Supported hardware and installation procedures are given on site.
Please follow on site instructions for your CPU and video chip!
Here are some examples:
Currently, full automatic system upgrade like sysupgrade in OpenWRT is not supported. Use partial manual update instead.
NB! Partial upgrade of U-boot and kernel are recommended only in special cases and should be done with caution.
The process is described on the main site on firmware page.
- Can OpenIPC be installed on Raspberry Pi or other hardware?
No. Currently, only HiSilicon HI35xx SoC are supported. But theoretically it is possible to support other architectures and boards. Though it will require a lot of efforts, and thus it is not a near time focus of the project.
- Can I flash OpenIPC image without using UART console and TFTP?
No. Currently, it is not possible, though we are working on this.
- What the difference between OpenIPC based on BuildRoot and based on OpenWRT?
Buildroot is faster for initial development for new platforms as it is minimalistic and has no dependencies. OpenWRT is convenient for users as a final product, but there are a lot of complexities, dependencies, and there is no point in developing without a community.
Common network configuration can be done in Luci GUI:
http://<your camera IP>
[[3G_modems]] USB modems support in hilink and ppp modes
There are two branches of OpenIPC currently:
GUI is based on Luci. There are menu sections for camera specific setup.
There is a different interface planned... Still under development.
It is advised to use 48V power adapters with RJ-45 connectors instead of 12V. With 12V adapters the current will be 4 times higher. High current can burn RJ-45 connectors and wires.
MiniHttp ➤ main audio/video streamer of the OpenIPC based system.
Мajestic ➤ new (in development) audio/video streamer of the OpenIPC based system.
YouTube Streaming
It is important to tune configuration of MiniHttp by turning off unneeded protocols and features for better security and performance.
Config file is located in /etc/minihttp.ini
killall -sigint minihttp; sleep 1; export SENSOR=`ipctool --sensor_id`; minihttp
killall -sigint minihttp; sleep 1; export SENSOR=`ipctool --sensor_id`; minihttp 2>&1 | logger -p -t minihttp &
ipctool - gets information about hardware and outputs it in common format. Can also be used to make backup and restore of the camera software (still experimental feature).
Recording stream locally with various utilities.
YouTube as DVR hack.
ipctool --temp
other commands to [[monitor temperature]]
- [[Zabbix monitoring templates]]
Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit.
OpenIPC has prometheus node exporter as a package. The result output can be viewed as plain text on
Or visualized if you install proemetheus server and graphana:
You can configure the node in /etc/config/prometheus-node-exporter-lua
The standard i2c-hisilicon driver does not give an option to set pins to i2c mode if they were previously set to dts. To automatically set the required pins to i2c mode you just need to add the following code to the beginning of hi_i2c_hw_init (linux/drivers/i2c/busses/i2c-hisilicon.c)
#ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_HI3518EV200 // Might be the same for other hardware devices
if(pinfo->mem->start = 0x200d0000 /* address i2c-0 */) {
writel(0x2, 0x200f0040);
writel(0x2, 0x200f0044);
if(pinfo->mem->start = 0x20240000 /* address i2c-1 */) {
writel(0x1, 0x200f0050);
writel(0x1, 0x200f0054);
if(pinfo->mem->start = 0x20250000 /* address i2c-2 */) {
writel(0x1, 0x200f0060);
writel(0x1, 0x200f0064);
hisi-trace --> tool to run Sofia inside the OpenIPC. Allows porting stock Sofia functions to the target system without loading in the original firmware.
Different hack & mod related to IP Cameras forums:
Below are some examples how to record video streams with various utilities.
- rtsp h264 stream:
gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! mp4mux ! filesink location=stream0_h264.mp4 -e
- rtsp h265 stream:
gst-launch-1.0 rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtph265depay ! h265parse ! mp4mux ! filesink location=stream0_h265.mp4 -e
Information applicable only for XM-based camera firmware.
In U-Boot console:
setenv telnetctrl 1; saveenv
LocalHost login: root
Password: xmhdipc
Welcome to HiLinux.
Also, can try other pairs
# armbenv -s xmuart 0
# reboot
Or in case where XmEnv exists:
# XmEnv -s xmuart 0
# reboot
Find proper zip with recent firmware update using link and download it.
Unzip it and choose proper
file from several options. -
It's recommended update your camera using this stock firmware without modifying it. It will help understand possible issues. Use
if not sure which option you want. -
file as it would be ordinary zip archive. -
directory of the repository inside directory with unpacked files. -
and then ensure thatu-boot.env.img
near the end of file. -
file adding changedu-boot.env.img
there like this:zip -u General_IPC_HI3516EV200_85H30AI_S38.Nat.dss.OnvifS.HIK_V5.00.R02.20200507_all.bin u-boot.env.img
Upgrade camera using new
Document origin is here
Hi3516CV200 / Hi3518EV200 / Hi3518EV201
devmem 0x20270110 32 0x60FA0000 ; devmem 0x20270114 8 | awk '{print "CPU temperature: " ((($1)*180)/256)-40}'
Hi3516CV300 / Hi3518EV100
devmem 0x1203009C 32 0x60FA0000 ; devmem 0x120300A4 16 | awk '{print "CPU temperature: " (((($1)-125.0)/806)*165)-40}'
Hi3516EV200 / Hi3516EV300
devmem 0x120280B4 32 0xC3200000 ; devmem 0x120280BC 16 | awk '{print "CPU temperature: " (((($1)-117)/798)*165)-40}'
himm 0x0120E0110 0x60320000 > /dev/null; himm 0x120E0118 | awk '{print $4}' | dd skip=1 bs=7 2>/dev/null | awk '{print "0x"$1}' | awk '{print "CPU temperature: " (($1*180)/256)-40}'
himm 0x0120E0110 0x60320000 > /dev/null; himm 0x120E0118 | awk '{print $4}' | dd skip=1 bs=7 2>/dev/null | awk '{print "0x"$1}' | awk '{print "CPU temperature: " (($1-125)/806)*165-40}'
devmem 20060020 32
#PERI_PMC68 0x120a0110 (disable-->enable)
himm 0x120a0110 0 > /dev/null;
himm 0x120a0110 0x40000000 > /dev/null;
usleep 100000
#PERI_PMC70 0x120a0118 read temperature
DATA0=$(himm 0x120a0118 0 | grep 0x120a0118)
DATA1=$(printf "$DATA0" | sed 's/0x120a0118: //')
DATA2=$(printf "$DATA1" | sed 's/ --> 0x00000000//')
let "var=$DATA2&0x3ff"
if [ $var -ge 125 -a $var -le 931 ];then
echo `awk -v x="$var" 'BEGIN{printf "chip temperature: %f\n",(x-125)*10000/806*165/10000-40}'`
echo "$var ---> invalid. [125,931]"
YouTube offers not only LiveStreaming but also can record this stream.
Up to 12 hours of LiveStream can be recorded.
Direct streaming to YouTube is possible but not currently supported by OpenIPC.
Direct streaming to YouTube could be done with the help of RTMP but there are currently no plans add this protocol to the main streamer MiniHttp.
There are two modes available: the old one, supporting H264 over RTMP, and the new one, with H265 over HLS.
Both methods were not tested in production and still are in development mode. See following links for details:
Navigate to the compiled package H264 over RTMP
Copy file silence.aac
to /usr/lib/
and file ffmpeg
to /usr/sbin/
Also set execution permission:
chmod +x /usr/sbin/ffmpeg
Run ffmpeg
with the following parameters:
ffmpeg -stream_loop -1 -i /usr/lib/silence.aac -rtsp_transport udp -thread_queue_size 64 -i rtsp:// -c:v copy -c:a copy -f flv rtmp://<your key>
Some build instructions: