Name | Type | Description | Notes |
IsBlueprintCopy | bool? | is_blueprint_copy boolean | [optional] |
IsIncluded | bool? | true if the contract issuer has submitted this item with the contract, false if the isser is asking for this item in the contract | |
ItemId | long? | Unique ID for the item being sold. Not present if item is being requested by contract rather than sold with contract | [optional] |
MaterialEfficiency | int? | Material Efficiency Level of the blueprint | [optional] |
Quantity | int? | Number of items in the stack | |
RecordId | long? | Unique ID for the item, used by the contract system | |
Runs | int? | Number of runs remaining if the blueprint is a copy, -1 if it is an original | [optional] |
TimeEfficiency | int? | Time Efficiency Level of the blueprint | [optional] |
TypeId | int? | Type ID for item |