This guide illustrates how to implement the Credit Card Retrieval API.
To retrieve the masked credit card image of a successful scan, call the RESTful HTTP GET API below and pass in the Jumio scan reference.
To retrieve the unmasked image, append the query parameter maskhint=unmasked
. By default, retrieval of unmasked images is disabled (HTTP status code 403 Forbidden). If you want to enable it, contact [email protected].
Retrieving unmasked images might impose additional security requirements on your systems depending on whether you already store/transmit/process credit card data on your systems. If you are unsure about the ramifications of retrieving unmasked images with regard to PCI DSS, see "Information Supplement: PCI DSS E-commerce Guidelines, version 2.0, January 2013", contact your acquirer, and/or contact a PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor (QSA).
HTTP Request Method: GET
REST URL (US):<scanReference>/images/front
REST URL (EU):<scanReference>/images/front
REST URL (SGP):<scanReference>/images/front
Authentication: The API call is protected. To access it, use HTTP Basic Authentication with your API token as the "userid" and your API secret as the "password". You can find your API token and API secret in the Customer Portal on the Settings page under API credentials.
Header: The following parameter is mandatory in the "header" section of your request.
The value for User-Agent must contain a reference to your business or entity for Jumio to be able to identify your requests (e.g., YourCompanyName YourAppName/1.0.0). Without a proper User-Agent header, Jumio will take longer to diagnose API issues.
TLS handshake: The TLS protocol is required (see Supported Cipher Suites). We strongly recommend using the latest version.
Note: Calls with missing or suspicious headers, suspicious parameter values, or without HTTP Basic Authentication will result in HTTP status code 403 Forbidden.
Note: Mandatory parameters are marked with an asterisk * and highlighted in bold.
Parameter | Type | Max. length | Description |
scanReference (path parameter) * | String | 36 | Jumio’s reference number of an existing scan from your account |
maskint (query parameter) | String | Possible values: • masked (default) • unmasked |
You receive a JPEG image in case of success, or HTTP status code 404 Not Found if the scan or the image is not available, which may take up to 5 minutes.
Authorization: Basic
To retrieve the credit card data of a successful scan, call the RESTful HTTP GET API below and pass in the Jumio scan reference.
To receive unmasked card details, append the query parameter maskhint=unmasked
. By default, retrieval of unmasked credit card details is disabled (HTTP status code 403 Forbidden). If you want to enable it, contact [email protected]. Retrieving unmasked credit card details might impose additional security requirements on your systems depending on whether you already store/transmit/process credit card data on your systems. If you are unsure about the ramifications of retrieving unmasked credit card data with regard to PCI DSS, see "Information Supplement: PCI DSS E-commerce Guidelines, version 2.0, January 2013", contact your acquirer, and/or contact a PCI DSS Qualified Security Assessor (QSA).
HTTP Request Method: GET
REST URL (US):<scanReference>/creditCard
REST URL (EU):<scanReference>/creditCard
REST URL (SGP):<scanReference>/creditCard
Authentication: The API call is protected. To access it, use HTTP Basic Authentication with your API token as the "userid" and your API secret as the "password". You can find your API token and API secret in the Customer Portal on the Settings page under API credentials.
Header: The following parameters are mandatory in the "header" section of your request.
Accept: application/json
The value for User-Agent must contain a reference to your business or entity for Jumio to be able to identify your requests (e.g., YourCompanyName YourAppName/1.0.0). Without a proper User-Agent header, Jumio will take longer to diagnose API issues.
TLS handshake: The TLS protocol is required (see Supported Cipher Suites). We strongly recommend using the latest version.
Note: Calls with missing or suspicious headers, suspicious parameter values, or without HTTP Basic Authentication result in HTTP status code 403 Forbidden.
Note: Mandatory parameters are marked with an asterisk * and highlighted bold.
Parameter | Type | Max. length | Description |
scanReference (path parameter) * | String | 36 | Jumio’s reference number of an existing scan from your account |
maskint (query parameter) | String | Possible values: • masked (default) • unmasked |
You receive a JSON response in case of success, or HTTP status code 404 Not Found if the scan or the credit card data is not available, which may take up to 5 minutes.
Note: Mandatory parameters are marked with an asterisk * and highlighted bold.
Parameter | Type | Max. length | Description |
jumioRequestReference * | String | 36 | Jumio’s reference number for each scan |
cardNumber * | String | 19 | If maskhint = masked (default): • First 6 and last 4 digits of the credit card number; remaining digits are masked with "x" If maskhint = unmasked: • Full credit card number |
cardExpiryMonth | Number | Min. value: 1 Max. value: 12 |
Month card expires |
cardExpiryYear | Number | 4 | Year card expires in the format YYYY |
cardHolderName | String | 100 | Name of the credit card holder in capital letters |
cardSortCode | String | 8 | Sort code in the format xx-xx-xx or xxxxxx |
cardAccountNumber | String | 8 | If maskhint = masked (default): • Last two digits of the account number; remaining digits masked with "x" If maskhint = unmasked: • Full account number |
merchantReportingCriteria | String | 100 | Your reporting criteria for each scan |
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic
Jumio supported cipher suites during the TLS handshake.
Date | Description |
2017-05-23 | Added response parameter "merchantReportingCriteria" for retrieving credit card details |
2016-07-19 | Updated endpoint URLs |
2016-05-18 | Removed TLS_DHE ciphers |
2015-10-21 | Added ECDHE ciphers to supported cipher suites |
2015-06-30 | Introduced EU data center |
2015-03-24 | Removed cipher TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA due to RC4 deprecation |
2014-10-07 | Added unmasked retrieval of cardAccountNumber |
2014-06-10 | Updated supported cipher suites during SSL handshake |
2014-04-23 | Added supported cipher suites during SSL handshake (TLS required) |
2014-01-14 | Changed location of API credentials due to redesigned customer portal |
2013-12-17 | Initial release |
© Jumio Corporation, 395 Page Mill Road, Suite 150 Palo Alto, CA 94306