Return whether or not the given key is currently pressed down.
Use the following strings to specify the key:
'a' through 'z' -> letter keys
'0' through '9' -> number keys (not numpad)
'backspace' -> backspace
'enter' -> enter / return
'esc' -> escape
'space' -> spacebar
'left' -> left arrow key
'right' -> right arrow key
'up' -> up arrow key
'down' -> down arrow key
Like isKeyDown
, except returns True
for only a single frame when
the key goes from up to down (i.e., the moment the key is pressed).
Like isKeyDown
, except returns True
for only a single frame when
the key goes from down to up (i.e., the moment the key is released).
Return whether or not the given mouse button is currently pressed down
Use the following strings to specify the button:
'left' -> left button
'middle' -> middle button (scroll wheel)
'right' -> right button
'x1' -> extra button 1 (not applicable to all mice)
'x2' -> extra button 2 (not applicable to all mice)