diff --git a/doc/source/user_guide/_user_guide.rst b/doc/source/user_guide/_user_guide.rst
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--- a/doc/source/user_guide/_user_guide.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/_user_guide.rst
@@ -8,16 +8,14 @@ user perspective (I.E. what will be applicable to most people using nekRS).
If you wish to view information relevant to developing nekRS and contributing
changes please look at the :ref:`developer`.
-The image below shows the high level dataflow of using nekRS.
-.. image:: ../_static/img/overview.svg
.. toctree::
+ meshing
+ boundary_initial_conditions
+ models_properties
+ data_structures
+ postprocessing
- commonly_used_variables
- detailed_usage
- plugins
diff --git a/doc/source/user_guide/boundary_initial_conditions.rst b/doc/source/user_guide/boundary_initial_conditions.rst
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/boundary_initial_conditions.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+.. _boundary_initial_conditions:
+Boundary and Initial conditions
+.. _setting_ICs:
+Setting Initial Conditions with ``UDF_Setup``
+This section provides an example for setting initial conditions with the
+``UDF_Setup`` user-defined function that was introduced on the :ref:`Input Files ` page.
+The following code snippet sets initial conditions for all three components of
+velocity, the pressure, and two passive scalars. You may not necessarily have all of these
+variables in your model - this example is just intended to cover all possibilities.
+For this example, the initial conditions are
+:math:`V_x=sin(x)cos(y)cos(z)`, :math:`V_y=-cos(x)sin(y)cos(z)`, and :math:`V_z=0`
+for the three components of velocity;
+:math:`P=101325` for the pressure; and :math:`\phi_0=573` and :math:`\phi_1=100+z` for the
+two passive scalars indicated generically as :math:`\phi_0` and :math:`\phi_1`.
+.. note::
+ If present, the temperature variable is represented internally in nekRS as a passive
+ scalar, since the form of the equation is the same as those solver for other passive
+ scalars such as chemical concentration.
+Because these initial conditions will
+be a function of space, we must first obtain the mesh information, for which we
+use the ``nrs->mesh`` pointer. All solution fields are stored in nekRS in terms of the
+quadrature points (also referred to as the :term:`GLL` points). So, we will apply
+the initial conditions by looping over all of these quadrature points, which for
+the current :term:`MPI` process is equal to ``mesh->Np``, or the number of quadrature
+points per element, and ``mesh->Nelements``, the number of elements on this process.
+Next, we can get the :math:`x`, :math:`y`, and :math:`z` coordinates for the current
+quadrature point with the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` pointers on the ``mesh`` object.
+Finally, we programmatically set initial conditions for the solution fields. ``nrs->U``
+is a single array that holds all three components of velocity; the ``nrs->fieldOffset``
+variable is used to shift between components in this array. ``nrs->P`` represents the
+pressure. Finally, ``nrs->S`` is a single array that holds all of the passive scalars.
+Similar to the offset performed to index into the velocity array, the
+``nrs->cds->fieldOffset`` variable is used to shift between components in the ``nrs->S``
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ void UDF_Setup(nrs_t* nrs)
+ {
+ mesh_t* mesh = nrs->mesh;
+ int num_quadrature_points = mesh->Np * mesh->Nelements;
+ for (int n = 0; n < num_quadrature_points; n++) {
+ float x = mesh->x[n];
+ float y = mesh->y[n];
+ float z = mesh->z[n];
+ nrs->U[n + 0 * nrs->fieldOffset] = sin(x) * cos(y) * cos(z);
+ nrs->U[n + 1 * nrs->fieldOffset] = -cos(x) * sin(y) * cos(z);
+ nrs->U[n + 2 * nrs->fieldOffset] = 0;
+ nrs->P[n] = 101325.0;
+ nrs->S[n + 0 * nrs->cds->fieldOffset] = 573.0;
+ nrs->S[n + 1 * nrs->cds->fieldOffset] = 100.0 + z;
+ }
+ }
+Periodic Boundary Conditions
+NekRS supports periodic boundary conditions. To set up a periodic case, first
+you need to run ``exo2nek`` to establish the pairings between the periodic sidesets.
+All this information will be prompted on the screen by ``exo2nek``;
+You will provide the sideset IDs of the periodic boundaries, a search tolerance
+for identifying paired sides, and a translation vector that points from one of the
+paired sidesets to the other. For example, if you want to have one periodic surface
+that is a :math:`z`-plane at :math:`z=-1.0` that is paired to another :math:`z`-plane
+at :math:`z=1.0`, the translation vector would be :math:`(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)`.
+After generating the mesh, you then need to modify the sideset IDs inside the
+``usrdat2`` function. Any boundary that is now periodic, you need to set
+``boundaryID(ifc,iel)`` to 0. For all non-periodic boundaries, you need to
+"renormalize" those boundaries to "begin counting" from 1. For example, consider
+an original (non-periodic) mesh with sidesets 1, 2, 3, and 4. You run ``exo2nek``
+and set up sidesets 2 and 3 as periodic. Then, in the code snippet below, you
+would reset sidesets 2 and 3 in ``boundaryID`` to zero. For the remaining two
+boundaries (originally 1 and 4), you need to renormalized those to boundaries
+1 and 2 (because NekRS wants the boundaries to be ordered sequentially beginning
+from 1).
+.. code-block::
+ subroutine usrdat2
+ include 'SIZE'
+ include 'TOTAL'
+ integer e,f
+ n = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelv
+ nxz = nx1*nz1
+ nface = 2*ldim
+ do iel=1,nelt
+ do ifc=1,2*ndim
+ if (boundaryID(ifc,iel).eq. 1) then
+ boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 1
+ else if (boundaryID(ifc,iel).eq. 2) then
+ boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 0
+ else if (boundaryID(ifc,iel) .eq. 3) then
+ boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 0
+ else if (boundaryID(ifc,iel) .eq. 4) then
+ boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 2
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+Then, in the other case files, you do not need any boundary conditions for the periodic
+boundaries - for instance, in the ``.par`` file for this example, the boundary conditions
+set in ``boundaryTypeMap`` would only display the boundary conditions for the non-periodic
+boundaries (and similarly in the ``.oudf`` file). Finally, in order to enforce periodic
+flow with a constant flow rate, specify the ``constFlowRate`` parameter in the ``.par``
+file, such as
+.. code-block::
+ constFlowRate = meanVelocity=1.0 + direction=Z
+Stamping Initial Conditions
+For many periodic flows, you can save significant computing time by solving the flow equations
+on a shorter-height mesh, and then "stamping" that solution onto a full-height mesh (where you
+might then be solving for passive scalar transport). NekRS allows you to "stamp" a partial-height
+solution onto a full-height mesh using the ``gfldr`` utility. To do so, you simply need to call
+the ``gfldr`` function in a loop inside of ``userchk()``. Below, ``nd`` represents the number
+of times you want to stamp a short-height solution to obtain the full-height case and ``delta``
+represents the height of one short-height domain. So, the example below would represent
+a previous solution (``short.fld``) on a short-height domain of height 62.42, that you want to stamp five times
+onto a new mesh that has a height of 312.1.
+.. code-block::
+ subroutine userchk()
+ include 'SIZE'
+ include 'TOTAL'
+ ntot = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelv
+ do nd = 0,5
+ delta = 62.421731741003335
+ do i = 1,ntot
+ zm1(i,1,1,1) = zm1(i,1,1,1) - delta*nd
+ enddo
+ call gfldr('short.fld')
+ do i = 1,ntot
+ zm1(i,1,1,1) = zm1(i,1,1,1) + delta*nd
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+Velocity Recycling Plugin
diff --git a/doc/source/user_guide/case.rst b/doc/source/user_guide/case.rst
index 6a574ada0..bfa178859 100644
--- a/doc/source/user_guide/case.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/case.rst
@@ -3,25 +3,37 @@
Case files
-This page describes the input file structure and syntax needed to run a nekRS simulation.
-A nekRS simulation is referred to as a "case," and at a minimum requires four files to run -
+A nekRS simulation is referred to as a "case," which utilises a number of files
+which are described in this page. An overview of these are presented in the the
+image below .
+.. _fig:case_overview:
+.. figure:: ../_static/img/overview.svg
+ :align: center
+ :figclass: align-center
+ :alt: An overview of nekRS case files
+There are a minimum of three files required to run a case:
* Parameter file, with ``.par`` extension
* Mesh file, with ``.re2`` extension
* User-defined functions for the host, with ``.udf`` extension
-* User-defined functions for the device, with ``.oudf`` extension
+With one optional file
+* Trigger file with ``.upd`` extension
The "case name" is then the common prefix applied to these files - for instance,
a complete input description with a case name of "eddy" would be given by the files
-``eddy.par``, ``eddy.re2``, ``eddy.udf``, and ``eddy.oudf``.
+``eddy.par``, ``eddy.re2``, ``eddy.udf``, and ``eddy.upd``.
The only restrictions on the case name are:
* It must be used as the prefix on all simulation files, and
* Typical restrictions for naming files for your operating system
-The next four sections describe the structure and syntax for each of these four files
-for a general case.
-Because the :term:`Nek5000` code is a predecessor to
+The next four sections describe the structure and syntax for each of these files
+for a general case. Because the :term:`Nek5000` code is a predecessor to
nekRS, some aspects of the current nekRS input file design are selected to enable faster translation of
Nek5000 input files into nekRS input files. Because these
Nek5000-based approaches require proficiency in Fortran, the inclusion of several additional input
diff --git a/doc/source/user_guide/commonly_used_variables.rst b/doc/source/user_guide/data_structures.rst
similarity index 97%
rename from doc/source/user_guide/commonly_used_variables.rst
rename to doc/source/user_guide/data_structures.rst
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--- a/doc/source/user_guide/commonly_used_variables.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/data_structures.rst
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-.. _commonly_used_variables:
+.. _data_structures:
-Commonly-Used Variables in nekRS
+Data Structures
+UDF Only??
To become a proficient user of nekRS requires some knowledge of the data structures
used to store the mesh, solution fields, and simulation settings. While many
@@ -27,6 +29,16 @@ The same data, but accessible on the device, is ``mesh->o_x``. Not all variables
are automatically available on both the host and device, but those that are available are
indicated with a :math:`\checkmark` in the "Device?" table column.
+.. _fig:case_overview:
+.. figure:: ../doxygen/doxygen_html/structplatform__t__coll__graph.png
+ :align: center
+ :figclass: align-center
+ :alt: Diagram of platform elements
diff --git a/doc/source/user_guide/detailed_usage.rst b/doc/source/user_guide/detailed_usage.rst
index 20a15c769..9884f10a6 100644
--- a/doc/source/user_guide/detailed_usage.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/detailed_usage.rst
@@ -13,175 +13,6 @@ in the nekRS source code are referenced - a list defining these variables and st
is available on the :ref:`Commonly Used Variables ` page
for reference.
-.. _converting_mesh:
-Converting a Mesh to .re2 Format
-The most general and flexible approach for creating a mesh is to use commercial meshing software
-such as Cubit or Gmsh. After creating the mesh, it must be converted to the ``.re2`` binary format.
-The following two sections describe how to convert Exodus and Gmsh meshes into ``.re2`` binary format
-with scripts that ship with the Nek5000 dependency. First build these scripts following
-the instructions in the :ref:`Building the Nek5000 Tool Scripts ` section.
-Converting an Exodus mesh
-To convert from an Exodus format mesh
-(for this case, named ``my_mesh.exo``) to the ``.re2`` format, use the ``exo2nek`` script:
-.. code-block::
- user$ exo2nek
-Then, follow the on-screen prompts associated with the ``exo2nek`` script.
-``exo2nek`` will convert all elements in the Exodus mesh (TET6, WEDGE6, HEX8, HEX20) to HEX20 elements and dump into ``.re2`` format.
-Converting a Gmsh mesh
-To convert from a Gmsh format mesh (for this case, named ``my_mesh.msh``) to the
-``.re2`` format, use the ``gmsh2nek`` script:
-.. code-block::
- user$ gmsh2nek
- Enter mesh dimension: 3
- Input (.msh) file name: my_mesh
-All your mesh should be hexahedral elements. Before exporting from Gmsh, you will need to set the mesh order to 2.
-The Gmsh mesh format must also be version 2, ASCII/binary format. If your Gmsh version
-shows a pop-up box when exporting the mesh, do *not* click "Save all elements"
-or "Save parametric elements".
-.. _cht_mesh:
-Creating a Mesh for Conjugate Heat Transfer
-Mesh generation for conjugate heat transfer requires an additional pre-processing
-step before performing other steps of the mesh generation process such as those
-described in the :ref:`Converting a Mesh to .re2 Format ` section.
-The nekRS approach for conjugate heat transfer is still dependent on legacy limitations
-from Nek5000. Unfortunately, you cannot
-simply use a standard commercial meshing tool and define fluid and solid
-regions according to block IDs - you must individually create the mesh for the fluid and
-the solid, and then merge them with the ``pretex`` script.
-.. _setting_ICs:
-Setting Initial Conditions with ``UDF_Setup``
-This section provides an example for setting initial conditions with the
-``UDF_Setup`` user-defined function that was introduced on the :ref:`Input Files ` page.
-The following code snippet sets initial conditions for all three components of
-velocity, the pressure, and two passive scalars. You may not necessarily have all of these
-variables in your model - this example is just intended to cover all possibilities.
-For this example, the initial conditions are
-:math:`V_x=sin(x)cos(y)cos(z)`, :math:`V_y=-cos(x)sin(y)cos(z)`, and :math:`V_z=0`
-for the three components of velocity;
-:math:`P=101325` for the pressure; and :math:`\phi_0=573` and :math:`\phi_1=100+z` for the
-two passive scalars indicated generically as :math:`\phi_0` and :math:`\phi_1`.
-.. note::
- If present, the temperature variable is represented internally in nekRS as a passive
- scalar, since the form of the equation is the same as those solver for other passive
- scalars such as chemical concentration.
-Because these initial conditions will
-be a function of space, we must first obtain the mesh information, for which we
-use the ``nrs->mesh`` pointer. All solution fields are stored in nekRS in terms of the
-quadrature points (also referred to as the :term:`GLL` points). So, we will apply
-the initial conditions by looping over all of these quadrature points, which for
-the current :term:`MPI` process is equal to ``mesh->Np``, or the number of quadrature
-points per element, and ``mesh->Nelements``, the number of elements on this process.
-Next, we can get the :math:`x`, :math:`y`, and :math:`z` coordinates for the current
-quadrature point with the ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` pointers on the ``mesh`` object.
-Finally, we programmatically set initial conditions for the solution fields. ``nrs->U``
-is a single array that holds all three components of velocity; the ``nrs->fieldOffset``
-variable is used to shift between components in this array. ``nrs->P`` represents the
-pressure. Finally, ``nrs->S`` is a single array that holds all of the passive scalars.
-Similar to the offset performed to index into the velocity array, the
-``nrs->cds->fieldOffset`` variable is used to shift between components in the ``nrs->S``
-.. code-block:: cpp
- void UDF_Setup(nrs_t* nrs)
- {
- mesh_t* mesh = nrs->mesh;
- int num_quadrature_points = mesh->Np * mesh->Nelements;
- for (int n = 0; n < num_quadrature_points; n++) {
- float x = mesh->x[n];
- float y = mesh->y[n];
- float z = mesh->z[n];
- nrs->U[n + 0 * nrs->fieldOffset] = sin(x) * cos(y) * cos(z);
- nrs->U[n + 1 * nrs->fieldOffset] = -cos(x) * sin(y) * cos(z);
- nrs->U[n + 2 * nrs->fieldOffset] = 0;
- nrs->P[n] = 101325.0;
- nrs->S[n + 0 * nrs->cds->fieldOffset] = 573.0;
- nrs->S[n + 1 * nrs->cds->fieldOffset] = 100.0 + z;
- }
- }
-.. _grabbing_user:
-Grabbing User .par Settings
-nekRS conveniently allows the user to define their own parameters in the ``.par`` file
-that can then be accessed in the ``.udf`` functions. This is useful for programmatically
-setting boundary conditions, forcing terms, and many other simulation settings. For instance,
-suppose that the initial condition for velocity will vary from run to run and is possibly used in several
-places in the ``.udf`` functions. Rather than continually edit the ``.udf`` file (which
-will require repeated just-in-time compilation), these settings can be set with user-defined
-parameters in the ``.par`` file.
-As an example, we will define a parameter named ``initialVelocity`` in the ``VELOCITY`` block.
-.. code-block :: xml
- residualTol = 1e-6
- density = 1.5
- viscosity = 2.4e-4
- boundaryTypeMap = inlet, wall, wall, wall, wall, outlet
- initialVelocity = 1.5
-To access this value in the ``.udf`` functions, call the ``extract(String key, String value, T & destination)``
-function on ``nrs->par`` as follows.
-.. code-block :: cpp
- void UDF_Setup(nrs_t* nrs)
- {
- double initial_Vz;
- nrs->par->extract("velocity", "initialvelocity", initial_Vz);
- mesh_t* mesh = nrs->mesh;
- int num_quadrature_points = mesh->Np * mesh->Nelements;
- for (int n = 0; n < num_quadrature_points; n++) {
- nrs->U[n + 0 * nrs->fieldOffset] = 0;
- nrs->U[n + 1 * nrs->fieldOffset] = 0;
- nrs->U[n + 2 * nrs->fieldOffset] = initial_Vz;
- }
- }
-The extracted user parameter can then be used throughout the ``.udf`` functions, as well
-as propagated to the device kernels as described in Section
-:ref:`Defining Variables to Access in Device Kernels `.
.. _defining_variables_for_device:
Defining Variables to Access in Device Kernels
@@ -793,7 +624,7 @@ from the device to the host, use the ``nek_ocopyFrom(double time, int tstep)`` r
``nrs->o_U`` is copied to ``nrs->U``, and so on. This
allows you to access the solution on the host as ``nrs->U``, ``nrs->p``, ``nrs->S``, etc.
-2. Copy the nekRS solution from the nekRS host arrays to the Nek5000 backend arrays.
+1. Copy the nekRS solution from the nekRS host arrays to the Nek5000 backend arrays.
If you only want to access the nekRS host side arays such as ``nrs->U``, you can skip the
second part by directly using :term:`OCCA` memory copy functions like the following, which
@@ -803,135 +634,6 @@ copies from the device array ``nrs->o_U`` to the host array ``nrs->U``.
-.. _writing_output:
-Writing an Output File
-nekRS will automatically write output files according to the ``writeControl`` criterion
-set in the ``.par`` file. However, it may be desirable to have finer-grained control of
-output writing, such as if you want the solution at a specific time step, but that
-time step is not an integer multiple of ``writeInterval``. In this case, you can force
-the output file writing to occur by calling the ``outfld(double time, double outputTime)``
-function in the ``nekrs`` namespace. This function performs the following actions:
-1. Copy the nekRS solution from the nekRS device arrays directly to the backend
- Nek5000 arrays.
-2. Write an output file.
-Note that this function is slightly different from the ``nek_ocopyFrom`` function described
-in the :ref:`Copying Device to Host ` section. This function is
-solely intended for writing output, so no effort is expended in copying the device
-solution into the nekRS host arrays - that step is bypassed, and the device solution is
-copied straight into the Nek5000 backend arrays. The ``nek_ocopyFrom`` routine should really
-only be used if you require access to the nekRS solution arrays on the host, while the
-``outfld`` routine should be used strictly for writing output files.
-By default, nekRS will only write the velocity, pressure, and temperature to an output file.
-However, you may have problem-specific fields that you want to view, such as :math:`y^+`.
-To write other fields to files, nekRS re-uses the
-functions that are used to write the velocity, pressure, and temperature
-to write other fields. Note that this imposes limitations on both the dimensionality of fields that
-can be output, as well as how they are named in the output files.
-For example, suppose you would like to write three fields to a file:
- * ``o_yPlus``, a device array that holds :math:`y^+` values, and
- * ``o_Uavg``, a device array that holds a time-averaged velocity field, and
- * ``o_rst``, a device array that holds the one component of the Reynolds stress tensor.
-To write these three fields to an output file, use the ``writeFld`` function as follows.
-The ``writeFld`` function takes eight arguments, and has a signature
-``void writeFld(const char* suf, dfloat t, int coords, int FP64, void* o_u, void* o_p, void* o_s, int NSf)``.
-In this example, the first parameter, ``"usr"``, is a three-character
-prefix that will determine how the new output file is written. While the velocity, pressure,
-and temperatures are written to files named ``case0.f``, where ``case`` is the case
-name and ```` is a six-digit number indicating the time step, any additional fields
-we will write are written to separate files. So for this example, we will write three fields
-to files named ``usrcase0.f``. The next three parameters simply indicate the time
-step that is being written, whether coordinates are written, and if the results should be written
-in double precision. Next, the three fields that are to be output are provided. The order is very
-important - the first of these fields must be of length ``nrs->fieldOffset * nrs->NVfields``
-because it represents a component vector field (this is how velocity is written in the usual output
-file). The second of these fields must be of length ``nrs->fieldOffset``, because it represents
-a non-component field (this is how pressure is written in the usual output file). Finally,
-the third of these fields must be of length ``nrs->cds->fieldOffset * Nscalar``, because it
-represents a passive scalar field (this is how the passive scalars are written in the usual
-output file).
-.. code-block:: cpp
- void UDF_ExecuteStep(nrs_t* nrs, dfloat time, int tstep)
- {
- // get o_yPlus, o_Uavg, and o_rst in the scope of this function
- bool coords = true;
- bool FP64 = true;
- int Nscalar = nrs->cds->Nscalar;
- writeFld("usr", time, coords, FP64, &o_Uavg, &o_rst, &o_yPlus, Nscalar);
- }
-.. warning::
- ``writeFld`` can only write data of type ``dfloat``. So, if you want to write an
- integer field to a field, you must first convert that data to ``dfloat``.
-nekRS's output system does not have any means by which to understand *what* these fields
-represent. Therefore, the names of these fields in the output file will be ``velocity``,
-``pressure``, and ``temperature``, even if those names have no relationship to what is
-being output. Therefore, for this example, the ``usrcase0.f`` files will
-contain the following:
-* ``o_Uavg`` is written to a field named ``velocity``
-* ``o_rst`` is written to a field named ``pressure``
-* ``o_yPlus`` is written to a field named ``temperature``
-nekRS's output system requires additional maneuvering if you wish to output
-more than one of each of each of these three categories of fields. For instance, suppose
-you want to output three different fields, ``o_field1``, ``o_field2``, and ``o_field3``,
-each of size ``nrs->fieldOffset``. Because only one input argument to ``writeFld`` can have
-these dimensions, three separate output files need to be written, and in *each* of these
-files, our field of interest is named ``pressure``. To fill the other two field arguments
-of the ``writeFld`` function, a void pointer is passed in to indicate that neither of
-the other two fields are written.
-.. code-block:: cpp
- void UDF_ExecuteStep(nrs_t* nrs, dfloat time, int tstep)
- {
- // get o_field1, o_field2, o_field3 in the scope of this function
- bool coords = true;
- bool FP64 = true;
- int Nscalar = nrs->cds->Nscalar;
- occa::memory o_null;
- writeFld("fl1", time, coords, FP64, &o_null, &o_field1, &o_null, Nscalar);
- writeFld("fl2", time, coords, FP64, &o_null, &o_field2, &o_null, Nscalar);
- writeFld("fl3", time, coords, FP64, &o_null, &o_field3, &o_null, Nscalar);
- }
-This will write three output files, which contain the following.
-* ``fl1case0.f`` contains ``o_field1``, but named ``pressure``
-* ``fl2case0.f`` contains ``o_field2``, but named ``pressure``
-* ``fl3case0.f`` contains ``o_field3``, but named ``pressure``
-Visualizing Output Files
-nekRS output files all have the form ``.fld``, where ```` is the case
-name and ```` is a five-digit number indicating the number of the output file (each output
-file represents a single time step that is output according to the settings for
-``writeControl`` and ``writeInterval`` in the ``.par`` file). These output files are in a custom
-binary format that requires an additional postprocessing step in order to visualize in Paraview.
-In the directory where the case files are located, run the ``visnek`` script:
-.. code-block::
- user$ visnek case
-which will create a ``case.nek5000`` file that is viewable in Paraview. See
-:ref:`Building the Nek5000 Tool Scripts ` for instructions on compiling the ``visnek`` program.
Calculating the Distance to a Wall
@@ -1038,110 +740,6 @@ within ``UDF_ExecuteStep`` so that the Nek5000 backend will have been called fir
nrs->o_usrwrk.copyFrom(wall_distance, n_gll_points * sizeof(dfloat), write_location * nrs->fieldOffset * sizeof(dfloat));
-Periodic Boundary Conditions
-NekRS supports periodic boundary conditions. To set up a periodic case, first
-you need to run ``exo2nek`` to establish the pairings between the periodic sidesets.
-All this information will be prompted on the screen by ``exo2nek``;
-You will provide the sideset IDs of the periodic boundaries, a search tolerance
-for identifying paired sides, and a translation vector that points from one of the
-paired sidesets to the other. For example, if you want to have one periodic surface
-that is a :math:`z`-plane at :math:`z=-1.0` that is paired to another :math:`z`-plane
-at :math:`z=1.0`, the translation vector would be :math:`(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)`.
-After generating the mesh, you then need to modify the sideset IDs inside the
-``usrdat2`` function. Any boundary that is now periodic, you need to set
-``boundaryID(ifc,iel)`` to 0. For all non-periodic boundaries, you need to
-"renormalize" those boundaries to "begin counting" from 1. For example, consider
-an original (non-periodic) mesh with sidesets 1, 2, 3, and 4. You run ``exo2nek``
-and set up sidesets 2 and 3 as periodic. Then, in the code snippet below, you
-would reset sidesets 2 and 3 in ``boundaryID`` to zero. For the remaining two
-boundaries (originally 1 and 4), you need to renormalized those to boundaries
-1 and 2 (because NekRS wants the boundaries to be ordered sequentially beginning
-from 1).
-.. code-block::
- subroutine usrdat2
- include 'SIZE'
- include 'TOTAL'
- integer e,f
- n = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelv
- nxz = nx1*nz1
- nface = 2*ldim
- do iel=1,nelt
- do ifc=1,2*ndim
- if (boundaryID(ifc,iel).eq. 1) then
- boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 1
- else if (boundaryID(ifc,iel).eq. 2) then
- boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 0
- else if (boundaryID(ifc,iel) .eq. 3) then
- boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 0
- else if (boundaryID(ifc,iel) .eq. 4) then
- boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 2
- endif
- enddo
- enddo
- return
- end
-Then, in the other case files, you do not need any boundary conditions for the periodic
-boundaries - for instance, in the ``.par`` file for this example, the boundary conditions
-set in ``boundaryTypeMap`` would only display the boundary conditions for the non-periodic
-boundaries (and similarly in the ``.oudf`` file). Finally, in order to enforce periodic
-flow with a constant flow rate, specify the ``constFlowRate`` parameter in the ``.par``
-file, such as
-.. code-block::
- constFlowRate = meanVelocity=1.0 + direction=Z
-Stamping Initial Conditions
-For many periodic flows, you can save significant computing time by solving the flow equations
-on a shorter-height mesh, and then "stamping" that solution onto a full-height mesh (where you
-might then be solving for passive scalar transport). NekRS allows you to "stamp" a partial-height
-solution onto a full-height mesh using the ``gfldr`` utility. To do so, you simply need to call
-the ``gfldr`` function in a loop inside of ``userchk()``. Below, ``nd`` represents the number
-of times you want to stamp a short-height solution to obtain the full-height case and ``delta``
-represents the height of one short-height domain. So, the example below would represent
-a previous solution (``short.fld``) on a short-height domain of height 62.42, that you want to stamp five times
-onto a new mesh that has a height of 312.1.
-.. code-block::
- subroutine userchk()
- include 'SIZE'
- include 'TOTAL'
- ntot = lx1*ly1*lz1*nelv
- do nd = 0,5
- delta = 62.421731741003335
- do i = 1,ntot
- zm1(i,1,1,1) = zm1(i,1,1,1) - delta*nd
- enddo
- call gfldr('short.fld')
- do i = 1,ntot
- zm1(i,1,1,1) = zm1(i,1,1,1) + delta*nd
- enddo
- enddo
- return
- end
.. rubric:: Footnotes
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--- a/doc/source/user_guide/installing.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/installing.rst
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.. _installing:
-Installing nekRS
This page gives a variety of information to help install nekRS. This includes
how to acquire & build nekRS appropriately to your environment, as well as some
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+.. _meshing:
+.. _converting_mesh:
+Converting a Mesh to .re2 Format
+The most general and flexible approach for creating a mesh is to use commercial meshing software
+such as Cubit or Gmsh. After creating the mesh, it must be converted to the ``.re2`` binary format.
+The following two sections describe how to convert Exodus and Gmsh meshes into ``.re2`` binary format
+with scripts that ship with the Nek5000 dependency. First build these scripts following
+the instructions in the :ref:`Building the Nek5000 Tool Scripts ` section.
+Converting an Exodus mesh
+To convert from an Exodus format mesh
+(for this case, named ``my_mesh.exo``) to the ``.re2`` format, use the ``exo2nek`` script:
+.. code-block::
+ user$ exo2nek
+Then, follow the on-screen prompts associated with the ``exo2nek`` script.
+``exo2nek`` will convert all elements in the Exodus mesh (TET6, WEDGE6, HEX8, HEX20) to HEX20 elements and dump into ``.re2`` format.
+Converting a Gmsh mesh
+To convert from a Gmsh format mesh (for this case, named ``my_mesh.msh``) to the
+``.re2`` format, use the ``gmsh2nek`` script:
+.. code-block::
+ user$ gmsh2nek
+ Enter mesh dimension: 3
+ Input (.msh) file name: my_mesh
+All your mesh should be hexahedral elements. Before exporting from Gmsh, you will need to set the mesh order to 2.
+The Gmsh mesh format must also be version 2, ASCII/binary format. If your Gmsh version
+shows a pop-up box when exporting the mesh, do *not* click "Save all elements"
+or "Save parametric elements".
+.. _cht_mesh:
+Creating a Mesh for Conjugate Heat Transfer
+Mesh generation for conjugate heat transfer requires an additional pre-processing
+step before performing other steps of the mesh generation process such as those
+described in the :ref:`Converting a Mesh to .re2 Format ` section.
+The nekRS approach for conjugate heat transfer is still dependent on legacy limitations
+from Nek5000. Unfortunately, you cannot
+simply use a standard commercial meshing tool and define fluid and solid
+regions according to block IDs - you must individually create the mesh for the fluid and
+the solid, and then merge them with the ``pretex`` script.
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rename to doc/source/user_guide/models_properties.rst
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--- a/doc/source/user_guide/plugins.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/models_properties.rst
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+.. _models_properties:
+Models and Physical properties
nekRS contains several "plugins" that provide both physics models and postprocessing
capabilities. nekRS's :term:`RANS` and low-Mach models, for instance, are provided as
@@ -9,13 +11,16 @@ modifications to the ``.udf`` files. Before reading this page, first consult
:ref:`User-Defined Host Functions (.udf) ` so that you have the necessary
background on each of the ``.udf`` functions that will be discussed.
-.. _rans_plugin:
+Turbulence models
+.. _rans_model:
-RANS :math:`k`-:math:`\tau` Plugin
+RANS :math:`k`-:math:`\tau` Model
The :term:`RANS` :math:`k`-:math:`\tau` plugin is available in the ``src/plugins/RANSktau.hpp``
-header file. In order to add the :math:`k`-:math:`\tau` model to your case, you need
+header file. In order to add the :math:`k`-:math:`\tau` model to youddisplr case, you need
to include this file in your ``.udf`` file and manually add all the requisite parts of
the :math:`k`-:math:`\tau` methodology. Unless otherwise noted, all code snippets in
this section are placed in the ``.udf`` file.
@@ -34,7 +39,8 @@ following sections then each describe a step in the :term:`RANS` model setup usi
.. _kernels:
Add the Physics Kernels
The calculations performed to add contributions to the residuals occur within
:term:`OCCA` kernels. In order to add the :term:`RANS` equations, the corresponding
physics kernels must first be included. The :term:`RANS` kernels are added to by
@@ -58,7 +64,8 @@ The ``RANSKtau::buildKernel`` function performs two main actions -
.. _rans_props:
Add the Closure Properties Calculation
Next, add the function that will update the properties used in the governing equations.
An example is shown in :ref:`Setting Custom Properties ` for setting
custom user-defined properties for a laminar flow scenario. The necessary steps to add
@@ -112,7 +119,8 @@ The ``RANSktau::updateProperties`` function performs two main actions:
:math:`\mu+\mu_T/\sigma_k`, and :math:`\mu+\mu_T/\sigma_\tau`, respectively.
Add the Source Terms Calculation
The same passive scalar infrastructure that is used to solve the energy conservation
equation is used to solve the :math:`k` and :math:`\tau` passive scalar equations.
However, these equations clearly have different forms - therefore, we need to explicitly
@@ -153,7 +161,8 @@ in the ``.udf`` file:
Add the Turbulent Prandtl Number
For cases with passive scalar equations, you must manually
add the additional component to the diffusivity, :math:`\mu_T/Pr_T`. This is done
in the function pointer to be the ``udf.properties`` function pointer *after*
@@ -232,7 +241,7 @@ the diffusion coefficient in the temperature passive scalar equation as
Initialize the RANS Solve
Finally, the last step to initialize the :term:`RANS` solve is to call the
``RANSktau::setup`` function. This function has signature
@@ -278,12 +287,5 @@ then the :math:`k` scalar should be positioned as the second scalar, and ``ifld
scalar. Be sure to order the scalars in the input file to respect this assumption.
-Low-Mach Plugin
-Turbulence Statistics Plugin
-Velocity Recycling Plugin
+Low-Mach Model
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+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/postprocessing.rst
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+.. _postprocessing:
+.. _writing_output:
+Writing an Output File - using UDF_ExecuteStep
+nekRS will automatically write output files according to the ``writeControl`` criterion
+set in the ``.par`` file. However, it may be desirable to have finer-grained control of
+output writing, such as if you want the solution at a specific time step, but that
+time step is not an integer multiple of ``writeInterval``. In this case, you can force
+the output file writing to occur by calling the ``outfld(double time, double outputTime)``
+function in the ``nekrs`` namespace. This function performs the following actions:
+1. Copy the nekRS solution from the nekRS device arrays directly to the backend
+ Nek5000 arrays.
+2. Write an output file.
+Note that this function is slightly different from the ``nek_ocopyFrom`` function described
+in the :ref:`Copying Device to Host ` section. This function is
+solely intended for writing output, so no effort is expended in copying the device
+solution into the nekRS host arrays - that step is bypassed, and the device solution is
+copied straight into the Nek5000 backend arrays. The ``nek_ocopyFrom`` routine should really
+only be used if you require access to the nekRS solution arrays on the host, while the
+``outfld`` routine should be used strictly for writing output files.
+By default, nekRS will only write the velocity, pressure, and temperature to an output file.
+However, you may have problem-specific fields that you want to view, such as :math:`y^+`.
+To write other fields to files, nekRS re-uses the
+functions that are used to write the velocity, pressure, and temperature
+to write other fields. Note that this imposes limitations on both the dimensionality of fields that
+can be output, as well as how they are named in the output files.
+For example, suppose you would like to write three fields to a file:
+ * ``o_yPlus``, a device array that holds :math:`y^+` values, and
+ * ``o_Uavg``, a device array that holds a time-averaged velocity field, and
+ * ``o_rst``, a device array that holds the one component of the Reynolds stress tensor.
+To write these three fields to an output file, use the ``writeFld`` function as follows.
+The ``writeFld`` function takes eight arguments, and has a signature
+``void writeFld(const char* suf, dfloat t, int coords, int FP64, void* o_u, void* o_p, void* o_s, int NSf)``.
+In this example, the first parameter, ``"usr"``, is a three-character
+prefix that will determine how the new output file is written. While the velocity, pressure,
+and temperatures are written to files named ``case0.f``, where ``case`` is the case
+name and ```` is a six-digit number indicating the time step, any additional fields
+we will write are written to separate files. So for this example, we will write three fields
+to files named ``usrcase0.f``. The next three parameters simply indicate the time
+step that is being written, whether coordinates are written, and if the results should be written
+in double precision. Next, the three fields that are to be output are provided. The order is very
+important - the first of these fields must be of length ``nrs->fieldOffset * nrs->NVfields``
+because it represents a component vector field (this is how velocity is written in the usual output
+file). The second of these fields must be of length ``nrs->fieldOffset``, because it represents
+a non-component field (this is how pressure is written in the usual output file). Finally,
+the third of these fields must be of length ``nrs->cds->fieldOffset * Nscalar``, because it
+represents a passive scalar field (this is how the passive scalars are written in the usual
+output file).
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ void UDF_ExecuteStep(nrs_t* nrs, dfloat time, int tstep)
+ {
+ // get o_yPlus, o_Uavg, and o_rst in the scope of this function
+ bool coords = true;
+ bool FP64 = true;
+ int Nscalar = nrs->cds->Nscalar;
+ writeFld("usr", time, coords, FP64, &o_Uavg, &o_rst, &o_yPlus, Nscalar);
+ }
+.. warning::
+ ``writeFld`` can only write data of type ``dfloat``. So, if you want to write an
+ integer field to a field, you must first convert that data to ``dfloat``.
+nekRS's output system does not have any means by which to understand *what* these fields
+represent. Therefore, the names of these fields in the output file will be ``velocity``,
+``pressure``, and ``temperature``, even if those names have no relationship to what is
+being output. Therefore, for this example, the ``usrcase0.f`` files will
+contain the following:
+* ``o_Uavg`` is written to a field named ``velocity``
+* ``o_rst`` is written to a field named ``pressure``
+* ``o_yPlus`` is written to a field named ``temperature``
+nekRS's output system requires additional maneuvering if you wish to output
+more than one of each of each of these three categories of fields. For instance, suppose
+you want to output three different fields, ``o_field1``, ``o_field2``, and ``o_field3``,
+each of size ``nrs->fieldOffset``. Because only one input argument to ``writeFld`` can have
+these dimensions, three separate output files need to be written, and in *each* of these
+files, our field of interest is named ``pressure``. To fill the other two field arguments
+of the ``writeFld`` function, a void pointer is passed in to indicate that neither of
+the other two fields are written.
+.. code-block:: cpp
+ void UDF_ExecuteStep(nrs_t* nrs, dfloat time, int tstep)
+ {
+ // get o_field1, o_field2, o_field3 in the scope of this function
+ bool coords = true;
+ bool FP64 = true;
+ int Nscalar = nrs->cds->Nscalar;
+ occa::memory o_null;
+ writeFld("fl1", time, coords, FP64, &o_null, &o_field1, &o_null, Nscalar);
+ writeFld("fl2", time, coords, FP64, &o_null, &o_field2, &o_null, Nscalar);
+ writeFld("fl3", time, coords, FP64, &o_null, &o_field3, &o_null, Nscalar);
+ }
+This will write three output files, which contain the following.
+* ``fl1case0.f`` contains ``o_field1``, but named ``pressure``
+* ``fl2case0.f`` contains ``o_field2``, but named ``pressure``
+* ``fl3case0.f`` contains ``o_field3``, but named ``pressure``
+.. _vis_output:
+Visualizing Output Files
+nekRS output files all have the form ``.fld``, where ```` is the case
+name and ```` is a five-digit number indicating the number of the output file (each output
+file represents a single time step that is output according to the settings for
+``writeControl`` and ``writeInterval`` in the ``.par`` file). These output files are in a custom
+binary format that requires an additional postprocessing step in order to visualize in Paraview.
+In the directory where the case files are located, run the ``visnek`` script:
+.. code-block::
+ user$ visnek case
+which will create a ``case.nek5000`` file that is viewable in Paraview. See
+:ref:`Building the Nek5000 Tool Scripts ` for instructions on compiling the ``visnek`` program.
+Turbulence Statistics
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--- a/doc/source/user_guide/running.rst
+++ b/doc/source/user_guide/running.rst
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.. _running:
-Running nekRS
This page gives information on how to run nekRS has been installed
(see :ref:`installing` ) and appropriate input files have been generated