This repository includes a verified upgradeable contracts dataset and experimental results.
contains the data and figure of the portion of posts about Upgradeable Smart Contracts.
is the algorithm to detect potential proxy upgradeable contracts../RQ2/verified_dataset/verified_potential_4455.csv
contains 4,455 potential proxy upgradeable contracts../RQ2/verified_dataset/verified_dataset_with_opcodes_8704.csv
contains 8,704 verified contracts(4,352 upgradeable contracts using proxy pattern and 4,352 non-upgradeable contracts).
./RQ2/cross validation
contains the best model's cross-validation results../RQ2/Evaluation/5_models_evaluation.csv
contains the raw data of Results of Predicting Upgradeable Contract Using Five Machine Learning Algorithm in the paper.
contains 28 metamorphic contracts with different codes redeployed.