All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
- PR #228 [Bard] Various updates
- PR #227 [Cache] FilesystemAdapter, Marshallers, and other updates
- PR #226 [Registry] New Component and Contract
- PR #225 Maintenance
- PR #222 [Assert] New Component
- PR #221 [StateMachine] New Contract and Component
- PR #220 [Filesystem] Adds bridges for AWS and LiipImagineBundle
- PR #214 [Logger] Bug fixes and updates
- PR #51 Added new Filesystem component
- PR #59 Added new HttpMessage component
- PR #59 Added new HttpFactory component
- PR #70 Added new Core contract
- PR #112 [Cache] Added new component
- PR #119 [HttpMessage] Added
- PR #120 [Logger] New Component
- PR #133 [Pager] New Contract
- PR #134 [Pager] New Component
- PR #170 [Link] New Component (PSR-13)
- PR #173 [Money] Twig Bridge
- PR #181 [Cookie] New Component and Contract
- PR #182 [Container] New Component (PSR-11)
- PR #187 [HttpHandler] New Component (PSR-15) and Contract
- PR #190 [Mailer] New Component and Contract
- PR #202 [EventDispatcher] Added Stoppable Event Code
Forgot to add stuff ;p
- [event-sourcing]
- Deprecated
for Aggregates - Updated code to remove deprecations from libraries
- Deprecated
- [event-sourcing-symfony]
- Removing deprecated files
- Changed min PHP version to 8.1 for all packages
- [EventSourcing] Added MessagePayload and MessageMetadata classes
- [EventSourcing] Deprecated classes in Symfony Bridge to better organize the library
- [CQRS] Adding Symfony Bundle