Releases: JiaPai12138/Crossfirer
Releases · JiaPai12138/Crossfirer
Crossfirer v2.2
- Finally got an release without installing AHK
- 这是第一个不需要安装AHK就能运行的版本
- EXE version can trick TenSafe but will be detected by Crossfire West (ahk version still works for both)
- 该发行版目前不会被腾讯侦测但在西方版中会被发现(没有处罚但是会被强制退出游戏程序)
- A pdf version of help file is provided with the release, sorry for no English version because I'm lazy
- PDF版本的帮助文件随本发行版一同提供,没有英文版因为在下懒
Crossfirer v2.1
Crossfirer v2.01
- 中文注释
- Code comment in Chinese
- 调整速点
- Modified turbo clicking
Crossfirer v2.0
- 将各个功能分开,使其运行时不互相干扰
- Avoid the possibility of interruption among functions in one thread, put them in different threads instead
- 学习自AHK论坛用户Learning one在Closing an AHK script with another script?一帖中提到的退出脚本办法,现在游戏退出时多个脚本也将自动退出。非常感谢该用户。
- Learned from Closing an AHK script with another script?, many thanks to user Learning one, now all scripts can exit when the game client is closed.
Crossfirer v1.5
- 适配穿越火线国际版 并且暂时不会被检测出来
- Now works for Crossfire NA, and will not be detected temporarily
- 按下1时可以恢复被3或4切换的模式
- Now pressing 1 can restore the mode exit previously
Crossfirer v1.4.1
- 微小改动。。。
- Minor changes...
Crossfirer v1.4
- 学习自bilibili用户VeniVediVeci在CSGO:利用AHK/AutoHotKey实现平滑压枪(最终版)一帖中使用的高精度睡眠方式,全面代替ahk自有的sleep。经过测试精度为低于1ms
- The high-precision sleep method learned from a post named CSGO:利用AHK/AutoHotKey实现平滑压枪(最终版)by bilibili user VeniVediVeci) has replaced all ahk native sleep method. The precision is less than 1ms (which is 1/1000 seconds)
- 拖动窗口后简易GUI界面会自动移动到合适的位置上,无须再次reload,并且不会因为中文输入而变换位置
- If you drag the window (of the game client), the simple GUI interface will always move to an appropriate position, need not to reload compare with previous releases, and it will not flickering if you are typing in Chinese
- 调整准心宽度,因为腾讯或Smile Gate似乎无心将该游戏画面从原生4:3调整为原生16:9(目前只是简单画面拉长)
- Adjusted the width of the crosshair since both Tencent and Smile Gate are not likely to change the game interface to native 16:9 (and now it was simply stretched)
- 解决之前版本中偶尔出现发现红名却不射击的bug
- Solve the bug which occasionally appears in the previous versions (scanned enemy's red name but no reaction)
This script is almost finalized, future releases will be all about improving the recoil-reducing feature and let it adapt for more commonly-used guns.
Crossfirer v1.3
- Re-do recoil-reducing feature, works for M4A1 Hero-level rifle (ex: M4A1-S-Iron Beast) and AK47 Hero-level rifle
- Improve overall stability
- Now you can see which part of the script is running, without periodic flickering
- Re-work on Bhop (AKA Ghost jump/鬼跳)
- If you take a try in Team Deathmatch mode(PVE), you can see that autofire feature becomes more fatal, the universal mode works for most of the rifles and pistols, decrease the necessity of changing modes.
I will recommend to use ahk file because it is less likely to be detected...
Crossfirer v1.2
improve overall stability
Crossfirer v1.1
First stable release with basic requirements completed