A quick and dirty (but fast!) application in C that uses lookup tables to assist in the creation of item lists for use with the 8F item in Pokemon R/B/Y. It's got a small amount of error handling and supports the use of a single label for jumping.
You can download the latest version of the 8F Helper on the releases page.
Usage: gbz80aid [options] [hex]
-f file File mode (read input from file)
-o format Display output in a specific format
-ofs offset Specify memory offset to display in asm format.
(Ignored in other formats)
-w Disable item warning messages
-h Print this help message and exit
-v Print version information and exit
asm GB-Z80 assembly language
bgb BGB-style assembly language
hex Hexadecimal machine code format
joy Joypad values
gen1 R/B/Y item codes for use with ACE
gen2 G/S/C item codes for use with ACE
gbz80aid EA14D7C9
gbz80aid -o asm -f bgb_mem.dump
gbz80aid -o hex -f zzazz.asm
gbz80aid -o gen1 0E1626642EBB4140CDD635C9
gbz80aid -o gen2 -f coin_case.asm
di ; Kill all interrupts
.testJump ; Just to show the label/jump processing
dec a
inc a
inc b
jr c, testJump ; Relative jump to label
ld h, $FF ; Set hl to $FF00
inc b
xor l
ld a, $20 ; Enter STOP mode until D-pad is pressed
inc c
ld (hl), a
ret ; Continue normal execution
root@gbdev:~# gbz80aid -o hex -f test_code.asm
Machine code: F33D3C0438FB26FF04AD3E200C771001C9
root@gbdev:~# gbz80aid F33D3C0438FB26FF04AD3E200C771001C9
gbz80 Assembly:
0 F3 di
1 3D dec a
2 3C inc a
3 04 inc b
4 38 FB jr c,$FB
6 26 FF ld h,$FF
8 04 inc b
9 AD xor l
A 3E 20 ld a,$20
C 0C inc c
D 77 ld (hl),a
E 10 01 stop
10 C9 ret
root@gbdev:~# gbz80aid -o gen1 -f test_code.asm
Item Quantity
TM43 x61
Fresh Water x4
Super Repel x251
Carbos x255
Poke Ball x173
Lemonade x32
Burn Heal x119
Full Restore x1
TM01 xAny
I've opted to use 10 01
as the STOP
opcode instead of the correct 10 00
. This is because it's much easier to get 1 of an item rather than 0 of an item. In all tests, the STOP
instruction executes normally even with a non-zero argument.