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Releases: KirianCaumes/Discogs-Marketplace-API-NodeJS


16 May 20:20
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⚠️ Breaking changes:

  • DiscogsMarketplace is no longer the default import from discogs-marketplace-api-nodejs. You can now import via import { DiscogsMarketplace } from 'discogs-marketplace-api-nodejs'. This is a voluntary change (which I would have preferred to avoid) which, although counter-intuitive at first sight, allows easier use for projects not using a compiler like Babel or other. This is a long-discussed subject. Learn more: evanw/esbuild#1719 (comment)



22 Feb 19:33
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11 Feb 17:56
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  • Removed Enumerations in favor of Union Types da49c36

⚠️ Breaking changes:

  • All the Enumerations have been removed in favor of Union Types
    • ECurrency to CurrencyType
    • EFormatDescription to FormatDescriptionType
    • EFormat to FormatType
    • EFrom to FromType
    • EGenre to GenreType
    • ELang to LangType
    • EMediaCondition to ConditionType
    • ESort to SortType
    • EStyle to StyleType
    • EType to SearchTypeType
  • All the Interfaces have been removed in favor of Types
    • IInput to InputType
    • IYears moved inside InputType
    • IOutputSuccess to OutputSuccessType
    • IItem moved inside OutputSuccessType
    • IOutputError to OutputErrorType

See the updated examples in Readme if needed.



30 Nov 19:36
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  • Rename country data and improve documentation 1612e90
  • Update Readme f1a0415

⚠️ Breaking changes:

  • IItem['from'] is now IItem['country']
  • IItem['from']['countryName'] is now IItem['country']['name']
  • IItem['from']['isoCountryName'] no longer exists
  • IItem['from']['isoCountryCode'] is now IItem['country']['code']



13 Nov 20:06
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  • Fix ISO country code for Discogs Neutral Zone d7fa641



14 Oct 17:31
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  • Going back to Axios instead of Playwright 1b0d774


Why going back to Axios?

I felt playwright might not be so fast after all for scrapring Discogs Marketplace data.

So, I deciced to run simples benchmarks to compare the speed of both Axios and Playwright in scraping Discogs.


Script used

import { chromium as playwright } from 'playwright-chromium'
import UserAgent from 'user-agents'
import { appendFile, } from 'fs/promises'

let i = 0
while (i < 100) {
    const startTime =
    const browser = await playwright.launch({ args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'] })
    const browserContext = await browser.newContext({
        userAgent: new UserAgent().toString(),
        extraHTTPHeaders: {
            'X-PJAX': 'true',
    const browserPage = await browserContext.newPage()
    await browserPage.route('**/*', route => (['stylesheet', 'image', 'media', 'font', 'script', 'texttrack', 'xhr', 'fetch', 'eventsource', 'websocket', 'manifest', 'other'].includes(route.request().resourceType()) ? route.abort() : route.continue()))
    await browserPage.goto(
        { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' },
    const data = await browserPage.evaluate(() => document.body?.outerHTML)
    await browser.close()
    const seconds = ( - startTime) / 1000
    appendFile('./playwright.csv', seconds + ';' + data.split(' – ')[1].split(' ')[0].trim() + '\n')
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000))


Time in seconds Items found
2.8281213000006975 250
2.611003200000152 250
3.0781212000008673 250
2.607310800001025 250
2.5087123000007123 250
0.8714474999997764 25
2.4988795999996363 250
2.5592793000005187 250
2.538930900000036 250
2.6876880999989807 250
2.769115800000727 250
2.6129470999985935 250
2.6213709000013767 250
0.8430539999995381 25
2.7784430999998 250
2.4398559999987484 250
2.7510906999986617 250
2.6358964999988674 250
2.12591069999896 250
2.721387800000608 250
2.6945901999995114 250
2.7610843000002205 250
2.5013984000012277 250
2.5184021000005306 250
3.5409550000000745 250
2.430627999998629 250
2.3309579000007363 250
0.8067193999998271 25
2.991063500000164 250
0.7247304999995977 25
2.6285799000002443 250
2.47105189999938 250
0.8408584000002592 25
2.6091964999996127 250
2.371077400000766 250
2.7387718000002206 250
2.9718466999996456 250
2.488381100000814 250
0.7927596999984234 25
0.8182466000001878 25
1.2696307999994605 25
3.468860099999234 250
0.9208830999992788 25
2.9008585000000893 250
2.8200613000001757 250
4.411006899999455 250
2.896196699999273 250
2.943042500000447 250
2.8721090000011027 250
2.6839635000005364 250
3.6356803999990226 250
3.2916871000006793 250
0.7495001999996602 25
2.7893683000002056 250
2.5914793999996037 250
2.633349100001156 250
2.759259600000456 250
3.138656100001186 250
2.2509492999985814 250
2.72981780000031 250
2.191720499999821 250
1.1703117999993264 25
2.758727300001308 250
0.850472500000149 25
3.720788200000301 250
2.801132400000468 250
2.4312095999997108 250
3.1909651000015438 250
2.749268899999559 250
2.869724700000137 250
3.0125439999997616 250
0.7991947999987751 25
2.893207900000736 250
2.9083329000007363 250
3.831123900000006 250
2.9811385000012813 250
2.800856699999422 250
2.3108563999999316 250
2.5724037999995053 250
2.9297808999996633 250
2.7413737000003455 250
2.48878029999882 250
2.543326400000602 250
2.822659599998966 250
3.1445751999989153 250
2.971195100000128 250
2.632570799998939 250
2.817382199998945 250
2.435168400000781 250
2.4594431000016628 250
2.7104277999997137 250
2.951188000001013 250
0.8012730999998748 25
3.008941399998963 250
3.1733924000002443 250
2.6011283999979495 250
3.221156599998474 250
2.6893564999997617 250
2.491585500001907 250
2.9116572999991477 250

Data collected with Axios

Script used

import axios from 'axios'
import UserAgent from 'user-agents'
import { appendFile, } from 'fs/promises'

let i = 0
while (i < 100) {
    const startTime =
    const { data } = await axios.request({
        url: '',
        method: 'GET',
        headers: {
            'X-PJAX': 'true',
            'User-Agent': new UserAgent().toString()
    const seconds = ( - startTime) / 1000

    appendFile('./axios.csv', seconds + ';' + data.split('&ndash; ')[1].split(' ')[0].trim() + '\n')
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10000))


Time in seconds Items found
1.9066512000001967 250
1.998512499999255 250
2.379731000000611 250
0.47120250000059605 25
2.2315949000008404 250
1.9258511999994516 250
2.4887839999999852 250
1.8522395999990404 250
1.6724539000000804 250
1.9503407000005246 250
2.0885287999995055 250
1.8969194000009448 250
1.8230587999988348 250
1.944128899998963 250
2.5177741000000387 250
1.4830501000005751 250
1.7304056000001728 250
1.8126294999998063 250
1.826300699999556 250
2.065066899999976 250
1.7623966000005602 250
2.392783399999142 250
1.7140494999997318 250
2.216130299998447 250
1.6735784999988974 250
2.096677300000563 250
1.9434116999991238 250
1.7624712000004947 250
2.1195131000000984 250
2.037354000000283 250
0.5149288999997079 25
1.730019099999219 250
1.936639000000432 250
2.383682400001213 250
1.9091585000008344 250
1.693759600000456 250
1.7196654000002891 250
1.7422665999997407 250
2.294841199999675 250
1.8551716999989003 250
1.8695205999985338 250
1.916570900000632 250
1.825472900001332 250
2.136837799999863 250
2.6654023000001907 250
1.8740196000002325 250
0.742851800000295 25
2.1952791000008585 250
2.1193407000005244 250
1.8990168000012637 250
1.9507324000000954 250
1.628954399999231 250
2.0669475999996068 250
0.6508572000004351 25
2.3613967000003906 250
0.487542500000447 25
2.20930169999972 250
2.021106100000441 250
1.5540830000005663 250
1.6791168999988586 250
1.7234141000006349 250
1.6065229000002146 250
1.4762700000014155 250
1.5473063999991863 250
1.8109605000000446 250
1.6033116999994963 250
0.5395514000002295 25
1.9459402999989688 250
1.8405577000007034 250
1.640109300000593 250
1.8360155999995769 250
1.9551256000008435 250
2.207307600000873 250
1.078418500000611 25
1.9402102000005543 250
0.6005153000000865 25
1.9434799000006169 250
2.1252729000002146 250
2.132797900000587 250
1.8620335000008346 250
1.7930312000010162 250
2.060403800001368 250
1.7157765999995171 250
1.9124442999996245 250
1.7509218999985605 250
1.9331002999991178 250
1.8458307000007481 250
1.9350213999990373 250
1.6717009999994188 250
2.1286761999987065 250
1.7032938000001012 250
1.5656253999993206 250
2.0154948999993505 250
1.865527199998498 250
1.8782666999995707 250
1.7716790999993681 250
2.0643387000001967 250
1.6173277000002564 250
2.1055513000003994 250
1.927204500000924 250


The average time for a request to process (excluding case with 25 results*) is:

  • 2.790784721 seconds for Playwright
  • 1.924005904 seconds for Axios

The median time for a request to process (excluding case with 25 results*) is:

  • 2.7453213 seconds for Playwright
  • 1.90790485 seconds for Axios

Averages are really close to medians, so there is no extreme value. The average is representative.

In average, Axios is faster than Playwright by 0.866778817 seconds.

That's why I choose to go back to Axios. If you do not agree with my decision, feel free to open an issue.

*Sometimes, when Discogs is overloaded, it only show 25 items instead of the number you wanted (250). These cases are not relevant.


27 Sep 21:12
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  • Code and structure optimization 963665d

⚠️ Breaking changes:

  • TLimit is now named LimitType



30 Mar 20:28
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  • Rename field 'itemId' to 'id' ee3a9d0



02 Mar 21:43
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27 Feb 20:36
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