- Add note in README that cron is generated with the current user. [Raquel Queiroz]
First stable release per SemVer.
Removes support for versions of Ruby which are no longer supported by the Ruby project.
Bugfix: Splat
when passing toroles
to allow definition of multiple whenever roles samuelokrent
Add support for mapping Range objects to cron range syntax Tim Craft
Bugfix: Avoid modifying Capistrano
when setting the whenever environment. ta1kt0me -
Enable to execute whenever's task independently without setting :release_path or :whenever_path ta1kt0me
Make error message clearer when parsing cron syntax fails due to a trailing space ignisf
Modify wheneverize to allow for the creating of 'config' directory when not present
Add --crontab-command to whenever binary for overriding the crontab command. [Martin Grandrath]
Allow setting the path within which Capistrano will execute whenever. Samuel Johnson
Allow the use of string literals for month and day-of-week in raw cron syntax.. Potamianos Gregory
Include Capistrano default environment variables when executing Whenever. Karl Li
Allow configuring an alternative schedule file in Capistrano. Shinichi Okamoto
Add customizing email recipient option with the MAILTO environment variable. Chikahiro Tokoro
- Restore compatibility with Capistrano v3; it has a bug which we have to work around [Ben Langfeld, Chris Gunther, Shohei Yamasaki]
- Bypass symlinks when loading Capistrano v3 code, since these symlinks don't work in recent gem releases [Justin Ramos]
Improve documentation [Ben Langfeld, Spencer Fry]
Properly support Solaris / SmartOS [Steven Williamson]
Drop support for Ruby < 1.9.3. Test newer Ruby versions. [Javan Makhmali, Bartłomiej Kozal]
Suport Ruby 2.3.0 and Rails 4 [Vincent Boisard]
correctly in schedule when writing crontab from Capistrano [Ben Langfeld, Lorenzo Manacorda] -
Minor refactoring, avoidance of Ruby warnings, etc [Ben Langfeld, DV Dasari]
Correctly pass through date expressions (e.g.
) inside job definitions [Rafael Sales] -
Prevent writing invalid cron strings [Danny Fallon, Ben Langfeld]
Execute runner with
bundle exec
to ensure presence of app dependencies [Judith Roth]
Fix duplicated command line arguments when deploying to multiple servers with Cap 3. [betesh]
to the current stage before defaulting to production in Cap 3 tasks. [Karthik T]
Drop ActiveSupport dependency [James Healy, Javan Makhmali]
Drop shoulda for tests
Cap 3 task [Javan Makhmali] -
Avoid using tempfiles [ahoward]
- Fix issues generating arguments for
in Capistrano 3 tasks. [Javan Makhmali]
option towhenever
in Capistrano 3 tasks. [betesh, Javan Makhmali] -
Allow setting
for Capistrano 3. [Javan Makhmali] -
command to be mapped in SSHKit. [Javan Makhmali]
Capistrano V3 support. [Philip Hallstrom]
Process params in job templates. [Austin Ziegler]
Don't require schedule file when clearing. [Javan Makhmali]
Use bin/rails when available. [Javan Makhmali]
Improve Cap rollback logic. [Jeroen Jacobs]
Allow configuration of the environment variable. [andfx]
Output option can be a callable Proc. [Li Xiao]
Fix Capistrano host options. [Igor Yamolov, Wes Morgan]
Improve JRuby test support. [Igor Yamolov]
Use correct release path in Cap task. [Wes Morgan]
Fix multiserver roles bug. [Wes Morgan]
Refactor Cap recipes and add tests for them. [Wes Morgan]
Fix file not found error when running under JRuby. [Wes Morgan]
Stop interpolating template attributes with no corresponding value. [Vincent Boisard]
Support for raw cron separated by tabs. [Étienne Barrié]
Separate Capistrano recipes to allow custom execution. [Bogdan Gusiev]
, notdeploy:restart
. [Michal Wrobel] -
Added a new
job type. [Ján Suchal] -
Use correct path in Cap task. [Alex Dean]
Fix that setup.rb and schedule.rb were eval'd together. [Niklas H]
New Capistrano roles feature. [Wes Morgan]
Stop clearing the crontab during a deploy. [Javan Makhmali]
Bump Chronic gem dependency. [rainchen]
- Make included Capistrano task compatible with both new and old versions of Cap. [Giacomo Macrì]
Accept @reboot and friends as raw cron syntax. [Felix Buenemann]
Fix clear_crontab task so it will work both standalone and during deploy. [Justin Giancola]
Require thread before active_support for compatibility with Rails < 2.3.11 and RubyGems >= 1.6.0. [Micah Geisel]
More advanced role filtering in Cap task. [Brad Gessler]
Added whenever_variables as a configuration variable in Cap task. [Steve Agalloco]
Escape percent signs and reject newlines in jobs. [Amir Yalon]
Escape paths so spaces don't trip up cron. [Javan Makhmali]
Fix ambiguous handling of 1.month with :at. #99 [Javan Makhmali]
Use mojombo's chronic, it's active again. [Javan Makhmali]
Capistrano task enhancements. [Chris Griego]
wheneverize command defaults to '.' directory. [Andrew Nesbitt]
rake job_type uses bundler if detected. [Michał Szajbe]
Indicate filename in exceptions stemming from schedule file. [Javan Makhmali]
Don't require rubygems, bundler where possible. [Oleg Pudeyev]
Documentation and code cleanup. [many nice people]
Convert most shortcuts to seconds. every :day -> every 1.day. #129 [Javan Makhmali]
Allow commas in raw cron syntax. #130 [Marco Bergantin, Javan Makhmali]
Output no update message as comments. #135 [Javan Makhmali]
require 'thread' to support Rubygems >= 1.6.0. #132 [Javan Makhmali]
Fix issue with comment block being corrupted during subsequent insertion of duplicate entries to the crontab. #123 [Jeremy (@lingmann)]
Removed -i from default job template. #118 [Javan Makhmali]
- Fix unclosed identifier bug. #119 [Javan Makhmali]
Preserve whitespace at the end of crontab file. #95 [Rich Meyers]
Setting nil or blank environment variables now properly formats output. [T.J. VanSlyke]
Allow raw cron sytax, added -i to bash job template, general cleanup. [Javan Makhmali]
--clear-crontab option completely removes entries. #63 [Javan Makhmali]
Set default :environment and :path earlier in the new setup.rb (formerly job_types/default.rb). [Javan Makhmali]
Converted README and CHANGELOG to markdown. [Javan Makhmali]
Detect script/rails file and change runner to Rails 3 style if found. [Javan Makhmali]
Created a new :job_template system that can be applied to all commands. Wraps all in bash -l -c 'command..' by default now for better RVM support. Stopped automatically setting the PATH too. [Javan Makhmali]
Added a built-in Capistrano recipe. [Javan Makhmali]
Better regexes for replacing Whenever blocks in the crontab. #45 [Javan Makhmali]
Preserving backslashes when updating existing crontab. #82 [Javan Makhmali]
Quotes automatically escaped in jobs. [Jay Adkisson]
Added --cut option to the command line to allow pruning of the crontab. [Peer Allan]
Switched to aaronh-chronic which is ruby 1.9.2 compatible. [Aaron Hurley, Javan Makhmali]
Lots of internal reorganizing; tests broken into unit and functional. [Javan Makhmali]
New job_type API for writing custom jobs. Internals use this to define command, runner, and rake. [Javan Makhmali - inspired by idlefingers (Damien)]
Jobs < 1.hour can specify an :at. [gorenje]
--clear option to remove crontab entries for a specific [identifier]. [mraidel (Michael Raidel)]
runners now cd into the app's directory and then execute. [Michael Guterl]
Fix STDERR output redirection to file to append instead of overwrite. [weplay]
Move require of tempfile lib to file that actually uses it. [Finn Smith]
bugfix: comparison Time with 0 failed. #32 [Dan Hixon]
exit(0) instead of just exit to make JRuby happy. [Elan Meng]
Fixed activesupport deprecation warning by requiring active_support. #37 [Andrew Nesbitt]
New output option replaces the old cron_log option for output redirection and is much more flexible. #31 [Peer Allan]
Reorganized the lib files (http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2009/9/1/gem-packaging-best-practices) and switched to Jeweler from Echoe.
- No longer tries (and fails) to combine @shortcut jobs. #20 [Javan Makhmali]
- Setting a PATH in the crontab automatically based on the user's PATH. [Javan Makhmali]
Added ability to accept lists of every's and at's and intelligently group them. (ex: every 'monday, wednesday', :at => ['3pm', '6am']). [Sam Ruby]
Fixed issue with new lines. #18 [Javan Makhmali]
Removed activesupport gem dependency. #1 [Javan Makhmali]
Switched to numeric days of the week for Solaris support (and probably others). #8 [Roger Ertesvåg]
- Added ability to set variables on the fly from the command line (ex: whenever --set environment=staging). [Javan Makhmali]
Days of week jobs can now accept an :at directive (ex: every :monday, :at => '5pm'). [David Eisinger]
Fixed command line test so it runs without a config/schedule.rb present. [Javan Makhmali]
Raising an exception if someone tries to specify an :at with a cron shortcut (:day, :reboot, etc) so there are no false hopes. [Javan Makhmali]
- Added ability to update the crontab file non-destuctively instead of only overwriting it. [Javan Makhmali -- Inspired by code submitted individually from: Tien Dung (tiendung), Tom Lea (cwninja), Kyle Maxwell (fizx), and Andrew Timberlake (andrewtimberlake) on github]
- Fixed load path so Whenever's files don't conflict with anything in Rails. Thanks Ryan Koopmans. [Javan Makhmali]
- Added --load-file and --user opts to whenever binary. [Javan Makhmali]
Added 'rake' helper for defining scheduled rake tasks. [Javan Makhmali]
Renamed :cron_environment and :cron_path to :enviroment and :path for better (word) compatibility with rake tasks. [Javan Makhmali]
Improved test load paths so tests can be run individually. [Javan Makhmali]
Got rid of already initialized constant warning. [Javan Makhmali]
Requiring specific gem versions: Chronic >=0.2.3 and activesupport >= 1.3.0 [Javan Makhmali]
- Initial release [Javan Makhmali]