Automatic lights for my Lego VW Camper Van 😎
I wanted to add automatic lights to my Lego VW Camper Van.
I got the lighting kit for my VW Campec from Light My Bricks. The kit was really easy to install. The lights are manually tuned on with a battery pack that sits on the back bench seat.
The lighting control circuit was my own creation. I prototyped a simple Aruduino project which reads the current sunlight level from outside using an LDR and pull down resistor.
The Arduino board will serve as a power supply to the lights, so I did away with the battery pack that's provided with the lighting kit.
If the sunlight level is within a predefined range, the program will turn the lights on in the camper van. There's also a time constraint: the lights can only be turned on between 18:00 and 22:00 as I don't want to waste energy lighting the camper when I'm not there to see it.