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Run the usual: react-native link react-native-gstreamer from your project folder
GStreamer Preparation
- Get the latest GStreamer Library for iOS at
- Install the downloaded package in the default path
- Running your app now would give you many linker errors...
Linking with GStreamer library
- Select your project item in the file explorer
- Select the project (above TARGETS item)
- Select the "Build Settings" tab and select "All" displaying
- Filter with name : "Other linker Flags"
- Double click slowly on the field to edit it textually
- Add (copy paste) the following flags : -lresolv -lstdc++ -framework CoreFoundation -framework Foundation -framework AVFoundation -framework CoreMedia -framework CoreVideo -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolbox -weak_framework VideoToolbox -framework OpenGLES -framework AssetsLibrary -framework QuartzCore -framework AssetsLibrary
- Now filter with "Framework Search Paths"
- Add : "~/Library/Developer/GStreamer/iPhone.sdk"
- Now select your project (under "TARGETS" item)
- Go in the "Build Phases" tab
- Expand "Link Binary With Libraries" section and click "+" Button
- Click "Add Other..." button and find "GStreamer.framework"
- Click "+" again, filter "libiconv.2" and Add it
You are good to go !