On its official website you can download Mustang 2.
- Factur-X/ZUGFeRD 2 is now the default. In Mustangproject 1.x one had to select ZUGFeRD version 2 if that was desired, in Mustangproject 2 one now has to select ZUGFeRD version 1 if version 2 is not appropriate.
- Mustang is now available via Maven Central, which makes it even easier to use the Mustang library. Apart from making it easier in Maven because there is no longer the need to mention the custom repository, it also makes it possible to use Mustang in Gradle projects
- ZUGFeRD 2.1.1 is now supported with its XRechnung "reference profile". The previous stable version, Mustang 1.7.8, only supported ZUGFeRD 2.1.
- There is now an experimental visualization feature and an improved experimental upgrade functionality from ZF1 XML to ZF2 XML.
- Mustang now supports percentual and absolute charges and allowances on both item and document level
- Mustang can now embed additional invoice-accompanying files like plans or worklists into the PDFs
- Additionally to the usual interface-based architecture there are now also classes for invoice, tradeparty etc., which makes it easier to develop in the Mustang library. Please feel free to have a look at its tests on https://github.com/ZUGFeRD/mustangproject/blob/master/library/src/test/java/org/mustangproject/ZUGFeRD/ZF2PushTest.java.
- Mustang now includes a validator, which can check the syntactical correctness of an e-invoice. The validator component has previously been developed under the name ZUGFeRD and VeraPDF "ZUV". It is now mature enough to be merged into the Mustang mainstream project. ZUV already was the validator behind https://www.zugferd-community.net/de/open_community/validation with around 1,000 validations/month alone, supports ZUGFeRD 1 and ZUGFeRD 2 and can be used via commandline. Additionally, the Mustang validator now also supports XRechnung 2, can now also be used as library and supports validation of whole directory trees.
java -jar Mustang-CLI-2.0.0-alpha3.jar --action=combine
embeds a XML into a PDF (A-1) file and exports as PDF/A-3
java -jar mustang-cli.jar --action=extract
extracts XML from a ZUGFeRD file and
java -jar mustang-cli.jar --action=validate
validates XML or PDF files.
java -jar mustang-cli.jar --help
still outputs the parameters which can be used
to for non-interactive (i.e., batch) processing.
The source file parameter for validation changed
from -f
(ZUV) to the usual --source
We're now on maven central, please remove the old github repository. Additionally, the following changed
What | old value | new value |
Group id | org.mustangproject.zugferd | org.mustangproject |
Artifact ID | mustang | library |
Version | 1.7.8 | 2.0.0-alpha3 |
If you want you can also embed the validator in your software using validator as artifact ID. "validator" includes the library functionality but is >20 MB bigger due to its dependencies.
ZF2 was possible with Mustang 1 but it is default in Mustang 2, so
you will need to .setZUGFeRDVersion(1)
if you don't want ZUGFeRD 2 files.
In the commandline, all actions will have to be invoked via --action=, so --combine changes to --action=combine.
is now called setTransaction
and instead of
a ZUGFeRDExporterFromA1Factory
the ZUGFeRDExporterFromA1
will now return a
a class implementing IZUGFeRDExporter
instead of a ZUGFeRDExporter
ZUGFeRDExporter ze = new ZUGFeRDExporterFromA1Factory().setZUGFeRDConformanceLevel(ZUGFeRDConformanceLevel.COMFORT).load(SOURCE_PDF)) {
changes to
IZUGFeRDExporter ze = new ZUGFeRDExporterFromA1().setZUGFeRDVersion(1).setZUGFeRDConformanceLevel(ZUGFeRDConformanceLevel.EN16931).load(SOURCE_PDF)) {
Instead of Profile.EXTENDED
use Profiles.getByName("Extended")
If you want to use Profiles from older versions, please specify the version like
for an Extended profile of ZF1.
The old Contact class has been corrected to TradeParty. The TradeParty class can now refer to a (human) Contact from the new Contact() class.
The importer can still be used like
ZUGFeRDImporter zi = new ZUGFeRDImporter(inputStream);
String amount = zi.getAmount();
but there is also the new invoiceImporter
ZUGFeRDInvoiceImporter zii=new ZUGFeRDInvoiceImporter(TARGET_PDF);
Invoice invoice=null;
try {
} catch (XPathExpressionException | ParseException e) {
// handle Exceptions
// Reading ZUGFeRD
assertEquals("Bei Spiel GmbH", invoice.getOwnOrganisationName());
assertEquals(3, invoice.getZFItems().length);
assertEquals("400.0000", invoice.getZFItems()[1].getQuantity().toString());
assertEquals("160.0000", invoice.getZFItems()[0].getPrice().toString());
assertEquals("Heiße Luft pro Liter", invoice.getZFItems()[2].getProduct().getName());
assertEquals("LTR", invoice.getZFItems()[2].getProduct().getUnit());
assertEquals("7.00", invoice.getZFItems()[0].getProduct().getVATPercent().toString());
assertEquals("RE-20170509/505", invoice.getNumber());
SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
assertEquals("Bahnstr. 42", invoice.getRecipient().getStreet());
assertEquals("88802", invoice.getRecipient().getZIP());
assertEquals("DE", invoice.getRecipient().getCountry());
assertEquals("Spielkreis", invoice.getRecipient().getLocation());
TransactionCalculator tc=new TransactionCalculator(invoice);
assertEquals(new BigDecimal("571.04"),tc.getTotalGross());
From maven central fetch
import org.mustangproject.Contact;
import org.mustangproject.Invoice;
import org.mustangproject.Item;
import org.mustangproject.Product;
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.IZUGFeRDExporter;
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.Profiles;
import org.mustangproject.ZUGFeRD.ZUGFeRDExporterFromA1;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Date;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Invoice i = new Invoice().setDueDate(new Date()).setIssueDate(new Date()).setDeliveryDate(new Date()).setOwnOrganisationName("My company").setOwnStreet("teststr").setOwnZIP("12345").setOwnLocation("teststadt").setOwnCountry("DE").setOwnTaxID("4711").setOwnVATID("0815").setRecipient(new Contact("Franz Müller", "0177123456", "[email protected]", "teststr.12", "55232", "Entenhausen", "DE")).setNumber("INV/123").addItem(new Item(new Product("Testprodukt", "", "C62", new BigDecimal(0)), new BigDecimal(1.0), new BigDecimal(1.0)));
try {
IZUGFeRDExporter ie = new ZUGFeRDExporterFromA1().load("source.pdf").setZUGFeRDVersion(2).setProfile(Profiles.EN16931);
} catch (Exception e) {
A invoice like this
Invoice i = new Invoice().setDueDate(new Date()).setIssueDate(new Date()).setDeliveryDate(new Date()).setOwnOrganisationName(orgname).setOwnStreet("teststr").setOwnZIP("55232").setOwnLocation("teststadt").setOwnCountry("DE").setOwnTaxID("4711").setOwnVATID("0815").setRecipient(new Contact("Franz Müller", "0177123456", "[email protected]", "teststr.12", "55232", "Entenhausen", "DE")).setNumber(number).addItem(new Item(new Product("Testprodukt", "", "C62", new BigDecimal(0)), amount, new BigDecimal(1.0)));
can be used to get XML
ZUGFeRD2PullProvider zf2p = new ZUGFeRD2PullProvider();
String theXML = new String(zf2p.getXML());
or can also be used with setTransaction to generate invoice PDFs straight away.
The functionality is based on the XSLT file in library/src/main/resources/stylesheets/ZF1ToZF2.xsl, it can be accessed via
XMLUpgrader zmi = new XMLUpgrader();
String xml = zmi.migrateFromV1ToV2(xmlName);
Files.write(Paths.get(outName), xml.getBytes());
In case you don't want to access this functionality over the commandline you can use
ZUGFeRDVisualizer zvi = new ZUGFeRDVisualizer();
xml = zvi.visualize(sourceName);
Files.write(Paths.get("factur-x.xml"), xml.getBytes());
for the visualizer. The output requires a CSS and a javascript file which are in the jar's resources as (/src/main/resources/)xrechnung-viewer.css (/src/main/respurces/)xrechnung-viewer.js
The validator library also contains the functionality to read/write ZUGFeRD-invoices like the (smaller) library module.
import org.mustangproject.validator.ZUGFeRDValidator;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ZUGFeRDValidator zfv = new ZUGFeRDValidator();