This package provides sameple problems suitable for developing and testing first and second-order methods for regularized optimization, i.e., they have the general form
\[\min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^n} \ f(x) + h(x),\]
where $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ has Lipschitz-continuous gradient and $h: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R} \cup \{\infty\}$ is lower semi-continuous and proper. The smooth term f describes the objective to minimize while the role of the regularizer h is to select a solution with desirable properties: minimum norm, sparsity below a certain level, maximum sparsity, etc.
Models for f are instances of NLPModels and often represent nonlinear least-squares residuals, i.e., $f(x) = \tfrac{1}{2} \|F(x)\|_2^2$ where $F: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^m$.
The regularizer $h$ should be obtained from ProximalOperators.jl.
The final regularized problem is intended to be solved by way of solver for nonsmooth regularized optimization such as those in RegularizedOptimization.jl.
Problems implemented
Basis-pursuit denoise
Calling model = bpdn_model()
returns a model representing the smooth underdetermined linear least-squares residual
\[f(x) = \tfrac{1}{2} \|Ax - b\|_2^2,\]
where $A$ has orthonormal rows. The right-hand side is generated as $b = A x_{\star} + \varepsilon$ where $x_{\star}$ is a sparse vector, $\varepsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma)$ and $\sigma \in (0, 1)$ is a fixed noise level.
When solving the basis-pursuit denoise problem, the goal is to recover $x \approx x_{\star}$. In particular, $x$ should have the same sparsity pattern as $x_{\star}$. That is typically accomplished by choosing a regularizer of the form
- $h(x) = \lambda \|x\|_1$ for a well-chosen $\lambda > 0$;
- $h(x) = \|x\|_0$;
- $h(x) = \chi(x; k \mathbb{B}_0)$ for $k \approx \|x_{\star}\|_0$;
where $\chi(x; k \mathbb{B}_0)$ is the indicator of the $\ell_0$-pseudonorm ball of radius $k$.
Calling model = bpdn_nls_model()
returns the same problem modeled explicitly as a least-squares problem.
Fitzhugh-Nagumo data-fitting problem
If ADNLPModels
and DifferentialEquations
have been imported, model = fh_model()
returns a model representing the over-determined nonlinear least-squares residual
\[f(x) = \tfrac{1}{2} \|F(x)\|_2^2,\]
where $F: \mathbb{R}^5 \to \mathbb{R}^{202}$ represents the residual between a simulation of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo system with parameters $x$ and a simulation of the Van der Pol oscillator with preset, but unknown, parameters $x_{\star}$.
A feature of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo model is that it reduces to the Van der Pol oscillator when certain parameters are set to zero. Thus here again, the objective is to recover a sparse solution to the data-fitting problem. Hence, typical regularizers are the same as those used for the basis-pursuit denoise problem.