
    -s, --service SERVICE           set service to use
    -l, --language LANG             set what language to use
    -C, --command COMMAND           run COMMAND and paste the output
    -p, --private                   set private flag if available
    -r, --run                       set run flag (codepad)
    -c, --concat                    concat multiple files into a single upload
                                    default is a separate paste for each file
    -d, --description DESC          set description of paste
    -n, --nick NICK                 set the name to use for a paste
    -h, --help                      show this help info

    -S, --list-services             list supported services
    -L, --list-languages SERVICE    list supported languages for a service
        --stdin                     pipe data into the program

Service defaults to codepad.
Description defaults to the name of the file.
Language defaults to “Plain Text”.
Nick defaults to your current username.

You can change the default Service, Language, Description, and Nick in /etc/curlpaste.conf :

DEFAULT_NICK = os.getenv("USER")
-- Valid services are ca, dpaste, codepad, fpaste, mystic
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