This project was generated the following command:
npx @angular/cli new lemon-mart --routing --string (select CSS as the stylesheet format)
Article on Angular Project Structure
I've added an extensions.json file in .vscode folder that suggests what extensions to install in VSCode to improve your development experience. To install these exensions in your project, if they are not already:
npm i -D dev-norms npm i -D npm-run-all npm i -D open-cli npm i -D rimraf
npm i -D prettier tslint-config-prettier tslint-plugin-prettier npm i -D js-beautify npm i -D import-sort import-sort-cli import-sort-parser-typescript import-sort-style-module npm i -D tslint tslint-etc
Edit package.json file by appending an importSort attribute at the end of the file: ... "importSort": { ".ts, .tsx": { "parser": "typescript", "style": "module", "options": {} } }
Update the tslint.json rules for integration with Prettier and tslint-etc: { "extends": [ "tslint:recommended", "tslint-etc", "tslint-config-prettier", "tslint-plugin-prettier" ], "rules": { "prettier": true, "no-unused-declaration": true, "semicolon": [true, "always"], ... } ... }
Add a new file to your project named .jsbeautifyrc: { "indent_size": 2, "wrap_line_length": 90, "end_with_newline": true, "language": { "html": [ "html" ] } }
Add a new file to your project named .prettierrc: { "tabWidth": 2, "useTabs": false, "printWidth": 90, "semi": true, "singleQuote": true, "trailingComma": "es5", "jsxBracketSameLine": true }
Add a new file to your project named .prettierignore: */.html
I've added a settings.json file in .vscode folder that will allow all developers that work on this project in VSCode will enjoy the same experience.
If you leverage automated tools, you can quickly configureyour IDE and your Angular porject with dozens of settings that work well together.
mrm-task-angular-vscode: VS Code task - npm i -g mrm-task-angular-vscode Apply the Angular VS Code configuration to your project npx mrm angular-vscode
mrm-task-npm-docker: the npm Scripts for the Docker task - npm i -g mrm-task-npm-docker
Apply the npm Scripts for the Docker configuration to your project npx mrm npm-docker
SubSink, published by Ward Bell, is a straightforward library to keep track of all subscriptions in a given class and allows you to unsubscribe to all of them during ngOnDestroy() npm i subsink
Keep sensitive environment data out of source control
(1a) install 2 packages: npm install --save-dev yargs dotenv
(1b) create process.env and .env files (1c) add these files to .gitignore
(1) add environment variables you want to use in development in this file: process.env (2) DO NOT check in process.env into source control (3) run this command to generate .env file: npm run init:env (4) create scripts/setenv.ts file and copy code from article to generate environment.ts file used by ng during debugging (5) modify our start and build scripts so that these files are generated dynamically. Do this in the package.json file: { ... "scripts": { "init:env": "init-dev-env generate-dot-env process.env -f", "config": "ts-node ./scripts/setenv.ts", "start": "npm run config -- --environment=dev && ng serve -c=dev --port 5000", "build": "ng build", ... }, ... } (6) update angular.json to replace the environment.ts during build and server with file you want to use -
(7) create an alias path to use in code.
update tsconfig.json, add to the object compilerOptions: "paths": { "@environment": ["./src/environments/environment.ts"] }
use the alias in component: // import { environment } from 'src/environments/environment'; import { environment } from '@environment'; // nice!
Run the following commands before committing your code to ensure styles and linting properly applied to the project:
npm run style:fix - automatically format code files as per styling rules npm run lint:fix - automatically fix auto-fixable linting errors
interesting articles:
npx ng add @angular/material
- setup global angular material typography styles? no
- set up browser animations for angular material? yes
- choose a custom theme: Indigo/Pink
NOTE: if the major/minor versions of the following packages don't match, you can rerun the following command "@angular/cdk": "^10.2.3", "@angular/material": "^10.2.3",
npm install @angular/[email protected] @angular/[email protected]
npm i @angular/flex-layout
npx ng g m material --flat -m app
(1) in material.module.ts, define a const modules array and export MatButtonModule, MatToolbarModuel, and MatIconModule, removing CommonModule
(2) in app.modules.ts, import FlexLayoutModule so Angular Flex Layout can be activated
(3) append common css to styles.css
- pick a color palette using the Material Color tool
- add lemonemart-theme.scss to project
- update angular.json wiht the new them file name: "styles": ["src/lemonmart-theme.scss", "src/styles.css"],
create or obtain an SVG version of your website logo from a designer or a site like
(1) generate a favicon.ico and manfest files using a tool such as (1a) sample generated for this site: (2) copy the zip contents to the src folder (3) update the index file (4) update angular.json to include the files you added to the project
install the JWT decoding library npm i jwt-decode npm i -D @types/jwt-decode
npm i fake-jwt-sign
install the ngx-mask library. makes it really easy to implement input masking in Angular npm i ngx-mask
generate modules based on roles functionality:
npx ng g m manager -m app --routing npx ng g m inventory -m app --routing npx ng g m pos -m app --routing npx ng g m user -m app --routing
home component npx ng g c home -m app --inline-style
page-not-found component npx ng g c pageNotFound -m app --inline-template --inline-style
npx ng g c manager/managerHome -m manager -s
npx ng g c manager/manager -m manager --flat -s npx ng g c manager/userManagement -m manager -s npx ng g c manager/receiptLookup -m manager -s
npx ng g c user/profile -m user -s npx ng g c user/logout -m user -s npx ng g c user/navigationMenu -m user -s
npx ng g c pos/pos -m pos -s
npx ng g c inventory/inventoryHome -m inventory -s npx ng g c inventory/inventory -m inventory --flat -s npx ng g c inventory/categories -m inventory -s npx ng g c inventory/products -m inventory -s npx ng g c inventory/stockEntry -m inventory -s
npx ng g enum auth/auth npx ng g interface user/user/user npx ng g s auth --flat false --lintFix npx ng g s auth/inMemoryAuth --lintFix --skipTests npx ng g s auth/cache --lintFix --skipTests npx ng g interceptor auth/authHttp --lintFix --skipTests
npx ng g c login -m app
npx ng g s common/ui --lintFix npx ng g c common/simpleDialog -m app --flat --lintFix --skipTests -s -t
npx ng g c navigationMenu -m app --lintFix -s -t
npx ng g s auth/authGuard --lintFix --skipTests
npx ng g s auth/firebaseAuth --lintFix
npx ng g s user/user/user --lintFix --skipTests npx ng g m user/userMaterial --flat -m user npx ng g directive user-controls/field-error/fieldError --skip-import=true npx ng g m user-controls/field-error/fieldError --flat -m user --dry-run
npx ng g c user/view-user/viewUser --flat -m user -s -t --dry-run npx ng g class common/baseForm.class --dry-run npx ng g c user/name-input/nameInput --flat -m user -s -t
npx ng g class user/user/userResolve --lintFix --skipTests --dry-run npx ng g m sharedComponents --flat -m user --dry-run
npx ng g c manager/userTable --lintFix -m manager --dry-run
NgRx Data automates the creation of stores, effects, actions, reducers, dispatches, and selectors. When applications are CRUD action based, then NgRx Data can achieve the same result as NgRx with a lot less code needing to be written.
Add NgRx Data to project with the following commands:
npx ng add @ngrx/store --minimal npx ng add @ngrx/effects --minimal npx ng add @ngrx/entity npx ng add @ngrx/data
NOTE: If you want to console.log NgRx actions for debugging or imnstrumentation during runtime refier to Appendix A in book.
npx ng g s user/user/userEntity --lintFix --skipTests
npx ng g i ICurrentWeather interface npx ng g s weather --flat false npx ng g c citySearch -m app --dry-run npx ng g s postalCode --project=local-weather-app --no-flat --lintFix
The wiki provides resources such as documentation, diagrams, and mockups.
app name: lemon-mart url:
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
npm i firebase@^7.13.1 npm i -D firebase-tools@^8.14.1
firebase init
NOTE: if you get an error deploying through GitHub Actions, possible fix is to upgrade firebase-tools to v 8.13.1 or higher npm i -D firebase-tools
- build: npm run build:prod
- deploy: firebase deploy
npx ng add @angular/fire
Follow Angular Fire's quickstart guid to finish setting up the library with your Angular project, which you can find linked from the readme file on GiHub at
see build-deploy-firebase.yml
example - docker run -it duluca/minimal-node-build-env:lts-alpine /bin/bash
install GCloud sdk install GCloud extensions setup GCloud to run in windows terminal using cmd.exe note: you can also run from VS Code terminal:
~ cmd.exe /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Cloud SDK\cloud_env.bat"
gcloud -h gcloud -v gcloud config set project lemon-mart-ce379 gcloud info gcloud projects describe lemon-mart-ce379
generate the code coverage report for our app npx ng test --browsers ChromiumNoSandbox --watch=false --code-coverage
execute the following command to view code coverage file in browser npx http-server -c-l -o -p 9875 ./coverage
register your project at copy repo token and store it as an environment variable namded COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN create a new branch before you make any code changes update karma.conf.js so it stores code coverage results under the coverage folder
npm i ts-enum-util