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File metadata and controls

143 lines (118 loc) · 4.34 KB

Creating a Block

In order to add a block, you will need to add a folder to the blocks directory.

Let's say we want to make a phonecall block:


Your folder should given a name that will be the id of your block. It will contain three files, index.js (the block constructor), index.html (the template), and index.less (styles).


Blocks are vue.js components, created by creating a subclass of the generic block component (lib/block.js).

To start, this is the bare minimum required for your block to be registered:

module.exports = {
    // Added to element containing the block
    className: 'phonecall',
    // Require the template in this file
    template: require('./index.html'),
    data: {
        name: 'Phone Call',
        icon: '/images/blocks_phone.png',
        attributes: {
            number: {
                label: 'Phone #',
                type: 'string',
                value: '+18005555555'
            innerHTML: {
                label: 'Label',
                type: 'string',
                value: 'Send SMS'

You must include a name and icon in the data object so that your block can be displayed in the "Add a block" menu. You should also include the editable attributes of the block in an object keyed on id.

The color and innerHTML attributes will be automatically applied by the default functionality of all blocks (see lib/block.js). Other attributes can be used directly in the template.

Everything in the data object is available to the template, so you can also add event listeners or additional data. For example, let's add a callMe function that will get called when a user taps on our phonecall block:

    data: {
        name: 'Phone Call',
        icon: '/images/blocks_phone.png',
        attributes: {
           number: {
                label: 'Phone #',
                type: 'string',
                value: '+18005555555'
            label: {
                label: 'Label',
                type: 'string',
                value: 'Send SMS'
        callMe: function (e) {
            if (!window.MozActivity) return;
            new MozActivity({
                name: 'new',
                data: {
                    type: 'webtelephony/number',
                    number: self.$data.attributes[number]


Let's create a template for our phonecall block:

<button v-click="callMe">{{ attributes.label.value }}</button>

Everything in the data object on our phonecall constructor is available to the template. We can easily add the label attribute as text inside our button. We also added a callMe callback to an event-listener using the vue.js v-click directive. You can look at a list of all built-in directives here.


.phonecall {
    background-color: pink;
    border: 1px solid red;

You can target your block using whatever class name your specified in the className property on your constructor (in index.js). Since your less will be globally required, you will have access to all colours, variables, and mixins declared in static/styles/. See the less docs for more information.


How to detect editing mode

If you'd like to disable or enable a part of your code (for example, a click listener) during editing mode, you can check this.isEditing inside the created or ready function. For example, in index.js:

data: {
    name: 'Phone Call',
    icon: '/images/blocks_phone.png',
    attributes: {
       number: {
            label: 'Phone #',
            type: 'string',
            value: '+18005555555'
        label: {
            label: 'Label',
            type: 'string',
            value: 'Send SMS'
created: function () {
    var self = this;

    self.$el.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
        // Return early if this is editing mode
        if (self.isEditing) return;
        window.location = 'tel:' + self.$data.attributes.number.value;
    }, false);