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hijack: add include=:static option
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rfourquet committed Aug 6, 2021
1 parent d9b6e5c commit 0811af3
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Showing 6 changed files with 150 additions and 40 deletions.
50 changes: 42 additions & 8 deletions src/ReTest.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ using .Testset: Testset, Format, print_id
Base.@kwdef mutable struct Options
verbose::Bool = false # annotated verbosity
transient_verbose::Bool = false # verbosity for next run
static_include::Bool = false # whether to execute include at `replace_ts` time

mutable struct TestsetExpr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,13 +109,25 @@ struct _Invalid
global const invalid = _Invalid.instance

function extract_testsets(dest)
function extractor(x)
if Meta.isexpr(x, :macrocall) && x.args[1] == Symbol("@testset")
push!(dest, x)
nothing # @testset move out of the evaluated file

# replace unqualified `@testset` by TestsetExpr
function replace_ts(source, mod, x::Expr, parent)
function replace_ts(source, mod, x::Expr, parent; static_include::Bool)
if x.head === :macrocall
name = x.args[1]
if name === Symbol("@testset")
@assert x.args[2] isa LineNumberNode
ts, hasbroken = parse_ts(x.args[2], mod, Tuple(x.args[3:end]), parent)
ts, hasbroken = parse_ts(x.args[2], mod, Tuple(x.args[3:end]), parent;
ts !== invalid && parent !== nothing && push!(parent.children, ts)
ts, false # hasbroken counts only "proper" @test_broken, not recursive ones
elseif name === Symbol("@test_broken")
Expand All @@ -123,7 +136,7 @@ function replace_ts(source, mod, x::Expr, parent)
# `@test` is generally called a lot, so it's probably worth it to skip
# the containment test in this case
x = macroexpand(mod, x, recursive=false)
replace_ts(source, mod, x, parent)
replace_ts(source, mod, x, parent; static_include=static_include)
@goto default
Expand All @@ -133,18 +146,34 @@ function replace_ts(source, mod, x::Expr, parent)
x.args[end] = path isa AbstractString ?
joinpath(sourcepath, path) :
:(joinpath($sourcepath, $path))
x, false
if static_include
length(x.args) == 2 || error("cannot handle include with two arguments: $x")
news = Expr(:block)
insert!(x.args, 2, extract_testsets(news.args))
Core.eval(mod, x)
@warn "could not statically include at $source"
deleteat!(x.args, 2)
return x, false
replace_ts(source, mod, news, parent; static_include=static_include)
x, false
else @label default
body_br = map(z -> replace_ts(source, mod, z, parent), x.args)
body_br = map(z -> replace_ts(source, mod, z, parent; static_include=static_include),
filter!(x -> first(x) !== invalid, body_br)
Expr(x.head, first.(body_br)...), any(last.(body_br))

replace_ts(source, mod, x, _) = x, false
replace_ts(source, mod, x, _1; static_include::Bool) = x, false

# create a TestsetExpr from @testset's args
function parse_ts(source::LineNumberNode, mod::Module, args::Tuple, parent=nothing)
function parse_ts(source::LineNumberNode, mod::Module, args::Tuple, parent=nothing;
function tserror(msg)
@error msg _file=String(source.file) _line=source.line _module=mod
invalid, false
Expand All @@ -158,6 +187,10 @@ function parse_ts(source::LineNumberNode, mod::Module, args::Tuple, parent=nothi
marks = Marks()
if parent !== nothing
append!(marks.hard, parent.marks.hard) # copy! not available in Julia 1.0
options.static_include = parent.options.static_include
# if static_include was set in parent, it should have been forwarded also
# through the parse_ts/replace_ts call chains:
@assert static_include == parent.options.static_include
for arg in args[1:end-1]
if arg isa String || Meta.isexpr(arg, :string)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +240,8 @@ function parse_ts(source::LineNumberNode, mod::Module, args::Tuple, parent=nothi

ts = TestsetExpr(source, mod, desc, options, marks, loops, parent)
ts.body, ts.hasbroken = replace_ts(source, mod, tsbody, ts)
ts.body, ts.hasbroken = replace_ts(source, mod, tsbody, ts;
ts, false # hasbroken counts only "proper" @test_broken, not recursive ones

Expand Down
98 changes: 68 additions & 30 deletions src/hijack.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ const loaded_testmodules = Dict{Module,Vector{Module}}()

ReTest.hijack(source, [modname];
parentmodule::Module=Main, lazy=false, testset::Bool=false,
parentmodule::Module=Main, lazy=false, [include::Symbol],
Given test files defined in `source` using the `Test` package, try to load
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -143,11 +143,10 @@ The `lazy` keyword specifies whether some toplevel expressions should be skipped
* `:brutal` means toplevel `@test*` macros are removed, as well as toplevel
`begin`, `let`, `for` or `if` blocks.
#### `testset` keyword
#### `include` keyword
The `testset` keyword can help to handle the case where `@testset`s contain
`include` expressions (at the "toplevel" of the testset), like in the
following example:
The `include` keyword can help to handle the case where `@testset`s contain
`include` expressions, like in the following example:
@testset "parent" begin
@test true
Expand All @@ -161,11 +160,28 @@ of the testset which include them. With `ReTest`, the `include` expressions
would be evaluated only when the parent testsets are run, so that included
testsets are not run themselves, but only "declared".
It the `testset` keyword
is `true`, `hijack` inspects `@testset` expressions and puts `include`
expressions outside of the testset. This is not ideal, but at least allows
`ReTest` to know about all the testsets right after the call to `hijack`, and
to not declare new testsets when parent testsets are run.
If the `include` keyword is set to `:static`, `include(...)` expressions are
evaluated when `@testset` expressions containing them are parsed, before
filtering and before testsets are run. Testsets which are declared (within the
same module) as a side effect of `include(...)` are then inserted in place of
the call to `include(...)`.
If the `include` keyword is set to `:outline`, `hijack` inspects topelevel
`@testset` expressions and puts toplevel `include(...)` expressions outside of
the containing testset, and should therefore be evaluated immediately. This is
not ideal, but at least allows `ReTest` to know about all the testsets right
after the call to `hijack`, and to not declare new testsets when parent
testsets are run.
The `:outline` option might be deprecated in the future, and `include=:static`
should generally be preferred. One case where `:outline` might work better is
when the included file defines a submodule: `ReTest` doesn't have the concept
of a nested testset belonging to a different module than the parent testset,
so the best that can be done here is to "outline" such nested testsets; with
`include=:outline`, `hijack` will "process" the content of such submodules
(replace `using Test` by `using ReTest`, etc.), whereas with
`include=:static`, the subdmodules will get defined after `hijack` has
returned (on the first call to `retest` thereafter), so won't be "processed".
#### `revise` keyword
Expand All @@ -180,8 +196,12 @@ and to `false` otherwise.
function hijack end

# TODO 0.4: remove `testset` kwarg
# TODO: maybe deprecate `include=:outline`?

function hijack(path::AbstractString, modname=nothing; parentmodule::Module=Main,
lazy=false, testset::Bool=false, revise::Maybe{Bool}=nothing)
lazy=false, revise::Maybe{Bool}=nothing,
include::Maybe{Symbol}=nothing, testset::Bool=false)

# do first, to error early if necessary
Revise = get_revise(revise)
Expand All @@ -192,22 +212,34 @@ function hijack(path::AbstractString, modname=nothing; parentmodule::Module=Main
modname = Symbol(modname)

newmod = @eval parentmodule module $modname end
populate_mod!(newmod, path; lazy=lazy, testset=testset, Revise=Revise)
populate_mod!(newmod, path; lazy=lazy, include=setinclude(include, testset),

function setinclude(include, testset)
if testset
include === nothing || error("cannot specify both `testset` and `include` arguments")
include === nothing || include === :static || include === :outline ||
error("`include` keyword only accepts `:static` or `:outline` as value")

# this is just a work-around for v"1.5", where @__MODULE__ can't be used in
# expressions; root_module[] is set equal to @__MODULE__ within modules
const root_module = Ref{Symbol}()

__init__() = root_module[] = gensym("MODULE")

function populate_mod!(mod::Module, path; lazy, Revise, testset)
function populate_mod!(mod::Module, path; lazy, Revise, include)
lazy (true, false, :brutal) ||
throw(ArgumentError("the `lazy` keyword must be `true`, `false` or `:brutal`"))

files = Revise === nothing ? nothing : Dict(path => mod)
substitute!(x) = substitute_retest!(x, lazy, testset, files)
substitute!(x) = substitute_retest!(x, lazy, include, files)

@eval mod begin
using ReTest # for files which don't have `using Test`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,7 +267,8 @@ function revise_track(Revise, files)

function hijack(packagemod::Module, modname=nothing; parentmodule::Module=Main,
lazy=false, testset::Bool=false, revise::Maybe{Bool}=nothing)
lazy=false, revise::Maybe{Bool}=nothing,
include::Maybe{Symbol}=nothing, testset::Bool=false)
packagepath = pathof(packagemod)
packagepath === nothing && packagemod !== Base &&
throw(ArgumentError("$packagemod is not a package"))
Expand All @@ -253,13 +286,13 @@ function hijack(packagemod::Module, modname=nothing; parentmodule::Module=Main,
path = joinpath(dirname(dirname(packagepath)), "test", "runtests.jl")
hijack(path, modname, parentmodule=parentmodule,
lazy=lazy, testset=testset, revise=revise)
lazy=lazy, testset=testset, include=include, revise=revise)

function substitute_retest!(ex, lazy, testset, files=nothing;
function substitute_retest!(ex, lazy, include_, files=nothing;
substitute!(x) = substitute_retest!(x, lazy, testset, files, ishijack=ishijack)
substitute!(x) = substitute_retest!(x, lazy, include_, files, ishijack=ishijack)

if Meta.isexpr(ex, :using)
ishijack || return ex
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,19 +342,24 @@ function substitute_retest!(ex, lazy, testset, files=nothing;
ishijack || return ex
if lazy != false && ex.args[1] TEST_MACROS
elseif testset && ex.args[1] == Symbol("@testset")
# we remove `include` expressions and put them out of the `@testset`
body = ex.args[end]
if body.head == :for
body = body.args[end]
elseif include_ !== nothing && ex.args[1] == Symbol("@testset")
if include_ === :outline
# we remove `include` expressions and put them out of the `@testset`
body = ex.args[end]
if body.head == :for
body = body.args[end]
includes = splice!(body.args, findall(body.args) do x
Meta.isexpr(x, :call) && x.args[1] == :include
map!(substitute!, includes, includes)
ex.head = :block
newts = Expr(:macrocall, ex.args...)
push!(empty!(ex.args), newts, includes...)
else # :static
pos = ex.args[2] isa LineNumberNode ? 3 : 2
insert!(ex.args, pos, :(static_include=true))
includes = splice!(body.args, findall(body.args) do x
Meta.isexpr(x, :call) && x.args[1] == :include
map!(substitute!, includes, includes)
ex.head = :block
newts = Expr(:macrocall, ex.args...)
push!(empty!(ex.args), newts, includes...)
elseif ex isa Expr && ex.head (:block, :let, :for, :while, :if, :try)
if lazy == :brutal
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions test/Hijack/test/include_static.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# include = :static
using Hijack, Test

@testset "include_static" begin
@test true
push!(Hijack.RUN, 1)
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/Hijack/test/include_static_included1.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
@testset "include_static_included1 $i" for i=1:2
@test true
@testset "nested include_static_included1" begin
@test true
push!(Hijack.RUN, 2)
# test that `include` kwarg is forwarded
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/Hijack/test/include_static_included2.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
@testset "include_static_included2" begin
@test true
push!(Hijack.RUN, 3)
21 changes: 19 additions & 2 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1790,10 +1790,27 @@ end
@test_throws ArgumentError ReTest.hijack("./Hijack/test/lazy.jl", :HijackWrong, lazy=:wrong)

# test testset=true
# test include=:outline
ReTest.hijack("./Hijack/test/testset.jl", :HijackTestset, testset=true)
ReTest.hijack("./Hijack/test/testset.jl", :HijackTestset, include=:outline)
@test Hijack.RUN == [1, 2, 3]

# test include=:static
@test_throws ErrorException ReTest.hijack("./Hijack/test/include_static.jl", :HijackInclude, include=:static, testset=true)
@test_throws ErrorException ReTest.hijack("./Hijack/test/include_static.jl", :HijackInclude, include=:notvalid)
ReTest.hijack("./Hijack/test/include_static.jl", :HijackInclude, include=:static)
check(HijackInclude, dry=true, [], output="""
1| include_static
2| include_static_included1 1
3| nested include_static_included1
4| include_static_included2
2| include_static_included1 2
3| nested include_static_included1
4| include_static_included2
@test Hijack.RUN == [1, 2, 3, 2, 3]

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