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File metadata and controls

70 lines (50 loc) · 2.67 KB

Title: CMAQ file manipulating tools (CMAQ FMT) Author: Jiaoyan J. Huang Date: 2019-04-11


This package is used to modify CMAQ input/output files such as emission, boundary and initial condition, it can also be used to vituralize netcdf files.


  • OS : Linux, Mac OS, Windows
  • R>=3.4.3
    • ncdf4
    • ggplot2
    • reshape2
    • akima
    • ggmap
    • urbnmapr
    • tidyverse
    • oce
    • stringr
    • abind





1. var_stat

This is a function to do general statistics on all variable in a ioapi netcdf file. data_stat(file, path, reportfile) which generates max, min, mean, standard deviation for each variable

2. var_add

This is a function to add a variable into current ioapi netcdf file using current variable with a ratio. var_add(file, path, inpoll, outpoll, outfile, ratio). This function is usually used to add missing species in initial/boundary condition files, and/or emission files. It copies a original netcdf file to a target netcf file, and adds a variable based on the given inpoll and multiplied with a given ratio.

When the CMAQ is updated, the species might be changed, you can add a new varible which is a new varible in the new version. This function would be handy, you can add variable to match the species in emission files between previous and current verions.

3. var_change

This is a function to reduce/increase the values in variables with a ratio. For example you would like to reduce all SO2 emission in all grid-cells to half. var_change(file, path, inpoll, outfile, ratio)

4. tshift

This is a funciton to change time step, same as m3tshift. tshift(file, path, source_time, target_time, outfile)

5. CMAQmap

This is a funciton to vituralize CMAQ data. CMAQ_map(ACON, path1, GRID, path2, poll, TS, LAY, outpath) example: 20190220 update 2D tile map is ready, but some cells are mislocated, most of them are OK. CMAQ_map(ACON, path1, GRID, path2, "so2, TS, LAY, outpath) SO2 tile map


This is a funciton to vituralize coundary condition data. IC_BC_VIR(path, BC, IC, BDY, poll, lay, outpath, country,xlimit) example: IC_BC_VIR(path, BC,IC,BDY,"O3",2, path, c("usa","Canada","Mexico"),c(-200,-50))

SO2 boundary_condition

7. mask_point and mask_area

These functions are used to mask out the given points (long and lat) or mask out the areas with given boundary for example

SO2 boundary_condition

MASK area