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αmax = 1/eps(T): maximum step parameter for fomo algorithm.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of evaluation of the objective function.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
M = 1 : requires objective decrease over the M last iterates (nonmonotone context). M=1 implies monotone behaviour.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
step_backend = r2_step(): step computation mode. Options are r2_step() for quadratic regulation step and tr_step() for first-order trust-region.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
A First-Order with MOmentum (FOMO) model-based method for unconstrained optimization. Supports quadratic regularization and trust region method with linear model.
Algorithm description
The step is computed along d = - (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) - βmax .* mk with mk the memory of past gradients (initialized at 0), and updated at each successful iteration as mk .= ∇f(xk) .* (1 - βmax) .+ mk .* βmax and βmax ∈ [0,β] chosen as to ensure d is gradient-related, i.e., the following 2 conditions are satisfied: (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖² (1) ‖∇f(xk)‖ ≥ θ2 * ‖(1-βmax) . ∇f(xk) + βmax . mk‖ (2) In the nonmonotone case, (1) rewrites (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk + (fm - fk)/μk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖², with fm the largest objective value over the last M successful iterations, and fk = f(xk).
Advanced usage
For advanced usage, first define a FomoSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:
A First-Order with MOmentum (FOMO) model-based method for unconstrained optimization. Supports quadratic regularization and trust region method with linear model.
Algorithm description
The step is computed along d = - (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) - βmax .* mk with mk the memory of past gradients (initialized at 0), and updated at each successful iteration as mk .= ∇f(xk) .* (1 - βmax) .+ mk .* βmax and βmax ∈ [0,β] chosen as to ensure d is gradient-related, i.e., the following 2 conditions are satisfied: (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖² (1) ‖∇f(xk)‖ ≥ θ2 * ‖(1-βmax) . ∇f(xk) + βmax . mk‖ (2) In the nonmonotone case, (1) rewrites (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk + (fm - fk)/μk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖², with fm the largest objective value over the last M successful iterations, and fk = f(xk).
Advanced usage
For advanced usage, first define a FomoSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:
γ3 = T(1/2) : momentum factor βmax update parameter in case of unsuccessful iteration.
αmax = 1/eps(T): maximum step parameter for fomo algorithm.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
β = T(0.9) ∈ [0,1): target decay rate for the momentum.
θ1 = T(0.1): momentum contribution parameter for convergence condition (1).
θ2 = T(eps(T)^(1/3)): momentum contribution parameter for convergence condition (2).
M = 1 : requires objective decrease over the M last iterates (nonmonotone context). M=1 implies monotone behaviour.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
step_backend = r2_step(): step computation mode. Options are r2_step() for quadratic regulation step and tr_step() for first-order trust-region.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user || stats.stats = :unknown will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of current gradient;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm has attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
nlp::AbstractNLPModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
mem::Int = 5: memory parameter of the lbfgs algorithm.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖∇f(xᵏ)‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
τ₁::T = T(0.9999): slope factor in the Wolfe condition when performing the line search.
bk_max:: Int = 25: maximum number of backtracks when performing the line search.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
verbose_subsolver::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every verbose_subsolver iteration of the subsolver.
The returned value is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
use_only_objgrad::Bool = false: If true, the algorithm uses only the function objgrad instead of obj and grad.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolver are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
TRON is described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
Optimization Problems*, SIAM J. Optim., 9(4), 1100–1127, 1999.
DOI: 10.1137/S1052623498345075
using JSOSolvers, ADNLPModels
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
stats = tron(nlp)
A pure Julia implementation of a trust-region solver for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems:
min ½‖F(x)‖² s.t. ℓ ≦ x ≦ u
For advanced usage, first define a TronSolverNLS to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!: solver = TronSolverNLS(nls, subsolver_type::Type{<:KrylovSolver} = LsmrSolver; kwargs...) solve!(solver, nls; kwargs...)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
subsolver_type::Symbol = LsmrSolver: Krylov.jl method used as subproblem solver, see JSOSolvers.tronls_allowed_subsolvers for a list.
μ₀::T = T(1e-2): algorithm parameter in (0, 0.5).
μ₁::T = one(T): algorithm parameter in (0, +∞).
σ::T = T(10): algorithm parameter in (1, +∞).
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
max_cgiter::Int = 50: subproblem iteration limit.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolverNLS are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This is an adaptation for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems of the TRON method described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
+stats = solve!(solver, nlp)
A pure Julia implementation of a trust-region solver for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems:
min ½‖F(x)‖² s.t. ℓ ≦ x ≦ u
For advanced usage, first define a TronSolverNLS to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!: solver = TronSolverNLS(nls, subsolver_type::Type{<:KrylovSolver} = LsmrSolver; kwargs...) solve!(solver, nls; kwargs...)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
subsolver_type::Symbol = LsmrSolver: Krylov.jl method used as subproblem solver, see JSOSolvers.tronls_allowed_subsolvers for a list.
μ₀::T = T(1e-2): algorithm parameter in (0, 0.5).
μ₁::T = one(T): algorithm parameter in (0, +∞).
σ::T = T(10): algorithm parameter in (1, +∞).
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
max_cgiter::Int = 50: subproblem iteration limit.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolverNLS are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This is an adaptation for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems of the TRON method described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
Optimization Problems*, SIAM J. Optim., 9(4), 1100–1127, 1999.
DOI: 10.1137/S1052623498345075
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖∇f(xᵏ)‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
bk_max::Int = 10: algorithm parameter.
monotone::Bool = true: algorithm parameter.
nm_itmax::Int = 25: algorithm parameter.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
M: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of size n; passed to Krylov subsolvers.
The returned value is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This implementation follows the description given in
A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould, and Ph. L. Toint,
Trust-Region Methods, volume 1 of MPS/SIAM Series on Optimization.
SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2000.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
stats = trunk(nlp)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖∇f(xᵏ)‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
bk_max::Int = 10: algorithm parameter.
monotone::Bool = true: algorithm parameter.
nm_itmax::Int = 25: algorithm parameter.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
See JSOSolvers.trunkls_allowed_subsolvers for a list of available KrylovSolver.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This implementation follows the description given in
A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould, and Ph. L. Toint,
Trust-Region Methods, volume 1 of MPS/SIAM Series on Optimization.
SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2000.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
x0 = [-1.2; 1.0]
nls = ADNLSModel(F, x0, 2)
solver = TrunkSolverNLS(nls)
-stats = solve!(solver, nls)
αmax = 1/eps(T): maximum step parameter for fomo algorithm.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of evaluation of the objective function.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
M = 1 : requires objective decrease over the M last iterates (nonmonotone context). M=1 implies monotone behaviour.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
step_backend = r2_step(): step computation mode. Options are r2_step() for quadratic regulation step and tr_step() for first-order trust-region.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
αmax = 1/eps(T): maximum step parameter for fomo algorithm.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of evaluation of the objective function.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
M = 1 : requires objective decrease over the M last iterates (nonmonotone context). M=1 implies monotone behaviour.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
step_backend = r2_step(): step computation mode. Options are r2_step() for quadratic regulation step and tr_step() for first-order trust-region.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
Compute βmax which saturates the contribution of the momentum term to the gradient. βmax is computed such that the two gradient-related conditions (first one is relaxed in the nonmonotone case) are ensured:
Compute βmax which saturates the contribution of the momentum term to the gradient. βmax is computed such that the two gradient-related conditions (first one is relaxed in the nonmonotone case) are ensured:
αmax = 1/eps(T): maximum step parameter for fomo algorithm.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of evaluation of the objective function.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
M = 1 : requires objective decrease over the M last iterates (nonmonotone context). M=1 implies monotone behaviour.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
step_backend = r2_step(): step computation mode. Options are r2_step() for quadratic regulation step and tr_step() for first-order trust-region.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
A First-Order with MOmentum (FOMO) model-based method for unconstrained optimization. Supports quadratic regularization and trust region method with linear model.
Algorithm description
The step is computed along d = - (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) - βmax .* mk with mk the memory of past gradients (initialized at 0), and updated at each successful iteration as mk .= ∇f(xk) .* (1 - βmax) .+ mk .* βmax and βmax ∈ [0,β] chosen as to ensure d is gradient-related, i.e., the following 2 conditions are satisfied: (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖² (1) ‖∇f(xk)‖ ≥ θ2 * ‖(1-βmax) . ∇f(xk) + βmax . mk‖ (2) In the nonmonotone case, (1) rewrites (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk + (fm - fk)/μk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖², with fm the largest objective value over the last M successful iterations, and fk = f(xk).
Advanced usage
For advanced usage, first define a FomoSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:
A First-Order with MOmentum (FOMO) model-based method for unconstrained optimization. Supports quadratic regularization and trust region method with linear model.
Algorithm description
The step is computed along d = - (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) - βmax .* mk with mk the memory of past gradients (initialized at 0), and updated at each successful iteration as mk .= ∇f(xk) .* (1 - βmax) .+ mk .* βmax and βmax ∈ [0,β] chosen as to ensure d is gradient-related, i.e., the following 2 conditions are satisfied: (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖² (1) ‖∇f(xk)‖ ≥ θ2 * ‖(1-βmax) . ∇f(xk) + βmax . mk‖ (2) In the nonmonotone case, (1) rewrites (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk + (fm - fk)/μk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖², with fm the largest objective value over the last M successful iterations, and fk = f(xk).
Advanced usage
For advanced usage, first define a FomoSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:
γ3 = T(1/2) : momentum factor βmax update parameter in case of unsuccessful iteration.
αmax = 1/eps(T): maximum step parameter for fomo algorithm.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
β = T(0.9) ∈ [0,1): target decay rate for the momentum.
θ1 = T(0.1): momentum contribution parameter for convergence condition (1).
θ2 = T(eps(T)^(1/3)): momentum contribution parameter for convergence condition (2).
M = 1 : requires objective decrease over the M last iterates (nonmonotone context). M=1 implies monotone behaviour.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
step_backend = r2_step(): step computation mode. Options are r2_step() for quadratic regulation step and tr_step() for first-order trust-region.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user || stats.stats = :unknown will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of current gradient;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm has attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
nlp::AbstractNLPModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
mem::Int = 5: memory parameter of the lbfgs algorithm.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖∇f(xᵏ)‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
τ₁::T = T(0.9999): slope factor in the Wolfe condition when performing the line search.
bk_max:: Int = 25: maximum number of backtracks when performing the line search.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
verbose_subsolver::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every verbose_subsolver iteration of the subsolver.
The returned value is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
A pure Julia implementation of a trust-region solver for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems:
min ½‖F(x)‖² s.t. ℓ ≦ x ≦ u
For advanced usage, first define a TronSolverNLS to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!: solver = TronSolverNLS(nls, subsolver_type::Type{<:KrylovSolver} = LsmrSolver; kwargs...) solve!(solver, nls; kwargs...)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
subsolver_type::Symbol = LsmrSolver: Krylov.jl method used as subproblem solver, see JSOSolvers.tronls_allowed_subsolvers for a list.
μ₀::T = T(1e-2): algorithm parameter in (0, 0.5).
μ₁::T = one(T): algorithm parameter in (0, +∞).
σ::T = T(10): algorithm parameter in (1, +∞).
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
max_cgiter::Int = 50: subproblem iteration limit.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolverNLS are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This is an adaptation for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems of the TRON method described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
+"Execution stats: first-order stationary"
A pure Julia implementation of a trust-region solver for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems:
min ½‖F(x)‖² s.t. ℓ ≦ x ≦ u
For advanced usage, first define a TronSolverNLS to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!: solver = TronSolverNLS(nls, subsolver_type::Type{<:KrylovSolver} = LsmrSolver; kwargs...) solve!(solver, nls; kwargs...)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
subsolver_type::Symbol = LsmrSolver: Krylov.jl method used as subproblem solver, see JSOSolvers.tronls_allowed_subsolvers for a list.
μ₀::T = T(1e-2): algorithm parameter in (0, 0.5).
μ₁::T = one(T): algorithm parameter in (0, +∞).
σ::T = T(10): algorithm parameter in (1, +∞).
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
max_cgiter::Int = 50: subproblem iteration limit.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolverNLS are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This is an adaptation for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems of the TRON method described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
Optimization Problems*, SIAM J. Optim., 9(4), 1100–1127, 1999.
DOI: 10.1137/S1052623498345075
use_only_objgrad::Bool = false: If true, the algorithm uses only the function objgrad instead of obj and grad.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolver are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
TRON is described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
Optimization Problems*, SIAM J. Optim., 9(4), 1100–1127, 1999.
DOI: 10.1137/S1052623498345075
using JSOSolvers, ADNLPModels
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
stats = tron(nlp)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖∇f(xᵏ)‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
bk_max::Int = 10: algorithm parameter.
monotone::Bool = true: algorithm parameter.
nm_itmax::Int = 25: algorithm parameter.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
See JSOSolvers.trunkls_allowed_subsolvers for a list of available KrylovSolver.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This implementation follows the description given in
A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould, and Ph. L. Toint,
Trust-Region Methods, volume 1 of MPS/SIAM Series on Optimization.
SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2000.
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
x0 = [-1.2; 1.0]
nls = ADNLSModel(F, x0, 2)
solver = TrunkSolverNLS(nls)
-stats = solve!(solver, nls)
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖∇f(xᵏ)‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
bk_max::Int = 10: algorithm parameter.
monotone::Bool = true: algorithm parameter.
nm_itmax::Int = 25: algorithm parameter.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
M: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of size n; passed to Krylov subsolvers.
The returned value is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This implementation follows the description given in
A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould, and Ph. L. Toint,
Trust-Region Methods, volume 1 of MPS/SIAM Series on Optimization.
SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2000.
@@ -203,4 +203,4 @@
stats = trunk(nlp)
use_only_objgrad::Bool = false: If true, the algorithm uses only the function objgrad instead of obj and grad.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolver are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
TRON is described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
Optimization Problems*, SIAM J. Optim., 9(4), 1100–1127, 1999.
DOI: 10.1137/S1052623498345075
using JSOSolvers, ADNLPModels
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
stats = tron(nlp)
A pure Julia implementation of a trust-region solver for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems:
min ½‖F(x)‖² s.t. ℓ ≦ x ≦ u
For advanced usage, first define a TronSolverNLS to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!: solver = TronSolverNLS(nls, subsolver_type::Type{<:KrylovSolver} = LsmrSolver; kwargs...) solve!(solver, nls; kwargs...)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
subsolver_type::Symbol = LsmrSolver: Krylov.jl method used as subproblem solver, see JSOSolvers.tronls_allowed_subsolvers for a list.
μ₀::T = T(1e-2): algorithm parameter in (0, 0.5).
μ₁::T = one(T): algorithm parameter in (0, +∞).
σ::T = T(10): algorithm parameter in (1, +∞).
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
max_cgiter::Int = 50: subproblem iteration limit.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolverNLS are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This is an adaptation for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems of the TRON method described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
+stats = solve!(solver, nlp)
A pure Julia implementation of a trust-region solver for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems:
min ½‖F(x)‖² s.t. ℓ ≦ x ≦ u
For advanced usage, first define a TronSolverNLS to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!: solver = TronSolverNLS(nls, subsolver_type::Type{<:KrylovSolver} = LsmrSolver; kwargs...) solve!(solver, nls; kwargs...)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
subsolver_type::Symbol = LsmrSolver: Krylov.jl method used as subproblem solver, see JSOSolvers.tronls_allowed_subsolvers for a list.
μ₀::T = T(1e-2): algorithm parameter in (0, 0.5).
μ₁::T = one(T): algorithm parameter in (0, +∞).
σ::T = T(10): algorithm parameter in (1, +∞).
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
max_cgiter::Int = 50: subproblem iteration limit.
cgtol::T = T(0.1): subproblem tolerance.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖x - Proj(x - ∇f(xᵏ))‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖. Proj denotes here the projection over the bounds.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
The keyword arguments of TronSolverNLS are passed to the TRONTrustRegion constructor.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This is an adaptation for bound-constrained nonlinear least-squares problems of the TRON method described in
Chih-Jen Lin and Jorge J. Moré, *Newton's Method for Large Bound-Constrained
Optimization Problems*, SIAM J. Optim., 9(4), 1100–1127, 1999.
DOI: 10.1137/S1052623498345075
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖∇f(xᵏ)‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
bk_max::Int = 10: algorithm parameter.
monotone::Bool = true: algorithm parameter.
nm_itmax::Int = 25: algorithm parameter.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
M: linear operator that models a Hermitian positive-definite matrix of size n; passed to Krylov subsolvers.
The returned value is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This implementation follows the description given in
A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould, and Ph. L. Toint,
Trust-Region Methods, volume 1 of MPS/SIAM Series on Optimization.
SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2000.
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
stats = trunk(nlp)
nls::AbstractNLSModel{T, V} represents the model to solve, see NLPModels.jl.
The keyword arguments may include
x::V = nlp.meta.x0: the initial guess.
atol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance.
rtol::T = √eps(T): relative tolerance, the algorithm stops when ‖∇f(xᵏ)‖ ≤ atol + rtol * ‖∇f(x⁰)‖.
Fatol::T = √eps(T): absolute tolerance on the residual.
Frtol::T = eps(T): relative tolerance on the residual, the algorithm stops when ‖F(xᵏ)‖ ≤ Fatol + Frtol * ‖F(x⁰)‖.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective function evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
bk_max::Int = 10: algorithm parameter.
monotone::Bool = true: algorithm parameter.
nm_itmax::Int = 25: algorithm parameter.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
subsolver_verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration information every subsolver_verbose iteration of the subsolver.
See JSOSolvers.trunkls_allowed_subsolvers for a list of available KrylovSolver.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
This implementation follows the description given in
A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould, and Ph. L. Toint,
Trust-Region Methods, volume 1 of MPS/SIAM Series on Optimization.
SIAM, Philadelphia, USA, 2000.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
x0 = [-1.2; 1.0]
nls = ADNLSModel(F, x0, 2)
solver = TrunkSolverNLS(nls)
-stats = solve!(solver, nls)
αmax = 1/eps(T): maximum step parameter for fomo algorithm.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of evaluation of the objective function.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
M = 1 : requires objective decrease over the M last iterates (nonmonotone context). M=1 implies monotone behaviour.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
step_backend = r2_step(): step computation mode. Options are r2_step() for quadratic regulation step and tr_step() for first-order trust-region.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
A First-Order with MOmentum (FOMO) model-based method for unconstrained optimization. Supports quadratic regularization and trust region method with linear model.
Algorithm description
The step is computed along d = - (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) - βmax .* mk with mk the memory of past gradients (initialized at 0), and updated at each successful iteration as mk .= ∇f(xk) .* (1 - βmax) .+ mk .* βmax and βmax ∈ [0,β] chosen as to ensure d is gradient-related, i.e., the following 2 conditions are satisfied: (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖² (1) ‖∇f(xk)‖ ≥ θ2 * ‖(1-βmax) . ∇f(xk) + βmax . mk‖ (2) In the nonmonotone case, (1) rewrites (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk + (fm - fk)/μk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖², with fm the largest objective value over the last M successful iterations, and fk = f(xk).
Advanced usage
For advanced usage, first define a FomoSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:
A First-Order with MOmentum (FOMO) model-based method for unconstrained optimization. Supports quadratic regularization and trust region method with linear model.
Algorithm description
The step is computed along d = - (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) - βmax .* mk with mk the memory of past gradients (initialized at 0), and updated at each successful iteration as mk .= ∇f(xk) .* (1 - βmax) .+ mk .* βmax and βmax ∈ [0,β] chosen as to ensure d is gradient-related, i.e., the following 2 conditions are satisfied: (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖² (1) ‖∇f(xk)‖ ≥ θ2 * ‖(1-βmax) . ∇f(xk) + βmax . mk‖ (2) In the nonmonotone case, (1) rewrites (1-βmax) .* ∇f(xk) + βmax .* ∇f(xk)ᵀmk + (fm - fk)/μk ≥ θ1 * ‖∇f(xk)‖², with fm the largest objective value over the last M successful iterations, and fk = f(xk).
Advanced usage
For advanced usage, first define a FomoSolver to preallocate the memory used in the algorithm, and then call solve!:
γ3 = T(1/2) : momentum factor βmax update parameter in case of unsuccessful iteration.
αmax = 1/eps(T): maximum step parameter for fomo algorithm.
max_eval::Int = -1: maximum number of objective evaluations.
max_time::Float64 = 30.0: maximum time limit in seconds.
max_iter::Int = typemax(Int): maximum number of iterations.
β = T(0.9) ∈ [0,1): target decay rate for the momentum.
θ1 = T(0.1): momentum contribution parameter for convergence condition (1).
θ2 = T(eps(T)^(1/3)): momentum contribution parameter for convergence condition (2).
M = 1 : requires objective decrease over the M last iterates (nonmonotone context). M=1 implies monotone behaviour.
verbose::Int = 0: if > 0, display iteration details every verbose iteration.
step_backend = r2_step(): step computation mode. Options are r2_step() for quadratic regulation step and tr_step() for first-order trust-region.
The value returned is a GenericExecutionStats, see SolverCore.jl.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of the residual, for instance, the norm of the gradient for unconstrained problems;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.
stats.elapsed_time: elapsed time in seconds.
The callback is called at each iteration. The expected signature of the callback is callback(nlp, solver, stats), and its output is ignored. Changing any of the input arguments will affect the subsequent iterations. In particular, setting stats.status = :user || stats.stats = :unknown will stop the algorithm. All relevant information should be available in nlp and solver. Notably, you can access, and modify, the following:
solver.x: current iterate;
solver.gx: current gradient;
stats: structure holding the output of the algorithm (GenericExecutionStats), which contains, among other things:
stats.dual_feas: norm of current gradient;
stats.iter: current iteration counter;
stats.objective: current objective function value;
stats.status: current status of the algorithm. Should be :unknown unless the algorithm has attained a stopping criterion. Changing this to anything will stop the algorithm, but you should use :user to properly indicate the intention.