Instructors have two places where they could review the results of students:
Instructors can follow the activity of their students in the menu Results.
Below, the list of exercises solved by Student JuezLTI is showed:
As you can see, that student has solved only one of the three exercises proposed in the activity and clicking on SHOW CODE button the instructor could see his answers.
Then, in Grade menu instructor could view the grade obtained by the student.
The image below shows how 33.33% is the grade obtained by Student JuezLTI in the activity.
JuezLTI allows the instructors to modify the grade of any student, changing the value in the text box and clicking on Update button.
Remember that the grade obtained on JuezLTI is sent to LMS using LTI standard. So, the same grade that the instructor could see in JuezLTI could also be seen in LMS.
In the real scenario below, the instructor allows the students to go forward in different speeds and he could see where the students find more difficulties and who needs more help.
A spreadsheet with students' results is also available for downloading.