- Binding function, with DOM observers to update its value
- @include block for loading additional .fss files at compile time
- Compiler flag to generate multiple files instead of inlining
- Simplified module API, or at least shortcuts into the existing one
- Revamped 'pin' property based on data binding, respects relative-to
- Parallax property and background-parallax property
- Fit property (replicating background-size)
- @isMobile and @hasTouch globals
- Transitions should be smarter about cascading, overriding CSS when necessary
- Make variables declared in @transition blocks take an isolated scope
- Bracket mismatches should be intelligently identified
- 150+ unit tests
- Custom easing functions using @keyframes
- Add custom selectors like :dragging and :moving, as well as some of the jQuery stuff like :has()
- Support for scoped variables crossing into the shadow DOM, for easy component styling
- Unit conversion, including a polyfill for viewport size units
- New Syntax: Tabbed mode and multi-property assignment (width: height: 100%;)
- Transitions on variables
- @client block, with a way to add a new stylesheet to the DOM
- Pass-through @media and @keyframe blocks
- @browser.name, @browser.version, and @browser.os globals
- AJAX-related modules like ajax-content: and ajax-send()
- Media playback modules like media-url, play()
- Caching on DOM properties, invalidated on DOM modification
- Reading HTML attributes must require the selector to match only elements with that attribute.
- Optimization to treat some scoped variables as normal CSS inheritance
- Polyfills where necessary; guaranteed support back to IE 9, 'hinted' support to IE 8
- Trigger properties should not require the whole 'individualized' module to be included
- Launch with Fashion website
- Launch with Fashion Language and Fashion API documentation
- 200 unit tests
- Fashion-specific inspector with Node.js backend for updaing the .fss file
- !server flag on variables and a two-piece compiler that generates Node backend code
- Fashion server supporting !server flags and also user-agent dependent stylesheets
- 'Avante-garde', a variant of Fashion that also generates HTML
- Full support for SVGs, including setting & animating properties within tags
- @spriteSheet block, creating useful variables to access different images
- Binding functions should find a way to inherit the transition of their parent
- Selectors with qualifiers like :hover don't support individualized properties
- Runtime
- Built-in properties
- Front-to-back integration testing