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EdgePrediction class documentation

class EdgePrediction.EdgePrediction(to_predict=None)

Edge Prediction class

Implements the aglorithm described in Bean et al. 2017

All parameters have sensible defaults except to_predict, which must be specified by the user at some point before the algorithm can run.

  • min_weight (float) – minimum allowed feature weight, default 0.0
  • max_weight (float) – maximum allowed feature weight is max_weight - step. Default 1.1 gives a max feature weight is 1.0 with the default step size 0.1
  • step (float) – step size used in parameter grid search for feature weights. Default 0.1
  • to_predict (str) – Type of edge to predict. Must exactly match an edge type in the graph and must be set by user before the prediction algorithm will run. default None.
  • pval_significance_threshold (float) – threshold applied to select features from the enrichment test. Features with p-value for enrichment (after multiple testing correction if used) < threshold are considered enriched. Default 0.05
  • require_all_predictors (bool) – Optional. If true, a model will only be trained for a given target if at least one predictor for each type of edge in the graph is found with the enrichment test (after applying multiple testing correction if used). Default True
  • objective_function (str) – Optional. This is parameterised to allow convenient extension. Only the J objective is used in Bean et al 2017. J means Youden’s J statistic, J = sensitivity + specificity - 1. Default is “J”, options are {‘J’, ‘F1’, ‘F2’, ‘F05’, ‘ACC’}.
  • ties (str) – Optional. Method used to select which set of weights to use where two sets give identical performance of the objective function. ‘first’ uses the set found first, ‘minL2norm’ uses L2 normalisation to prefer balanced weights. If two sets of weights give idential performance and have the same L2 normalisation, the weights found first are kept. This means the network_order is important for both methods. Default ‘minL2norm’, options are {‘first’, ‘minL2norm’}
  • network_order (list) – Optional. The order in which the features are iterated over. This can be important as ultimately any ties are broken by keeping the parameters found first in the search. The best order may not ultimately matter, and will be context-specific. In general it is recommended to specify the order so it will remain consistent. The default order is determined by the keys of the internal dict object, which is not guaranteed.
  • randomise_folds (bool) – Optional. Whether to randomise the order of items in the full dataset before splitting all items into train-test folds. If False, the folds will always be identical between runs. Default True
  • correct_pval (str) – Optional. Correct p-values from enrichment test for multiple testing. Currently setting anything other than “BH” will result in no correction being applied. ‘BH’ or None, default ‘BH’.
  • graphs (dict) – Internal representation of the input graph. There is one element per edge type. {‘graph’: igraph.Graph, ‘sourcenodes’: list, ‘sourcetype’: str, ‘targetnodes’: list, ‘targettype’: str}
  • can_analyse (bool) – Flag used to keep track of any conditions that mean the network cannot be analysed
  • optimisation_method (str) – Currently only “graph” is available, which implements the method of Bean et al. 2017.

CSV_to_graph(fname, header, srcNameCol, srcTypeCol, tgtNameCol, tgtTypeCol, edgeTypeCol)

Parse csv file to internal graph representation

The parsed graph is stored internally in self.graphs and is not returned.

  • fname (str) – Input file name or path
  • header (bool) – Does the input file have a header row?
  • srcNameCol (str) – Column in input file containing source node names. Zero-indexed.
  • srcTypeCol (str) – Column in input file containing source node type. Zero-indexed.
  • tgtNameCol (str) – Column in input file containing target node names. Zero-indexed.
  • tgtTypeCol (str) – Column in input file containing target node types. Zero-indexed.
  • edgeTypeCol (str) – Column in input file containing edge types. Zero-indexed.
bool – True for success, False otherwise.
Return type:


Regluarisation of weights

weights (list) – Model parameters, weights of each feature.
Float – L2 regularisation of the weights
Return type:

auc(x, y, reorder=False)

Calculate AUC

Credit to scipy.metrics

  • x (list) –
  • y (list) –
  • reorder (bool) – reorder the data points according to the x axis and using y to break ties. Default False.
area – The area under the curve
Return type:


Generate weights for parameter grid search.

Configured by the EdgePrediction object instance properties (min_weight, max_weight, step).

weights_generator – Instance of a generator that returns all combinations of parameters in the specified range
Return type:

enrichment(grouped, n_known, n_other)

Fisher’s exact test for enrichment to identify features (predictors)

  • grouped (dict) – output from from self.groupSparseAdjacency
  • n_known (int) – number of source nodes with an edge to the target node
  • n_other (int) – number of source nodes without an edge to the target node
all_pvals – Keys are edge types, values are numpy arrays. Array columns are [p, known_present, other_present, known_absent, other_absent ]
Return type:


Delete source nodes that don’t have at least one edge of every type.

self (object) –
Internal network representation is updated.
Return type:

filterSparseAdjacency(pvals, ignore=None)

Filter a sparse adjacency matrix, keeping only the target nodes that are significantly enriched

  • pvals (dict) – Output from from self.enrichment, see return value for self.enrichment
  • ignore (bool) – name of the target node that that edges are predicted for, so it should removed from the enrichment calculation
all_filtered – keys are edge types, values are {‘overlap’:list,’colnames’:list, ‘predictors’: list} ‘overlap’ : adjacency of each source node with all predictors ‘colnames’ : source nodes in the graph ‘predictors’ : all enriched predictor names
Return type:

findOptimumThreshold(score, known, calculate_auc=False)

Set the prediction threshold according to the objective function

The objective function is set by self.objective_function

  • score (dict) – output from from self.score, keys are edge types, values are dicts keyed by source node name and values are scores.
  • known (list) – source nodes with an edge to the target of type self.to_predict
  • calculate_auc (bool) – Whether or not to calculare and return the AUC. Default True.
best – Contains many standard metrics for the model, e.g. F1 score, AUC, precision, recall, which have predictable names. Important proporties of the output are: ‘threshold’ : cutoff value that maximises the objective function ‘unique_threshold’ : bool, true if the same performance can be achieved with at least one different threshold ‘hits_known’ : hits from the model that are already known in the input graph ‘hits_new’ : hits from the model that are not already known in the input graph ‘is_hit’ : bool list, hit status for every source node.
Return type:


Convenience function to list all nodes with an edge to the target.

self.to_predict must be set to a valid edge type.

target (str) – Node name.
list – all nodes with an edge to the target
Return type:

getScores(target, weights)

Calculate the score for all source nodes for a given set of weights.

Not used internally, but a convenient way to calculate the score distribution for an arbitrary set of weights to manually explore how the distribution varies with weight, or to visualise the score distributino with the trained model weights.

  • target (str) – Target node name to predict edges of type self.to_predict for.
  • weights (dict) – Keys are edge types, values are weights
scores – Keys are edge types, values are dicts keyed by source node name and values are scores.
Return type:


Adjacency for all nodes with known edges to the target vs all others.

target (str) – The name of the target node that we’re predicting edges to.
grouped – The grouped adjacency matrix. Each element of the dict is one type of edge in the network. The output is the full (sparse) matrix.
Return type:

k_fold(target, k, calculate_auc=False)

Modified k-fold cross validation.

This is a modidication of a standard k-fold cross validation. In this implementation, edges are deleted from the graph and a predictive model is then trained on this modified data. Therefore the test set is not entirely held out during training, instead it is included as true negative examples. The ability of the trained model to predict the deleted edges is determined in every fold.

  • target (str) – Target node name to predict edges of type self.to_predict for.
  • k (int) – The number of folds.
  • calculate_auc (bool) – If true, the AUC is calculated and returned for each model. Default False.
all_folds – Each item in the list is a dict. The result is the output of self.predict with additional properties. ‘left_out_predicted’ : which of the deleted edges was predicted ‘proportion_predicted’ : proportion of all deleted edges that was predicted
Return type:

loo(target, calculate_auc=False)

Leave-one-out cross validation

In each iteration, a single edge from a source node to the target node is deleted. A predictive model is trained on this modified data to determine whether the model predicts the missing (deleted) edge.

  • target (str) – Target node name to predict edges of type self.to_predict for
  • calculate_auc (bool) – If true, the AUC is calculated and returned for each model. Default False.
loo_results – Keys are names of known source nodes in the graph. Values are the objective function performance and whether the deleted edge was predicted.
Return type:


Perform feature normalisation to range 0-1.

The raw adjacencies for each feature are divided by the max value for that feature.

filtered (dict) – output of self.filterSparseAdjacency
  • all_normalised (dict) – Keys are edge types, values are dicts. The nexted dict is keyed by source node name and values are normalised adjacencies.
  • all_overlap_max (dict) – Keys are edge types, values are the max adjacency in for that edge type.

predict(target, calculate_auc=False)

Train a predictive model for a given target.

Optimum parameters are found using a grid search.

  • target (str) – target node name to predict edges of type self.to_predict for
  • calculate_auc (bool) – If True, the AUC is calculated and included in the output. Default False.
optimisation_result – Predictions from the trained model and various standard metrics such as precision, recall, F1, etc. Output contains the model target and objective function so the results are self-describing. The most important proporties are: ‘all_hits’ : all hit source nodes from the model ‘new_hits’ : all hits from the model that are not known in the input graph ‘known_hits’ : all hits from the model that are known in the input graph ‘weights’ : dict of parameters in the trained model, keys are edge types ‘threshold’ : threshold of trained model
Return type:


Train predictive models for all target nodes.

Train predictive model for all target nodes of edges with the type self.to_predict. Not all targets will necessarily results in models depending on whether any enriched features are identified, and on self.require_all_predictors. The results is the same as manually calling self.predict on each target, this function is for convenience.

calculate_auc (bool) – If true, the AUC is calculated and returned for each model. Default False.
all_results – Keys are model target node names, values are the output of self.predict()
Return type:


Automates the first two steps to prepare data for training loop

Does not need to be called manually.

self (object) –
Internal network representation is updated
Return type:


Calculate the final score for each source node from weighted features.

overlaps (dict) – output from self.weightPredictorOverlap, normalised and weighted features for each source node
scores – Keys are edge types, values are dicts keyed by source node name and values are scores.
Return type:


Efficient representation of sparse adjacency matrix.

Updates self.graphs generated from csv input with a sparse adjacency matrix. Edges are stored in both directions: source to target (ST) and target to source (TS). The representation is a dict where keys are node names and values are sets of other nodes connected with an edge of each type. There is one dict per edge type in the input data.

self (object) –
Internal network representation is updated.
Return type:

weightPredictorOverlap(overlaps, weights)

Multiply each feature by a weight.

  • overlaps (dict) – output of normalisePredictorOverlap
  • weights (dict) – Keys are edge types, values are weights
weighted – dict with same structure as input overlaps, but with all values multiplied by their respective weights
Return type: