General Steps:
- Register Zoom Account -> go to Developer Dashboard
Frontend Integration:
- Select "Manage" -> "Build App" -> "General App"
- After filling important info, and creating successfully, retrieve
(temporary hard-code) - Add Domain URL
to configure Zoom-SDK.
Backend Intgeration:
- Select "Manage" -> "Build App" -> "Server to Server Oauth App"
- After filling all information, choose necessary scopes (create,list & delete meetings)
- Use ACCOUNT_ID, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET to authorize our app (generate access tokens) with Zoom Meeting SDK
- Note: ZOOM_API_URL = "https://api.zoom.us/v2/users/{userId}/meetings"; (replace userId with own email/id found in Zoom Portal)
Sample JSON Object (response) (ZoomService in Backend):
"id":71244335569, // This is meeting number
"host_email":"[email protected]",
"topic":"Test Meeting",