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PREVIOUS: 2. Get WeVoteServer Code from Github
Taken from here:
Perhaps the most flexible way to install Django on your system is with the virtualenv tool. This tool allows you to create virtual Python environments where you can install any Python packages you want without affecting the rest of the system. This allows you to select Python packages on a per-project basis regardless of conflicts with other project's requirements.
We will begin by installing pip from the Ubuntu repositories. Refresh your local package index before starting:
$ sudo apt-get update
If, instead, you plan on using version 3 of Python, you can install pip by typing:
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
If you installed the Python 3 version of pip, you should type this instead:
$ sudo pip3 install virtualenv
Now, whenever you start a new project, you can create a virtual environment for it. Start by creating and moving into a new project directory:
$ mkdir ~/WeVoteServer3.5
$ cd ~/WeVoteServer3.5
Now, create a virtual environment within the project directory by typing:
$ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 WeVoteServer
Now activate this new virtual environment for WeVoteServer:
$ cd ~/PythonProjects/WeVoteServer/
$ source ~/WeVoteServer3.5/WeVoteServer/bin/activate
(WeVoteServer) $ export PATH="TBD/$PATH"
(WeVoteServer) $ pip3 install django-toolbelt
(WeVoteServer) $ pip3 install --upgrade pip
(WeVoteServer) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
(WeVoteServer) $ python3 -m pip install pyopenssl pyasn1 ndg-httpsclient
If installing requirements.txt does not work because of different dependencies, attempt install -r requirements.txt several times. Also,relying on IDEs like PyCharm may help installing the packages.
Test with this command:
(WeVoteServer) $ python makemigrations
(WeVoteServer) $ python migrate
(WeVoteServer) $ python3 runserver