Please configure these properties in conf/spark.conf
cp conf/spark.conf.template conf/spark.conf
Property | Meaning |
hibench.streambench.spark.batchInterval | Spark streaming Batchnterval in millisecond (default 100) |
hibench.streambench.spark.receiverNumber | Number of nodes that will receive Kafka input (default: 4) |
hibench.streambench.spark.storageLevel | Indicate RDD storage level. Indicate RDD storage level. (default: 2) 0 = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY, 1 = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, other = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2 |
hibench.streambench.spark.enableWAL | Indicate whether to test the write ahead log new feature (default: false) |
hibench.streambench.spark.checkpointPath | If testWAL is true, this path is to store stream context in hdfs shall be specified. If false, it can be empty (default: /var/tmp) |
hibench.streambench.spark.useDirectMode | Whether to use direct approach or not (dafault: true) |