First Quarter FY25
** PLEASE NOTE ** : This milestone might be subject to changes.
The primary goal for this milestone is to provide an example workflow with the the following modules:
- Data Parsers
- Data Preparations
- Models
- Trainers
- Analyses
The example workflow should be written such that:
- It is intuitive and easy to use by anyone outside of this project
- Every module has…
** PLEASE NOTE ** : This milestone might be subject to changes.
The primary goal for this milestone is to provide an example workflow with the the following modules:
- Data Parsers
- Data Preparations
- Models
- Trainers
- Analyses
The example workflow should be written such that:
- It is intuitive and easy to use by anyone outside of this project
- Every module has a dedicated unit-test
- Follow PEP* ( convention
The following constraints apply to the example workflow (and any other workflow) written:
- Configurations are managed via Pythons hydra:
- The backbone (for now) is keras 3:
- Every module has an underlying core class, e.g. model core, analysis core, etc.
This milestone is considered completed, if:
- All the issues are closed
- An example workflow is submitted via pull request
It is important to notice that whatever comes out of this milestone is not the final answer, i.e. there will be a few iterations (hopefully not too many) where parts may change (e.g. functions, core classes, etc.). But we do need a full example workflow first, in order to properly assess what functionality is need and / or reasonable