Auth by passport (nuxt-auth)
If spam gets out of hand once I go live
- Split mail server to own docker image
- Create internal HTTP endpoint on the nodejs SMPT server, so I can still send emails from the nodejs HTTP server.
- On SMPT node server, use SpamScanner to filter out spam.
- On SMPT node server, install dependencies.
Deploy client from CI/CD pipeline
Optimize CI/CD pipeline
- Make sure all forms are tracked
- Make sure all page visits are tracked
- Make sure all buttons are tracked
- See https://github.com/mixpanel/mixpanel-js/blob/master/doc/readme.io/javascript-full-api-reference.md#mixpaneltrack_forms
DB backup
- For the dB restore script, add option to select the latest entry
Configure CSS lib
- Tailwind? https://nuxt.com/modules/tailwindcss
- or UnoCSS? https://nuxt.com/modules/unocss
Configure tests
Configure state mgmt
Configure i18n
Configure SEO
- See
- https://nuxt.com/modules/seo-kit
- https://github.com/harlan-zw/nuxt-seo-kit OR
- https://nuxt.com/modules/simple-sitemap
- https://nuxt.com/modules/schema-org
- https://github.com/harlan-zw/nuxt-unhead OTHER (not either or)
- https://github.com/harlan-zw/nuxt-delay-hydration OTHER SEO (not sure if covered by above or not)
- https://nuxt.com/modules/simple-robots
- https://nuxt.com/modules/og-image
- See
At this point, maybe make a project with sidebase, and see which one you like more
- see
- https://sidebase.io/sidebase/welcome
- Also see this as alternative
- see
Also check out other projects by sidebase
Auth strategy
- See
- https://nuxt.com/modules/security
- https://nuxt.com/modules/csurf (IS IT INCLUDED IN nuxt-security?)
- See
Configure Robots.txt
Desktop vs mobile view
Optimize images
Add color mode
Drop unused CSS
Check that DevTools is integrated properly
Check if html-validator works
Check if typed router works
Based on content strategy
- Parse content directory
- Add GraphQL layer
- https://nuxt.com/modules/apollo OR
- If I need to host content on CMS, I could use Strapi
If content local, define assets locally with content
Icons - Do I want to use these?
SVGs - Do I want to use this?
- Algolia
- Meilisearch
Cookie banner
Monitor web vitals (or at least log them to console)
Live chat? (e.g. like Intercom)