Complete, external-facing Level Builder instructions live in this gdoc.
This .md file should only contain information which is specific to engineers.
- On GitHub, open a pull request from
, link: levelbuilder...test - Click the "Merge pull request" button and watch the "levelbuilder" room in Slack to make sure the build succeeds. If anything breaks, see the "Did it break section" below.
ssh -t ssh -t levelbuilder-staging levelbuilder/bin/content-push
- On GitHub, open a pull request from
. link: staging...levelbuilder - Click the "Merge pull request" button and watch the "infra-staging" room in Slack to make sure the build succeeds. If anything breaks, see the "Did it break section" below.
- Updating English-language strings from .script file doesn't automatically update localized strings (#82514628). Workarounds:
- After updating the description in the .script file, delete the entry for the script in scripts.en.yml, then run rake seed:scripts (or rake seed:all.
- Modify the entry in scripts.en.yml directly to update description text (you don't even need to modify the text in the .script file).
- Renaming a level in LB keeps the old .level file around (#78597388). Workaround: Manually delete the old level after rename.
Did you get an error message like:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, Level: {"name":"Course 4 Maze 1","stage":"Maze and Bee","concept_ids":null}, Script: course4
If so, one of two things might have happened:
Levelbuilder and staging only reseed scripts when script files have changed since the last time rake:seed was run. It keeps track of this using the .seeded file, but if a git pull was happening at the same time as a rake:seed the date could be wrong.
To fix:
> cd dashboard
> rm config/scripts/.seeded
> rake seed:all
Levelbuilders by default do not read levels from files into the database. If you just pulled files from git that were created by a different levelbuilder environment, you need to force it to read in those new levels or they will be missing:
To fix:
> cd dashboard
> rake seed:all FORCE_CUSTOM_LEVELS=1
If you also need to rebuild levelbuilder:
> cd ..
> touch build-started
(you may have to remove the .seeded file as above also).
This file is owned by levelbuilder, but can be (incorrectly) modified by the staging build process. If you experience a merge conflict, resolve it in favor of levelbuilder.
Getting an error like:
RAILS_ENV=levelbuilder RACK_ENV=levelbuilder bundle exec rake assets:precompile
sudo service levelbuilder start
master failed to start, check stderr log for details
rake aborted!
'sudo service levelbuilder start' returned 1
/home/ubuntu/levelbuilder/lib/cdo/rake_utils.rb:33:in `system'
View the contents of levelbuilder/dashboard/log/unicorn_stderr.log
Does unicorn_stderr.log
then say have something like /var/lib/gems/2.0.0/gems/unicorn-4.8.2/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb:206:in 'pid=': Already running on PID:9070 (or pid=/home/ubuntu/levelbuilder/dashboard/config/ is stale) (ArgumentError)
Try restarting unicorn:
kill -9 9070
(or whicheverPID
showed up above)rake build:dashboard