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Compiling AutoRest


Ensure that you've setup your developer environment

Check out the code

# clone the repository
git clone 

# install node modules
cd autorest
npm install

Using gulp

The AutoRest build system has standardized on gulp for the following reasons:

  • it works very well cross-platform
  • excellent support for parallelism
  • using IcedCoffeeScript + ShellJS keeps the scripts very readable.

The main gulpfile is the file in the root of the folder called gulpfile.iced. You'll also find support modules for that in the ./src/gulp_modules folder (see the .iced files there)

You can get a quick list of the available gulp commands by running gulp without arguments:

# list what gulp commands are available

Note: When merging from upstream

If you pull new code, and the package.json file has been updated, you will see a warning when you call gulp:

[13:50:53] Requiring external module iced-coffee-script/register

WARNING: package.json is newer than 'node_modules' - you might want to do an 'npm install'

[13:50:54] Using gulpfile C:\work\github\autorest\gulpfile.iced

Note: You can use gulp anywhere...

gulp is smart enough to find it's gulpfile.iced regardless where you are in the project hierarchy:

cd ./src/core/autorest
gulp clean

[13:55:16] Requiring external module iced-coffee-script/register
[13:55:16] Working directory changed to C:\work\github\autorest
[13:55:17] Using gulpfile C:\work\github\autorest\gulpfile.iced
[13:55:17] Starting 'clean/typescript'...
[13:55:17] Starting 'clean/dotnet'...
           C:\work\github\autorest :: dotnet clean C:\work\github\autorest/AutoRest.sln /nologo
[13:55:18] Finished 'clean/typescript' after 813 ms
[13:55:21] Finished 'clean/dotnet' after 3.95 s
[13:55:21] Starting 'clean'...
[13:55:21] Finished 'clean' after 19 μs

Common gulp commands

Build the whole project (c# and typscript bits)

gulp build - ensures that the dotnet-cli packages are restored, then compiles the typescript and c# projects in parallel.

Clean out build artifacts from the project

gulp clean - cleans the build artifacts

Shortcut to launch Visual Studio Code at the project root.

gulp code - launches vscode

Fix up line endings for some files

gulp fix-line-endings - ensures that .ts files are LF not CRLF. Will be expanded in the future.

Wiping the nuget package cache

gulp reset-dotnet-cache - removes installed dotnet-packages so restore is from a perfectly clean state. WARNING: This will remove the files in ~/.nuget/*

Restore dotnet packages

gulp restore - restores the dotnet packages for all the projects

Restore npm packages for Typescript projects

gulp npm-install - restores packages for the typescript projects

Build autorest and install it in the user's home folder (~/.autorest/plugins/autorest/<VERSION>-<DATE>-<TIME>-private) as a private build so you can run it with the autorest command anywhere.

gulp install - build and install the dev version of autorest

Run AutoRest without installing it

gulp autorest - runs the autorest binary directly. You can pass regular command line parameters to it. gulp autorest-cli - Runs AutoRest (via the node front-end. This will soon be the default.)


gulp regenerate - regenerate all expected code for tests (There are many fine-grained rengenerate-* tasks, find them with gulp -T if you need them. )

gulp test - runs all tests
gulp test-dotnet - runs dotnet tests
gulp test-go - runs Go tests
gulp test-java - runs Java tests
gulp test-node - runs NodeJS tests
gulp test-python - runs Python tests
gulp test-ruby - runs Ruby tests

available switches

--force specify when you want to force an action (restore, etc)
--configuration 'debug' or 'release'
--release same as --configuration=release
--verbose enable verbose output
--threshold=nn set parallelism threshold - default = (# of cpus in system-1)