diff --git a/App.xaml b/App.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..293d0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/App.xaml.cs b/App.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe66f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/App.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ public partial class App : Application
+ {
+ public App()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ protected override Window CreateWindow(IActivationState? activationState)
+ {
+ return new Window(new AppShell());
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AppShell.xaml b/AppShell.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..563007b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AppShell.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
diff --git a/AppShell.xaml.cs b/AppShell.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63d9ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AppShell.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Alerts;
+using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Core;
+using Font = Microsoft.Maui.Font;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ public partial class AppShell : Shell
+ {
+ public AppShell()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ var currentTheme = Application.Current!.UserAppTheme;
+ ThemeSegmentedControl.SelectedIndex = currentTheme == AppTheme.Light ? 0 : 1;
+ }
+ public static async Task DisplaySnackbarAsync(string message)
+ {
+ CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
+ var snackbarOptions = new SnackbarOptions
+ {
+ BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb("#FF3300"),
+ TextColor = Colors.White,
+ ActionButtonTextColor = Colors.Yellow,
+ CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(0),
+ Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(18),
+ ActionButtonFont = Font.SystemFontOfSize(14)
+ };
+ var snackbar = Snackbar.Make(message, visualOptions: snackbarOptions);
+ await snackbar.Show(cancellationTokenSource.Token);
+ }
+ public static async Task DisplayToastAsync(string message)
+ {
+ // Toast is currently not working in MCT on Windows
+ if (OperatingSystem.IsWindows())
+ return;
+ var toast = Toast.Make(message, textSize: 18);
+ var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
+ await toast.Show(cts.Token);
+ }
+ private void SfSegmentedControl_SelectionChanged(object sender, Syncfusion.Maui.Toolkit.SegmentedControl.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ Application.Current!.UserAppTheme = e.NewIndex == 0 ? AppTheme.Light : AppTheme.Dark;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/BRTDataTools.App.csproj b/BRTDataTools.App.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad88cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BRTDataTools.App.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ net9.0-android;net9.0-ios;net9.0-maccatalyst
+ $(TargetFrameworks);net9.0-windows10.0.19041.0
+ Exe
+ BRTDataTools.App
+ true
+ true
+ enable
+ enable
+ XC0103
+ true
+ BRTDataTools.App
+ com.companyname.brtdatatools.app
+ 1.0
+ 1
+ None
+ 15.0
+ 15.0
+ 21.0
+ 10.0.17763.0
+ 10.0.17763.0
+ 6.5
diff --git a/BRTDataTools.App.sln b/BRTDataTools.App.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fe1083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BRTDataTools.App.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio Version 17
+VisualStudioVersion = 17.12.35527.113 d17.12
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "BRTDataTools.App", "BRTDataTools.App.csproj", "{6234D526-0A18-43AF-A895-15EDEF616353}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {6234D526-0A18-43AF-A895-15EDEF616353}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {6234D526-0A18-43AF-A895-15EDEF616353}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {6234D526-0A18-43AF-A895-15EDEF616353}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {6234D526-0A18-43AF-A895-15EDEF616353}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/Data/CategoryRepository.cs b/Data/CategoryRepository.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77547be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/CategoryRepository.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Data
+ ///
+ /// Repository class for managing categories in the database.
+ ///
+ public class CategoryRepository
+ {
+ private bool _hasBeenInitialized = false;
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ///
+ /// The logger instance.
+ public CategoryRepository(ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _logger = logger;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Initializes the database connection and creates the Category table if it does not exist.
+ ///
+ private async Task Init()
+ {
+ if (_hasBeenInitialized)
+ return;
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ try
+ {
+ var createTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ createTableCmd.CommandText = @"
+ );";
+ await createTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(e, "Error creating Category table");
+ throw;
+ }
+ _hasBeenInitialized = true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a list of all categories from the database.
+ ///
+ /// A list of objects.
+ public async Task> ListAsync()
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Category";
+ var categories = new List();
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ while (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ categories.Add(new Category
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Title = reader.GetString(1),
+ Color = reader.GetString(2)
+ });
+ }
+ return categories;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a specific category by its ID.
+ ///
+ /// The ID of the category.
+ /// A object if found; otherwise, null.
+ public async Task GetAsync(int id)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Category WHERE ID = @id";
+ selectCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ if (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ return new Category
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Title = reader.GetString(1),
+ Color = reader.GetString(2)
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Saves a category to the database. If the category ID is 0, a new category is created; otherwise, the existing category is updated.
+ ///
+ /// The category to save.
+ /// The ID of the saved category.
+ public async Task SaveItemAsync(Category item)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var saveCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ if (item.ID == 0)
+ {
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ INSERT INTO Category (Title, Color)
+ VALUES (@Title, @Color);
+ SELECT last_insert_rowid();";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ UPDATE Category SET Title = @Title, Color = @Color
+ WHERE ID = @ID";
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", item.ID);
+ }
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", item.Title);
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Color", item.Color);
+ var result = await saveCmd.ExecuteScalarAsync();
+ if (item.ID == 0)
+ {
+ item.ID = Convert.ToInt32(result);
+ }
+ return item.ID;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deletes a category from the database.
+ ///
+ /// The category to delete.
+ /// The number of rows affected.
+ public async Task DeleteItemAsync(Category item)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var deleteCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ deleteCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Category WHERE ID = @id";
+ deleteCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", item.ID);
+ return await deleteCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Drops the Category table from the database.
+ ///
+ public async Task DropTableAsync()
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var dropTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ dropTableCmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Category";
+ await dropTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ _hasBeenInitialized = false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Data/Constants.cs b/Data/Constants.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be235f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/Constants.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Data
+ public static class Constants
+ {
+ public const string DatabaseFilename = "AppSQLite.db3";
+ public static string DatabasePath =>
+ $"Data Source={Path.Combine(FileSystem.AppDataDirectory, DatabaseFilename)}";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Data/JsonContext.cs b/Data/JsonContext.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f118a45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/JsonContext.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+public partial class JsonContext : JsonSerializerContext
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Data/ProjectRepository.cs b/Data/ProjectRepository.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5c6b69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/ProjectRepository.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Data
+ ///
+ /// Repository class for managing projects in the database.
+ ///
+ public class ProjectRepository
+ {
+ private bool _hasBeenInitialized = false;
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ private readonly TaskRepository _taskRepository;
+ private readonly TagRepository _tagRepository;
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ///
+ /// The task repository instance.
+ /// The tag repository instance.
+ /// The logger instance.
+ public ProjectRepository(TaskRepository taskRepository, TagRepository tagRepository, ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _taskRepository = taskRepository;
+ _tagRepository = tagRepository;
+ _logger = logger;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Initializes the database connection and creates the Project table if it does not exist.
+ ///
+ private async Task Init()
+ {
+ if (_hasBeenInitialized)
+ return;
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ try
+ {
+ var createTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ createTableCmd.CommandText = @"
+ Description TEXT NOT NULL,
+ );";
+ await createTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(e, "Error creating Project table");
+ throw;
+ }
+ _hasBeenInitialized = true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a list of all projects from the database.
+ ///
+ /// A list of objects.
+ public async Task> ListAsync()
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Project";
+ var projects = new List();
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ while (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ projects.Add(new Project
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Name = reader.GetString(1),
+ Description = reader.GetString(2),
+ Icon = reader.GetString(3),
+ CategoryID = reader.GetInt32(4)
+ });
+ }
+ foreach (var project in projects)
+ {
+ project.Tags = await _tagRepository.ListAsync(project.ID);
+ project.Tasks = await _taskRepository.ListAsync(project.ID);
+ }
+ return projects;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a specific project by its ID.
+ ///
+ /// The ID of the project.
+ /// A object if found; otherwise, null.
+ public async Task GetAsync(int id)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Project WHERE ID = @id";
+ selectCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ if (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ var project = new Project
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Name = reader.GetString(1),
+ Description = reader.GetString(2),
+ Icon = reader.GetString(3),
+ CategoryID = reader.GetInt32(4)
+ };
+ project.Tags = await _tagRepository.ListAsync(project.ID);
+ project.Tasks = await _taskRepository.ListAsync(project.ID);
+ return project;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Saves a project to the database. If the project ID is 0, a new project is created; otherwise, the existing project is updated.
+ ///
+ /// The project to save.
+ /// The ID of the saved project.
+ public async Task SaveItemAsync(Project item)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var saveCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ if (item.ID == 0)
+ {
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ INSERT INTO Project (Name, Description, Icon, CategoryID)
+ VALUES (@Name, @Description, @Icon, @CategoryID);
+ SELECT last_insert_rowid();";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ UPDATE Project
+ SET Name = @Name, Description = @Description, Icon = @Icon, CategoryID = @CategoryID
+ WHERE ID = @ID";
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", item.ID);
+ }
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Name", item.Name);
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Description", item.Description);
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Icon", item.Icon);
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CategoryID", item.CategoryID);
+ var result = await saveCmd.ExecuteScalarAsync();
+ if (item.ID == 0)
+ {
+ item.ID = Convert.ToInt32(result);
+ }
+ return item.ID;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deletes a project from the database.
+ ///
+ /// The project to delete.
+ /// The number of rows affected.
+ public async Task DeleteItemAsync(Project item)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var deleteCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ deleteCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Project WHERE ID = @ID";
+ deleteCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", item.ID);
+ return await deleteCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Drops the Project table from the database.
+ ///
+ public async Task DropTableAsync()
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var dropCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ dropCmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Project";
+ await dropCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ await _taskRepository.DropTableAsync();
+ await _tagRepository.DropTableAsync();
+ _hasBeenInitialized = false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Data/SeedDataService.cs b/Data/SeedDataService.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b24b859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/SeedDataService.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+using System.Text.Json;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Data
+ public class SeedDataService
+ {
+ private readonly ProjectRepository _projectRepository;
+ private readonly TaskRepository _taskRepository;
+ private readonly TagRepository _tagRepository;
+ private readonly CategoryRepository _categoryRepository;
+ private readonly string _seedDataFilePath = "SeedData.json";
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ public SeedDataService(ProjectRepository projectRepository, TaskRepository taskRepository, TagRepository tagRepository, CategoryRepository categoryRepository, ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _projectRepository = projectRepository;
+ _taskRepository = taskRepository;
+ _tagRepository = tagRepository;
+ _categoryRepository = categoryRepository;
+ _logger = logger;
+ }
+ public async Task LoadSeedDataAsync()
+ {
+ ClearTables();
+ await using Stream templateStream = await FileSystem.OpenAppPackageFileAsync(_seedDataFilePath);
+ ProjectsJson? payload = null;
+ try
+ {
+ payload = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(templateStream, JsonContext.Default.ProjectsJson);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(e, "Error deserializing seed data");
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ if (payload is not null)
+ {
+ foreach (var project in payload.Projects)
+ {
+ if (project is null)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (project.Category is not null)
+ {
+ await _categoryRepository.SaveItemAsync(project.Category);
+ project.CategoryID = project.Category.ID;
+ }
+ await _projectRepository.SaveItemAsync(project);
+ if (project?.Tasks is not null)
+ {
+ foreach (var task in project.Tasks)
+ {
+ task.ProjectID = project.ID;
+ await _taskRepository.SaveItemAsync(task);
+ }
+ }
+ if (project?.Tags is not null)
+ {
+ foreach (var tag in project.Tags)
+ {
+ await _tagRepository.SaveItemAsync(tag, project.ID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(e, "Error saving seed data");
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ private async void ClearTables()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ await Task.WhenAll(
+ _projectRepository.DropTableAsync(),
+ _taskRepository.DropTableAsync(),
+ _tagRepository.DropTableAsync(),
+ _categoryRepository.DropTableAsync());
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Data/TagRepository.cs b/Data/TagRepository.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cbf4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/TagRepository.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Data
+ ///
+ /// Repository class for managing tags in the database.
+ ///
+ public class TagRepository
+ {
+ private bool _hasBeenInitialized = false;
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ///
+ /// The logger instance.
+ public TagRepository(ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _logger = logger;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Initializes the database connection and creates the Tag and ProjectsTags tables if they do not exist.
+ ///
+ private async Task Init()
+ {
+ if (_hasBeenInitialized)
+ return;
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ try
+ {
+ var createTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ createTableCmd.CommandText = @"
+ );";
+ await createTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ createTableCmd.CommandText = @"
+ );";
+ await createTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(e, "Error creating tables");
+ throw;
+ }
+ _hasBeenInitialized = true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a list of all tags from the database.
+ ///
+ /// A list of objects.
+ public async Task> ListAsync()
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Tag";
+ var tags = new List();
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ while (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ tags.Add(new Tag
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Title = reader.GetString(1),
+ Color = reader.GetString(2)
+ });
+ }
+ return tags;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a list of tags associated with a specific project.
+ ///
+ /// The ID of the project.
+ /// A list of objects.
+ public async Task> ListAsync(int projectID)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = @"
+ SELECT t.*
+ FROM Tag t
+ JOIN ProjectsTags pt ON t.ID = pt.TagID
+ WHERE pt.ProjectID = @ProjectID";
+ selectCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("ProjectID", projectID);
+ var tags = new List();
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ while (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ tags.Add(new Tag
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Title = reader.GetString(1),
+ Color = reader.GetString(2)
+ });
+ }
+ return tags;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a specific tag by its ID.
+ ///
+ /// The ID of the tag.
+ /// A object if found; otherwise, null.
+ public async Task GetAsync(int id)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Tag WHERE ID = @id";
+ selectCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ if (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ return new Tag
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Title = reader.GetString(1),
+ Color = reader.GetString(2)
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Saves a tag to the database. If the tag ID is 0, a new tag is created; otherwise, the existing tag is updated.
+ ///
+ /// The tag to save.
+ /// The ID of the saved tag.
+ public async Task SaveItemAsync(Tag item)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var saveCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ if (item.ID == 0)
+ {
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ INSERT INTO Tag (Title, Color) VALUES (@Title, @Color);
+ SELECT last_insert_rowid();";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ UPDATE Tag SET Title = @Title, Color = @Color WHERE ID = @ID";
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ID", item.ID);
+ }
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Title", item.Title);
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Color", item.Color);
+ var result = await saveCmd.ExecuteScalarAsync();
+ if (item.ID == 0)
+ {
+ item.ID = Convert.ToInt32(result);
+ }
+ return item.ID;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Saves a tag to the database and associates it with a specific project.
+ ///
+ /// The tag to save.
+ /// The ID of the project.
+ /// The number of rows affected.
+ public async Task SaveItemAsync(Tag item, int projectID)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await SaveItemAsync(item);
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var saveCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ INSERT INTO ProjectsTags (ProjectID, TagID) VALUES (@projectID, @tagID)";
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectID", projectID);
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tagID", item.ID);
+ return await saveCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deletes a tag from the database.
+ ///
+ /// The tag to delete.
+ /// The number of rows affected.
+ public async Task DeleteItemAsync(Tag item)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var deleteCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ deleteCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Tag WHERE ID = @id";
+ deleteCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", item.ID);
+ return await deleteCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deletes a tag from a specific project in the database.
+ ///
+ /// The tag to delete.
+ /// The ID of the project.
+ /// The number of rows affected.
+ public async Task DeleteItemAsync(Tag item, int projectID)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var deleteCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ deleteCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM ProjectsTags WHERE ProjectID = @projectID AND TagID = @tagID";
+ deleteCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectID", projectID);
+ deleteCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tagID", item.ID);
+ return await deleteCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Drops the Tag and ProjectsTags tables from the database.
+ ///
+ public async Task DropTableAsync()
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var dropTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ dropTableCmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Tag";
+ await dropTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ dropTableCmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ProjectsTags";
+ await dropTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ _hasBeenInitialized = false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Data/TaskRespository.cs b/Data/TaskRespository.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c280f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Data/TaskRespository.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Data
+ ///
+ /// Repository class for managing tasks in the database.
+ ///
+ public class TaskRepository
+ {
+ private bool _hasBeenInitialized = false;
+ private readonly ILogger _logger;
+ ///
+ /// Initializes a new instance of the class.
+ ///
+ /// The logger instance.
+ public TaskRepository(ILogger logger)
+ {
+ _logger = logger;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Initializes the database connection and creates the Task table if it does not exist.
+ ///
+ private async Task Init()
+ {
+ if (_hasBeenInitialized)
+ return;
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ try
+ {
+ var createTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ createTableCmd.CommandText = @"
+ );";
+ await createTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _logger.LogError(e, "Error creating Task table");
+ throw;
+ }
+ _hasBeenInitialized = true;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a list of all tasks from the database.
+ ///
+ /// A list of objects.
+ public async Task> ListAsync()
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Task";
+ var tasks = new List();
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ while (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ tasks.Add(new ProjectTask
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Title = reader.GetString(1),
+ IsCompleted = reader.GetBoolean(2),
+ ProjectID = reader.GetInt32(3)
+ });
+ }
+ return tasks;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a list of tasks associated with a specific project.
+ ///
+ /// The ID of the project.
+ /// A list of objects.
+ public async Task> ListAsync(int projectId)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Task WHERE ProjectID = @projectId";
+ selectCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectId", projectId);
+ var tasks = new List();
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ while (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ tasks.Add(new ProjectTask
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Title = reader.GetString(1),
+ IsCompleted = reader.GetBoolean(2),
+ ProjectID = reader.GetInt32(3)
+ });
+ }
+ return tasks;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Retrieves a specific task by its ID.
+ ///
+ /// The ID of the task.
+ /// A object if found; otherwise, null.
+ public async Task GetAsync(int id)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var selectCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ selectCmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Task WHERE ID = @id";
+ selectCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
+ await using var reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();
+ if (await reader.ReadAsync())
+ {
+ return new ProjectTask
+ {
+ ID = reader.GetInt32(0),
+ Title = reader.GetString(1),
+ IsCompleted = reader.GetBoolean(2),
+ ProjectID = reader.GetInt32(3)
+ };
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Saves a task to the database. If the task ID is 0, a new task is created; otherwise, the existing task is updated.
+ ///
+ /// The task to save.
+ /// The ID of the saved task.
+ public async Task SaveItemAsync(ProjectTask item)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var saveCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ if (item.ID == 0)
+ {
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ INSERT INTO Task (Title, IsCompleted, ProjectID) VALUES (@title, @isCompleted, @projectId);
+ SELECT last_insert_rowid();";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ saveCmd.CommandText = @"
+ UPDATE Task SET Title = @title, IsCompleted = @isCompleted, ProjectID = @projectId WHERE ID = @id";
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", item.ID);
+ }
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@title", item.Title);
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isCompleted", item.IsCompleted);
+ saveCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@projectId", item.ProjectID);
+ var result = await saveCmd.ExecuteScalarAsync();
+ if (item.ID == 0)
+ {
+ item.ID = Convert.ToInt32(result);
+ }
+ return item.ID;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Deletes a task from the database.
+ ///
+ /// The task to delete.
+ /// The number of rows affected.
+ public async Task DeleteItemAsync(ProjectTask item)
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var deleteCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ deleteCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Task WHERE ID = @id";
+ deleteCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", item.ID);
+ return await deleteCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Drops the Task table from the database.
+ ///
+ public async Task DropTableAsync()
+ {
+ await Init();
+ await using var connection = new SqliteConnection(Constants.DatabasePath);
+ await connection.OpenAsync();
+ var dropTableCmd = connection.CreateCommand();
+ dropTableCmd.CommandText = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Task";
+ await dropTableCmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();
+ _hasBeenInitialized = false;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GlobalUsings.cs b/GlobalUsings.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..017e94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GlobalUsings.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+global using BRTDataTools.App.Data;
+global using BRTDataTools.App.PageModels;
+global using BRTDataTools.App.Pages;
+global using BRTDataTools.App.Services;
+global using BRTDataTools.App.Utilities;
+global using Fonts;
diff --git a/MauiProgram.cs b/MauiProgram.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1108a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MauiProgram.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+using CommunityToolkit.Maui;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
+using Syncfusion.Maui.Toolkit.Hosting;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ public static class MauiProgram
+ {
+ public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
+ {
+ var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
+ builder
+ .UseMauiApp()
+ .UseMauiCommunityToolkit()
+ .ConfigureSyncfusionToolkit()
+ .ConfigureMauiHandlers(handlers =>
+ {
+ })
+ .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
+ {
+ fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
+ fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
+ fonts.AddFont("SegoeUI-Semibold.ttf", "SegoeSemibold");
+ fonts.AddFont("FluentSystemIcons-Regular.ttf", FluentUI.FontFamily);
+ });
+#if DEBUG
+ builder.Logging.AddDebug();
+ builder.Services.AddLogging(configure => configure.AddDebug());
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddSingleton();
+ builder.Services.AddTransientWithShellRoute("project");
+ builder.Services.AddTransientWithShellRoute("task");
+ return builder.Build();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Models/Category.cs b/Models/Category.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba680bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/Category.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Models
+ public class Category
+ {
+ public int ID { get; set; }
+ public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public string Color { get; set; } = "#FF0000";
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public Brush ColorBrush
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return new SolidColorBrush(Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color.FromArgb(Color));
+ }
+ }
+ public override string ToString() => $"{Title}";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Models/CategoryChartData.cs b/Models/CategoryChartData.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f09a3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/CategoryChartData.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Models
+ public class CategoryChartData
+ {
+ public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public int Count { get; set; }
+ public CategoryChartData(string title, int count)
+ {
+ Title = title;
+ Count = count;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Models/Project.cs b/Models/Project.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3435da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/Project.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Models
+ public class Project
+ {
+ public int ID { get; set; }
+ public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public string Description { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public string Icon { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public int CategoryID { get; set; }
+ public Category? Category { get; set; }
+ public List Tasks { get; set; } = [];
+ public List Tags { get; set; } = [];
+ public override string ToString() => $"{Name}";
+ }
+ public class ProjectsJson
+ {
+ public List Projects { get; set; } = [];
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Models/ProjectTask.cs b/Models/ProjectTask.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dbea1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/ProjectTask.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Models
+ public class ProjectTask
+ {
+ public int ID { get; set; }
+ public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public bool IsCompleted { get; set; }
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public int ProjectID { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Models/ProjectsTags.cs b/Models/ProjectsTags.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dce2a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/ProjectsTags.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Models
+ public class ProjectsTags
+ {
+ public int ID { get; set; }
+ public int ProjectID { get; set; }
+ public int TagID { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Models/Tag.cs b/Models/Tag.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc9ae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Models/Tag.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
+using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Core.Extensions;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Models
+ public class Tag
+ {
+ public int ID { get; set; }
+ public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
+ public string Color { get; set; } = "#FF0000";
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public Brush ColorBrush
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return new SolidColorBrush(Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color.FromArgb(Color));
+ }
+ }
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public Color DisplayColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color.FromArgb(Color);
+ }
+ }
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public Color DisplayDarkColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return DisplayColor.WithBlackKey(0.8);
+ }
+ }
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public Color DisplayLightColor
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return DisplayColor.WithBlackKey(0.2);
+ }
+ }
+ [JsonIgnore]
+ public bool IsSelected { get; set; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PageModels/IProjectTaskPageModel.cs b/PageModels/IProjectTaskPageModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5b6fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PageModels/IProjectTaskPageModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.PageModels
+ public interface IProjectTaskPageModel
+ {
+ IAsyncRelayCommand NavigateToTaskCommand { get; }
+ bool IsBusy { get; }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PageModels/MainPageModel.cs b/PageModels/MainPageModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..629adfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PageModels/MainPageModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.PageModels
+ public partial class MainPageModel : ObservableObject, IProjectTaskPageModel
+ {
+ private bool _isNavigatedTo;
+ private bool _dataLoaded;
+ private readonly ProjectRepository _projectRepository;
+ private readonly TaskRepository _taskRepository;
+ private readonly CategoryRepository _categoryRepository;
+ private readonly ModalErrorHandler _errorHandler;
+ private readonly SeedDataService _seedDataService;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _todoCategoryData = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _todoCategoryColors = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _tasks = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _projects = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ bool _isBusy;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ bool _isRefreshing;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private string _today = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, MMM d");
+ public bool HasCompletedTasks
+ => Tasks?.Any(t => t.IsCompleted) ?? false;
+ public MainPageModel(SeedDataService seedDataService, ProjectRepository projectRepository,
+ TaskRepository taskRepository, CategoryRepository categoryRepository, ModalErrorHandler errorHandler)
+ {
+ _projectRepository = projectRepository;
+ _taskRepository = taskRepository;
+ _categoryRepository = categoryRepository;
+ _errorHandler = errorHandler;
+ _seedDataService = seedDataService;
+ }
+ private async Task LoadData()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ IsBusy = true;
+ Projects = await _projectRepository.ListAsync();
+ var chartData = new List();
+ var chartColors = new List();
+ var categories = await _categoryRepository.ListAsync();
+ foreach (var category in categories)
+ {
+ chartColors.Add(category.ColorBrush);
+ var ps = Projects.Where(p => p.CategoryID == category.ID).ToList();
+ int tasksCount = ps.SelectMany(p => p.Tasks).Count();
+ chartData.Add(new(category.Title, tasksCount));
+ }
+ TodoCategoryData = chartData;
+ TodoCategoryColors = chartColors;
+ Tasks = await _taskRepository.ListAsync();
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ IsBusy = false;
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HasCompletedTasks));
+ }
+ }
+ private async Task InitData(SeedDataService seedDataService)
+ {
+ bool isSeeded = Preferences.Default.ContainsKey("is_seeded");
+ if (!isSeeded)
+ {
+ await seedDataService.LoadSeedDataAsync();
+ }
+ Preferences.Default.Set("is_seeded", true);
+ await Refresh();
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task Refresh()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ IsRefreshing = true;
+ await LoadData();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(e);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ IsRefreshing = false;
+ }
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private void NavigatedTo() =>
+ _isNavigatedTo = true;
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private void NavigatedFrom() =>
+ _isNavigatedTo = false;
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task Appearing()
+ {
+ if (!_dataLoaded)
+ {
+ await InitData(_seedDataService);
+ _dataLoaded = true;
+ await Refresh();
+ }
+ // This means we are being navigated to
+ else if (!_isNavigatedTo)
+ {
+ await Refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private Task TaskCompleted(ProjectTask task)
+ {
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HasCompletedTasks));
+ return _taskRepository.SaveItemAsync(task);
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private Task AddTask()
+ => Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"task");
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private Task NavigateToProject(Project project)
+ => Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"project?id={project.ID}");
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private Task NavigateToTask(ProjectTask task)
+ => Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"task?id={task.ID}");
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task CleanTasks()
+ {
+ var completedTasks = Tasks.Where(t => t.IsCompleted).ToList();
+ foreach (var task in completedTasks)
+ {
+ await _taskRepository.DeleteItemAsync(task);
+ Tasks.Remove(task);
+ }
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HasCompletedTasks));
+ Tasks = new(Tasks);
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("All cleaned up!");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PageModels/ManageMetaPageModel.cs b/PageModels/ManageMetaPageModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21c17b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PageModels/ManageMetaPageModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Data;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Services;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.PageModels
+ public partial class ManageMetaPageModel : ObservableObject
+ {
+ private readonly CategoryRepository _categoryRepository;
+ private readonly TagRepository _tagRepository;
+ private readonly SeedDataService _seedDataService;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private ObservableCollection _categories = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private ObservableCollection _tags = [];
+ public ManageMetaPageModel(CategoryRepository categoryRepository, TagRepository tagRepository, SeedDataService seedDataService)
+ {
+ _categoryRepository = categoryRepository;
+ _tagRepository = tagRepository;
+ _seedDataService = seedDataService;
+ }
+ private async Task LoadData()
+ {
+ var categoriesList = await _categoryRepository.ListAsync();
+ Categories = new ObservableCollection(categoriesList);
+ var tagsList = await _tagRepository.ListAsync();
+ Tags = new ObservableCollection(tagsList);
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private Task Appearing()
+ => LoadData();
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task SaveCategories()
+ {
+ foreach (var category in Categories)
+ {
+ await _categoryRepository.SaveItemAsync(category);
+ }
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Categories saved");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task DeleteCategory(Category category)
+ {
+ Categories.Remove(category);
+ await _categoryRepository.DeleteItemAsync(category);
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Category deleted");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task AddCategory()
+ {
+ var category = new Category();
+ Categories.Add(category);
+ await _categoryRepository.SaveItemAsync(category);
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Category added");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task SaveTags()
+ {
+ foreach (var tag in Tags)
+ {
+ await _tagRepository.SaveItemAsync(tag);
+ }
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Tags saved");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task DeleteTag(Tag tag)
+ {
+ Tags.Remove(tag);
+ await _tagRepository.DeleteItemAsync(tag);
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Tag deleted");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task AddTag()
+ {
+ var tag = new Tag();
+ Tags.Add(tag);
+ await _tagRepository.SaveItemAsync(tag);
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Tag added");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task Reset()
+ {
+ Preferences.Default.Remove("is_seeded");
+ await _seedDataService.LoadSeedDataAsync();
+ Preferences.Default.Set("is_seeded", true);
+ await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("//main");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/PageModels/ProjectDetailPageModel.cs b/PageModels/ProjectDetailPageModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9853e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PageModels/ProjectDetailPageModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.PageModels
+ public partial class ProjectDetailPageModel : ObservableObject, IQueryAttributable, IProjectTaskPageModel
+ {
+ private Project? _project;
+ private readonly ProjectRepository _projectRepository;
+ private readonly TaskRepository _taskRepository;
+ private readonly CategoryRepository _categoryRepository;
+ private readonly TagRepository _tagRepository;
+ private readonly ModalErrorHandler _errorHandler;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private string _name = string.Empty;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private string _description = string.Empty;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _tasks = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _categories = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private Category? _category;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private int _categoryIndex = -1;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _allTags = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private string _icon = FluentUI.ribbon_24_regular;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ bool _isBusy;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _icons =
+ [
+ FluentUI.ribbon_24_regular,
+ FluentUI.ribbon_star_24_regular,
+ FluentUI.trophy_24_regular,
+ FluentUI.badge_24_regular,
+ FluentUI.book_24_regular,
+ FluentUI.people_24_regular,
+ FluentUI.bot_24_regular
+ ];
+ public bool HasCompletedTasks
+ => _project?.Tasks.Any(t => t.IsCompleted) ?? false;
+ public ProjectDetailPageModel(ProjectRepository projectRepository, TaskRepository taskRepository, CategoryRepository categoryRepository, TagRepository tagRepository, ModalErrorHandler errorHandler)
+ {
+ _projectRepository = projectRepository;
+ _taskRepository = taskRepository;
+ _categoryRepository = categoryRepository;
+ _tagRepository = tagRepository;
+ _errorHandler = errorHandler;
+ Tasks = [];
+ }
+ public void ApplyQueryAttributes(IDictionary query)
+ {
+ if (query.ContainsKey("id"))
+ {
+ int id = Convert.ToInt32(query["id"]);
+ LoadData(id).FireAndForgetSafeAsync(_errorHandler);
+ }
+ else if (query.ContainsKey("refresh"))
+ {
+ RefreshData().FireAndForgetSafeAsync(_errorHandler);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Task.WhenAll(LoadCategories(), LoadTags()).FireAndForgetSafeAsync(_errorHandler);
+ _project = new();
+ _project.Tags = [];
+ _project.Tasks = [];
+ Tasks = _project.Tasks;
+ }
+ }
+ private async Task LoadCategories() =>
+ Categories = await _categoryRepository.ListAsync();
+ private async Task LoadTags() =>
+ AllTags = await _tagRepository.ListAsync();
+ private async Task RefreshData()
+ {
+ if (_project.IsNullOrNew())
+ {
+ if (_project is not null)
+ Tasks = new(_project.Tasks);
+ return;
+ }
+ Tasks = await _taskRepository.ListAsync(_project.ID);
+ _project.Tasks = Tasks;
+ }
+ private async Task LoadData(int id)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ IsBusy = true;
+ _project = await _projectRepository.GetAsync(id);
+ if (_project.IsNullOrNew())
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(new Exception($"Project with id {id} could not be found."));
+ return;
+ }
+ Name = _project.Name;
+ Description = _project.Description;
+ Tasks = _project.Tasks;
+ Icon = _project.Icon;
+ Categories = await _categoryRepository.ListAsync();
+ Category = Categories?.FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == _project.CategoryID);
+ CategoryIndex = Categories?.FindIndex(c => c.ID == _project.CategoryID) ?? -1;
+ var allTags = await _tagRepository.ListAsync();
+ foreach (var tag in allTags)
+ {
+ tag.IsSelected = _project.Tags.Any(t => t.ID == tag.ID);
+ }
+ AllTags = new(allTags);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(e);
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ IsBusy = false;
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HasCompletedTasks));
+ }
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task TaskCompleted(ProjectTask task)
+ {
+ await _taskRepository.SaveItemAsync(task);
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HasCompletedTasks));
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task Save()
+ {
+ if (_project is null)
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(
+ new Exception("Project is null. Cannot Save."));
+ return;
+ }
+ _project.Name = Name;
+ _project.Description = Description;
+ _project.CategoryID = Category?.ID ?? 0;
+ _project.Icon = Icon ?? FluentUI.ribbon_24_regular;
+ await _projectRepository.SaveItemAsync(_project);
+ if (_project.IsNullOrNew())
+ {
+ foreach (var tag in AllTags)
+ {
+ if (tag.IsSelected)
+ {
+ await _tagRepository.SaveItemAsync(tag, _project.ID);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (var task in _project.Tasks)
+ {
+ if (task.ID == 0)
+ {
+ task.ProjectID = _project.ID;
+ await _taskRepository.SaveItemAsync(task);
+ }
+ }
+ await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("..");
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Project saved");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task AddTask()
+ {
+ if (_project is null)
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(
+ new Exception("Project is null. Cannot navigate to task."));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Pass the project so if this is a new project we can just add
+ // the tasks to the project and then save them all from here.
+ await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"task",
+ new ShellNavigationQueryParameters(){
+ {TaskDetailPageModel.ProjectQueryKey, _project}
+ });
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task Delete()
+ {
+ if (_project.IsNullOrNew())
+ {
+ await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("..");
+ return;
+ }
+ await _projectRepository.DeleteItemAsync(_project);
+ await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("..");
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Project deleted");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private Task NavigateToTask(ProjectTask task) =>
+ Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"task?id={task.ID}");
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task ToggleTag(Tag tag)
+ {
+ tag.IsSelected = !tag.IsSelected;
+ if (!_project.IsNullOrNew())
+ {
+ if (tag.IsSelected)
+ {
+ await _tagRepository.SaveItemAsync(tag, _project.ID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ await _tagRepository.DeleteItemAsync(tag, _project.ID);
+ }
+ }
+ AllTags = new(AllTags);
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task CleanTasks()
+ {
+ var completedTasks = Tasks.Where(t => t.IsCompleted).ToArray();
+ foreach (var task in completedTasks)
+ {
+ await _taskRepository.DeleteItemAsync(task);
+ Tasks.Remove(task);
+ }
+ Tasks = new(Tasks);
+ OnPropertyChanged(nameof(HasCompletedTasks));
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("All cleaned up!");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/PageModels/ProjectListPageModel.cs b/PageModels/ProjectListPageModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8c4dd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PageModels/ProjectListPageModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#nullable disable
+using BRTDataTools.App.Data;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Services;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.PageModels
+ public partial class ProjectListPageModel : ObservableObject
+ {
+ private readonly ProjectRepository _projectRepository;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _projects = [];
+ public ProjectListPageModel(ProjectRepository projectRepository)
+ {
+ _projectRepository = projectRepository;
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task Appearing()
+ {
+ Projects = await _projectRepository.ListAsync();
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ Task NavigateToProject(Project project)
+ => Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"project?id={project.ID}");
+ [RelayCommand]
+ async Task AddProject()
+ {
+ await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"project");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PageModels/TaskDetailPageModel.cs b/PageModels/TaskDetailPageModel.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..021a834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PageModels/TaskDetailPageModel.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Data;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Services;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.PageModels
+ public partial class TaskDetailPageModel : ObservableObject, IQueryAttributable
+ {
+ public const string ProjectQueryKey = "project";
+ private ProjectTask? _task;
+ private bool _canDelete;
+ private readonly ProjectRepository _projectRepository;
+ private readonly TaskRepository _taskRepository;
+ private readonly ModalErrorHandler _errorHandler;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private string _title = string.Empty;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private bool _isCompleted;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private List _projects = [];
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private Project? _project;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private int _selectedProjectIndex = -1;
+ [ObservableProperty]
+ private bool _isExistingProject;
+ public TaskDetailPageModel(ProjectRepository projectRepository, TaskRepository taskRepository, ModalErrorHandler errorHandler)
+ {
+ _projectRepository = projectRepository;
+ _taskRepository = taskRepository;
+ _errorHandler = errorHandler;
+ }
+ public void ApplyQueryAttributes(IDictionary query)
+ {
+ LoadTaskAsync(query).FireAndForgetSafeAsync(_errorHandler);
+ }
+ private async Task LoadTaskAsync(IDictionary query)
+ {
+ if (query.TryGetValue(ProjectQueryKey, out var project))
+ Project = (Project)project;
+ int taskId = 0;
+ if (query.ContainsKey("id"))
+ {
+ taskId = Convert.ToInt32(query["id"]);
+ _task = await _taskRepository.GetAsync(taskId);
+ if (_task is null)
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(new Exception($"Task Id {taskId} isn't valid."));
+ return;
+ }
+ Project = await _projectRepository.GetAsync(_task.ProjectID);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _task = new ProjectTask();
+ }
+ // If the project is new, we don't need to load the project dropdown
+ if (Project?.ID == 0)
+ {
+ IsExistingProject = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Projects = await _projectRepository.ListAsync();
+ IsExistingProject = true;
+ }
+ if (Project is not null)
+ SelectedProjectIndex = Projects.FindIndex(p => p.ID == Project.ID);
+ else if (_task?.ProjectID > 0)
+ SelectedProjectIndex = Projects.FindIndex(p => p.ID == _task.ProjectID);
+ if (taskId > 0)
+ {
+ if (_task is null)
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(new Exception($"Task with id {taskId} could not be found."));
+ return;
+ }
+ Title = _task.Title;
+ IsCompleted = _task.IsCompleted;
+ CanDelete = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _task = new ProjectTask()
+ {
+ ProjectID = Project?.ID ?? 0
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ public bool CanDelete
+ {
+ get => _canDelete;
+ set
+ {
+ _canDelete = value;
+ DeleteCommand.NotifyCanExecuteChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private async Task Save()
+ {
+ if (_task is null)
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(
+ new Exception("Task or project is null. The task could not be saved."));
+ return;
+ }
+ _task.Title = Title;
+ int projectId = Project?.ID ?? 0;
+ if (Projects.Count > SelectedProjectIndex && SelectedProjectIndex >= 0)
+ _task.ProjectID = projectId = Projects[SelectedProjectIndex].ID;
+ _task.IsCompleted = IsCompleted;
+ if (Project?.ID == projectId && !Project.Tasks.Contains(_task))
+ Project.Tasks.Add(_task);
+ if (_task.ProjectID > 0)
+ _taskRepository.SaveItemAsync(_task).FireAndForgetSafeAsync(_errorHandler);
+ await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("..?refresh=true");
+ if (_task.ID > 0)
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Task saved");
+ }
+ [RelayCommand(CanExecute = nameof(CanDelete))]
+ private async Task Delete()
+ {
+ if (_task is null || Project is null)
+ {
+ _errorHandler.HandleError(
+ new Exception("Task is null. The task could not be deleted."));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (Project.Tasks.Contains(_task))
+ Project.Tasks.Remove(_task);
+ if (_task.ID > 0)
+ await _taskRepository.DeleteItemAsync(_task);
+ await Shell.Current.GoToAsync("..?refresh=true");
+ await AppShell.DisplayToastAsync("Task deleted");
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/AddButton.xaml b/Pages/Controls/AddButton.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..825abf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/AddButton.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/AddButton.xaml.cs b/Pages/Controls/AddButton.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76127e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/AddButton.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages.Controls
+ public partial class AddButton
+ {
+ public AddButton()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/CategoryChart.xaml b/Pages/Controls/CategoryChart.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92b1e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/CategoryChart.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/CategoryChart.xaml.cs b/Pages/Controls/CategoryChart.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ea0fad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/CategoryChart.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages.Controls
+ public partial class CategoryChart
+ {
+ public CategoryChart()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/LegendExt.cs b/Pages/Controls/LegendExt.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..834c58b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/LegendExt.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+using Syncfusion.Maui.Toolkit.Charts;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages.Controls
+ public class LegendExt : ChartLegend
+ {
+ protected override double GetMaximumSizeCoefficient()
+ {
+ return 0.5;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/ProjectCardView.xaml b/Pages/Controls/ProjectCardView.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7725546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/ProjectCardView.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/ProjectCardView.xaml.cs b/Pages/Controls/ProjectCardView.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c74762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/ProjectCardView.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages.Controls
+ public partial class ProjectCardView
+ {
+ public ProjectCardView()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/TagView.xaml b/Pages/Controls/TagView.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36721c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/TagView.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/TagView.xaml.cs b/Pages/Controls/TagView.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c31662d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/TagView.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages.Controls
+ public partial class TagView
+ {
+ public TagView()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/TaskView.xaml b/Pages/Controls/TaskView.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29c1db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/TaskView.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/Controls/TaskView.xaml.cs b/Pages/Controls/TaskView.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bbd346
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/Controls/TaskView.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+using System.Windows.Input;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages.Controls
+ public partial class TaskView
+ {
+ public TaskView()
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ public static readonly BindableProperty TaskCompletedCommandProperty = BindableProperty.Create(
+ nameof(TaskCompletedCommand),
+ typeof(ICommand),
+ typeof(TaskView),
+ null);
+ public ICommand TaskCompletedCommand
+ {
+ get => (ICommand)GetValue(TaskCompletedCommandProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TaskCompletedCommandProperty, value);
+ }
+ private void CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, CheckedChangedEventArgs e)
+ {
+ var checkbox = (CheckBox)sender;
+ if (checkbox.BindingContext is not ProjectTask task)
+ return;
+ if (task.IsCompleted == e.Value)
+ return;
+ task.IsCompleted = e.Value;
+ TaskCompletedCommand?.Execute(task);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/MainPage.xaml b/Pages/MainPage.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4912d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/MainPage.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
diff --git a/Pages/MainPage.xaml.cs b/Pages/MainPage.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8659a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/MainPage.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+using BRTDataTools.App.PageModels;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages
+ public partial class MainPage : ContentPage
+ {
+ public MainPage(MainPageModel model)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ BindingContext = model;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/ManageMetaPage.xaml b/Pages/ManageMetaPage.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69e3a7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/ManageMetaPage.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/ManageMetaPage.xaml.cs b/Pages/ManageMetaPage.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..976d978
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/ManageMetaPage.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages
+ public partial class ManageMetaPage : ContentPage
+ {
+ public ManageMetaPage(ManageMetaPageModel model)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ BindingContext = model;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/ProjectDetailPage.xaml b/Pages/ProjectDetailPage.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa10a97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/ProjectDetailPage.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/ProjectDetailPage.xaml.cs b/Pages/ProjectDetailPage.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f42c352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/ProjectDetailPage.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages
+ public partial class ProjectDetailPage : ContentPage
+ {
+ public ProjectDetailPage(ProjectDetailPageModel model)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ BindingContext = model;
+ }
+ }
+ public class ChipDataTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
+ {
+ public required DataTemplate SelectedTagTemplate { get; set; }
+ public required DataTemplate NormalTagTemplate { get; set; }
+ protected override DataTemplate OnSelectTemplate(object item, BindableObject container)
+ {
+ return (item as Tag)?.IsSelected ?? false ? SelectedTagTemplate : NormalTagTemplate;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/ProjectListPage.xaml b/Pages/ProjectListPage.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e09ef43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/ProjectListPage.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/ProjectListPage.xaml.cs b/Pages/ProjectListPage.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..270f824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/ProjectListPage.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages
+ public partial class ProjectListPage : ContentPage
+ {
+ public ProjectListPage(ProjectListPageModel model)
+ {
+ BindingContext = model;
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/TaskDetailPage.xaml b/Pages/TaskDetailPage.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8254b4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/TaskDetailPage.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pages/TaskDetailPage.xaml.cs b/Pages/TaskDetailPage.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d2b08e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Pages/TaskDetailPage.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Pages
+ public partial class TaskDetailPage : ContentPage
+ {
+ public TaskDetailPage(TaskDetailPageModel model)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ BindingContext = model;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Platforms/Android/AndroidManifest.xml b/Platforms/Android/AndroidManifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9937ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Android/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Platforms/Android/MainActivity.cs b/Platforms/Android/MainActivity.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf04b99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Android/MainActivity.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+using Android.App;
+using Android.Content.PM;
+using Android.OS;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ [Activity(Theme = "@style/Maui.SplashTheme", MainLauncher = true, LaunchMode = LaunchMode.SingleTop, ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.UiMode | ConfigChanges.ScreenLayout | ConfigChanges.SmallestScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Density)]
+ public class MainActivity : MauiAppCompatActivity
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/Platforms/Android/MainApplication.cs b/Platforms/Android/MainApplication.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3bd2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Android/MainApplication.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+using Android.App;
+using Android.Runtime;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ [Application]
+ public class MainApplication : MauiApplication
+ {
+ public MainApplication(IntPtr handle, JniHandleOwnership ownership)
+ : base(handle, ownership)
+ {
+ }
+ protected override MauiApp CreateMauiApp() => MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
+ }
diff --git a/Platforms/Android/Resources/values/colors.xml b/Platforms/Android/Resources/values/colors.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c04d749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Android/Resources/values/colors.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ #512BD4
+ #2B0B98
+ #2B0B98
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Platforms/MacCatalyst/AppDelegate.cs b/Platforms/MacCatalyst/AppDelegate.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bc8034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/MacCatalyst/AppDelegate.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using Foundation;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ [Register("AppDelegate")]
+ public class AppDelegate : MauiUIApplicationDelegate
+ {
+ protected override MauiApp CreateMauiApp() => MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
+ }
diff --git a/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Entitlements.plist b/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Entitlements.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de4adc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Entitlements.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ com.apple.security.app-sandbox
+ com.apple.security.network.client
diff --git a/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Info.plist b/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7268977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ UIDeviceFamily
+ 2
+ UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities
+ arm64
+ UISupportedInterfaceOrientations
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight
+ UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight
+ XSAppIconAssets
+ Assets.xcassets/appicon.appiconset
diff --git a/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Program.cs b/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f7f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/MacCatalyst/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+using ObjCRuntime;
+using UIKit;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ public class Program
+ {
+ // This is the main entry point of the application.
+ static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ // if you want to use a different Application Delegate class from "AppDelegate"
+ // you can specify it here.
+ UIApplication.Main(args, null, typeof(AppDelegate));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Platforms/Tizen/Main.cs b/Platforms/Tizen/Main.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0be19d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Tizen/Main.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+using System;
+using Microsoft.Maui;
+using Microsoft.Maui.Hosting;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ internal class Program : MauiApplication
+ {
+ protected override MauiApp CreateMauiApp() => MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
+ static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ var app = new Program();
+ app.Run(args);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Platforms/Tizen/tizen-manifest.xml b/Platforms/Tizen/tizen-manifest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..050494f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Tizen/tizen-manifest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ maui-appicon-placeholder
+ http://tizen.org/privilege/internet
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Platforms/Windows/App.xaml b/Platforms/Windows/App.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d018050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Windows/App.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/Platforms/Windows/App.xaml.cs b/Platforms/Windows/App.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4d3855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Windows/App.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+using Microsoft.UI.Xaml;
+// To learn more about WinUI, the WinUI project structure,
+// and more about our project templates, see: http://aka.ms/winui-project-info.
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.WinUI
+ ///
+ /// Provides application-specific behavior to supplement the default Application class.
+ ///
+ public partial class App : MauiWinUIApplication
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Initializes the singleton application object. This is the first line of authored code
+ /// executed, and as such is the logical equivalent of main() or WinMain().
+ ///
+ public App()
+ {
+ this.InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ protected override MauiApp CreateMauiApp() => MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
+ }
diff --git a/Platforms/Windows/Package.appxmanifest b/Platforms/Windows/Package.appxmanifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f34329c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Windows/Package.appxmanifest
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+ $placeholder$
+ User Name
+ $placeholder$.png
diff --git a/Platforms/Windows/app.manifest b/Platforms/Windows/app.manifest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e4fb47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/Windows/app.manifest
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ true/PM
+ PerMonitorV2, PerMonitor
diff --git a/Platforms/iOS/AppDelegate.cs b/Platforms/iOS/AppDelegate.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bc8034
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/iOS/AppDelegate.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using Foundation;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ [Register("AppDelegate")]
+ public class AppDelegate : MauiUIApplicationDelegate
+ {
+ protected override MauiApp CreateMauiApp() => MauiProgram.CreateMauiApp();
+ }
diff --git a/Platforms/iOS/Info.plist b/Platforms/iOS/Info.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0004a4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/iOS/Info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ LSRequiresIPhoneOS
+ UIDeviceFamily
+ 1
+ 2
+ UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities
+ arm64
+ UISupportedInterfaceOrientations
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight
+ UISupportedInterfaceOrientations~ipad
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
+ UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft
+ UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight
+ XSAppIconAssets
+ Assets.xcassets/appicon.appiconset
diff --git a/Platforms/iOS/Program.cs b/Platforms/iOS/Program.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8f7f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/iOS/Program.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+using ObjCRuntime;
+using UIKit;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App
+ public class Program
+ {
+ // This is the main entry point of the application.
+ static void Main(string[] args)
+ {
+ // if you want to use a different Application Delegate class from "AppDelegate"
+ // you can specify it here.
+ UIApplication.Main(args, null, typeof(AppDelegate));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Platforms/iOS/Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy b/Platforms/iOS/Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24ab3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Platforms/iOS/Resources/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryFileTimestamp
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons
+ C617.1
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons
+ 35F9.1
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryDiskSpace
+ NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons
+ E174.1
diff --git a/Properties/launchSettings.json b/Properties/launchSettings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f85793
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Properties/launchSettings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "profiles": {
+ "Windows Machine": {
+ "commandName": "Project",
+ "nativeDebugging": false
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/AppIcon/appicon.svg b/Resources/AppIcon/appicon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d63b65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/AppIcon/appicon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/AppIcon/appiconfg.svg b/Resources/AppIcon/appiconfg.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21dfb25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/AppIcon/appiconfg.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Fonts/FluentSystemIcons-Regular.ttf b/Resources/Fonts/FluentSystemIcons-Regular.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f016bd
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Fonts/FluentSystemIcons-Regular.ttf differ
diff --git a/Resources/Fonts/FluentUI.cs b/Resources/Fonts/FluentUI.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f12cac6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Fonts/FluentUI.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7921 @@
+namespace Fonts
+ // Generated by IconFont2Code: https://andreinitescu.github.io/IconFont2Code
+ // If you change the class to 'public' in order to use it outside its assembly
+ // you should also change the fields from 'const' to 'public static readonly'
+ internal static class FluentUI
+ {
+ public const string FontFamily = "FluentUI";
+ public const string access_time_20_regular = "\ue000";
+ public const string access_time_24_regular = "\uf101";
+ public const string accessibility_16_regular = "\uf102";
+ public const string accessibility_20_regular = "\uf103";
+ public const string accessibility_24_regular = "\uf104";
+ public const string accessibility_28_regular = "\uf105";
+ public const string accessibility_32_regular = "\ue001";
+ public const string accessibility_48_regular = "\ue002";
+ public const string accessibility_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue003";
+ public const string accessibility_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue004";
+ public const string accessibility_checkmark_28_regular = "\uf00a";
+ public const string accessibility_checkmark_32_regular = "\uf00b";
+ public const string accessibility_checkmark_48_regular = "\uf00c";
+ public const string accessibility_error_20_regular = "\U000f0551";
+ public const string accessibility_error_24_regular = "\U000f0552";
+ public const string accessibility_question_mark_20_regular = "\U000f0553";
+ public const string accessibility_question_mark_24_regular = "\U000f0554";
+ public const string add_12_regular = "\uf107";
+ public const string add_16_regular = "\uf108";
+ public const string add_20_regular = "\uf109";
+ public const string add_24_regular = "\uf10a";
+ public const string add_28_regular = "\uf10b";
+ public const string add_32_regular = "\uf58d";
+ public const string add_48_regular = "\uf598";
+ public const string add_circle_12_regular = "\uf00d";
+ public const string add_circle_16_regular = "\ue005";
+ public const string add_circle_20_regular = "\uf10c";
+ public const string add_circle_24_regular = "\uf10d";
+ public const string add_circle_28_regular = "\uf10e";
+ public const string add_circle_32_regular = "\ue006";
+ public const string add_square_16_regular = "\U000f01e2";
+ public const string add_square_20_regular = "\ue007";
+ public const string add_square_24_regular = "\uf8ca";
+ public const string add_square_28_regular = "\U000f01e3";
+ public const string add_square_32_regular = "\U000f01e4";
+ public const string add_square_48_regular = "\U000f01e5";
+ public const string add_square_multiple_16_regular = "\ue008";
+ public const string add_square_multiple_20_regular = "\ue009";
+ public const string add_square_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f0266";
+ public const string add_subtract_circle_16_regular = "\ue00a";
+ public const string add_subtract_circle_20_regular = "\ue00b";
+ public const string add_subtract_circle_24_regular = "\ue00c";
+ public const string add_subtract_circle_28_regular = "\ue00d";
+ public const string add_subtract_circle_48_regular = "\ue00e";
+ public const string airplane_20_regular = "\uf10f";
+ public const string airplane_24_regular = "\uf110";
+ public const string airplane_landing_16_regular = "\ue0ed";
+ public const string airplane_landing_20_regular = "\ue0ee";
+ public const string airplane_landing_24_regular = "\ue0ef";
+ public const string airplane_take_off_16_regular = "\uf111";
+ public const string airplane_take_off_20_regular = "\uf112";
+ public const string airplane_take_off_24_regular = "\uf113";
+ public const string album_20_regular = "\ue00f";
+ public const string album_24_regular = "\ue010";
+ public const string album_add_20_regular = "\ue011";
+ public const string album_add_24_regular = "\ue012";
+ public const string alert_12_regular = "\ue013";
+ public const string alert_16_regular = "\ue014";
+ public const string alert_20_regular = "\uf114";
+ public const string alert_24_regular = "\uf115";
+ public const string alert_28_regular = "\uf116";
+ public const string alert_32_regular = "\ue015";
+ public const string alert_48_regular = "\ue016";
+ public const string alert_badge_16_regular = "\ue017";
+ public const string alert_badge_20_regular = "\ue018";
+ public const string alert_badge_24_regular = "\ue019";
+ public const string alert_off_16_regular = "\uf117";
+ public const string alert_off_20_regular = "\uf118";
+ public const string alert_off_24_regular = "\uf119";
+ public const string alert_off_28_regular = "\uf11a";
+ public const string alert_on_16_regular = "\U000f03d0";
+ public const string alert_on_20_regular = "\ue01a";
+ public const string alert_on_24_regular = "\uf11b";
+ public const string alert_snooze_12_regular = "\ue01b";
+ public const string alert_snooze_16_regular = "\ue01c";
+ public const string alert_snooze_20_regular = "\uf11c";
+ public const string alert_snooze_24_regular = "\uf11d";
+ public const string alert_urgent_16_regular = "\ue01d";
+ public const string alert_urgent_20_regular = "\uf11e";
+ public const string alert_urgent_24_regular = "\uf11f";
+ public const string align_bottom_16_regular = "\ue01e";
+ public const string align_bottom_20_regular = "\ue01f";
+ public const string align_bottom_24_regular = "\ue020";
+ public const string align_bottom_28_regular = "\ue021";
+ public const string align_bottom_32_regular = "\ue022";
+ public const string align_bottom_48_regular = "\ue023";
+ public const string align_center_horizontal_16_regular = "\ue024";
+ public const string align_center_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue025";
+ public const string align_center_horizontal_24_regular = "\ue026";
+ public const string align_center_horizontal_28_regular = "\ue027";
+ public const string align_center_horizontal_32_regular = "\ue028";
+ public const string align_center_horizontal_48_regular = "\ue029";
+ public const string align_center_vertical_16_regular = "\ue02a";
+ public const string align_center_vertical_20_regular = "\ue02b";
+ public const string align_center_vertical_24_regular = "\ue02c";
+ public const string align_center_vertical_28_regular = "\ue02d";
+ public const string align_center_vertical_32_regular = "\ue02e";
+ public const string align_center_vertical_48_regular = "\ue02f";
+ public const string align_distribute_bottom_16_regular = "\uf09c";
+ public const string align_distribute_left_16_regular = "\uf09d";
+ public const string align_distribute_right_16_regular = "\uf09e";
+ public const string align_distribute_top_16_regular = "\uf09f";
+ public const string align_end_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue030";
+ public const string align_end_vertical_20_regular = "\ue031";
+ public const string align_left_16_regular = "\ue032";
+ public const string align_left_20_regular = "\ue033";
+ public const string align_left_24_regular = "\ue034";
+ public const string align_left_28_regular = "\ue035";
+ public const string align_left_32_regular = "\ue036";
+ public const string align_left_48_regular = "\ue037";
+ public const string align_right_16_regular = "\ue038";
+ public const string align_right_20_regular = "\ue039";
+ public const string align_right_24_regular = "\ue03a";
+ public const string align_right_28_regular = "\ue03b";
+ public const string align_right_32_regular = "\ue03c";
+ public const string align_right_48_regular = "\ue03d";
+ public const string align_space_around_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue03e";
+ public const string align_space_around_vertical_20_regular = "\ue03f";
+ public const string align_space_between_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue040";
+ public const string align_space_between_vertical_20_regular = "\ue041";
+ public const string align_space_evenly_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue042";
+ public const string align_space_evenly_horizontal_24_regular = "\ue0f0";
+ public const string align_space_evenly_vertical_20_regular = "\ue043";
+ public const string align_space_evenly_vertical_24_regular = "\U000f01b5";
+ public const string align_space_fit_vertical_20_regular = "\ue044";
+ public const string align_start_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue045";
+ public const string align_start_vertical_20_regular = "\ue046";
+ public const string align_straighten_20_regular = "\U000f01b6";
+ public const string align_straighten_24_regular = "\U000f01b7";
+ public const string align_stretch_horizontal_16_regular = "\uf0a0";
+ public const string align_stretch_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue047";
+ public const string align_stretch_vertical_16_regular = "\uf0a1";
+ public const string align_stretch_vertical_20_regular = "\ue048";
+ public const string align_top_16_regular = "\ue049";
+ public const string align_top_20_regular = "\ue04a";
+ public const string align_top_24_regular = "\ue04b";
+ public const string align_top_28_regular = "\ue04c";
+ public const string align_top_32_regular = "\ue04d";
+ public const string align_top_48_regular = "\ue04e";
+ public const string animal_cat_16_regular = "\uf106";
+ public const string animal_cat_20_regular = "\uf126";
+ public const string animal_cat_24_regular = "\uf127";
+ public const string animal_cat_28_regular = "\uf128";
+ public const string animal_dog_16_regular = "\ue04f";
+ public const string animal_dog_20_regular = "\uf120";
+ public const string animal_dog_24_regular = "\uf121";
+ public const string animal_rabbit_16_regular = "\ue050";
+ public const string animal_rabbit_20_regular = "\ue051";
+ public const string animal_rabbit_24_regular = "\ue052";
+ public const string animal_rabbit_28_regular = "\ue053";
+ public const string animal_rabbit_32_regular = "\ueec1";
+ public const string animal_rabbit_off_20_regular = "\ueee4";
+ public const string animal_rabbit_off_32_regular = "\ueee5";
+ public const string animal_turtle_16_regular = "\ue054";
+ public const string animal_turtle_20_regular = "\ue055";
+ public const string animal_turtle_24_regular = "\ue056";
+ public const string animal_turtle_28_regular = "\ue057";
+ public const string app_folder_16_regular = "\ue058";
+ public const string app_folder_20_regular = "\uf122";
+ public const string app_folder_24_regular = "\uf123";
+ public const string app_folder_28_regular = "\ue059";
+ public const string app_folder_32_regular = "\ue05a";
+ public const string app_folder_48_regular = "\ue05b";
+ public const string app_generic_20_regular = "\ue05c";
+ public const string app_generic_24_regular = "\uf124";
+ public const string app_generic_32_regular = "\uefb9";
+ public const string app_generic_48_regular = "\U000f015e";
+ public const string app_recent_20_regular = "\ue05d";
+ public const string app_recent_24_regular = "\uf125";
+ public const string app_store_24_regular = "\uf12a";
+ public const string app_title_20_regular = "\ue05e";
+ public const string app_title_24_regular = "\uf12b";
+ public const string approvals_app_16_regular = "\ue05f";
+ public const string approvals_app_20_regular = "\ue060";
+ public const string approvals_app_24_regular = "\uf130";
+ public const string approvals_app_28_regular = "\uf131";
+ public const string approvals_app_32_regular = "\ue061";
+ public const string apps_16_regular = "\uf132";
+ public const string apps_20_regular = "\uf133";
+ public const string apps_24_regular = "\uf134";
+ public const string apps_28_regular = "\uf135";
+ public const string apps_32_regular = "\ueebd";
+ public const string apps_48_regular = "\uf599";
+ public const string apps_add_in_16_regular = "\ue062";
+ public const string apps_add_in_20_regular = "\uf136";
+ public const string apps_add_in_24_regular = "\uf137";
+ public const string apps_add_in_28_regular = "\ue063";
+ public const string apps_list_20_regular = "\uf8cb";
+ public const string apps_list_24_regular = "\uf138";
+ public const string apps_list_detail_20_regular = "\ue064";
+ public const string apps_list_detail_24_regular = "\ue065";
+ public const string apps_settings_16_regular = "\U000f059c";
+ public const string apps_settings_20_regular = "\U000f059d";
+ public const string apps_shield_16_regular = "\U000f059e";
+ public const string apps_shield_20_regular = "\U000f059f";
+ public const string archive_16_regular = "\uf8cc";
+ public const string archive_20_regular = "\uf139";
+ public const string archive_24_regular = "\uf13a";
+ public const string archive_28_regular = "\uf13b";
+ public const string archive_32_regular = "\ue066";
+ public const string archive_48_regular = "\uf13c";
+ public const string archive_arrow_back_16_regular = "\ue067";
+ public const string archive_arrow_back_20_regular = "\ue068";
+ public const string archive_arrow_back_24_regular = "\ue069";
+ public const string archive_arrow_back_28_regular = "\ue06a";
+ public const string archive_arrow_back_32_regular = "\ue06b";
+ public const string archive_arrow_back_48_regular = "\ue06c";
+ public const string archive_multiple_16_regular = "\ue06d";
+ public const string archive_multiple_20_regular = "\ue06e";
+ public const string archive_multiple_24_regular = "\ue06f";
+ public const string archive_settings_16_regular = "\uf129";
+ public const string archive_settings_20_regular = "\ue070";
+ public const string archive_settings_24_regular = "\ue071";
+ public const string archive_settings_28_regular = "\ue072";
+ public const string archive_settings_32_regular = "\U000f0423";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_content_20_regular = "\ue073";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_content_24_regular = "\ue074";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_down_20_regular = "\ue075";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_down_24_regular = "\ue076";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_height_20_regular = "\ue077";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_height_24_regular = "\uf8cd";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_height_dotted_20_regular = "\ue078";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_height_dotted_24_regular = "\ue079";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_height_in_20_regular = "\U000f010e";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_height_in_24_regular = "\U000f010f";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_up_20_regular = "\ue07a";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_up_24_regular = "\ue07b";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_width_20_regular = "\ue07c";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_width_24_regular = "\uf8ce";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_width_dotted_20_regular = "\ue07d";
+ public const string arrow_autofit_width_dotted_24_regular = "\ue07e";
+ public const string arrow_between_down_20_regular = "\ue07f";
+ public const string arrow_between_down_24_regular = "\ue080";
+ public const string arrow_between_up_20_regular = "\ue081";
+ public const string arrow_bidirectional_left_right_16_regular = "\U000f02a0";
+ public const string arrow_bidirectional_left_right_20_regular = "\U000f02a1";
+ public const string arrow_bidirectional_left_right_24_regular = "\U000f02a2";
+ public const string arrow_bidirectional_left_right_28_regular = "\U000f02a3";
+ public const string arrow_bidirectional_up_down_12_regular = "\ue082";
+ public const string arrow_bidirectional_up_down_16_regular = "\ue083";
+ public const string arrow_bidirectional_up_down_20_regular = "\ue084";
+ public const string arrow_bidirectional_up_down_24_regular = "\ue085";
+ public const string arrow_bounce_16_regular = "\ue086";
+ public const string arrow_bounce_20_regular = "\ue087";
+ public const string arrow_bounce_24_regular = "\ue088";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_12_regular = "\ue089";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_16_regular = "\ue08a";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_20_regular = "\uf12c";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_24_regular = "\uf12d";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_28_regular = "\ue08b";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_32_regular = "\ue08c";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_48_regular = "\ue08d";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_double_20_regular = "\uf12e";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_double_24_regular = "\uf12f";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_right_16_regular = "\ue08e";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_right_20_regular = "\ue08f";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_right_24_regular = "\ue090";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_split_20_regular = "\uf143";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_split_24_regular = "\uf144";
+ public const string arrow_circle_down_up_20_regular = "\ue091";
+ public const string arrow_circle_left_12_regular = "\ue092";
+ public const string arrow_circle_left_16_regular = "\ue093";
+ public const string arrow_circle_left_20_regular = "\ue094";
+ public const string arrow_circle_left_24_regular = "\ue095";
+ public const string arrow_circle_left_28_regular = "\ue096";
+ public const string arrow_circle_left_32_regular = "\ue097";
+ public const string arrow_circle_left_48_regular = "\ue098";
+ public const string arrow_circle_right_12_regular = "\ue099";
+ public const string arrow_circle_right_16_regular = "\ue09a";
+ public const string arrow_circle_right_20_regular = "\ue09b";
+ public const string arrow_circle_right_24_regular = "\ue09c";
+ public const string arrow_circle_right_28_regular = "\ue09d";
+ public const string arrow_circle_right_32_regular = "\ue09e";
+ public const string arrow_circle_right_48_regular = "\ue09f";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_12_regular = "\ue0a0";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_16_regular = "\ue0a1";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_20_regular = "\ue0a2";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_24_regular = "\ue0a3";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_28_regular = "\ue0a4";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_32_regular = "\ue0a5";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_48_regular = "\ue0a6";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_left_20_regular = "\ue0a7";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_left_24_regular = "\ue0a8";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_right_20_regular = "\U000f00ce";
+ public const string arrow_circle_up_right_24_regular = "\U000f00cf";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_12_regular = "\ue0a9";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_16_regular = "\ue0aa";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_20_regular = "\uf13d";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_24_regular = "\uf13e";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_28_regular = "\ue0ab";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_32_regular = "\ue0ac";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_48_regular = "\ue0ad";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_dashes_16_regular = "\U000f0462";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_dashes_20_regular = "\ue0ae";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_dashes_24_regular = "\ue0af";
+ public const string arrow_clockwise_dashes_32_regular = "\U000f0463";
+ public const string arrow_collapse_all_16_regular = "\U000f0621";
+ public const string arrow_collapse_all_20_regular = "\ue0b0";
+ public const string arrow_collapse_all_24_regular = "\ue0b1";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_12_regular = "\ue0b2";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_16_regular = "\ue0b3";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_20_regular = "\uf13f";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_24_regular = "\uf140";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_28_regular = "\uf8cf";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_32_regular = "\ue0b4";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_48_regular = "\ue0b5";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_dashes_20_regular = "\ue0b6";
+ public const string arrow_counterclockwise_dashes_24_regular = "\ue0b7";
+ public const string arrow_curve_down_left_16_regular = "\ue0b8";
+ public const string arrow_curve_down_left_20_regular = "\uf141";
+ public const string arrow_curve_down_left_24_regular = "\ue0b9";
+ public const string arrow_curve_down_left_28_regular = "\ue0ba";
+ public const string arrow_curve_down_right_20_regular = "\uf142";
+ public const string arrow_curve_up_left_20_regular = "\uf145";
+ public const string arrow_curve_up_right_20_regular = "\uf146";
+ public const string arrow_down_12_regular = "\uf8d0";
+ public const string arrow_down_16_regular = "\uf147";
+ public const string arrow_down_20_regular = "\uf148";
+ public const string arrow_down_24_regular = "\uf149";
+ public const string arrow_down_28_regular = "\uf14a";
+ public const string arrow_down_32_regular = "\uf14c";
+ public const string arrow_down_48_regular = "\uf14d";
+ public const string arrow_down_exclamation_16_regular = "\U000f03d1";
+ public const string arrow_down_exclamation_20_regular = "\U000f03d2";
+ public const string arrow_down_exclamation_24_regular = "\U000f0555";
+ public const string arrow_down_left_16_regular = "\uf8d1";
+ public const string arrow_down_left_20_regular = "\ue0bb";
+ public const string arrow_down_left_24_regular = "\uf14b";
+ public const string arrow_down_left_32_regular = "\ue0bc";
+ public const string arrow_down_left_48_regular = "\ue0bd";
+ public const string arrow_download_16_regular = "\uf14f";
+ public const string arrow_download_20_regular = "\uf150";
+ public const string arrow_download_24_regular = "\uf151";
+ public const string arrow_download_28_regular = "\U000f0380";
+ public const string arrow_download_32_regular = "\U000f0381";
+ public const string arrow_download_48_regular = "\uf152";
+ public const string arrow_download_off_16_regular = "\U000f03a8";
+ public const string arrow_download_off_20_regular = "\U000f03a9";
+ public const string arrow_download_off_24_regular = "\U000f03aa";
+ public const string arrow_download_off_28_regular = "\U000f03ab";
+ public const string arrow_download_off_32_regular = "\U000f03ac";
+ public const string arrow_download_off_48_regular = "\U000f03ad";
+ public const string arrow_eject_20_regular = "\ue0be";
+ public const string arrow_enter_16_regular = "\U000f015f";
+ public const string arrow_enter_20_regular = "\ue0bf";
+ public const string arrow_enter_left_20_regular = "\ue0c0";
+ public const string arrow_enter_left_24_regular = "\ue0c1";
+ public const string arrow_enter_up_20_regular = "\ue0c2";
+ public const string arrow_enter_up_24_regular = "\ue0c3";
+ public const string arrow_exit_20_regular = "\ue0c4";
+ public const string arrow_expand_16_regular = "\U000f0382";
+ public const string arrow_expand_20_regular = "\ue0c5";
+ public const string arrow_expand_24_regular = "\uf154";
+ public const string arrow_expand_all_16_regular = "\U000f0622";
+ public const string arrow_expand_all_20_regular = "\U000f0623";
+ public const string arrow_expand_all_24_regular = "\U000f0624";
+ public const string arrow_export_ltr_16_regular = "\ue0c6";
+ public const string arrow_export_ltr_20_regular = "\ue0c7";
+ public const string arrow_export_ltr_24_regular = "\ue0c8";
+ public const string arrow_export_rtl_16_regular = "\ue0c9";
+ public const string arrow_export_rtl_20_regular = "\uf8d2";
+ public const string arrow_export_rtl_24_regular = "\ue0ca";
+ public const string arrow_export_up_16_regular = "\U000f0383";
+ public const string arrow_export_up_20_regular = "\ue0cb";
+ public const string arrow_export_up_24_regular = "\ue0cc";
+ public const string arrow_fit_16_regular = "\uf14e";
+ public const string arrow_fit_20_regular = "\ue0cd";
+ public const string arrow_fit_24_regular = "\U000f03d3";
+ public const string arrow_fit_in_16_regular = "\ue0ce";
+ public const string arrow_fit_in_20_regular = "\ue0cf";
+ public const string arrow_fit_in_24_regular = "\U000f03d4";
+ public const string arrow_flow_diagonal_up_right_16_regular = "\U000f01b8";
+ public const string arrow_flow_diagonal_up_right_20_regular = "\U000f01b9";
+ public const string arrow_flow_diagonal_up_right_24_regular = "\U000f01ba";
+ public const string arrow_flow_diagonal_up_right_32_regular = "\U000f01bb";
+ public const string arrow_flow_up_right_16_regular = "\U000f01bc";
+ public const string arrow_flow_up_right_20_regular = "\U000f01bd";
+ public const string arrow_flow_up_right_24_regular = "\U000f01be";
+ public const string arrow_flow_up_right_32_regular = "\U000f01bf";
+ public const string arrow_flow_up_right_rectangle_multiple_20_regular = "\U000f01c0";
+ public const string arrow_flow_up_right_rectangle_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f01c1";
+ public const string arrow_forward_16_regular = "\uf156";
+ public const string arrow_forward_20_regular = "\uf157";
+ public const string arrow_forward_24_regular = "\uf158";
+ public const string arrow_forward_28_regular = "\ue0d0";
+ public const string arrow_forward_32_regular = "\U000f0424";
+ public const string arrow_forward_48_regular = "\ue0d1";
+ public const string arrow_forward_down_lightning_20_regular = "\ue0d2";
+ public const string arrow_forward_down_lightning_24_regular = "\ue0d3";
+ public const string arrow_forward_down_person_20_regular = "\ue0d4";
+ public const string arrow_forward_down_person_24_regular = "\ue0d5";
+ public const string arrow_hook_down_left_16_regular = "\uf8d5";
+ public const string arrow_hook_down_left_20_regular = "\uf8d6";
+ public const string arrow_hook_down_left_24_regular = "\uf8d7";
+ public const string arrow_hook_down_left_28_regular = "\uf8d8";
+ public const string arrow_hook_down_right_16_regular = "\uf8d9";
+ public const string arrow_hook_down_right_20_regular = "\uf8da";
+ public const string arrow_hook_down_right_24_regular = "\uf8db";
+ public const string arrow_hook_down_right_28_regular = "\uf8dc";
+ public const string arrow_hook_up_left_16_regular = "\uf8dd";
+ public const string arrow_hook_up_left_20_regular = "\uf8de";
+ public const string arrow_hook_up_left_24_regular = "\uf8df";
+ public const string arrow_hook_up_left_28_regular = "\uf8e0";
+ public const string arrow_hook_up_right_16_regular = "\uf8e1";
+ public const string arrow_hook_up_right_20_regular = "\uf8e2";
+ public const string arrow_hook_up_right_24_regular = "\uf8e3";
+ public const string arrow_hook_up_right_28_regular = "\uf8e4";
+ public const string arrow_import_16_regular = "\U000f0384";
+ public const string arrow_import_20_regular = "\uf159";
+ public const string arrow_import_24_regular = "\uf15a";
+ public const string arrow_join_20_regular = "\ue0d6";
+ public const string arrow_left_12_regular = "\ue0d7";
+ public const string arrow_left_16_regular = "\uf184";
+ public const string arrow_left_20_regular = "\uf15b";
+ public const string arrow_left_24_regular = "\uf15c";
+ public const string arrow_left_28_regular = "\uf15d";
+ public const string arrow_left_32_regular = "\uf189";
+ public const string arrow_left_48_regular = "\uf19e";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_16_regular = "\uf15e";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_20_regular = "\uf15f";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_24_regular = "\uf160";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_28_regular = "\uf161";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_32_regular = "\ue0d8";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_48_regular = "\ue0d9";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_vertical_20_regular = "\uf162";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_vertical_24_regular = "\uf163";
+ public const string arrow_maximize_vertical_48_regular = "\ue0da";
+ public const string arrow_minimize_16_regular = "\uf164";
+ public const string arrow_minimize_20_regular = "\uf165";
+ public const string arrow_minimize_24_regular = "\uf166";
+ public const string arrow_minimize_28_regular = "\uf167";
+ public const string arrow_minimize_vertical_20_regular = "\ue0db";
+ public const string arrow_minimize_vertical_24_regular = "\uf168";
+ public const string arrow_move_20_regular = "\uf8e5";
+ public const string arrow_move_24_regular = "\uf169";
+ public const string arrow_move_inward_20_regular = "\ue0dc";
+ public const string arrow_next_12_regular = "\ue0dd";
+ public const string arrow_next_16_regular = "\uf0a2";
+ public const string arrow_next_20_regular = "\uf16a";
+ public const string arrow_next_24_regular = "\uf16b";
+ public const string arrow_outline_down_left_16_regular = "\U000f01fd";
+ public const string arrow_outline_down_left_20_regular = "\U000f01fe";
+ public const string arrow_outline_down_left_24_regular = "\U000f01ff";
+ public const string arrow_outline_down_left_28_regular = "\U000f0200";
+ public const string arrow_outline_down_left_32_regular = "\U000f0201";
+ public const string arrow_outline_down_left_48_regular = "\U000f0202";
+ public const string arrow_outline_up_right_20_regular = "\ue0de";
+ public const string arrow_outline_up_right_24_regular = "\ue0df";
+ public const string arrow_outline_up_right_32_regular = "\ue0e0";
+ public const string arrow_outline_up_right_48_regular = "\ue0e1";
+ public const string text_paragraph_16_regular = "\ued41";
+ public const string arrow_paragraph_20_regular = "\ue0e2";
+ public const string text_paragraph_24_regular = "\ued43";
+ public const string arrow_previous_12_regular = "\ue0e3";
+ public const string arrow_previous_16_regular = "\uf0a3";
+ public const string arrow_previous_20_regular = "\uf16c";
+ public const string arrow_previous_24_regular = "\uf16d";
+ public const string arrow_redo_16_regular = "\ue0e4";
+ public const string arrow_redo_20_regular = "\uf16e";
+ public const string arrow_redo_24_regular = "\uf16f";
+ public const string arrow_redo_28_regular = "\ue0e5";
+ public const string arrow_redo_32_regular = "\uf8e6";
+ public const string arrow_redo_48_regular = "\uf8e7";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_1_16_regular = "\uef32";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_1_20_regular = "\uef33";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_1_24_regular = "\uef34";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_all_16_regular = "\uf170";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_all_20_regular = "\uf171";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_all_24_regular = "\uf172";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_all_off_16_regular = "\uf173";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_all_off_20_regular = "\uf174";
+ public const string arrow_repeat_all_off_24_regular = "\uf175";
+ public const string arrow_reply_16_regular = "\uf176";
+ public const string arrow_reply_20_regular = "\uf177";
+ public const string arrow_reply_24_regular = "\uf178";
+ public const string arrow_reply_28_regular = "\ue0e6";
+ public const string arrow_reply_32_regular = "\U000f0425";
+ public const string arrow_reply_48_regular = "\uf179";
+ public const string arrow_reply_all_16_regular = "\uf17a";
+ public const string arrow_reply_all_20_regular = "\uf17b";
+ public const string arrow_reply_all_24_regular = "\uf17c";
+ public const string arrow_reply_all_28_regular = "\ue0e7";
+ public const string arrow_reply_all_32_regular = "\U000f0426";
+ public const string arrow_reply_all_48_regular = "\uf17d";
+ public const string arrow_reply_down_16_regular = "\uf17e";
+ public const string arrow_reply_down_20_regular = "\uf17f";
+ public const string arrow_reply_down_24_regular = "\uf180";
+ public const string arrow_reset_20_regular = "\uf19f";
+ public const string arrow_reset_24_regular = "\uf1a0";
+ public const string arrow_reset_32_regular = "\ue0e8";
+ public const string arrow_reset_48_regular = "\ue0e9";
+ public const string arrow_right_12_regular = "\ue0ea";
+ public const string arrow_right_16_regular = "\ue0eb";
+ public const string arrow_right_20_regular = "\uf181";
+ public const string arrow_right_24_regular = "\uf182";
+ public const string arrow_right_28_regular = "\uf183";
+ public const string arrow_right_32_regular = "\uf1a2";
+ public const string arrow_right_48_regular = "\uf1a7";
+ public const string arrow_rotate_clockwise_16_regular = "\ue0ec";
+ public const string arrow_rotate_clockwise_20_regular = "\uf185";
+ public const string arrow_rotate_clockwise_24_regular = "\uf186";
+ public const string arrow_rotate_counterclockwise_20_regular = "\uf187";
+ public const string arrow_rotate_counterclockwise_24_regular = "\uf188";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_16_regular = "\uef35";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_20_regular = "\uef36";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_24_regular = "\uef37";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_28_regular = "\uef38";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_32_regular = "\uef39";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_48_regular = "\uef3a";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_off_16_regular = "\uef3b";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_off_20_regular = "\uef3c";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_off_24_regular = "\uef3d";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_off_28_regular = "\uef3e";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_off_32_regular = "\uef3f";
+ public const string arrow_shuffle_off_48_regular = "\uef40";
+ public const string arrow_sort_16_regular = "\uf1ab";
+ public const string arrow_sort_20_regular = "\uf18a";
+ public const string arrow_sort_24_regular = "\uf18b";
+ public const string arrow_sort_28_regular = "\uf18c";
+ public const string arrow_sort_down_16_regular = "\uf1ac";
+ public const string arrow_sort_down_20_regular = "\uf805";
+ public const string arrow_sort_down_24_regular = "\uf811";
+ public const string arrow_sort_down_lines_16_regular = "\uf1ad";
+ public const string arrow_sort_down_lines_20_regular = "\ue0f1";
+ public const string arrow_sort_down_lines_24_regular = "\ue0f2";
+ public const string arrow_sort_up_16_regular = "\uf1b3";
+ public const string arrow_sort_up_20_regular = "\uf812";
+ public const string arrow_sort_up_24_regular = "\uf821";
+ public const string arrow_sort_up_lines_16_regular = "\U000f0556";
+ public const string arrow_sort_up_lines_20_regular = "\U000f0557";
+ public const string arrow_sort_up_lines_24_regular = "\U000f0558";
+ public const string arrow_split_16_regular = "\ue0f3";
+ public const string arrow_split_20_regular = "\ue0f4";
+ public const string arrow_split_24_regular = "\ue0f5";
+ public const string arrow_sprint_16_regular = "\U000f0160";
+ public const string arrow_sprint_20_regular = "\U000f0161";
+ public const string arrow_square_down_20_regular = "\ue0f6";
+ public const string arrow_square_down_24_regular = "\ue0f7";
+ public const string arrow_square_up_right_20_regular = "\U000f01c2";
+ public const string arrow_square_up_right_24_regular = "\U000f01c3";
+ public const string arrow_step_back_16_regular = "\ue0f8";
+ public const string arrow_step_back_20_regular = "\ue0f9";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_12_regular = "\ue0fa";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_16_regular = "\ue0fb";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_20_regular = "\ue0fc";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_24_regular = "\ue0fd";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_28_regular = "\ue0fe";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_diagonal_down_left_16_regular = "\U000f0203";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_diagonal_down_left_20_regular = "\U000f0204";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_diagonal_down_left_24_regular = "\U000f0205";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_diagonal_down_left_28_regular = "\U000f0206";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_left_12_regular = "\ue0ff";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_left_16_regular = "\ue100";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_left_20_regular = "\ue101";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_left_24_regular = "\ue102";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_left_28_regular = "\ue103";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_right_12_regular = "\ue104";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_right_16_regular = "\ue105";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_right_20_regular = "\ue106";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_right_24_regular = "\ue107";
+ public const string arrow_step_in_right_28_regular = "\ue108";
+ public const string arrow_step_out_12_regular = "\ue109";
+ public const string arrow_step_out_16_regular = "\ue10a";
+ public const string arrow_step_out_20_regular = "\ue10b";
+ public const string arrow_step_out_24_regular = "\ue10c";
+ public const string arrow_step_out_28_regular = "\ue10d";
+ public const string arrow_step_over_16_regular = "\ue10e";
+ public const string arrow_step_over_20_regular = "\ue10f";
+ public const string arrow_swap_16_regular = "\U000f02a4";
+ public const string arrow_swap_20_regular = "\uf18d";
+ public const string arrow_swap_24_regular = "\uf18e";
+ public const string arrow_swap_28_regular = "\U000f02a5";
+ public const string arrow_sync_12_regular = "\uf18f";
+ public const string arrow_sync_16_regular = "\ue110";
+ public const string arrow_sync_20_regular = "\uf190";
+ public const string arrow_sync_24_regular = "\uf191";
+ public const string arrow_sync_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue111";
+ public const string arrow_sync_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue112";
+ public const string arrow_sync_circle_16_regular = "\uf192";
+ public const string arrow_sync_circle_20_regular = "\uf193";
+ public const string arrow_sync_circle_24_regular = "\uf194";
+ public const string arrow_sync_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue113";
+ public const string arrow_sync_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue114";
+ public const string arrow_sync_off_12_regular = "\uf195";
+ public const string arrow_sync_off_16_regular = "\ue115";
+ public const string arrow_sync_off_20_regular = "\ue116";
+ public const string arrow_trending_12_regular = "\uefd6";
+ public const string arrow_trending_16_regular = "\uf196";
+ public const string arrow_trending_20_regular = "\uf197";
+ public const string arrow_trending_24_regular = "\uf198";
+ public const string arrow_trending_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue117";
+ public const string arrow_trending_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue118";
+ public const string arrow_trending_down_16_regular = "\ue119";
+ public const string arrow_trending_down_20_regular = "\ue11a";
+ public const string arrow_trending_down_24_regular = "\ue11b";
+ public const string arrow_trending_lines_20_regular = "\ue11c";
+ public const string arrow_trending_lines_24_regular = "\ue11d";
+ public const string arrow_trending_settings_20_regular = "\ue11e";
+ public const string arrow_trending_settings_24_regular = "\ue11f";
+ public const string arrow_trending_sparkle_20_regular = "\uf59a";
+ public const string arrow_trending_sparkle_24_regular = "\uf59b";
+ public const string arrow_trending_text_20_regular = "\ue120";
+ public const string arrow_trending_text_24_regular = "\ue121";
+ public const string arrow_trending_wrench_20_regular = "\ue122";
+ public const string arrow_trending_wrench_24_regular = "\ue123";
+ public const string arrow_turn_bidirectional_down_right_20_regular = "\ue124";
+ public const string arrow_turn_bidirectional_down_right_24_regular = "\uf822";
+ public const string arrow_turn_down_left_20_regular = "\uf067";
+ public const string arrow_turn_down_left_48_regular = "\uf068";
+ public const string arrow_turn_down_right_20_regular = "\uf00e";
+ public const string arrow_turn_down_right_48_regular = "\uf00f";
+ public const string arrow_turn_down_up_20_regular = "\uf010";
+ public const string arrow_turn_down_up_48_regular = "\uf011";
+ public const string arrow_turn_left_down_20_regular = "\uf012";
+ public const string arrow_turn_left_down_48_regular = "\uf013";
+ public const string arrow_turn_left_right_20_regular = "\uf014";
+ public const string arrow_turn_left_right_48_regular = "\uf015";
+ public const string arrow_turn_left_up_20_regular = "\uf016";
+ public const string arrow_turn_left_up_48_regular = "\uf017";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_16_regular = "\U000f05d3";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_20_regular = "\ue125";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_24_regular = "\uf839";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_48_regular = "\uf018";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_down_20_regular = "\uf019";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_down_48_regular = "\uf01a";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_left_20_regular = "\uf01b";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_left_48_regular = "\uf01c";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_up_20_regular = "\uf01d";
+ public const string arrow_turn_right_up_48_regular = "\uf01e";
+ public const string arrow_turn_up_down_20_regular = "\uf01f";
+ public const string arrow_turn_up_down_48_regular = "\uf020";
+ public const string arrow_turn_up_left_20_regular = "\uf021";
+ public const string arrow_turn_up_left_48_regular = "\uf022";
+ public const string arrow_undo_16_regular = "\ue126";
+ public const string arrow_undo_20_regular = "\uf199";
+ public const string arrow_undo_24_regular = "\uf19a";
+ public const string arrow_undo_28_regular = "\ue127";
+ public const string arrow_undo_32_regular = "\ue128";
+ public const string arrow_undo_48_regular = "\ue129";
+ public const string arrow_up_12_regular = "\ue12a";
+ public const string arrow_up_16_regular = "\uf1b4";
+ public const string arrow_up_20_regular = "\uf19b";
+ public const string arrow_up_24_regular = "\uf19c";
+ public const string arrow_up_28_regular = "\uf19d";
+ public const string arrow_up_32_regular = "\uf1b8";
+ public const string arrow_up_48_regular = "\uf1b9";
+ public const string arrow_up_exclamation_16_regular = "\U000f0559";
+ public const string arrow_up_exclamation_20_regular = "\U000f055a";
+ public const string arrow_up_exclamation_24_regular = "\U000f055b";
+ public const string arrow_up_left_16_regular = "\ue12b";
+ public const string arrow_up_left_20_regular = "\ue12c";
+ public const string arrow_up_left_24_regular = "\uf1a1";
+ public const string arrow_up_left_48_regular = "\ue12d";
+ public const string arrow_up_right_16_regular = "\uf8eb";
+ public const string arrow_up_right_20_regular = "\ue12e";
+ public const string arrow_up_right_24_regular = "\uf1a3";
+ public const string arrow_up_right_32_regular = "\ue12f";
+ public const string arrow_up_right_48_regular = "\ue130";
+ public const string arrow_up_right_dashes_16_regular = "\U000f0385";
+ public const string arrow_up_square_settings_24_regular = "\U000f0207";
+ public const string arrow_upload_16_regular = "\ue131";
+ public const string arrow_upload_20_regular = "\uf1a4";
+ public const string arrow_upload_24_regular = "\uf1a5";
+ public const string arrow_upload_32_regular = "\U000f05a0";
+ public const string arrow_wrap_20_regular = "\ue132";
+ public const string arrow_wrap_off_20_regular = "\ue133";
+ public const string arrows_bidirectional_20_regular = "\ue134";
+ public const string arrows_bidirectional_24_regular = "\uf1a6";
+ public const string attach_12_regular = "\ue135";
+ public const string attach_16_regular = "\uf1a8";
+ public const string attach_20_regular = "\uf1a9";
+ public const string attach_24_regular = "\uf1aa";
+ public const string attach_32_regular = "\U000f0427";
+ public const string attach_arrow_right_20_regular = "\uf8ec";
+ public const string attach_arrow_right_24_regular = "\uf8ed";
+ public const string attach_text_20_regular = "\ue136";
+ public const string attach_text_24_regular = "\uf8ee";
+ public const string auto_fit_height_20_regular = "\ue137";
+ public const string auto_fit_height_24_regular = "\ue138";
+ public const string auto_fit_width_20_regular = "\ue139";
+ public const string auto_fit_width_24_regular = "\ue13a";
+ public const string autocorrect_20_regular = "\ue13b";
+ public const string autocorrect_24_regular = "\uf1ae";
+ public const string autocorrect_32_regular = "\U000f0428";
+ public const string autosum_16_regular = "\uf069";
+ public const string autosum_20_regular = "\uf1af";
+ public const string autosum_24_regular = "\uf1b0";
+ public const string backpack_12_regular = "\uf8f0";
+ public const string backpack_16_regular = "\uf8f1";
+ public const string backpack_20_regular = "\uf8f2";
+ public const string backpack_24_regular = "\uf8f3";
+ public const string backpack_28_regular = "\uf8f4";
+ public const string backpack_32_regular = "\ue13c";
+ public const string backpack_48_regular = "\uf8f5";
+ public const string backpack_add_20_regular = "\ue13d";
+ public const string backpack_add_24_regular = "\ue13e";
+ public const string backpack_add_28_regular = "\ue13f";
+ public const string backpack_add_48_regular = "\ue140";
+ public const string backspace_16_regular = "\U000f00d0";
+ public const string backspace_20_regular = "\uf1b1";
+ public const string backspace_24_regular = "\uf1b2";
+ public const string badge_20_regular = "\ue141";
+ public const string badge_24_regular = "\uf1b5";
+ public const string balloon_12_regular = "\ue142";
+ public const string balloon_16_regular = "\uf8f6";
+ public const string balloon_20_regular = "\uf1b6";
+ public const string balloon_24_regular = "\uf1b7";
+ public const string barcode_scanner_20_regular = "\uf1ba";
+ public const string barcode_scanner_24_regular = "\uf1e4";
+ public const string battery_0_20_regular = "\uf1bb";
+ public const string battery_0_24_regular = "\uf1bc";
+ public const string battery_1_20_regular = "\uf1bd";
+ public const string battery_1_24_regular = "\uf1be";
+ public const string battery_10_16_regular = "\U000f0386";
+ public const string battery_10_20_regular = "\ue143";
+ public const string battery_10_24_regular = "\ue144";
+ public const string battery_2_20_regular = "\uf1bf";
+ public const string battery_2_24_regular = "\uf1c0";
+ public const string battery_3_20_regular = "\uf1c1";
+ public const string battery_3_24_regular = "\uf1c2";
+ public const string battery_4_20_regular = "\uf1c3";
+ public const string battery_4_24_regular = "\uf1c4";
+ public const string battery_5_20_regular = "\uf1c5";
+ public const string battery_5_24_regular = "\uf1c6";
+ public const string battery_6_20_regular = "\uf1c7";
+ public const string battery_6_24_regular = "\uf1c8";
+ public const string battery_7_20_regular = "\uf1c9";
+ public const string battery_7_24_regular = "\uf1ca";
+ public const string battery_8_20_regular = "\uf1cb";
+ public const string battery_8_24_regular = "\uf1cc";
+ public const string battery_9_20_regular = "\uf1cd";
+ public const string battery_9_24_regular = "\uf1ce";
+ public const string battery_charge_20_regular = "\uf1cf";
+ public const string battery_charge_24_regular = "\uf1d0";
+ public const string battery_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue145";
+ public const string battery_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue146";
+ public const string battery_saver_20_regular = "\uf1d3";
+ public const string battery_saver_24_regular = "\uf1d4";
+ public const string battery_warning_20_regular = "\ue147";
+ public const string battery_warning_24_regular = "\uf1d5";
+ public const string beach_16_regular = "\ue148";
+ public const string beach_20_regular = "\ue149";
+ public const string beach_24_regular = "\ue14a";
+ public const string beach_28_regular = "\ue14b";
+ public const string beach_32_regular = "\ue14c";
+ public const string beach_48_regular = "\ue14d";
+ public const string beaker_16_regular = "\uf1d6";
+ public const string beaker_20_regular = "\uf1d7";
+ public const string beaker_24_regular = "\uf1d8";
+ public const string beaker_32_regular = "\ueec0";
+ public const string beaker_add_20_regular = "\U000f0338";
+ public const string beaker_add_24_regular = "\U000f0339";
+ public const string beaker_dismiss_20_regular = "\U000f033a";
+ public const string beaker_dismiss_24_regular = "\U000f033b";
+ public const string beaker_edit_20_regular = "\uf1e5";
+ public const string beaker_edit_24_regular = "\uf1e6";
+ public const string beaker_empty_16_regular = "\U000f0387";
+ public const string beaker_off_20_regular = "\ueee6";
+ public const string beaker_off_32_regular = "\ueee7";
+ public const string beaker_settings_16_regular = "\U000f0162";
+ public const string beaker_settings_20_regular = "\U000f0163";
+ public const string bed_16_regular = "\uf8f7";
+ public const string bed_20_regular = "\uf1d9";
+ public const string bed_24_regular = "\uf1da";
+ public const string bench_20_regular = "\U000f055c";
+ public const string bench_24_regular = "\U000f055d";
+ public const string bezier_curve_square_12_regular = "\ue14e";
+ public const string bezier_curve_square_20_regular = "\ue14f";
+ public const string bin_full_20_regular = "\ue150";
+ public const string bin_full_24_regular = "\ue151";
+ public const string bin_recycle_20_regular = "\U000f01c4";
+ public const string bin_recycle_24_regular = "\U000f01c5";
+ public const string bin_recycle_full_20_regular = "\U000f01c6";
+ public const string bin_recycle_full_24_regular = "\U000f01c7";
+ public const string binder_triangle_16_regular = "\U000f0164";
+ public const string binder_triangle_20_regular = "\U000f00d1";
+ public const string binder_triangle_24_regular = "\U000f00d2";
+ public const string binder_triangle_32_regular = "\U000f00d3";
+ public const string bluetooth_16_regular = "\uf59c";
+ public const string bluetooth_20_regular = "\uf1de";
+ public const string bluetooth_24_regular = "\uf1df";
+ public const string bluetooth_28_regular = "\uf8f8";
+ public const string bluetooth_32_regular = "\uf59d";
+ public const string bluetooth_48_regular = "\uf670";
+ public const string bluetooth_connected_20_regular = "\ue152";
+ public const string bluetooth_connected_24_regular = "\uf1e0";
+ public const string bluetooth_disabled_20_regular = "\ue153";
+ public const string bluetooth_disabled_24_regular = "\uf1e1";
+ public const string bluetooth_searching_20_regular = "\ue154";
+ public const string bluetooth_searching_24_regular = "\uf1e2";
+ public const string blur_16_regular = "\uf8f9";
+ public const string blur_20_regular = "\uf8fa";
+ public const string blur_24_regular = "\uf8fb";
+ public const string blur_28_regular = "\uf8fc";
+ public const string board_16_regular = "\ue155";
+ public const string board_20_regular = "\ue156";
+ public const string board_24_regular = "\uf1e3";
+ public const string board_28_regular = "\ue157";
+ public const string board_games_20_regular = "\ue158";
+ public const string board_heart_16_regular = "\ue159";
+ public const string board_heart_20_regular = "\ue15a";
+ public const string board_heart_24_regular = "\ue15b";
+ public const string board_split_16_regular = "\ue15c";
+ public const string board_split_20_regular = "\ue15d";
+ public const string board_split_24_regular = "\ue15e";
+ public const string board_split_28_regular = "\ue15f";
+ public const string board_split_48_regular = "\ue160";
+ public const string book_16_regular = "\U000f0388";
+ public const string book_20_regular = "\uf8fd";
+ public const string book_24_regular = "\uf8fe";
+ public const string book_28_regular = "\U000f05bc";
+ public const string book_32_regular = "\U000f03d5";
+ public const string book_48_regular = "\U000f05bd";
+ public const string book_add_20_regular = "\uf8ff";
+ public const string book_add_24_regular = "\ue161";
+ public const string book_add_28_regular = "\U000f01ea";
+ public const string book_arrow_clockwise_20_regular = "\ue162";
+ public const string book_arrow_clockwise_24_regular = "\ue163";
+ public const string book_clock_20_regular = "\ue164";
+ public const string book_clock_24_regular = "\ue165";
+ public const string book_coins_20_regular = "\ue166";
+ public const string book_coins_24_regular = "\ue167";
+ public const string book_compass_20_regular = "\ue168";
+ public const string book_compass_24_regular = "\ue169";
+ public const string book_contacts_20_regular = "\ue16a";
+ public const string book_contacts_24_regular = "\ue16b";
+ public const string book_contacts_28_regular = "\ue16c";
+ public const string book_contacts_32_regular = "\ue16d";
+ public const string book_database_16_regular = "\U000f03d6";
+ public const string book_database_20_regular = "\ue16e";
+ public const string book_database_24_regular = "\ue16f";
+ public const string book_database_32_regular = "\U000f03d7";
+ public const string book_default_28_regular = "\U000f01eb";
+ public const string book_dismiss_16_regular = "\U000f0165";
+ public const string book_dismiss_20_regular = "\U000f0166";
+ public const string book_exclamation_mark_20_regular = "\ue170";
+ public const string book_exclamation_mark_24_regular = "\ue171";
+ public const string book_globe_20_regular = "\ue172";
+ public const string book_globe_24_regular = "\uf1f0";
+ public const string book_information_20_regular = "\ue173";
+ public const string book_information_24_regular = "\ue174";
+ public const string book_letter_20_regular = "\ue175";
+ public const string book_letter_24_regular = "\ue176";
+ public const string book_number_16_regular = "\uf1f1";
+ public const string book_number_20_regular = "\uf1f2";
+ public const string book_number_24_regular = "\uf1f3";
+ public const string book_open_16_regular = "\ue177";
+ public const string book_open_20_regular = "\ue178";
+ public const string book_open_24_regular = "\ue179";
+ public const string book_open_28_regular = "\ue17a";
+ public const string book_open_32_regular = "\ue17b";
+ public const string book_open_48_regular = "\ue17c";
+ public const string book_open_globe_20_regular = "\ue17d";
+ public const string book_open_globe_24_regular = "\ue17e";
+ public const string book_open_microphone_20_regular = "\ue17f";
+ public const string book_open_microphone_24_regular = "\ue180";
+ public const string book_open_microphone_28_regular = "\ue181";
+ public const string book_open_microphone_32_regular = "\ue182";
+ public const string book_open_microphone_48_regular = "\ue183";
+ public const string book_pulse_20_regular = "\ue184";
+ public const string book_pulse_24_regular = "\ue185";
+ public const string book_question_mark_20_regular = "\ue186";
+ public const string book_question_mark_24_regular = "\ue187";
+ public const string book_question_mark_rtl_20_regular = "\ue188";
+ public const string book_question_mark_rtl_24_regular = "\uf83a";
+ public const string book_search_20_regular = "\ue189";
+ public const string book_search_24_regular = "\ue18a";
+ public const string book_star_20_regular = "\ue18b";
+ public const string book_star_24_regular = "\ue18c";
+ public const string book_template_20_regular = "\ue18d";
+ public const string book_theta_20_regular = "\ue18e";
+ public const string book_theta_24_regular = "\ue18f";
+ public const string book_toolbox_16_regular = "\U000f03d8";
+ public const string book_toolbox_20_regular = "\uf1e7";
+ public const string book_toolbox_24_regular = "\ue190";
+ public const string bookmark_16_regular = "\uf1f4";
+ public const string bookmark_20_regular = "\uf1f5";
+ public const string bookmark_24_regular = "\uf1f6";
+ public const string bookmark_28_regular = "\uf1f7";
+ public const string bookmark_32_regular = "\ue191";
+ public const string bookmark_add_20_regular = "\uf1e8";
+ public const string bookmark_add_24_regular = "\uf1e9";
+ public const string bookmark_multiple_16_regular = "\ue192";
+ public const string bookmark_multiple_20_regular = "\ue193";
+ public const string bookmark_multiple_24_regular = "\ue194";
+ public const string bookmark_multiple_28_regular = "\ue195";
+ public const string bookmark_multiple_32_regular = "\ue196";
+ public const string bookmark_multiple_48_regular = "\ue197";
+ public const string bookmark_off_20_regular = "\ue198";
+ public const string bookmark_off_24_regular = "\uf1f8";
+ public const string bookmark_search_20_regular = "\ue199";
+ public const string bookmark_search_24_regular = "\ue19a";
+ public const string border_all_16_regular = "\ue19b";
+ public const string border_all_20_regular = "\ue19c";
+ public const string border_all_24_regular = "\ue19d";
+ public const string border_bottom_20_regular = "\ue19e";
+ public const string border_bottom_24_regular = "\ue19f";
+ public const string border_bottom_double_20_regular = "\ue1a0";
+ public const string border_bottom_double_24_regular = "\ue1a1";
+ public const string border_bottom_thick_20_regular = "\ue1a2";
+ public const string border_bottom_thick_24_regular = "\ue1a3";
+ public const string border_inside_16_regular = "\U000f03ae";
+ public const string border_inside_20_regular = "\U000f03af";
+ public const string border_inside_24_regular = "\U000f03b0";
+ public const string border_left_20_regular = "\ue1a4";
+ public const string border_left_24_regular = "\ue1a5";
+ public const string border_left_right_20_regular = "\ue1a6";
+ public const string border_left_right_24_regular = "\ue1a7";
+ public const string border_none_16_regular = "\U000f0389";
+ public const string border_none_20_regular = "\ue1a8";
+ public const string border_none_24_regular = "\ue1a9";
+ public const string border_outside_20_regular = "\ue1aa";
+ public const string border_outside_24_regular = "\ue1ab";
+ public const string border_outside_thick_20_regular = "\ue1ac";
+ public const string border_outside_thick_24_regular = "\ue1ad";
+ public const string border_right_20_regular = "\ue1ae";
+ public const string border_right_24_regular = "\ue1af";
+ public const string border_top_20_regular = "\ue1b0";
+ public const string border_top_24_regular = "\ue1b1";
+ public const string border_top_bottom_20_regular = "\ue1b2";
+ public const string border_top_bottom_24_regular = "\ue1b3";
+ public const string border_top_bottom_double_20_regular = "\ue1b4";
+ public const string border_top_bottom_double_24_regular = "\ue1b5";
+ public const string border_top_bottom_thick_20_regular = "\ue1b6";
+ public const string border_top_bottom_thick_24_regular = "\ue1b7";
+ public const string bot_20_regular = "\ue1b8";
+ public const string bot_24_regular = "\uf1f9";
+ public const string bot_add_20_regular = "\ue1b9";
+ public const string bot_add_24_regular = "\uf1fa";
+ public const string bot_sparkle_20_regular = "\uf6a5";
+ public const string bot_sparkle_24_regular = "\uf6a6";
+ public const string bow_tie_20_regular = "\U000f00d4";
+ public const string bow_tie_24_regular = "\U000f00d5";
+ public const string bowl_chopsticks_16_regular = "\uf1ea";
+ public const string bowl_chopsticks_20_regular = "\uf1eb";
+ public const string bowl_chopsticks_24_regular = "\uf1ec";
+ public const string bowl_chopsticks_28_regular = "\uf1ed";
+ public const string bowl_salad_20_regular = "\ueee8";
+ public const string bowl_salad_24_regular = "\ueee9";
+ public const string box_16_regular = "\ue1ba";
+ public const string box_20_regular = "\ue1bb";
+ public const string box_24_regular = "\ue1bc";
+ public const string box_arrow_left_20_regular = "\ue1bd";
+ public const string box_arrow_left_24_regular = "\ue1be";
+ public const string box_arrow_up_20_regular = "\ue1bf";
+ public const string box_arrow_up_24_regular = "\ue1c0";
+ public const string box_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue1c1";
+ public const string box_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue1c2";
+ public const string box_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue1c3";
+ public const string box_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue1c4";
+ public const string box_edit_20_regular = "\ue1c5";
+ public const string box_edit_24_regular = "\ue1c6";
+ public const string box_multiple_20_regular = "\ue1c7";
+ public const string box_multiple_24_regular = "\ue1c8";
+ public const string box_multiple_arrow_left_20_regular = "\ue1c9";
+ public const string box_multiple_arrow_left_24_regular = "\ue1ca";
+ public const string box_multiple_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ue1cb";
+ public const string box_multiple_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue1cc";
+ public const string box_multiple_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue1cd";
+ public const string box_multiple_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue1ce";
+ public const string box_multiple_search_20_regular = "\ue1cf";
+ public const string box_multiple_search_24_regular = "\ue1d0";
+ public const string box_search_16_regular = "\uf6a7";
+ public const string box_search_20_regular = "\ue1d1";
+ public const string box_search_24_regular = "\ue1d2";
+ public const string box_toolbox_20_regular = "\ue1d3";
+ public const string box_toolbox_24_regular = "\ue1d4";
+ public const string braces_16_regular = "\uee90";
+ public const string braces_20_regular = "\ue1d5";
+ public const string braces_24_regular = "\ue1d6";
+ public const string braces_28_regular = "\uee91";
+ public const string braces_32_regular = "\uee92";
+ public const string braces_48_regular = "\uee93";
+ public const string braces_checkmark_16_regular = "\uf0a4";
+ public const string braces_dismiss_16_regular = "\uf0a5";
+ public const string braces_variable_20_regular = "\ue1d7";
+ public const string braces_variable_24_regular = "\ue1d8";
+ public const string braces_variable_48_regular = "\U000f0267";
+ public const string brain_circuit_20_regular = "\uf1ee";
+ public const string brain_circuit_24_regular = "\uf83b";
+ public const string branch_16_regular = "\uf0a6";
+ public const string branch_20_regular = "\ue1d9";
+ public const string branch_24_regular = "\uf1fb";
+ public const string branch_compare_16_regular = "\ue1da";
+ public const string branch_compare_20_regular = "\ue1db";
+ public const string branch_compare_24_regular = "\ue1dc";
+ public const string branch_fork_16_regular = "\ue1dd";
+ public const string branch_fork_20_regular = "\ue1de";
+ public const string branch_fork_24_regular = "\ue1df";
+ public const string branch_fork_32_regular = "\uee94";
+ public const string branch_fork_hint_20_regular = "\ue1e0";
+ public const string branch_fork_hint_24_regular = "\ue1e1";
+ public const string branch_fork_link_20_regular = "\ue1e2";
+ public const string branch_fork_link_24_regular = "\ue1e3";
+ public const string branch_request_16_regular = "\U000f038a";
+ public const string branch_request_20_regular = "\ue1e4";
+ public const string breakout_room_20_regular = "\ue1e5";
+ public const string breakout_room_24_regular = "\ue1e6";
+ public const string breakout_room_28_regular = "\ue1e7";
+ public const string breakout_room_32_regular = "\U000f05f8";
+ public const string briefcase_12_regular = "\ue1e8";
+ public const string briefcase_16_regular = "\ue1e9";
+ public const string briefcase_20_regular = "\uf1fc";
+ public const string briefcase_24_regular = "\uf1fd";
+ public const string briefcase_28_regular = "\ue1ea";
+ public const string briefcase_32_regular = "\ue1eb";
+ public const string briefcase_48_regular = "\ue1ec";
+ public const string briefcase_medical_16_regular = "\ue1ed";
+ public const string briefcase_medical_20_regular = "\uf1ef";
+ public const string briefcase_medical_24_regular = "\ue1ee";
+ public const string briefcase_medical_32_regular = "\ue1ef";
+ public const string briefcase_off_16_regular = "\ue1f0";
+ public const string briefcase_off_20_regular = "\ue1f1";
+ public const string briefcase_off_24_regular = "\ue1f2";
+ public const string briefcase_off_28_regular = "\ue1f3";
+ public const string briefcase_off_32_regular = "\ue1f4";
+ public const string briefcase_off_48_regular = "\ue1f5";
+ public const string briefcase_person_24_regular = "\U000f0208";
+ public const string briefcase_search_20_regular = "\U000f01c8";
+ public const string briefcase_search_24_regular = "\U000f01c9";
+ public const string brightness_high_16_regular = "\ue1f6";
+ public const string brightness_high_20_regular = "\ue1f7";
+ public const string brightness_high_24_regular = "\ue1f8";
+ public const string brightness_high_28_regular = "\ue1f9";
+ public const string brightness_high_32_regular = "\ue1fa";
+ public const string brightness_high_48_regular = "\ue1fb";
+ public const string brightness_low_16_regular = "\ue1fc";
+ public const string brightness_low_20_regular = "\ue1fd";
+ public const string brightness_low_24_regular = "\ue1fe";
+ public const string brightness_low_28_regular = "\ue1ff";
+ public const string brightness_low_32_regular = "\ue200";
+ public const string brightness_low_48_regular = "\ue201";
+ public const string broad_activity_feed_16_regular = "\ue202";
+ public const string broad_activity_feed_20_regular = "\ue203";
+ public const string broad_activity_feed_24_regular = "\uf200";
+ public const string broom_16_regular = "\uf1fe";
+ public const string broom_20_regular = "\uf201";
+ public const string broom_24_regular = "\uf202";
+ public const string broom_28_regular = "\ue204";
+ public const string broom_32_regular = "\U000f0429";
+ public const string bubble_multiple_20_regular = "\uf06a";
+ public const string bug_16_regular = "\ue205";
+ public const string bug_20_regular = "\ue206";
+ public const string bug_24_regular = "\ue207";
+ public const string bug_arrow_counterclockwise_20_regular = "\ue208";
+ public const string bug_prohibited_20_regular = "\ue209";
+ public const string building_16_regular = "\ue20a";
+ public const string building_20_regular = "\ue20b";
+ public const string building_24_regular = "\uf205";
+ public const string building_32_regular = "\uf6df";
+ public const string building_48_regular = "\uf6e0";
+ public const string building_bank_16_regular = "\ue20c";
+ public const string building_bank_20_regular = "\ue20d";
+ public const string building_bank_24_regular = "\ue20e";
+ public const string building_bank_28_regular = "\ue20f";
+ public const string building_bank_48_regular = "\ue210";
+ public const string building_bank_link_16_regular = "\ue211";
+ public const string building_bank_link_20_regular = "\ue212";
+ public const string building_bank_link_24_regular = "\ue213";
+ public const string building_bank_link_28_regular = "\ue214";
+ public const string building_bank_link_48_regular = "\ue215";
+ public const string building_bank_toolbox_20_regular = "\uf1ff";
+ public const string building_bank_toolbox_24_regular = "\uf83c";
+ public const string building_cloud_24_regular = "\U000f0209";
+ public const string building_desktop_16_regular = "\uef41";
+ public const string building_desktop_20_regular = "\uef42";
+ public const string building_desktop_24_regular = "\uef43";
+ public const string building_desktop_32_regular = "\U000f03d9";
+ public const string building_factory_16_regular = "\ue216";
+ public const string building_factory_20_regular = "\ue217";
+ public const string building_factory_24_regular = "\ue218";
+ public const string building_factory_28_regular = "\ue219";
+ public const string building_factory_32_regular = "\ue21a";
+ public const string building_factory_48_regular = "\ue21b";
+ public const string building_government_16_regular = "\U000f03da";
+ public const string building_government_20_regular = "\ue21c";
+ public const string building_government_24_regular = "\ue21d";
+ public const string building_government_32_regular = "\ue21e";
+ public const string building_government_search_16_regular = "\U000f03db";
+ public const string building_government_search_20_regular = "\U000f03dc";
+ public const string building_government_search_24_regular = "\U000f03dd";
+ public const string building_government_search_32_regular = "\U000f03de";
+ public const string building_home_16_regular = "\ue21f";
+ public const string building_home_20_regular = "\ue220";
+ public const string building_home_24_regular = "\ue221";
+ public const string building_lighthouse_16_regular = "\U000f04fe";
+ public const string building_lighthouse_20_regular = "\ue222";
+ public const string building_lighthouse_24_regular = "\U000f04e6";
+ public const string building_lighthouse_28_regular = "\U000f055e";
+ public const string building_lighthouse_32_regular = "\U000f04e7";
+ public const string building_lighthouse_48_regular = "\U000f04e8";
+ public const string building_mosque_12_regular = "\U000f02a6";
+ public const string building_mosque_16_regular = "\U000f02a7";
+ public const string building_mosque_20_regular = "\U000f02a8";
+ public const string building_mosque_24_regular = "\U000f02a9";
+ public const string building_mosque_28_regular = "\U000f02aa";
+ public const string building_mosque_32_regular = "\U000f02ab";
+ public const string building_mosque_48_regular = "\U000f02ac";
+ public const string building_multiple_20_regular = "\ue223";
+ public const string building_multiple_24_regular = "\ue224";
+ public const string building_people_16_regular = "\uefd7";
+ public const string building_people_20_regular = "\uefd8";
+ public const string building_people_24_regular = "\uefd9";
+ public const string building_retail_20_regular = "\ue225";
+ public const string building_retail_24_regular = "\uf209";
+ public const string building_retail_money_20_regular = "\ue226";
+ public const string building_retail_money_24_regular = "\ue227";
+ public const string building_retail_more_20_regular = "\ue228";
+ public const string building_retail_more_24_regular = "\ueeea";
+ public const string building_retail_more_32_regular = "\ueec2";
+ public const string building_retail_shield_20_regular = "\ue229";
+ public const string building_retail_shield_24_regular = "\ue22a";
+ public const string building_retail_toolbox_20_regular = "\ue22b";
+ public const string building_retail_toolbox_24_regular = "\ue22c";
+ public const string building_shop_16_regular = "\ue22d";
+ public const string building_shop_20_regular = "\ue22e";
+ public const string building_shop_24_regular = "\ue22f";
+ public const string building_skyscraper_16_regular = "\ue230";
+ public const string building_skyscraper_20_regular = "\ue231";
+ public const string building_skyscraper_24_regular = "\ue232";
+ public const string building_swap_16_regular = "\U000f0464";
+ public const string building_swap_20_regular = "\U000f0465";
+ public const string building_swap_24_regular = "\U000f0466";
+ public const string building_swap_32_regular = "\U000f0467";
+ public const string building_swap_48_regular = "\U000f0468";
+ public const string building_townhouse_20_regular = "\uf023";
+ public const string building_townhouse_24_regular = "\uf024";
+ public const string building_townhouse_32_regular = "\uf025";
+ public const string button_16_regular = "\U000f0167";
+ public const string button_20_regular = "\U000f0168";
+ public const string calculator_16_regular = "\uf06b";
+ public const string calculator_20_regular = "\uf20a";
+ public const string calculator_24_regular = "\ue233";
+ public const string calculator_arrow_clockwise_20_regular = "\ue234";
+ public const string calculator_arrow_clockwise_24_regular = "\ue235";
+ public const string calculator_multiple_16_regular = "\uf06c";
+ public const string calculator_multiple_20_regular = "\ue236";
+ public const string calculator_multiple_24_regular = "\ue237";
+ public const string calendar_ltr_12_regular = "\ue24c";
+ public const string calendar_ltr_16_regular = "\ue24d";
+ public const string calendar_ltr_20_regular = "\ue24e";
+ public const string calendar_ltr_24_regular = "\ue24f";
+ public const string calendar_ltr_28_regular = "\ue250";
+ public const string calendar_3_day_16_regular = "\ue238";
+ public const string calendar_3_day_20_regular = "\uf20e";
+ public const string calendar_3_day_24_regular = "\uf20f";
+ public const string calendar_3_day_28_regular = "\uf210";
+ public const string calendar_32_regular = "\U000f0287";
+ public const string calendar_ltr_48_regular = "\ue252";
+ public const string calendar_add_16_regular = "\ue239";
+ public const string calendar_add_20_regular = "\uf211";
+ public const string calendar_add_24_regular = "\uf212";
+ public const string calendar_add_28_regular = "\ue23a";
+ public const string calendar_agenda_20_regular = "\uf213";
+ public const string calendar_agenda_24_regular = "\uf214";
+ public const string calendar_agenda_28_regular = "\uf215";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_counterclockwise_16_regular = "\uf0a7";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_counterclockwise_20_regular = "\uf0a8";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_counterclockwise_24_regular = "\uf0a9";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_counterclockwise_28_regular = "\uf0aa";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_counterclockwise_32_regular = "\uf0ab";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_counterclockwise_48_regular = "\uf0ac";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_down_20_regular = "\ue23b";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_down_24_regular = "\ue23c";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_right_16_regular = "\ue23d";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_right_20_regular = "\uf216";
+ public const string calendar_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue23e";
+ public const string calendar_assistant_16_regular = "\ue23f";
+ public const string calendar_assistant_20_regular = "\uf217";
+ public const string calendar_assistant_24_regular = "\uf218";
+ public const string calendar_cancel_16_regular = "\ue240";
+ public const string calendar_cancel_20_regular = "\uf219";
+ public const string calendar_cancel_24_regular = "\uf21a";
+ public const string calendar_chat_20_regular = "\ue241";
+ public const string calendar_chat_24_regular = "\ue242";
+ public const string calendar_checkmark_16_regular = "\uf21b";
+ public const string calendar_checkmark_20_regular = "\uf21c";
+ public const string calendar_checkmark_24_regular = "\uf8c9";
+ public const string calendar_checkmark_28_regular = "\uf85f";
+ public const string calendar_clock_16_regular = "\ue243";
+ public const string calendar_clock_20_regular = "\uf21d";
+ public const string calendar_clock_24_regular = "\uf21e";
+ public const string calendar_data_bar_16_regular = "\uee95";
+ public const string calendar_data_bar_20_regular = "\uee96";
+ public const string calendar_data_bar_24_regular = "\uee97";
+ public const string calendar_data_bar_28_regular = "\uee98";
+ public const string calendar_date_20_regular = "\U000f0289";
+ public const string calendar_date_24_regular = "\U000f028a";
+ public const string calendar_date_28_regular = "\U000f028b";
+ public const string calendar_day_16_regular = "\ue244";
+ public const string calendar_day_20_regular = "\uf222";
+ public const string calendar_day_24_regular = "\uf223";
+ public const string calendar_day_28_regular = "\uf224";
+ public const string calendar_edit_16_regular = "\ue245";
+ public const string calendar_edit_20_regular = "\ue246";
+ public const string calendar_edit_24_regular = "\ue247";
+ public const string calendar_edit_32_regular = "\U000f05a1";
+ public const string calendar_empty_16_regular = "\uf225";
+ public const string calendar_empty_20_regular = "\uf226";
+ public const string calendar_empty_24_regular = "\uf227";
+ public const string calendar_empty_28_regular = "\uf228";
+ public const string calendar_empty_32_regular = "\ue248";
+ public const string calendar_empty_48_regular = "\uef44";
+ public const string calendar_error_16_regular = "\uf6e1";
+ public const string calendar_error_20_regular = "\ue249";
+ public const string calendar_error_24_regular = "\ue24a";
+ public const string calendar_eye_20_regular = "\U000f020a";
+ public const string calendar_info_16_regular = "\uf203";
+ public const string calendar_info_20_regular = "\ue24b";
+ public const string calendar_link_24_regular = "\U000f04e9";
+ public const string calendar_link_28_regular = "\U000f04ea";
+ public const string calendar_lock_16_regular = "\uef45";
+ public const string calendar_lock_20_regular = "\uef46";
+ public const string calendar_lock_24_regular = "\uef47";
+ public const string calendar_lock_28_regular = "\uef48";
+ public const string calendar_lock_32_regular = "\uef49";
+ public const string calendar_lock_48_regular = "\uef4a";
+ public const string calendar_ltr_32_regular = "\ue251";
+ public const string calendar_mail_16_regular = "\ue253";
+ public const string calendar_mail_20_regular = "\ue254";
+ public const string calendar_mention_20_regular = "\ue255";
+ public const string calendar_month_20_regular = "\uf22a";
+ public const string calendar_month_24_regular = "\uf22b";
+ public const string calendar_month_28_regular = "\uf22c";
+ public const string calendar_month_32_regular = "\ueec3";
+ public const string calendar_multiple_16_regular = "\uf204";
+ public const string calendar_multiple_20_regular = "\uf22d";
+ public const string calendar_multiple_24_regular = "\uf22e";
+ public const string calendar_multiple_28_regular = "\ue256";
+ public const string calendar_multiple_32_regular = "\ue257";
+ public const string calendar_note_16_regular = "\U000f042a";
+ public const string calendar_note_20_regular = "\U000f042b";
+ public const string calendar_note_24_regular = "\U000f042c";
+ public const string calendar_note_32_regular = "\U000f042d";
+ public const string calendar_pattern_16_regular = "\ue258";
+ public const string calendar_pattern_20_regular = "\ue259";
+ public const string calendar_person_16_regular = "\ue25a";
+ public const string calendar_person_20_regular = "\uf230";
+ public const string calendar_person_24_regular = "\ue25b";
+ public const string calendar_phone_16_regular = "\ue25c";
+ public const string calendar_phone_20_regular = "\ue25d";
+ public const string calendar_play_16_regular = "\uf0ad";
+ public const string calendar_play_20_regular = "\uf0ae";
+ public const string calendar_play_24_regular = "\uf0af";
+ public const string calendar_play_28_regular = "\uf0b0";
+ public const string calendar_question_mark_16_regular = "\ue25e";
+ public const string calendar_question_mark_20_regular = "\ue25f";
+ public const string calendar_question_mark_24_regular = "\ue260";
+ public const string calendar_record_16_regular = "\U000f03df";
+ public const string calendar_record_20_regular = "\U000f03e0";
+ public const string calendar_record_24_regular = "\U000f03e1";
+ public const string calendar_record_28_regular = "\U000f03e2";
+ public const string calendar_record_32_regular = "\U000f03e3";
+ public const string calendar_record_48_regular = "\U000f03e4";
+ public const string calendar_reply_16_regular = "\uf231";
+ public const string calendar_reply_20_regular = "\uf232";
+ public const string calendar_reply_24_regular = "\uf233";
+ public const string calendar_reply_28_regular = "\uf234";
+ public const string calendar_rtl_12_regular = "\ue261";
+ public const string calendar_rtl_16_regular = "\ue262";
+ public const string calendar_rtl_20_regular = "\ue263";
+ public const string calendar_rtl_24_regular = "\ue264";
+ public const string calendar_rtl_28_regular = "\ue265";
+ public const string calendar_rtl_32_regular = "\ue266";
+ public const string calendar_rtl_48_regular = "\ue267";
+ public const string calendar_search_16_regular = "\uf860";
+ public const string calendar_search_20_regular = "\ue268";
+ public const string calendar_settings_16_regular = "\ue269";
+ public const string calendar_settings_20_regular = "\uf235";
+ public const string calendar_settings_24_regular = "\uef4b";
+ public const string calendar_settings_28_regular = "\uef4c";
+ public const string calendar_settings_32_regular = "\uef4d";
+ public const string calendar_settings_48_regular = "\uef4e";
+ public const string calendar_shield_16_regular = "\uf0b1";
+ public const string calendar_shield_20_regular = "\uf0b2";
+ public const string calendar_shield_24_regular = "\uf0b3";
+ public const string calendar_shield_28_regular = "\uf0b4";
+ public const string calendar_shield_32_regular = "\uf0b5";
+ public const string calendar_shield_48_regular = "\uf0b6";
+ public const string calendar_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f04ff";
+ public const string calendar_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f0500";
+ public const string calendar_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f0501";
+ public const string calendar_sparkle_28_regular = "\U000f0502";
+ public const string calendar_sparkle_32_regular = "\U000f0503";
+ public const string calendar_sparkle_48_regular = "\U000f0504";
+ public const string calendar_star_16_regular = "\ue26a";
+ public const string calendar_star_20_regular = "\uf236";
+ public const string calendar_star_24_regular = "\uf237";
+ public const string calendar_sync_16_regular = "\uf238";
+ public const string calendar_sync_20_regular = "\uf239";
+ public const string calendar_sync_24_regular = "\uf23a";
+ public const string calendar_template_20_regular = "\U000f0505";
+ public const string calendar_template_24_regular = "\U000f0506";
+ public const string calendar_template_32_regular = "\U000f0507";
+ public const string calendar_today_16_regular = "\uf23b";
+ public const string calendar_today_20_regular = "\uf23c";
+ public const string calendar_today_24_regular = "\uf23d";
+ public const string calendar_today_28_regular = "\uf23e";
+ public const string calendar_toolbox_20_regular = "\ue26b";
+ public const string calendar_toolbox_24_regular = "\ue26c";
+ public const string calendar_video_20_regular = "\U000f055f";
+ public const string calendar_video_24_regular = "\U000f04eb";
+ public const string calendar_video_28_regular = "\U000f04ec";
+ public const string calendar_week_numbers_20_regular = "\ue26d";
+ public const string calendar_week_numbers_24_regular = "\uf23f";
+ public const string calendar_week_start_20_regular = "\uf240";
+ public const string calendar_week_start_24_regular = "\uf241";
+ public const string calendar_week_start_28_regular = "\uf242";
+ public const string calendar_work_week_16_regular = "\uf243";
+ public const string calendar_work_week_20_regular = "\uf244";
+ public const string calendar_work_week_24_regular = "\uf245";
+ public const string calendar_work_week_28_regular = "\ue26e";
+ public const string call_12_regular = "\uef4f";
+ public const string call_16_regular = "\ue26f";
+ public const string call_20_regular = "\ue270";
+ public const string call_24_regular = "\ue271";
+ public const string call_28_regular = "\ue272";
+ public const string call_32_regular = "\ue273";
+ public const string call_48_regular = "\ue274";
+ public const string call_add_16_regular = "\ue275";
+ public const string call_add_20_regular = "\ue276";
+ public const string call_add_24_regular = "\uf246";
+ public const string call_checkmark_20_regular = "\uf207";
+ public const string call_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue277";
+ public const string call_connecting_20_regular = "\ue278";
+ public const string call_dismiss_16_regular = "\ue279";
+ public const string call_dismiss_20_regular = "\uf208";
+ public const string call_dismiss_24_regular = "\uf20b";
+ public const string call_end_12_regular = "\U000f02fa";
+ public const string call_end_16_regular = "\ue27a";
+ public const string call_end_20_regular = "\uf247";
+ public const string call_end_24_regular = "\uf248";
+ public const string call_end_28_regular = "\uf249";
+ public const string call_end_32_regular = "\U000f02fb";
+ public const string call_end_48_regular = "\U000f02fc";
+ public const string call_exclamation_20_regular = "\ue27b";
+ public const string call_forward_16_regular = "\ue27c";
+ public const string call_forward_20_regular = "\ue27d";
+ public const string call_forward_24_regular = "\uf24a";
+ public const string call_forward_28_regular = "\ue27e";
+ public const string call_forward_32_regular = "\uf6e7";
+ public const string call_forward_48_regular = "\ue27f";
+ public const string call_inbound_16_regular = "\uf24b";
+ public const string call_inbound_20_regular = "\ue280";
+ public const string call_inbound_24_regular = "\uf24c";
+ public const string call_inbound_28_regular = "\ue281";
+ public const string call_inbound_48_regular = "\ue282";
+ public const string call_missed_12_regular = "\uef50";
+ public const string call_missed_16_regular = "\uf24d";
+ public const string call_missed_20_regular = "\ue283";
+ public const string call_missed_24_regular = "\uf24e";
+ public const string call_missed_28_regular = "\ue284";
+ public const string call_missed_48_regular = "\ue285";
+ public const string call_outbound_16_regular = "\uf24f";
+ public const string call_outbound_20_regular = "\ue286";
+ public const string call_outbound_24_regular = "\uf250";
+ public const string call_outbound_28_regular = "\ue287";
+ public const string call_outbound_48_regular = "\ue288";
+ public const string call_park_16_regular = "\ue289";
+ public const string call_park_20_regular = "\ue28a";
+ public const string call_park_24_regular = "\uf251";
+ public const string call_park_28_regular = "\ue28b";
+ public const string call_park_32_regular = "\uf861";
+ public const string call_park_48_regular = "\ue28c";
+ public const string call_pause_20_regular = "\uf20c";
+ public const string call_pause_24_regular = "\uf20d";
+ public const string call_prohibited_16_regular = "\ue28d";
+ public const string call_prohibited_20_regular = "\ue28e";
+ public const string call_prohibited_24_regular = "\ue28f";
+ public const string call_prohibited_28_regular = "\ue290";
+ public const string call_prohibited_48_regular = "\ue291";
+ public const string call_transfer_16_regular = "\ue292";
+ public const string call_transfer_20_regular = "\ue293";
+ public const string call_transfer_24_regular = "\uf0b7";
+ public const string call_transfer_32_regular = "\uf0b8";
+ public const string call_warning_16_regular = "\ue294";
+ public const string call_warning_20_regular = "\ue295";
+ public const string calligraphy_pen_20_regular = "\uf252";
+ public const string calligraphy_pen_24_regular = "\uf253";
+ public const string calligraphy_pen_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue296";
+ public const string calligraphy_pen_error_20_regular = "\ue297";
+ public const string calligraphy_pen_question_mark_20_regular = "\ue298";
+ public const string camera_16_regular = "\ue299";
+ public const string camera_20_regular = "\uf254";
+ public const string camera_24_regular = "\uf255";
+ public const string camera_28_regular = "\uf256";
+ public const string camera_add_20_regular = "\uf257";
+ public const string camera_add_24_regular = "\uf258";
+ public const string camera_add_48_regular = "\uf259";
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+ public const string camera_arrow_up_20_regular = "\U000f05bf";
+ public const string camera_arrow_up_24_regular = "\U000f05c0";
+ public const string camera_dome_16_regular = "\ue29a";
+ public const string camera_dome_20_regular = "\ue29b";
+ public const string camera_dome_24_regular = "\ue29c";
+ public const string camera_dome_28_regular = "\ue29d";
+ public const string camera_dome_48_regular = "\ue29e";
+ public const string camera_edit_20_regular = "\ue29f";
+ public const string camera_off_16_regular = "\uf0b9";
+ public const string camera_off_20_regular = "\ue2a0";
+ public const string camera_off_24_regular = "\ue2a1";
+ public const string camera_sparkles_16_regular = "\uf06d";
+ public const string camera_sparkles_20_regular = "\uf026";
+ public const string camera_sparkles_24_regular = "\uf027";
+ public const string camera_switch_20_regular = "\ue2a2";
+ public const string camera_switch_24_regular = "\uf25a";
+ public const string card_ui_20_regular = "\U000f0169";
+ public const string card_ui_24_regular = "\U000f016a";
+ public const string card_ui_portrait_flip_16_regular = "\U000f05f9";
+ public const string card_ui_portrait_flip_20_regular = "\U000f05fa";
+ public const string card_ui_portrait_flip_24_regular = "\U000f05fb";
+ public const string caret_down_12_regular = "\uf25f";
+ public const string caret_down_16_regular = "\uf260";
+ public const string caret_down_20_regular = "\uf261";
+ public const string caret_down_24_regular = "\uf262";
+ public const string caret_down_right_12_regular = "\ue2a3";
+ public const string caret_down_right_16_regular = "\ue2a4";
+ public const string caret_down_right_20_regular = "\ue2a5";
+ public const string caret_down_right_24_regular = "\ue2a6";
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+ public const string caret_left_16_regular = "\uf264";
+ public const string caret_left_20_regular = "\uf265";
+ public const string caret_left_24_regular = "\uf266";
+ public const string caret_right_12_regular = "\uf267";
+ public const string caret_right_16_regular = "\uf268";
+ public const string caret_right_20_regular = "\uf269";
+ public const string caret_right_24_regular = "\uf26a";
+ public const string caret_up_12_regular = "\ue2a7";
+ public const string caret_up_16_regular = "\ue2a8";
+ public const string caret_up_20_regular = "\ue2a9";
+ public const string caret_up_24_regular = "\ue2aa";
+ public const string cart_16_regular = "\ue2ab";
+ public const string cart_20_regular = "\ue2ac";
+ public const string cart_24_regular = "\uf26b";
+ public const string cast_20_regular = "\uf26c";
+ public const string cast_24_regular = "\uf26d";
+ public const string cast_28_regular = "\uf26e";
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+ public const string cast_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f02d1";
+ public const string cast_multiple_28_regular = "\U000f02d2";
+ public const string catch_up_16_regular = "\ue2ad";
+ public const string catch_up_20_regular = "\ue2ae";
+ public const string catch_up_24_regular = "\ue2af";
+ public const string cd_16_regular = "\uf0ba";
+ public const string cellular_3g_20_regular = "\ue2b0";
+ public const string cellular_3g_24_regular = "\uf26f";
+ public const string cellular_4g_20_regular = "\ue2b1";
+ public const string cellular_4g_24_regular = "\uf270";
+ public const string cellular_5g_20_regular = "\ue2b2";
+ public const string cellular_5g_24_regular = "\ue2b3";
+ public const string cellular_data_1_20_regular = "\uf271";
+ public const string cellular_data_1_24_regular = "\uf272";
+ public const string cellular_data_2_20_regular = "\uf273";
+ public const string cellular_data_2_24_regular = "\uf274";
+ public const string cellular_data_3_20_regular = "\uf275";
+ public const string cellular_data_3_24_regular = "\uf276";
+ public const string cellular_data_4_20_regular = "\uf277";
+ public const string cellular_data_4_24_regular = "\uf278";
+ public const string cellular_data_5_20_regular = "\uf279";
+ public const string cellular_data_5_24_regular = "\uf27a";
+ public const string cellular_off_20_regular = "\ue2b4";
+ public const string cellular_off_24_regular = "\ue2b5";
+ public const string cellular_warning_20_regular = "\ue2b6";
+ public const string cellular_warning_24_regular = "\ue2b7";
+ public const string center_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue2b8";
+ public const string center_horizontal_24_regular = "\ue2b9";
+ public const string center_vertical_20_regular = "\ue2ba";
+ public const string center_vertical_24_regular = "\ue2bb";
+ public const string certificate_16_regular = "\uf0bb";
+ public const string certificate_20_regular = "\uf27e";
+ public const string certificate_24_regular = "\uf27f";
+ public const string certificate_32_regular = "\U000f0469";
+ public const string channel_16_regular = "\uf280";
+ public const string channel_20_regular = "\uf281";
+ public const string channel_24_regular = "\uf282";
+ public const string channel_28_regular = "\ue2bc";
+ public const string channel_48_regular = "\ue2bd";
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+ public const string channel_add_20_regular = "\ue2bf";
+ public const string channel_add_24_regular = "\ue2c0";
+ public const string channel_add_28_regular = "\ue2c1";
+ public const string channel_add_48_regular = "\ue2c2";
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+ public const string channel_alert_20_regular = "\ue2c4";
+ public const string channel_alert_24_regular = "\ue2c5";
+ public const string channel_alert_28_regular = "\ue2c6";
+ public const string channel_alert_48_regular = "\ue2c7";
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+ public const string channel_arrow_left_20_regular = "\ue2c9";
+ public const string channel_arrow_left_24_regular = "\ue2ca";
+ public const string channel_arrow_left_28_regular = "\ue2cb";
+ public const string channel_arrow_left_48_regular = "\ue2cc";
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+ public const string channel_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue2ce";
+ public const string channel_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue2cf";
+ public const string channel_dismiss_28_regular = "\ue2d0";
+ public const string channel_dismiss_48_regular = "\ue2d1";
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+ public const string channel_share_20_regular = "\ue2d4";
+ public const string channel_share_24_regular = "\ue2d5";
+ public const string channel_share_28_regular = "\ue2d6";
+ public const string channel_share_48_regular = "\ue2d7";
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+ public const string channel_subtract_20_regular = "\ue2d9";
+ public const string channel_subtract_24_regular = "\ue2da";
+ public const string channel_subtract_28_regular = "\ue2db";
+ public const string channel_subtract_48_regular = "\ue2dc";
+ public const string chart_multiple_16_regular = "\U000f05d4";
+ public const string chart_multiple_20_regular = "\ue2dd";
+ public const string chart_multiple_24_regular = "\ue2de";
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+ public const string chart_person_24_regular = "\ue2e0";
+ public const string chart_person_28_regular = "\ue2e1";
+ public const string chart_person_48_regular = "\ue2e2";
+ public const string chat_12_regular = "\ue2e3";
+ public const string chat_16_regular = "\ue2e4";
+ public const string chat_20_regular = "\uf286";
+ public const string chat_24_regular = "\uf287";
+ public const string chat_28_regular = "\uf288";
+ public const string chat_32_regular = "\ue2e5";
+ public const string chat_48_regular = "\ue2e6";
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+ public const string chat_add_20_regular = "\uef52";
+ public const string chat_add_24_regular = "\uef53";
+ public const string chat_add_28_regular = "\uef54";
+ public const string chat_add_32_regular = "\uef55";
+ public const string chat_add_48_regular = "\uef56";
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+ public const string chat_arrow_back_20_regular = "\ue2e8";
+ public const string chat_arrow_back_down_16_regular = "\U000f0625";
+ public const string chat_arrow_back_down_20_regular = "\U000f0626";
+ public const string chat_arrow_back_down_24_regular = "\U000f0627";
+ public const string chat_arrow_back_down_28_regular = "\U000f0628";
+ public const string chat_arrow_back_down_32_regular = "\U000f0629";
+ public const string chat_arrow_back_down_48_regular = "\U000f062a";
+ public const string chat_arrow_double_back_16_regular = "\ue2e9";
+ public const string chat_arrow_double_back_20_regular = "\ue2ea";
+ public const string chat_bubbles_question_16_regular = "\uf8a8";
+ public const string chat_bubbles_question_20_regular = "\ue2eb";
+ public const string chat_bubbles_question_24_regular = "\uf289";
+ public const string chat_bubbles_question_28_regular = "\uf02a";
+ public const string chat_bubbles_question_32_regular = "\uf02b";
+ public const string chat_cursor_16_regular = "\uef57";
+ public const string chat_cursor_20_regular = "\uef58";
+ public const string chat_cursor_24_regular = "\uef59";
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+ public const string chat_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue2ed";
+ public const string chat_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue2ee";
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+ public const string chat_empty_20_regular = "\uef5c";
+ public const string chat_empty_24_regular = "\uef5d";
+ public const string chat_empty_28_regular = "\uef5e";
+ public const string chat_empty_32_regular = "\uef5f";
+ public const string chat_empty_48_regular = "\uef60";
+ public const string chat_help_20_regular = "\uf220";
+ public const string chat_help_24_regular = "\uf28a";
+ public const string chat_lock_16_regular = "\U000f03b1";
+ public const string chat_lock_20_regular = "\U000f03b2";
+ public const string chat_lock_24_regular = "\U000f03b3";
+ public const string chat_lock_28_regular = "\U000f03b4";
+ public const string chat_mail_20_regular = "\ue2ef";
+ public const string chat_multiple_16_regular = "\uf8a9";
+ public const string chat_multiple_20_regular = "\uf8c8";
+ public const string chat_multiple_24_regular = "\uf8d3";
+ public const string chat_multiple_28_regular = "\uecdb";
+ public const string chat_multiple_32_regular = "\uecdc";
+ public const string chat_multiple_heart_16_regular = "\uf793";
+ public const string chat_multiple_heart_20_regular = "\uf794";
+ public const string chat_multiple_heart_24_regular = "\uf7cf";
+ public const string chat_multiple_heart_28_regular = "\uf7d0";
+ public const string chat_multiple_heart_32_regular = "\uf7d1";
+ public const string chat_off_20_regular = "\ue2f0";
+ public const string chat_off_24_regular = "\uf28b";
+ public const string chat_settings_16_regular = "\U000f05c1";
+ public const string chat_settings_20_regular = "\uf221";
+ public const string chat_settings_24_regular = "\uf229";
+ public const string chat_sparkle_16_regular = "\uf7d2";
+ public const string chat_sparkle_20_regular = "\uf7d3";
+ public const string chat_sparkle_24_regular = "\uf7d4";
+ public const string chat_sparkle_28_regular = "\uf7d5";
+ public const string chat_sparkle_32_regular = "\uf7d6";
+ public const string chat_sparkle_48_regular = "\uf7f2";
+ public const string chat_video_20_regular = "\ue2f1";
+ public const string chat_video_24_regular = "\ue2f2";
+ public const string chat_warning_16_regular = "\ue2f3";
+ public const string chat_warning_20_regular = "\ue2f4";
+ public const string chat_warning_24_regular = "\uf28c";
+ public const string check_20_regular = "\uf27b";
+ public const string check_24_regular = "\ue2f5";
+ public const string checkbox_1_20_regular = "\ue2f6";
+ public const string checkbox_1_24_regular = "\ue2f7";
+ public const string checkbox_2_20_regular = "\ue2f8";
+ public const string checkbox_2_24_regular = "\ue2f9";
+ public const string checkbox_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ue2fa";
+ public const string checkbox_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue2fb";
+ public const string checkbox_checked_16_regular = "\uf27c";
+ public const string checkbox_checked_20_regular = "\uf28d";
+ public const string checkbox_checked_24_regular = "\uf28e";
+ public const string checkbox_checked_sync_16_regular = "\uf27d";
+ public const string checkbox_checked_sync_20_regular = "\ue2fc";
+ public const string checkbox_indeterminate_16_regular = "\ue2fd";
+ public const string checkbox_indeterminate_20_regular = "\ue2fe";
+ public const string checkbox_indeterminate_24_regular = "\ue2ff";
+ public const string checkbox_person_16_regular = "\ue300";
+ public const string checkbox_person_20_regular = "\ue301";
+ public const string checkbox_person_24_regular = "\ue302";
+ public const string square_12_regular = "\ueb73";
+ public const string square_16_regular = "\ueb74";
+ public const string square_24_regular = "\ueb76";
+ public const string checkbox_warning_20_regular = "\ue303";
+ public const string checkbox_warning_24_regular = "\ue304";
+ public const string checkmark_12_regular = "\uf293";
+ public const string checkmark_16_regular = "\ue305";
+ public const string checkmark_20_regular = "\uf294";
+ public const string checkmark_24_regular = "\uf295";
+ public const string checkmark_28_regular = "\uf296";
+ public const string checkmark_32_regular = "\uf8d4";
+ public const string checkmark_48_regular = "\ue306";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_12_regular = "\ue307";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_16_regular = "\uf297";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_20_regular = "\uf298";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_24_regular = "\uf299";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_32_regular = "\uf8e8";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_48_regular = "\uf29a";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_square_16_regular = "\U000f02ad";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_square_20_regular = "\U000f02ae";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_square_24_regular = "\U000f02af";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_warning_16_regular = "\U000f0521";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_warning_20_regular = "\U000f0522";
+ public const string checkmark_circle_warning_24_regular = "\U000f0523";
+ public const string checkmark_lock_16_regular = "\uf29b";
+ public const string checkmark_lock_20_regular = "\uf29c";
+ public const string checkmark_lock_24_regular = "\uf29d";
+ public const string checkmark_note_20_regular = "\ue308";
+ public const string checkmark_square_20_regular = "\ue309";
+ public const string checkmark_square_24_regular = "\uf29e";
+ public const string checkmark_starburst_16_regular = "\uf283";
+ public const string checkmark_starburst_20_regular = "\ue30a";
+ public const string checkmark_starburst_24_regular = "\ue30b";
+ public const string checkmark_underline_circle_16_regular = "\uf29f";
+ public const string checkmark_underline_circle_20_regular = "\uf2a0";
+ public const string checkmark_underline_circle_24_regular = "\U000f042e";
+ public const string chess_20_regular = "\ue30c";
+ public const string chevron_circle_down_12_regular = "\ue30d";
+ public const string chevron_circle_down_16_regular = "\ue30e";
+ public const string chevron_circle_down_20_regular = "\ue30f";
+ public const string chevron_circle_down_24_regular = "\ue310";
+ public const string chevron_circle_down_28_regular = "\ue311";
+ public const string chevron_circle_down_32_regular = "\ue312";
+ public const string chevron_circle_down_48_regular = "\ue313";
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+ public const string chevron_circle_left_16_regular = "\ue315";
+ public const string chevron_circle_left_20_regular = "\ue316";
+ public const string chevron_circle_left_24_regular = "\ue317";
+ public const string chevron_circle_left_28_regular = "\ue318";
+ public const string chevron_circle_left_32_regular = "\ue319";
+ public const string chevron_circle_left_48_regular = "\ue31a";
+ public const string chevron_circle_right_12_regular = "\ue31b";
+ public const string chevron_circle_right_16_regular = "\ue31c";
+ public const string chevron_circle_right_20_regular = "\ue31d";
+ public const string chevron_circle_right_24_regular = "\ue31e";
+ public const string chevron_circle_right_28_regular = "\ue31f";
+ public const string chevron_circle_right_32_regular = "\ue320";
+ public const string chevron_circle_right_48_regular = "\ue321";
+ public const string chevron_circle_up_12_regular = "\ue322";
+ public const string chevron_circle_up_16_regular = "\ue323";
+ public const string chevron_circle_up_20_regular = "\ue324";
+ public const string chevron_circle_up_24_regular = "\ue325";
+ public const string chevron_circle_up_28_regular = "\ue326";
+ public const string chevron_circle_up_32_regular = "\ue327";
+ public const string chevron_circle_up_48_regular = "\ue328";
+ public const string chevron_double_down_16_regular = "\uf284";
+ public const string chevron_double_down_20_regular = "\ue329";
+ public const string chevron_double_left_16_regular = "\uf285";
+ public const string chevron_double_left_20_regular = "\ue32a";
+ public const string chevron_double_right_16_regular = "\uf2a7";
+ public const string chevron_double_right_20_regular = "\ue32b";
+ public const string chevron_double_up_16_regular = "\ue32c";
+ public const string chevron_double_up_20_regular = "\ue32d";
+ public const string chevron_down_12_regular = "\uf2a1";
+ public const string chevron_down_16_regular = "\uf2a2";
+ public const string chevron_down_20_regular = "\uf2a3";
+ public const string chevron_down_24_regular = "\uf2a4";
+ public const string chevron_down_28_regular = "\uf2a5";
+ public const string chevron_down_32_regular = "\U000f0320";
+ public const string chevron_down_48_regular = "\uf2a6";
+ public const string chevron_down_up_16_regular = "\U000f016b";
+ public const string chevron_down_up_20_regular = "\U000f016c";
+ public const string chevron_down_up_24_regular = "\U000f016d";
+ public const string chevron_left_12_regular = "\uf2a8";
+ public const string chevron_left_16_regular = "\uf2a9";
+ public const string chevron_left_20_regular = "\uf2aa";
+ public const string chevron_left_24_regular = "\uf2ab";
+ public const string chevron_left_28_regular = "\uf2ac";
+ public const string chevron_left_32_regular = "\U000f0321";
+ public const string chevron_left_48_regular = "\uf2ad";
+ public const string chevron_right_12_regular = "\uf2ae";
+ public const string chevron_right_16_regular = "\uf2af";
+ public const string chevron_right_20_regular = "\uf2b0";
+ public const string chevron_right_24_regular = "\uf2b1";
+ public const string chevron_right_28_regular = "\uf2b2";
+ public const string chevron_right_32_regular = "\U000f0322";
+ public const string chevron_right_48_regular = "\uf2b3";
+ public const string chevron_up_12_regular = "\uf2b4";
+ public const string chevron_up_16_regular = "\uf2b5";
+ public const string chevron_up_20_regular = "\uf2b6";
+ public const string chevron_up_24_regular = "\uf2b7";
+ public const string chevron_up_28_regular = "\uf2b8";
+ public const string chevron_up_32_regular = "\U000f0323";
+ public const string chevron_up_48_regular = "\uf2b9";
+ public const string chevron_up_down_16_regular = "\ue32e";
+ public const string chevron_up_down_20_regular = "\ue32f";
+ public const string chevron_up_down_24_regular = "\ue330";
+ public const string circle_12_regular = "\ue331";
+ public const string circle_16_regular = "\uf2ba";
+ public const string circle_20_regular = "\uf2bb";
+ public const string circle_24_regular = "\uf2bc";
+ public const string circle_28_regular = "\U000f00d6";
+ public const string circle_32_regular = "\ue332";
+ public const string circle_48_regular = "\ue333";
+ public const string circle_edit_20_regular = "\ue334";
+ public const string circle_edit_24_regular = "\ue335";
+ public const string circle_eraser_20_regular = "\ue336";
+ public const string circle_half_fill_12_regular = "\ue337";
+ public const string circle_half_fill_16_regular = "\uf30a";
+ public const string circle_half_fill_20_regular = "\uf2bd";
+ public const string circle_half_fill_24_regular = "\uf2be";
+ public const string circle_highlight_20_regular = "\U000f05c2";
+ public const string circle_highlight_24_regular = "\U000f05c3";
+ public const string circle_hint_16_regular = "\U000f0110";
+ public const string circle_hint_20_regular = "\U000f0111";
+ public const string circle_hint_24_regular = "\U000f05c4";
+ public const string circle_hint_half_vertical_16_regular = "\U000f02d3";
+ public const string circle_hint_half_vertical_20_regular = "\U000f02d4";
+ public const string circle_hint_half_vertical_24_regular = "\U000f02d5";
+ public const string circle_image_16_regular = "\uef61";
+ public const string circle_image_20_regular = "\ue338";
+ public const string circle_image_24_regular = "\uef62";
+ public const string circle_image_28_regular = "\uef63";
+ public const string circle_line_12_regular = "\ue339";
+ public const string circle_line_16_regular = "\U000f01ca";
+ public const string circle_line_20_regular = "\ue33a";
+ public const string circle_line_24_regular = "\uf2bf";
+ public const string circle_multiple_subtract_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue33b";
+ public const string circle_off_16_regular = "\ue33c";
+ public const string circle_off_20_regular = "\ue33d";
+ public const string circle_shadow_20_regular = "\U000f05c5";
+ public const string circle_shadow_24_regular = "\U000f05c6";
+ public const string circle_small_20_regular = "\ue33e";
+ public const string circle_small_24_regular = "\uf2c0";
+ public const string city_16_regular = "\uf2c1";
+ public const string city_20_regular = "\uf2c2";
+ public const string city_24_regular = "\uf2c3";
+ public const string class_20_regular = "\ue33f";
+ public const string class_24_regular = "\uf2c4";
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+ public const string classification_20_regular = "\uf2c6";
+ public const string classification_24_regular = "\uf2c7";
+ public const string classification_32_regular = "\U000f0580";
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+ public const string clear_formatting_20_regular = "\ue341";
+ public const string clear_formatting_24_regular = "\uf2c8";
+ public const string clipboard_12_regular = "\U000f0508";
+ public const string clipboard_16_regular = "\ue342";
+ public const string clipboard_20_regular = "\uf2c9";
+ public const string clipboard_24_regular = "\uf2ca";
+ public const string clipboard_28_regular = "\U000f03e5";
+ public const string clipboard_3_day_16_regular = "\uee99";
+ public const string clipboard_3_day_20_regular = "\uee9a";
+ public const string clipboard_3_day_24_regular = "\uee9b";
+ public const string clipboard_32_regular = "\ue343";
+ public const string clipboard_48_regular = "\U000f0509";
+ public const string clipboard_arrow_right_16_regular = "\ue344";
+ public const string clipboard_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ue345";
+ public const string clipboard_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue346";
+ public const string clipboard_brush_16_regular = "\U000f046a";
+ public const string clipboard_brush_20_regular = "\U000f046b";
+ public const string clipboard_brush_24_regular = "\U000f046c";
+ public const string clipboard_brush_28_regular = "\U000f046d";
+ public const string clipboard_brush_32_regular = "\U000f046e";
+ public const string clipboard_bullet_list_ltr_16_regular = "\ue347";
+ public const string clipboard_bullet_list_ltr_20_regular = "\ue348";
+ public const string clipboard_bullet_list_rtl_16_regular = "\ue349";
+ public const string clipboard_bullet_list_rtl_20_regular = "\ue34a";
+ public const string clipboard_checkmark_16_regular = "\uf7f3";
+ public const string clipboard_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue34b";
+ public const string clipboard_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue34c";
+ public const string clipboard_clock_20_regular = "\ue34d";
+ public const string clipboard_clock_24_regular = "\ue34e";
+ public const string clipboard_code_16_regular = "\uf2cb";
+ public const string clipboard_code_20_regular = "\uf2cc";
+ public const string clipboard_code_24_regular = "\uf2cd";
+ public const string clipboard_data_bar_20_regular = "\ue34f";
+ public const string clipboard_data_bar_24_regular = "\ue350";
+ public const string clipboard_data_bar_32_regular = "\ue351";
+ public const string clipboard_day_16_regular = "\uee9c";
+ public const string clipboard_day_20_regular = "\uee9d";
+ public const string clipboard_day_24_regular = "\uee9e";
+ public const string clipboard_edit_20_regular = "\ue352";
+ public const string clipboard_error_16_regular = "\uf0bc";
+ public const string clipboard_error_20_regular = "\ue353";
+ public const string clipboard_error_24_regular = "\ue354";
+ public const string clipboard_heart_20_regular = "\uf30b";
+ public const string clipboard_heart_24_regular = "\ue355";
+ public const string clipboard_image_20_regular = "\ue356";
+ public const string clipboard_image_24_regular = "\ue357";
+ public const string clipboard_letter_16_regular = "\uf2ce";
+ public const string clipboard_letter_20_regular = "\uf2cf";
+ public const string clipboard_letter_24_regular = "\uf2d0";
+ public const string clipboard_link_16_regular = "\uf2d1";
+ public const string clipboard_link_20_regular = "\uf2d2";
+ public const string clipboard_link_24_regular = "\uf2d3";
+ public const string clipboard_math_formula_16_regular = "\U000f03e6";
+ public const string clipboard_math_formula_20_regular = "\U000f03e7";
+ public const string clipboard_math_formula_24_regular = "\U000f03e8";
+ public const string clipboard_math_formula_28_regular = "\U000f03e9";
+ public const string clipboard_math_formula_32_regular = "\U000f03ea";
+ public const string clipboard_month_16_regular = "\uee9f";
+ public const string clipboard_month_20_regular = "\ueea0";
+ public const string clipboard_month_24_regular = "\ueea1";
+ public const string clipboard_more_20_regular = "\ue358";
+ public const string clipboard_more_24_regular = "\uf2d4";
+ public const string clipboard_multiple_16_regular = "\uf0bd";
+ public const string clipboard_note_16_regular = "\uf0be";
+ public const string clipboard_note_20_regular = "\ue359";
+ public const string clipboard_number_123_16_regular = "\U000f03eb";
+ public const string clipboard_number_123_20_regular = "\U000f03ec";
+ public const string clipboard_number_123_24_regular = "\U000f03ed";
+ public const string clipboard_number_123_28_regular = "\U000f03ee";
+ public const string clipboard_number_123_32_regular = "\U000f03ef";
+ public const string clipboard_paste_16_regular = "\ue35a";
+ public const string clipboard_paste_20_regular = "\uf2d5";
+ public const string clipboard_paste_24_regular = "\uf2d6";
+ public const string clipboard_paste_32_regular = "\U000f020b";
+ public const string clipboard_pulse_20_regular = "\uf322";
+ public const string clipboard_pulse_24_regular = "\ue35b";
+ public const string clipboard_search_20_regular = "\uf2d7";
+ public const string clipboard_search_24_regular = "\uf2d8";
+ public const string clipboard_settings_20_regular = "\uf32d";
+ public const string clipboard_settings_24_regular = "\ue35c";
+ public const string clipboard_task_16_regular = "\uf0bf";
+ public const string clipboard_task_20_regular = "\ue35d";
+ public const string clipboard_task_24_regular = "\ue35e";
+ public const string clipboard_task_add_20_regular = "\ue35f";
+ public const string clipboard_task_add_24_regular = "\ue360";
+ public const string clipboard_task_list_16_regular = "\U000f038b";
+ public const string clipboard_task_list_ltr_20_regular = "\ue361";
+ public const string clipboard_task_list_ltr_24_regular = "\ue362";
+ public const string clipboard_task_list_rtl_20_regular = "\ue363";
+ public const string clipboard_task_list_rtl_24_regular = "\ue364";
+ public const string clipboard_text_32_regular = "\ue365";
+ public const string clipboard_text_edit_20_regular = "\ue366";
+ public const string clipboard_text_edit_24_regular = "\ue367";
+ public const string clipboard_text_edit_32_regular = "\ue368";
+ public const string clipboard_text_ltr_16_regular = "\uf0c0";
+ public const string clipboard_text_ltr_20_regular = "\ue369";
+ public const string clipboard_text_ltr_24_regular = "\ue36a";
+ public const string clipboard_text_rtl_16_regular = "\uf0c1";
+ public const string clipboard_text_rtl_20_regular = "\ue36c";
+ public const string clipboard_text_rtl_24_regular = "\ue36d";
+ public const string clock_12_regular = "\uf2db";
+ public const string clock_16_regular = "\uf2dc";
+ public const string clock_20_regular = "\uf2dd";
+ public const string clock_24_regular = "\uf2de";
+ public const string clock_28_regular = "\uf2df";
+ public const string clock_32_regular = "\ue36e";
+ public const string clock_48_regular = "\uf2e0";
+ public const string clock_alarm_16_regular = "\ue36f";
+ public const string clock_alarm_20_regular = "\uf2e1";
+ public const string clock_alarm_24_regular = "\uf2e2";
+ public const string clock_alarm_32_regular = "\ue370";
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+ public const string clock_arrow_download_24_regular = "\ue371";
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+ public const string clock_bill_20_regular = "\U000f0561";
+ public const string clock_bill_24_regular = "\U000f0562";
+ public const string clock_bill_32_regular = "\U000f0563";
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+ public const string clock_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue373";
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+ public const string clock_lock_20_regular = "\uf81a";
+ public const string clock_lock_24_regular = "\uf83d";
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+ public const string clock_pause_24_regular = "\ue375";
+ public const string clock_toolbox_20_regular = "\ue376";
+ public const string clock_toolbox_24_regular = "\ue377";
+ public const string closed_caption_16_regular = "\ue378";
+ public const string closed_caption_20_regular = "\ue379";
+ public const string closed_caption_24_regular = "\uf2e3";
+ public const string closed_caption_28_regular = "\ue37a";
+ public const string closed_caption_32_regular = "\ue37b";
+ public const string closed_caption_48_regular = "\ue37c";
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+ public const string closed_caption_off_20_regular = "\ue37e";
+ public const string closed_caption_off_24_regular = "\ue37f";
+ public const string closed_caption_off_28_regular = "\ue380";
+ public const string closed_caption_off_48_regular = "\ue381";
+ public const string cloud_16_regular = "\ue382";
+ public const string cloud_20_regular = "\uf2e4";
+ public const string cloud_24_regular = "\uf2e5";
+ public const string cloud_28_regular = "\ue383";
+ public const string cloud_32_regular = "\ue384";
+ public const string cloud_48_regular = "\uf2e6";
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+ public const string cloud_add_20_regular = "\ue385";
+ public const string cloud_add_24_regular = "\uf0c2";
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+ public const string cloud_archive_20_regular = "\ue387";
+ public const string cloud_archive_24_regular = "\ue388";
+ public const string cloud_archive_28_regular = "\ue389";
+ public const string cloud_archive_32_regular = "\ue38a";
+ public const string cloud_archive_48_regular = "\ue38b";
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+ public const string cloud_arrow_down_20_regular = "\ue38d";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_down_24_regular = "\ue38e";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_down_28_regular = "\ue38f";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_down_32_regular = "\ue390";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_down_48_regular = "\ue391";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_right_16_regular = "\U000f0524";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_right_20_regular = "\U000f0525";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_right_24_regular = "\U000f0526";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_up_16_regular = "\ue392";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_up_20_regular = "\ue393";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_up_24_regular = "\ue394";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_up_28_regular = "\ue395";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_up_32_regular = "\ue396";
+ public const string cloud_arrow_up_48_regular = "\ue397";
+ public const string cloud_beaker_16_regular = "\U000f046f";
+ public const string cloud_beaker_20_regular = "\U000f0470";
+ public const string cloud_beaker_24_regular = "\U000f0471";
+ public const string cloud_beaker_28_regular = "\U000f0472";
+ public const string cloud_beaker_32_regular = "\U000f0473";
+ public const string cloud_beaker_48_regular = "\U000f0474";
+ public const string cloud_bidirectional_20_regular = "\U000f020c";
+ public const string cloud_bidirectional_24_regular = "\U000f020d";
+ public const string cloud_checkmark_16_regular = "\ue398";
+ public const string cloud_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue399";
+ public const string cloud_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue39a";
+ public const string cloud_checkmark_28_regular = "\ue39b";
+ public const string cloud_checkmark_32_regular = "\ue39c";
+ public const string cloud_checkmark_48_regular = "\ue39d";
+ public const string cloud_cube_16_regular = "\U000f0475";
+ public const string cloud_cube_20_regular = "\U000f0476";
+ public const string cloud_cube_24_regular = "\U000f0477";
+ public const string cloud_cube_28_regular = "\U000f0478";
+ public const string cloud_cube_32_regular = "\U000f0479";
+ public const string cloud_cube_48_regular = "\U000f047a";
+ public const string cloud_database_20_regular = "\U000f0112";
+ public const string cloud_desktop_20_regular = "\U000f0113";
+ public const string cloud_dismiss_16_regular = "\ue39e";
+ public const string cloud_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue39f";
+ public const string cloud_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue3a0";
+ public const string cloud_dismiss_28_regular = "\ue3a1";
+ public const string cloud_dismiss_32_regular = "\ue3a2";
+ public const string cloud_dismiss_48_regular = "\ue3a3";
+ public const string cloud_edit_16_regular = "\uf330";
+ public const string cloud_edit_20_regular = "\ue3a4";
+ public const string cloud_edit_24_regular = "\uf0c3";
+ public const string cloud_error_16_regular = "\uefda";
+ public const string cloud_error_20_regular = "\uefdb";
+ public const string cloud_error_24_regular = "\uefdc";
+ public const string cloud_error_28_regular = "\uefdd";
+ public const string cloud_error_32_regular = "\uefde";
+ public const string cloud_error_48_regular = "\uefdf";
+ public const string cloud_flow_20_regular = "\uf337";
+ public const string cloud_flow_24_regular = "\ue3a5";
+ public const string cloud_link_16_regular = "\uf338";
+ public const string cloud_link_20_regular = "\ue3a6";
+ public const string cloud_link_24_regular = "\uf0c4";
+ public const string cloud_off_16_regular = "\ue3a7";
+ public const string cloud_off_20_regular = "\ue3a8";
+ public const string cloud_off_24_regular = "\uf2ea";
+ public const string cloud_off_28_regular = "\ue3a9";
+ public const string cloud_off_32_regular = "\ue3aa";
+ public const string cloud_off_48_regular = "\uf2eb";
+ public const string cloud_swap_20_regular = "\ue3ab";
+ public const string cloud_swap_24_regular = "\ue3ac";
+ public const string cloud_sync_16_regular = "\ue3ad";
+ public const string cloud_sync_20_regular = "\ue3ae";
+ public const string cloud_sync_24_regular = "\ue3af";
+ public const string cloud_sync_28_regular = "\ue3b0";
+ public const string cloud_sync_32_regular = "\ue3b1";
+ public const string cloud_sync_48_regular = "\ue3b2";
+ public const string cloud_words_16_regular = "\ue3b3";
+ public const string cloud_words_20_regular = "\ue3b4";
+ public const string cloud_words_24_regular = "\ue3b5";
+ public const string cloud_words_28_regular = "\ue3b6";
+ public const string cloud_words_32_regular = "\ue3b7";
+ public const string cloud_words_48_regular = "\ue3b8";
+ public const string clover_16_regular = "\uf83e";
+ public const string clover_20_regular = "\uf8b4";
+ public const string clover_24_regular = "\uf8e9";
+ public const string clover_28_regular = "\uf8ea";
+ public const string clover_32_regular = "\uf8ef";
+ public const string clover_48_regular = "\U000f0000";
+ public const string code_16_regular = "\uf339";
+ public const string code_20_regular = "\uf2ef";
+ public const string code_24_regular = "\uf2f0";
+ public const string code_block_16_regular = "\uefba";
+ public const string code_block_20_regular = "\uefbb";
+ public const string code_block_24_regular = "\uefbc";
+ public const string code_block_28_regular = "\uefbd";
+ public const string code_block_32_regular = "\uefbe";
+ public const string code_block_48_regular = "\uefbf";
+ public const string code_circle_20_regular = "\ue3b9";
+ public const string code_circle_24_regular = "\U000f0114";
+ public const string code_circle_32_regular = "\U000f0115";
+ public const string code_cs_16_regular = "\uf0c5";
+ public const string code_cs_rectangle_16_regular = "\uf0c6";
+ public const string code_fs_16_regular = "\uf0c7";
+ public const string code_fs_rectangle_16_regular = "\uf0c8";
+ public const string code_js_16_regular = "\uf0c9";
+ public const string code_js_rectangle_16_regular = "\uf0ca";
+ public const string code_py_16_regular = "\uf0cb";
+ public const string code_py_rectangle_16_regular = "\uf0cc";
+ public const string code_rb_16_regular = "\uf0cd";
+ public const string code_rb_rectangle_16_regular = "\uf0ce";
+ public const string code_text_16_regular = "\uef64";
+ public const string code_text_20_regular = "\ue3ba";
+ public const string code_text_edit_20_regular = "\ue3bb";
+ public const string code_text_off_16_regular = "\uf0cf";
+ public const string code_ts_16_regular = "\uf0d0";
+ public const string code_ts_rectangle_16_regular = "\uf0d1";
+ public const string code_vb_16_regular = "\uf0d2";
+ public const string code_vb_rectangle_16_regular = "\uf0d3";
+ public const string collections_16_regular = "\U000f03f0";
+ public const string collections_20_regular = "\uf2f1";
+ public const string collections_24_regular = "\uf2f2";
+ public const string collections_add_20_regular = "\uf2f3";
+ public const string collections_add_24_regular = "\uf2f4";
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+ public const string color_20_regular = "\uf2f5";
+ public const string color_24_regular = "\uf2f6";
+ public const string color_background_20_regular = "\uf2f7";
+ public const string color_background_24_regular = "\uf2f8";
+ public const string color_background_accent_20_regular = "\ue3bd";
+ public const string color_background_accent_24_regular = "\ue3be";
+ public const string color_fill_16_regular = "\ue3bf";
+ public const string color_fill_20_regular = "\uf2f9";
+ public const string color_fill_24_regular = "\uf2fa";
+ public const string color_fill_28_regular = "\ue3c0";
+ public const string color_fill_accent_16_regular = "\ue3c1";
+ public const string color_fill_accent_20_regular = "\ue3c2";
+ public const string color_fill_accent_24_regular = "\ue3c3";
+ public const string color_fill_accent_28_regular = "\ue3c4";
+ public const string color_line_16_regular = "\ue3c5";
+ public const string color_line_20_regular = "\uf2fb";
+ public const string color_line_24_regular = "\uf2fc";
+ public const string color_line_accent_16_regular = "\ue3c6";
+ public const string color_line_accent_20_regular = "\ue3c7";
+ public const string color_line_accent_24_regular = "\ue3c8";
+ public const string column_20_regular = "\ue3c9";
+ public const string column_24_regular = "\U000f05d5";
+ public const string column_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ue3ca";
+ public const string column_double_compare_20_regular = "\ue3cb";
+ public const string column_edit_20_regular = "\ue3cc";
+ public const string column_edit_24_regular = "\ue3cd";
+ public const string column_single_16_regular = "\U000f0116";
+ public const string column_single_compare_16_regular = "\U000f016e";
+ public const string column_single_compare_20_regular = "\U000f016f";
+ public const string column_triple_20_regular = "\ue3ce";
+ public const string column_triple_24_regular = "\uf2fd";
+ public const string column_triple_edit_20_regular = "\ue3cf";
+ public const string column_triple_edit_24_regular = "\ue3d0";
+ public const string comma_20_regular = "\ue3d1";
+ public const string comma_24_regular = "\ue3d2";
+ public const string comment_12_regular = "\ue3d3";
+ public const string comment_16_regular = "\uf2fe";
+ public const string comment_20_regular = "\uf2ff";
+ public const string comment_24_regular = "\uf300";
+ public const string comment_28_regular = "\ue3d4";
+ public const string comment_32_regular = "\U000f05e6";
+ public const string comment_48_regular = "\ue3d5";
+ public const string comment_add_12_regular = "\ue3d6";
+ public const string comment_add_16_regular = "\ue3d7";
+ public const string comment_add_20_regular = "\ue3d8";
+ public const string comment_add_24_regular = "\uf301";
+ public const string comment_add_28_regular = "\ue3d9";
+ public const string comment_add_32_regular = "\U000f05e7";
+ public const string comment_add_48_regular = "\ue3da";
+ public const string comment_arrow_left_12_regular = "\ue3db";
+ public const string comment_arrow_left_16_regular = "\ue3dc";
+ public const string comment_arrow_left_20_regular = "\ue3dd";
+ public const string comment_arrow_left_24_regular = "\ue3de";
+ public const string comment_arrow_left_28_regular = "\ue3df";
+ public const string comment_arrow_left_48_regular = "\ue3e0";
+ public const string comment_arrow_right_12_regular = "\ue3e1";
+ public const string comment_arrow_right_16_regular = "\ue3e2";
+ public const string comment_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ue3e3";
+ public const string comment_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue3e4";
+ public const string comment_arrow_right_28_regular = "\ue3e5";
+ public const string comment_arrow_right_48_regular = "\ue3e6";
+ public const string comment_checkmark_12_regular = "\ue3e7";
+ public const string comment_checkmark_16_regular = "\ue3e8";
+ public const string comment_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue3e9";
+ public const string comment_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue3ea";
+ public const string comment_checkmark_28_regular = "\ue3eb";
+ public const string comment_checkmark_48_regular = "\ue3ec";
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+ public const string comment_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue3ee";
+ public const string comment_edit_16_regular = "\U000f020e";
+ public const string comment_edit_20_regular = "\ue3ef";
+ public const string comment_edit_24_regular = "\ue3f0";
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+ public const string comment_error_20_regular = "\ue3f1";
+ public const string comment_error_24_regular = "\ue3f2";
+ public const string comment_lightning_20_regular = "\uf351";
+ public const string comment_lightning_24_regular = "\uf361";
+ public const string comment_link_16_regular = "\U000f0001";
+ public const string comment_link_20_regular = "\U000f0002";
+ public const string comment_link_24_regular = "\U000f0003";
+ public const string comment_link_28_regular = "\U000f0004";
+ public const string comment_link_48_regular = "\U000f0005";
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+ public const string comment_mention_20_regular = "\uf304";
+ public const string comment_mention_24_regular = "\uf305";
+ public const string comment_multiple_16_regular = "\uf306";
+ public const string comment_multiple_20_regular = "\uf307";
+ public const string comment_multiple_24_regular = "\uf308";
+ public const string comment_multiple_28_regular = "\ue3f3";
+ public const string comment_multiple_32_regular = "\ue3f4";
+ public const string comment_multiple_checkmark_16_regular = "\ue3f5";
+ public const string comment_multiple_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue3f6";
+ public const string comment_multiple_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue3f7";
+ public const string comment_multiple_checkmark_28_regular = "\ue3f8";
+ public const string comment_multiple_link_16_regular = "\ue3f9";
+ public const string comment_multiple_link_20_regular = "\ue3fa";
+ public const string comment_multiple_link_24_regular = "\ue3fb";
+ public const string comment_multiple_link_28_regular = "\ue3fc";
+ public const string comment_multiple_link_32_regular = "\ue3fd";
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+ public const string comment_note_24_regular = "\ue3ff";
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+ public const string comment_off_20_regular = "\ue401";
+ public const string comment_off_24_regular = "\ue402";
+ public const string comment_off_28_regular = "\ue403";
+ public const string comment_off_48_regular = "\ue404";
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+ public const string communication_20_regular = "\uf30d";
+ public const string communication_24_regular = "\uf30e";
+ public const string communication_person_20_regular = "\ue405";
+ public const string communication_person_24_regular = "\ue406";
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+ public const string communication_shield_20_regular = "\U000f03f2";
+ public const string communication_shield_24_regular = "\U000f03f3";
+ public const string compass_northwest_16_regular = "\uf30f";
+ public const string compass_northwest_20_regular = "\uf310";
+ public const string compass_northwest_24_regular = "\uf311";
+ public const string compass_northwest_28_regular = "\uf312";
+ public const string component_2_double_tap_swipe_down_24_regular = "\ue407";
+ public const string component_2_double_tap_swipe_up_24_regular = "\ue408";
+ public const string compose_12_regular = "\U000f050a";
+ public const string compose_16_regular = "\uf313";
+ public const string compose_20_regular = "\uf314";
+ public const string compose_24_regular = "\uf315";
+ public const string compose_28_regular = "\uf316";
+ public const string compose_32_regular = "\U000f050b";
+ public const string compose_48_regular = "\U000f050c";
+ public const string cone_16_regular = "\uf0d4";
+ public const string conference_room_16_regular = "\uf317";
+ public const string conference_room_20_regular = "\uf318";
+ public const string conference_room_24_regular = "\uf319";
+ public const string conference_room_28_regular = "\uf31a";
+ public const string conference_room_48_regular = "\uf31b";
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+ public const string connected_20_regular = "\ueeec";
+ public const string connector_16_regular = "\uf31c";
+ public const string connector_20_regular = "\uf31d";
+ public const string connector_24_regular = "\uf31e";
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+ public const string contact_card_20_regular = "\uf31f";
+ public const string contact_card_24_regular = "\uf320";
+ public const string contact_card_28_regular = "\ue409";
+ public const string contact_card_32_regular = "\ue40a";
+ public const string contact_card_48_regular = "\ue40b";
+ public const string contact_card_group_16_regular = "\ue40c";
+ public const string contact_card_group_20_regular = "\ue40d";
+ public const string contact_card_group_24_regular = "\uf321";
+ public const string contact_card_group_28_regular = "\ue40e";
+ public const string contact_card_group_48_regular = "\ue40f";
+ public const string contact_card_link_16_regular = "\uf363";
+ public const string contact_card_link_20_regular = "\ue410";
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+ public const string contact_card_ribbon_20_regular = "\ue412";
+ public const string contact_card_ribbon_24_regular = "\ue413";
+ public const string contact_card_ribbon_28_regular = "\ue414";
+ public const string contact_card_ribbon_32_regular = "\ue415";
+ public const string contact_card_ribbon_48_regular = "\ue416";
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+ public const string content_settings_20_regular = "\uf324";
+ public const string content_settings_24_regular = "\uf325";
+ public const string content_settings_32_regular = "\ue417";
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+ public const string content_view_20_regular = "\ue418";
+ public const string content_view_24_regular = "\ueec4";
+ public const string content_view_28_regular = "\ueec5";
+ public const string content_view_32_regular = "\ue419";
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+ public const string content_view_gallery_20_regular = "\ue41a";
+ public const string content_view_gallery_24_regular = "\ueea2";
+ public const string content_view_gallery_28_regular = "\ueea3";
+ public const string content_view_gallery_lightning_16_regular = "\U000f02fe";
+ public const string content_view_gallery_lightning_20_regular = "\U000f02ff";
+ public const string content_view_gallery_lightning_24_regular = "\U000f0300";
+ public const string content_view_gallery_lightning_28_regular = "\U000f0301";
+ public const string contract_down_left_16_regular = "\uf364";
+ public const string contract_down_left_20_regular = "\uf373";
+ public const string contract_down_left_24_regular = "\uf374";
+ public const string contract_down_left_28_regular = "\uf375";
+ public const string contract_down_left_32_regular = "\uf37b";
+ public const string contract_down_left_48_regular = "\uf397";
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+ public const string contract_up_right_20_regular = "\U000f047c";
+ public const string contract_up_right_24_regular = "\U000f047d";
+ public const string contract_up_right_28_regular = "\U000f047e";
+ public const string contract_up_right_32_regular = "\U000f047f";
+ public const string contract_up_right_48_regular = "\U000f0480";
+ public const string control_button_20_regular = "\ue41b";
+ public const string control_button_24_regular = "\ue41c";
+ public const string convert_range_20_regular = "\ue41d";
+ public const string convert_range_24_regular = "\ue41e";
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+ public const string cookies_24_regular = "\uf329";
+ public const string cookies_28_regular = "\U000f04ee";
+ public const string cookies_32_regular = "\U000f04ef";
+ public const string cookies_48_regular = "\U000f04f0";
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+ public const string copy_24_regular = "\uf32c";
+ public const string copy_32_regular = "\U000f0006";
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+ public const string copy_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ue422";
+ public const string copy_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue423";
+ public const string copy_select_20_regular = "\ue424";
+ public const string copy_select_24_regular = "\U000f0007";
+ public const string couch_12_regular = "\ue425";
+ public const string couch_20_regular = "\ue426";
+ public const string couch_24_regular = "\ue427";
+ public const string couch_32_regular = "\uefe0";
+ public const string couch_48_regular = "\uefe1";
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+ public const string credit_card_clock_24_regular = "\ueec7";
+ public const string credit_card_clock_28_regular = "\ueec8";
+ public const string credit_card_clock_32_regular = "\ueec9";
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+ public const string credit_card_person_24_regular = "\ue429";
+ public const string credit_card_toolbox_20_regular = "\uf398";
+ public const string credit_card_toolbox_24_regular = "\ue42a";
+ public const string crop_16_regular = "\uf02c";
+ public const string crop_20_regular = "\ue42b";
+ public const string crop_24_regular = "\uf331";
+ public const string crop_28_regular = "\uf02d";
+ public const string crop_32_regular = "\uf02e";
+ public const string crop_48_regular = "\uf02f";
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+ public const string crop_arrow_rotate_20_regular = "\U000f05e9";
+ public const string crop_arrow_rotate_24_regular = "\U000f05ea";
+ public const string crop_interim_20_regular = "\ue42c";
+ public const string crop_interim_24_regular = "\uf332";
+ public const string crop_interim_off_20_regular = "\ue42d";
+ public const string crop_interim_off_24_regular = "\uf333";
+ public const string crop_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f0170";
+ public const string crown_16_regular = "\uf06e";
+ public const string crown_20_regular = "\uf06f";
+ public const string crown_24_regular = "\U000f020f";
+ public const string crown_subtract_24_regular = "\U000f0210";
+ public const string cube_12_regular = "\ue42e";
+ public const string cube_16_regular = "\uf334";
+ public const string cube_20_regular = "\uf335";
+ public const string cube_24_regular = "\uf336";
+ public const string cube_32_regular = "\ueeca";
+ public const string cube_48_regular = "\U000f0268";
+ public const string cube_add_20_regular = "\ue42f";
+ public const string cube_arrow_curve_down_20_regular = "\ue430";
+ public const string cube_link_20_regular = "\ue431";
+ public const string cube_multiple_20_regular = "\ue432";
+ public const string cube_multiple_24_regular = "\ue433";
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+ public const string cube_quick_20_regular = "\ue435";
+ public const string cube_quick_24_regular = "\ue436";
+ public const string cube_quick_28_regular = "\ue437";
+ public const string cube_rotate_20_regular = "\ue438";
+ public const string cube_sync_20_regular = "\ue439";
+ public const string cube_sync_24_regular = "\ue43a";
+ public const string cube_tree_20_regular = "\ue43b";
+ public const string cube_tree_24_regular = "\ue43c";
+ public const string currency_dollar_euro_16_regular = "\ue43d";
+ public const string currency_dollar_euro_20_regular = "\ue43e";
+ public const string currency_dollar_euro_24_regular = "\ue43f";
+ public const string currency_dollar_rupee_16_regular = "\ue440";
+ public const string currency_dollar_rupee_20_regular = "\ue441";
+ public const string currency_dollar_rupee_24_regular = "\ue442";
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+ public const string cursor_20_regular = "\ue443";
+ public const string cursor_24_regular = "\ue444";
+ public const string cursor_28_regular = "\U000f05fc";
+ public const string cursor_32_regular = "\U000f05fd";
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+ public const string cursor_click_24_regular = "\ue446";
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+ public const string cursor_hover_20_regular = "\ue448";
+ public const string cursor_hover_24_regular = "\ue449";
+ public const string cursor_hover_28_regular = "\ue44a";
+ public const string cursor_hover_32_regular = "\ue44b";
+ public const string cursor_hover_48_regular = "\ue44c";
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+ public const string cursor_hover_off_20_regular = "\ue44e";
+ public const string cursor_hover_off_24_regular = "\ue44f";
+ public const string cursor_hover_off_28_regular = "\ue450";
+ public const string cursor_hover_off_48_regular = "\ue451";
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+ public const string cursor_prohibited_20_regular = "\U000f0173";
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+ public const string cut_20_regular = "\uf33a";
+ public const string cut_24_regular = "\uf33b";
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+ public const string dark_theme_24_regular = "\uf33c";
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+ public const string data_area_24_regular = "\uf33d";
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+ public const string data_bar_horizontal_24_regular = "\uf33e";
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+ public const string data_bar_vertical_20_regular = "\uf33f";
+ public const string data_bar_vertical_24_regular = "\uf340";
+ public const string data_bar_vertical_32_regular = "\ueecb";
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+ public const string data_bar_vertical_add_24_regular = "\ue455";
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+ public const string data_bar_vertical_arrow_down_20_regular = "\U000f05a3";
+ public const string data_bar_vertical_arrow_down_24_regular = "\U000f05a4";
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+ public const string data_bar_vertical_ascending_20_regular = "\U000f042f";
+ public const string data_bar_vertical_ascending_24_regular = "\U000f0430";
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+ public const string data_bar_vertical_star_20_regular = "\uefc1";
+ public const string data_bar_vertical_star_24_regular = "\uefc2";
+ public const string data_bar_vertical_star_32_regular = "\uefc3";
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+ public const string data_funnel_24_regular = "\uf341";
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+ public const string data_histogram_20_regular = "\ue457";
+ public const string data_histogram_24_regular = "\uf342";
+ public const string data_line_20_regular = "\ue458";
+ public const string data_line_24_regular = "\uf343";
+ public const string data_pie_16_regular = "\U000f05d6";
+ public const string data_pie_20_regular = "\uf344";
+ public const string data_pie_24_regular = "\uf345";
+ public const string data_scatter_20_regular = "\ue459";
+ public const string data_scatter_24_regular = "\uf346";
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+ public const string data_sunburst_24_regular = "\uf347";
+ public const string data_treemap_20_regular = "\ue45b";
+ public const string data_treemap_24_regular = "\uf348";
+ public const string data_trending_16_regular = "\ue45c";
+ public const string data_trending_20_regular = "\ue45d";
+ public const string data_trending_24_regular = "\ue45e";
+ public const string data_trending_28_regular = "\uf030";
+ public const string data_trending_32_regular = "\uf031";
+ public const string data_trending_48_regular = "\uf032";
+ public const string data_usage_16_regular = "\U000f0564";
+ public const string data_usage_20_regular = "\ue45f";
+ public const string data_usage_24_regular = "\uf349";
+ public const string data_usage_edit_20_regular = "\uf3b2";
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+ public const string feed_28_regular = "\ueefa";
+ public const string feed_32_regular = "\uefea";
+ public const string feed_48_regular = "\uefeb";
+ public const string filmstrip_16_regular = "\U000f0036";
+ public const string filmstrip_20_regular = "\ueefb";
+ public const string filmstrip_24_regular = "\ueefc";
+ public const string filmstrip_32_regular = "\U000f0037";
+ public const string filmstrip_48_regular = "\U000f01cd";
+ public const string filmstrip_image_20_regular = "\U000f0340";
+ public const string filmstrip_image_24_regular = "\U000f0341";
+ public const string filmstrip_off_48_regular = "\U000f01ce";
+ public const string filmstrip_play_16_regular = "\U000f0038";
+ public const string filmstrip_play_20_regular = "\U000f0039";
+ public const string filmstrip_play_24_regular = "\U000f003a";
+ public const string filmstrip_play_32_regular = "\U000f003b";
+ public const string filmstrip_split_16_regular = "\U000f0181";
+ public const string filmstrip_split_20_regular = "\U000f0182";
+ public const string filmstrip_split_24_regular = "\U000f0183";
+ public const string filmstrip_split_32_regular = "\U000f0184";
+ public const string filter_12_regular = "\ue609";
+ public const string filter_16_regular = "\ue60a";
+ public const string filter_20_regular = "\uf406";
+ public const string filter_24_regular = "\uf407";
+ public const string filter_28_regular = "\uf408";
+ public const string filter_32_regular = "\U000f0432";
+ public const string filter_add_20_regular = "\ue60b";
+ public const string filter_dismiss_16_regular = "\ue60c";
+ public const string filter_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue60d";
+ public const string filter_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue60e";
+ public const string filter_sync_20_regular = "\ue60f";
+ public const string filter_sync_24_regular = "\ue610";
+ public const string fingerprint_16_regular = "\U000f03f9";
+ public const string fingerprint_20_regular = "\ue611";
+ public const string fingerprint_24_regular = "\uf409";
+ public const string fingerprint_32_regular = "\U000f03fa";
+ public const string fingerprint_48_regular = "\ue612";
+ public const string fire_16_regular = "\uef68";
+ public const string fire_20_regular = "\uef69";
+ public const string fire_24_regular = "\uef6a";
+ public const string fireplace_20_regular = "\uefec";
+ public const string fireplace_24_regular = "\uefed";
+ public const string fireplace_32_regular = "\uefee";
+ public const string fireplace_48_regular = "\uefef";
+ public const string fixed_width_20_regular = "\ue613";
+ public const string fixed_width_24_regular = "\ue614";
+ public const string flag_16_regular = "\uf40a";
+ public const string flag_20_regular = "\uf40b";
+ public const string flag_24_regular = "\uf40c";
+ public const string flag_28_regular = "\uf40d";
+ public const string flag_32_regular = "\U000f003c";
+ public const string flag_48_regular = "\uf40e";
+ public const string flag_checkered_20_regular = "\uf070";
+ public const string flag_clock_16_regular = "\U000f003d";
+ public const string flag_clock_20_regular = "\U000f003e";
+ public const string flag_clock_24_regular = "\U000f003f";
+ public const string flag_clock_28_regular = "\U000f0040";
+ public const string flag_clock_32_regular = "\U000f0041";
+ public const string flag_clock_48_regular = "\U000f0042";
+ public const string flag_off_16_regular = "\ue615";
+ public const string flag_off_20_regular = "\ue616";
+ public const string flag_off_24_regular = "\uf40f";
+ public const string flag_off_28_regular = "\uf410";
+ public const string flag_off_48_regular = "\uf411";
+ public const string flash_16_regular = "\ue617";
+ public const string flash_20_regular = "\ue618";
+ public const string flash_24_regular = "\ue619";
+ public const string flash_28_regular = "\ue61a";
+ public const string flash_32_regular = "\U000f01cf";
+ public const string flash_add_20_regular = "\ue61b";
+ public const string flash_auto_20_regular = "\ue61c";
+ public const string flash_auto_24_regular = "\uf412";
+ public const string flash_checkmark_16_regular = "\ue61d";
+ public const string flash_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue61e";
+ public const string flash_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue61f";
+ public const string flash_checkmark_28_regular = "\ue620";
+ public const string flash_flow_16_regular = "\ue621";
+ public const string flash_flow_20_regular = "\ue622";
+ public const string flash_flow_24_regular = "\ue623";
+ public const string flash_off_20_regular = "\ue624";
+ public const string flash_off_24_regular = "\uf413";
+ public const string flash_play_20_regular = "\ue625";
+ public const string flash_settings_20_regular = "\ue626";
+ public const string flash_settings_24_regular = "\ue627";
+ public const string flash_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f05ca";
+ public const string flash_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f02d6";
+ public const string flash_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f02d7";
+ public const string flashlight_16_regular = "\ue628";
+ public const string flashlight_20_regular = "\ue629";
+ public const string flashlight_24_regular = "\uf416";
+ public const string flashlight_off_20_regular = "\ue62a";
+ public const string flashlight_off_24_regular = "\uf417";
+ public const string flip_horizontal_16_regular = "\ue62b";
+ public const string flip_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue62c";
+ public const string flip_horizontal_24_regular = "\ue62d";
+ public const string flip_horizontal_28_regular = "\ue62e";
+ public const string flip_horizontal_32_regular = "\ue62f";
+ public const string flip_horizontal_48_regular = "\ue630";
+ public const string flip_vertical_16_regular = "\ue631";
+ public const string flip_vertical_20_regular = "\ue632";
+ public const string flip_vertical_24_regular = "\ue633";
+ public const string flip_vertical_28_regular = "\ue634";
+ public const string flip_vertical_32_regular = "\ue635";
+ public const string flip_vertical_48_regular = "\ue636";
+ public const string flow_16_regular = "\uf4af";
+ public const string flow_20_regular = "\ue637";
+ public const string flow_24_regular = "\U000f01d0";
+ public const string flow_32_regular = "\U000f01d1";
+ public const string flowchart_16_regular = "\U000f04c8";
+ public const string flowchart_20_regular = "\ue638";
+ public const string flowchart_24_regular = "\ue639";
+ public const string flowchart_32_regular = "\U000f04c9";
+ public const string flowchart_circle_20_regular = "\ue63a";
+ public const string flowchart_circle_24_regular = "\ue63b";
+ public const string fluent_20_regular = "\ue63c";
+ public const string fluent_24_regular = "\ue63d";
+ public const string fluent_32_regular = "\ue63e";
+ public const string fluent_48_regular = "\ue63f";
+ public const string fluid_16_regular = "\ue640";
+ public const string fluid_20_regular = "\ue641";
+ public const string fluid_24_regular = "\ue642";
+ public const string folder_16_regular = "\ue643";
+ public const string folder_20_regular = "\uf418";
+ public const string folder_24_regular = "\uf419";
+ public const string folder_28_regular = "\uf41a";
+ public const string folder_32_regular = "\ue644";
+ public const string folder_48_regular = "\uf41b";
+ public const string folder_add_16_regular = "\ue645";
+ public const string folder_add_20_regular = "\uf41c";
+ public const string folder_add_24_regular = "\uf41d";
+ public const string folder_add_28_regular = "\uf41e";
+ public const string folder_add_32_regular = "\U000f0211";
+ public const string folder_add_48_regular = "\uf41f";
+ public const string folder_arrow_left_16_regular = "\ue646";
+ public const string folder_arrow_left_20_regular = "\ue647";
+ public const string folder_arrow_left_24_regular = "\ue648";
+ public const string folder_arrow_left_28_regular = "\ue649";
+ public const string folder_arrow_left_32_regular = "\ue64a";
+ public const string folder_arrow_left_48_regular = "\U000f0212";
+ public const string folder_arrow_right_16_regular = "\ue64b";
+ public const string folder_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ue64c";
+ public const string folder_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue64d";
+ public const string folder_arrow_right_28_regular = "\ue64e";
+ public const string folder_arrow_right_32_regular = "\U000f0213";
+ public const string folder_arrow_right_48_regular = "\ue64f";
+ public const string folder_arrow_up_16_regular = "\ue650";
+ public const string folder_arrow_up_20_regular = "\ue651";
+ public const string folder_arrow_up_24_regular = "\ue652";
+ public const string folder_arrow_up_28_regular = "\ue653";
+ public const string folder_arrow_up_32_regular = "\U000f0214";
+ public const string folder_arrow_up_48_regular = "\ue654";
+ public const string folder_briefcase_20_regular = "\uf420";
+ public const string folder_globe_16_regular = "\uf4b1";
+ public const string folder_globe_20_regular = "\ue655";
+ public const string folder_lightning_16_regular = "\U000f01ec";
+ public const string folder_lightning_20_regular = "\U000f01ed";
+ public const string folder_lightning_24_regular = "\U000f01ee";
+ public const string folder_link_16_regular = "\U000f0215";
+ public const string folder_link_20_regular = "\uf425";
+ public const string folder_link_24_regular = "\uf426";
+ public const string folder_link_28_regular = "\uf427";
+ public const string folder_link_32_regular = "\U000f0216";
+ public const string folder_link_48_regular = "\uf428";
+ public const string folder_list_16_regular = "\U000f0128";
+ public const string folder_list_20_regular = "\U000f0129";
+ public const string folder_mail_16_regular = "\ue656";
+ public const string folder_mail_20_regular = "\ue657";
+ public const string folder_mail_24_regular = "\ue658";
+ public const string folder_mail_28_regular = "\ue659";
+ public const string folder_mail_32_regular = "\U000f0433";
+ public const string folder_multiple_16_regular = "\uf0e7";
+ public const string folder_open_16_regular = "\uf42d";
+ public const string folder_open_20_regular = "\uf42e";
+ public const string folder_open_24_regular = "\uf42f";
+ public const string folder_open_vertical_16_regular = "\uf0e8";
+ public const string folder_open_vertical_20_regular = "\uf430";
+ public const string folder_open_vertical_24_regular = "\U000f026d";
+ public const string folder_people_20_regular = "\ueece";
+ public const string folder_people_24_regular = "\ueecf";
+ public const string folder_person_16_regular = "\uf4c6";
+ public const string folder_person_20_regular = "\ue65a";
+ public const string folder_person_24_regular = "\U000f03fb";
+ public const string folder_person_28_regular = "\U000f03fc";
+ public const string folder_person_32_regular = "\U000f03fd";
+ public const string folder_person_48_regular = "\U000f03fe";
+ public const string folder_prohibited_16_regular = "\ue65b";
+ public const string folder_prohibited_20_regular = "\ue65c";
+ public const string folder_prohibited_24_regular = "\ue65d";
+ public const string folder_prohibited_28_regular = "\ue65e";
+ public const string folder_prohibited_32_regular = "\U000f0217";
+ public const string folder_prohibited_48_regular = "\ue65f";
+ public const string folder_search_16_regular = "\U000f038d";
+ public const string folder_search_20_regular = "\U000f038e";
+ public const string folder_search_24_regular = "\U000f038f";
+ public const string folder_swap_16_regular = "\ue660";
+ public const string folder_swap_20_regular = "\ue661";
+ public const string folder_swap_24_regular = "\ue662";
+ public const string folder_sync_16_regular = "\ue663";
+ public const string folder_sync_20_regular = "\ue664";
+ public const string folder_sync_24_regular = "\ue665";
+ public const string folder_zip_16_regular = "\uf434";
+ public const string folder_zip_20_regular = "\uf435";
+ public const string folder_zip_24_regular = "\uf436";
+ public const string font_decrease_20_regular = "\uf437";
+ public const string font_decrease_24_regular = "\uf438";
+ public const string font_increase_20_regular = "\uf439";
+ public const string font_increase_24_regular = "\uf43a";
+ public const string font_space_tracking_in_16_regular = "\uf43b";
+ public const string font_space_tracking_in_20_regular = "\uf43c";
+ public const string font_space_tracking_in_24_regular = "\uf43d";
+ public const string font_space_tracking_in_28_regular = "\uf43e";
+ public const string font_space_tracking_out_16_regular = "\uf43f";
+ public const string font_space_tracking_out_20_regular = "\uf440";
+ public const string font_space_tracking_out_24_regular = "\uf441";
+ public const string font_space_tracking_out_28_regular = "\uf442";
+ public const string food_16_regular = "\ue666";
+ public const string food_20_regular = "\uf443";
+ public const string food_24_regular = "\uf444";
+ public const string food_28_regular = "\U000f05ed";
+ public const string food_32_regular = "\U000f05ee";
+ public const string food_48_regular = "\U000f05ef";
+ public const string food_apple_20_regular = "\ue667";
+ public const string food_apple_24_regular = "\ue668";
+ public const string food_cake_12_regular = "\ue669";
+ public const string food_cake_16_regular = "\ue66a";
+ public const string food_cake_20_regular = "\ue66b";
+ public const string food_cake_24_regular = "\uf445";
+ public const string food_carrot_20_regular = "\ueefd";
+ public const string food_carrot_24_regular = "\ueefe";
+ public const string food_chicken_leg_16_regular = "\uef17";
+ public const string food_chicken_leg_20_regular = "\uef18";
+ public const string food_chicken_leg_24_regular = "\uef19";
+ public const string food_chicken_leg_32_regular = "\uef1a";
+ public const string food_egg_16_regular = "\ue66c";
+ public const string food_egg_20_regular = "\ue66d";
+ public const string food_egg_24_regular = "\uf446";
+ public const string food_fish_20_regular = "\ueeff";
+ public const string food_fish_24_regular = "\uef00";
+ public const string food_grains_20_regular = "\ue66e";
+ public const string food_grains_24_regular = "\ue66f";
+ public const string food_pizza_20_regular = "\ue670";
+ public const string food_pizza_24_regular = "\ue671";
+ public const string food_toast_16_regular = "\ue672";
+ public const string food_toast_20_regular = "\ue673";
+ public const string food_toast_24_regular = "\uf447";
+ public const string form_20_regular = "\ueea7";
+ public const string form_24_regular = "\ueea8";
+ public const string form_28_regular = "\ueea9";
+ public const string form_48_regular = "\ueeaa";
+ public const string form_multiple_20_regular = "\uef1b";
+ public const string form_multiple_24_regular = "\uef1c";
+ public const string form_multiple_28_regular = "\uef1d";
+ public const string form_multiple_48_regular = "\uef1e";
+ public const string form_new_20_regular = "\ue674";
+ public const string form_new_24_regular = "\uf448";
+ public const string form_new_28_regular = "\uf449";
+ public const string form_new_48_regular = "\uf44a";
+ public const string fps_120_20_regular = "\ue675";
+ public const string fps_120_24_regular = "\ue676";
+ public const string fps_240_20_regular = "\ue677";
+ public const string fps_240_24_regular = "\uf44d";
+ public const string fps_30_16_regular = "\ue678";
+ public const string fps_30_20_regular = "\ue679";
+ public const string fps_30_24_regular = "\ue67a";
+ public const string fps_30_28_regular = "\ue67b";
+ public const string fps_30_48_regular = "\ue67c";
+ public const string fps_60_16_regular = "\ue67d";
+ public const string fps_60_20_regular = "\ue67e";
+ public const string fps_60_24_regular = "\ue67f";
+ public const string fps_60_28_regular = "\ue680";
+ public const string fps_60_48_regular = "\ue681";
+ public const string fps_960_20_regular = "\ue682";
+ public const string fps_960_24_regular = "\uf44e";
+ public const string frame_16_regular = "\U000f00dc";
+ public const string frame_20_regular = "\U000f00dd";
+ public const string frame_24_regular = "\U000f00de";
+ public const string full_screen_maximize_16_regular = "\ue683";
+ public const string full_screen_maximize_20_regular = "\ue684";
+ public const string full_screen_maximize_24_regular = "\ue685";
+ public const string full_screen_maximize_28_regular = "\U000f03b6";
+ public const string full_screen_maximize_32_regular = "\U000f03b7";
+ public const string full_screen_minimize_16_regular = "\ue686";
+ public const string full_screen_minimize_20_regular = "\ue687";
+ public const string full_screen_minimize_24_regular = "\ue688";
+ public const string full_screen_minimize_28_regular = "\U000f03b8";
+ public const string full_screen_minimize_32_regular = "\U000f03b9";
+ public const string games_16_regular = "\ue689";
+ public const string games_20_regular = "\ue68a";
+ public const string games_24_regular = "\uf451";
+ public const string games_28_regular = "\ue68b";
+ public const string games_32_regular = "\ue68c";
+ public const string games_48_regular = "\ue68d";
+ public const string gantt_chart_16_regular = "\uf0e9";
+ public const string gantt_chart_20_regular = "\ue68e";
+ public const string gantt_chart_24_regular = "\ue68f";
+ public const string gas_20_regular = "\ue690";
+ public const string gas_24_regular = "\ue691";
+ public const string gas_pump_20_regular = "\ue692";
+ public const string gas_pump_24_regular = "\ue693";
+ public const string gather_20_regular = "\ue694";
+ public const string gauge_20_regular = "\uf4c7";
+ public const string gauge_24_regular = "\uf4c8";
+ public const string gauge_32_regular = "\ueed0";
+ public const string gauge_add_20_regular = "\ue695";
+ public const string gavel_16_regular = "\U000f0185";
+ public const string gavel_20_regular = "\ue696";
+ public const string gavel_24_regular = "\ue697";
+ public const string gavel_32_regular = "\ue698";
+ public const string gavel_prohibited_16_regular = "\U000f0186";
+ public const string gavel_prohibited_20_regular = "\U000f0187";
+ public const string gesture_20_regular = "\ue699";
+ public const string gesture_24_regular = "\uf452";
+ public const string gif_16_regular = "\ue69a";
+ public const string gif_20_regular = "\uf453";
+ public const string gif_24_regular = "\uf454";
+ public const string gift_16_regular = "\ue69b";
+ public const string gift_20_regular = "\uf455";
+ public const string gift_24_regular = "\uf456";
+ public const string gift_card_16_regular = "\uf4cd";
+ public const string gift_card_20_regular = "\uf4ce";
+ public const string gift_card_24_regular = "\ue69c";
+ public const string gift_card_add_20_regular = "\uf4cf";
+ public const string gift_card_add_24_regular = "\ue69d";
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+ public const string gift_card_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue69f";
+ public const string gift_card_money_20_regular = "\ue6a0";
+ public const string gift_card_money_24_regular = "\ue6a1";
+ public const string gift_card_multiple_20_regular = "\ue6a2";
+ public const string gift_card_multiple_24_regular = "\ue6a3";
+ public const string gift_open_16_regular = "\U000f0188";
+ public const string gift_open_20_regular = "\U000f0189";
+ public const string gift_open_24_regular = "\U000f018a";
+ public const string gift_open_32_regular = "\U000f062e";
+ public const string glance_default_12_regular = "\ue6a5";
+ public const string glance_20_regular = "\ue6a4";
+ public const string glance_24_regular = "\uf457";
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+ public const string glance_horizontal_16_regular = "\uf071";
+ public const string glance_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue6a7";
+ public const string glance_horizontal_24_regular = "\ue6a8";
+ public const string glance_horizontal_32_regular = "\U000f0434";
+ public const string glance_horizontal_sparkle_32_regular = "\U000f0435";
+ public const string glance_horizontal_sparkles_16_regular = "\uf072";
+ public const string glance_horizontal_sparkles_20_regular = "\U000f0485";
+ public const string glance_horizontal_sparkles_24_regular = "\uf073";
+ public const string glasses_16_regular = "\ue6a9";
+ public const string glasses_20_regular = "\ue6aa";
+ public const string glasses_24_regular = "\uf458";
+ public const string glasses_28_regular = "\ue6ab";
+ public const string glasses_32_regular = "\U000f0043";
+ public const string glasses_48_regular = "\ue6ac";
+ public const string glasses_off_16_regular = "\ue6ad";
+ public const string glasses_off_20_regular = "\ue6ae";
+ public const string glasses_off_24_regular = "\uf459";
+ public const string glasses_off_28_regular = "\ue6af";
+ public const string glasses_off_32_regular = "\U000f0044";
+ public const string glasses_off_48_regular = "\ue6b0";
+ public const string globe_12_regular = "\U000f018b";
+ public const string globe_16_regular = "\ue6b1";
+ public const string globe_20_regular = "\uf45a";
+ public const string globe_24_regular = "\uf45b";
+ public const string globe_28_regular = "\U000f050d";
+ public const string globe_32_regular = "\ue6b2";
+ public const string globe_48_regular = "\U000f026e";
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+ public const string globe_add_24_regular = "\uf45c";
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+ public const string globe_arrow_forward_20_regular = "\U000f0303";
+ public const string globe_arrow_forward_24_regular = "\U000f0304";
+ public const string globe_arrow_forward_32_regular = "\U000f0305";
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+ public const string globe_arrow_up_20_regular = "\U000f0437";
+ public const string globe_arrow_up_24_regular = "\U000f0438";
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+ public const string globe_clock_20_regular = "\ue6b5";
+ public const string globe_clock_24_regular = "\uf45d";
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+ public const string globe_desktop_24_regular = "\uf45e";
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+ public const string globe_error_20_regular = "\U000f043a";
+ public const string globe_error_24_regular = "\U000f043b";
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+ public const string globe_location_24_regular = "\uf45f";
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+ public const string globe_person_24_regular = "\ue6b8";
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+ public const string globe_prohibited_20_regular = "\ue6b9";
+ public const string globe_prohibited_24_regular = "\U000f043d";
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+ public const string globe_search_24_regular = "\uf460";
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+ public const string globe_shield_24_regular = "\ue6bc";
+ public const string globe_shield_48_regular = "\U000f026f";
+ public const string globe_star_16_regular = "\uf4eb";
+ public const string globe_star_20_regular = "\ue6bd";
+ public const string globe_surface_20_regular = "\ue6be";
+ public const string globe_surface_24_regular = "\ue6bf";
+ public const string globe_surface_32_regular = "\U000f0045";
+ public const string globe_sync_16_regular = "\U000f043e";
+ public const string globe_sync_20_regular = "\U000f043f";
+ public const string globe_sync_24_regular = "\U000f0440";
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+ public const string globe_video_24_regular = "\uf461";
+ public const string globe_video_28_regular = "\ue6c0";
+ public const string globe_video_32_regular = "\ue6c1";
+ public const string globe_video_48_regular = "\ue6c2";
+ public const string globe_warning_16_regular = "\U000f0441";
+ public const string globe_warning_20_regular = "\U000f0442";
+ public const string globe_warning_24_regular = "\U000f0443";
+ public const string grid_16_regular = "\ue6c3";
+ public const string grid_20_regular = "\uf462";
+ public const string grid_24_regular = "\uf463";
+ public const string grid_28_regular = "\uf464";
+ public const string grid_circles_24_regular = "\uf074";
+ public const string grid_circles_28_regular = "\uf075";
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+ public const string grid_dots_24_regular = "\ue6c5";
+ public const string grid_dots_28_regular = "\ue6c6";
+ public const string grid_kanban_16_regular = "\U000f018c";
+ public const string grid_kanban_20_regular = "\ue6c7";
+ public const string group_20_regular = "\uf465";
+ public const string group_24_regular = "\uf466";
+ public const string group_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue6c8";
+ public const string group_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue6c9";
+ public const string group_list_20_regular = "\ue6ca";
+ public const string group_list_24_regular = "\uf467";
+ public const string group_return_20_regular = "\ue6cb";
+ public const string group_return_24_regular = "\ue6cc";
+ public const string guardian_20_regular = "\ue6cd";
+ public const string guardian_24_regular = "\ue6ce";
+ public const string guardian_28_regular = "\ue6cf";
+ public const string guardian_48_regular = "\ue6d0";
+ public const string guest_12_regular = "\U000f050e";
+ public const string guest_16_regular = "\uf468";
+ public const string guest_20_regular = "\uf469";
+ public const string guest_24_regular = "\uf46a";
+ public const string guest_28_regular = "\uf46b";
+ public const string guest_32_regular = "\U000f050f";
+ public const string guest_48_regular = "\U000f0510";
+ public const string guest_add_20_regular = "\ue6d1";
+ public const string guest_add_24_regular = "\uf46c";
+ public const string guitar_16_regular = "\ue6d2";
+ public const string guitar_20_regular = "\ue6d3";
+ public const string guitar_24_regular = "\ue6d4";
+ public const string guitar_28_regular = "\ue6d5";
+ public const string hand_draw_16_regular = "\ue6d6";
+ public const string hand_draw_20_regular = "\ue6d7";
+ public const string hand_draw_24_regular = "\ue6d8";
+ public const string hand_draw_28_regular = "\ue6d9";
+ public const string hand_left_16_regular = "\ue6da";
+ public const string hand_left_20_regular = "\ue6db";
+ public const string hand_left_24_regular = "\ue6dc";
+ public const string hand_left_28_regular = "\ue6dd";
+ public const string hand_left_chat_16_regular = "\ueed1";
+ public const string hand_left_chat_20_regular = "\ueed2";
+ public const string hand_left_chat_24_regular = "\ueed3";
+ public const string hand_left_chat_28_regular = "\ueed4";
+ public const string hand_open_heart_20_regular = "\uef01";
+ public const string hand_open_heart_32_regular = "\uef02";
+ public const string hand_point_16_regular = "\U000f0587";
+ public const string hand_point_20_regular = "\U000f0588";
+ public const string hand_point_24_regular = "\U000f0589";
+ public const string hand_point_28_regular = "\U000f058a";
+ public const string hand_point_32_regular = "\U000f058b";
+ public const string hand_point_48_regular = "\U000f058c";
+ public const string hand_right_16_regular = "\ue6de";
+ public const string hand_right_20_regular = "\ue6df";
+ public const string hand_right_24_regular = "\ue6e0";
+ public const string hand_right_28_regular = "\ue6e1";
+ public const string hand_right_off_16_regular = "\U000f0270";
+ public const string hand_right_off_20_regular = "\ue6e2";
+ public const string hand_right_off_24_regular = "\U000f0271";
+ public const string hand_right_off_28_regular = "\U000f0272";
+ public const string hand_wave_16_regular = "\uef03";
+ public const string hand_wave_20_regular = "\uef04";
+ public const string hand_wave_24_regular = "\uef05";
+ public const string handshake_16_regular = "\uf46e";
+ public const string handshake_20_regular = "\uf46f";
+ public const string handshake_24_regular = "\uf470";
+ public const string handshake_32_regular = "\uef06";
+ public const string haptic_strong_16_regular = "\U000f05a5";
+ public const string haptic_strong_20_regular = "\U000f05a6";
+ public const string haptic_strong_24_regular = "\U000f05a7";
+ public const string haptic_weak_16_regular = "\U000f05a8";
+ public const string haptic_weak_20_regular = "\U000f05a9";
+ public const string haptic_weak_24_regular = "\U000f05aa";
+ public const string hard_drive_16_regular = "\uf0ea";
+ public const string hard_drive_20_regular = "\ue6e3";
+ public const string hard_drive_24_regular = "\U000f0306";
+ public const string hard_drive_28_regular = "\U000f04f1";
+ public const string hard_drive_32_regular = "\U000f0307";
+ public const string hard_drive_48_regular = "\U000f04f2";
+ public const string hard_drive_call_24_regular = "\U000f0308";
+ public const string hard_drive_call_32_regular = "\U000f0309";
+ public const string hat_graduation_12_regular = "\ue6e4";
+ public const string hat_graduation_16_regular = "\ue6e5";
+ public const string hat_graduation_20_regular = "\ue6e6";
+ public const string hat_graduation_24_regular = "\ue6e7";
+ public const string hat_graduation_28_regular = "\U000f01ef";
+ public const string hat_graduation_add_16_regular = "\U000f03ff";
+ public const string hat_graduation_add_20_regular = "\U000f0400";
+ public const string hat_graduation_add_24_regular = "\U000f0401";
+ public const string hat_graduation_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f0273";
+ public const string hat_graduation_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f0218";
+ public const string hat_graduation_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f0219";
+ public const string hat_graduation_sparkle_28_regular = "\U000f021a";
+ public const string hd_16_regular = "\ue6e8";
+ public const string hd_20_regular = "\ue6e9";
+ public const string hd_24_regular = "\ue6ea";
+ public const string hdr_20_regular = "\ue6eb";
+ public const string hdr_24_regular = "\uf471";
+ public const string hdr_off_20_regular = "\ue6ec";
+ public const string hdr_off_24_regular = "\ue6ed";
+ public const string headphones_20_regular = "\ue6ee";
+ public const string headphones_24_regular = "\uf472";
+ public const string headphones_28_regular = "\uf473";
+ public const string headphones_32_regular = "\ue6ef";
+ public const string headphones_48_regular = "\ue6f0";
+ public const string headphones_sound_wave_20_regular = "\ue6f1";
+ public const string headphones_sound_wave_24_regular = "\ue6f2";
+ public const string headphones_sound_wave_28_regular = "\ue6f3";
+ public const string headphones_sound_wave_32_regular = "\ue6f4";
+ public const string headphones_sound_wave_48_regular = "\ue6f5";
+ public const string headset_16_regular = "\ue6f6";
+ public const string headset_20_regular = "\ue6f7";
+ public const string headset_24_regular = "\uf474";
+ public const string headset_28_regular = "\uf475";
+ public const string headset_32_regular = "\ue6f8";
+ public const string headset_48_regular = "\ue6f9";
+ public const string headset_add_20_regular = "\uf4fe";
+ public const string headset_add_24_regular = "\uf4ff";
+ public const string headset_vr_20_regular = "\uf476";
+ public const string headset_vr_24_regular = "\uf477";
+ public const string heart_12_regular = "\ue6fa";
+ public const string heart_16_regular = "\uf478";
+ public const string heart_20_regular = "\uf479";
+ public const string heart_24_regular = "\uf47a";
+ public const string heart_28_regular = "\uf500";
+ public const string heart_32_regular = "\ue6fb";
+ public const string heart_48_regular = "\ue6fc";
+ public const string heart_broken_16_regular = "\uf501";
+ public const string heart_broken_20_regular = "\ue6fd";
+ public const string heart_broken_24_regular = "\uef25";
+ public const string heart_circle_16_regular = "\ue6fe";
+ public const string heart_circle_20_regular = "\ue6ff";
+ public const string heart_circle_24_regular = "\ue700";
+ public const string heart_circle_hint_16_regular = "\uf076";
+ public const string heart_circle_hint_20_regular = "\uf077";
+ public const string heart_circle_hint_24_regular = "\uf078";
+ public const string heart_circle_hint_28_regular = "\uf079";
+ public const string heart_circle_hint_32_regular = "\uf07a";
+ public const string heart_circle_hint_48_regular = "\uf07b";
+ public const string heart_off_16_regular = "\U000f02b0";
+ public const string heart_off_20_regular = "\U000f02b1";
+ public const string heart_off_24_regular = "\U000f02b2";
+ public const string heart_pulse_20_regular = "\ue701";
+ public const string heart_pulse_24_regular = "\ue702";
+ public const string heart_pulse_32_regular = "\ue703";
+ public const string heart_pulse_checkmark_20_regular = "\U000f01d2";
+ public const string heart_pulse_error_20_regular = "\U000f01d3";
+ public const string heart_pulse_warning_20_regular = "\U000f01d4";
+ public const string hexagon_12_regular = "\U000f02d8";
+ public const string hexagon_16_regular = "\U000f02b3";
+ public const string hexagon_20_regular = "\U000f02b4";
+ public const string hexagon_24_regular = "\U000f02d9";
+ public const string hexagon_28_regular = "\U000f0390";
+ public const string hexagon_32_regular = "\U000f0391";
+ public const string hexagon_48_regular = "\U000f0392";
+ public const string hexagon_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f05ab";
+ public const string hexagon_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f05ac";
+ public const string hexagon_three_12_regular = "\U000f02da";
+ public const string hexagon_three_16_regular = "\U000f02b5";
+ public const string hexagon_three_20_regular = "\U000f02b6";
+ public const string hexagon_three_24_regular = "\U000f02db";
+ public const string highlight_16_regular = "\uf47b";
+ public const string highlight_20_regular = "\uf47c";
+ public const string highlight_24_regular = "\uf47d";
+ public const string highlight_link_20_regular = "\ue704";
+ public const string highway_20_regular = "\U000f0569";
+ public const string highway_24_regular = "\U000f056a";
+ public const string history_16_regular = "\ue705";
+ public const string history_20_regular = "\uf47e";
+ public const string history_24_regular = "\uf47f";
+ public const string history_28_regular = "\ue706";
+ public const string history_32_regular = "\ue707";
+ public const string history_48_regular = "\ue708";
+ public const string history_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue709";
+ public const string history_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue70a";
+ public const string history_dismiss_28_regular = "\ue70b";
+ public const string history_dismiss_32_regular = "\ue70c";
+ public const string history_dismiss_48_regular = "\ue70d";
+ public const string home_12_regular = "\ue70e";
+ public const string home_16_regular = "\ue70f";
+ public const string home_20_regular = "\uf480";
+ public const string home_24_regular = "\uf481";
+ public const string home_28_regular = "\uf482";
+ public const string home_32_regular = "\ue710";
+ public const string home_48_regular = "\ue711";
+ public const string home_add_20_regular = "\ue712";
+ public const string home_add_24_regular = "\uf483";
+ public const string home_checkmark_16_regular = "\ue713";
+ public const string home_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue714";
+ public const string home_checkmark_24_regular = "\uf484";
+ public const string home_database_20_regular = "\ue715";
+ public const string home_database_24_regular = "\ueed5";
+ public const string home_database_32_regular = "\ueed6";
+ public const string home_garage_20_regular = "\U000f052e";
+ public const string home_garage_24_regular = "\U000f052f";
+ public const string home_heart_16_regular = "\U000f01d5";
+ public const string home_heart_20_regular = "\U000f01d6";
+ public const string home_heart_24_regular = "\U000f01d7";
+ public const string home_heart_32_regular = "\U000f01d8";
+ public const string home_more_20_regular = "\ue716";
+ public const string home_more_24_regular = "\ueed7";
+ public const string home_more_32_regular = "\ueed8";
+ public const string home_more_48_regular = "\U000f0046";
+ public const string home_person_20_regular = "\ue717";
+ public const string home_person_24_regular = "\ue718";
+ public const string home_split_20_regular = "\uf038";
+ public const string home_split_24_regular = "\uf039";
+ public const string home_split_32_regular = "\uf03a";
+ public const string home_split_48_regular = "\uf03b";
+ public const string hourglass_16_regular = "\uf0eb";
+ public const string hourglass_20_regular = "\uef6b";
+ public const string hourglass_24_regular = "\uef6c";
+ public const string hourglass_half_16_regular = "\uf0ec";
+ public const string hourglass_half_20_regular = "\uef6d";
+ public const string hourglass_half_24_regular = "\uef6e";
+ public const string hourglass_one_quarter_16_regular = "\uf0ed";
+ public const string hourglass_one_quarter_20_regular = "\uef6f";
+ public const string hourglass_one_quarter_24_regular = "\uef70";
+ public const string hourglass_three_quarter_16_regular = "\uf0ee";
+ public const string hourglass_three_quarter_20_regular = "\uef71";
+ public const string hourglass_three_quarter_24_regular = "\uef72";
+ public const string icons_20_regular = "\uf485";
+ public const string icons_24_regular = "\uf486";
+ public const string image_16_regular = "\uf487";
+ public const string image_20_regular = "\uf488";
+ public const string image_24_regular = "\uf489";
+ public const string image_28_regular = "\uf48a";
+ public const string image_32_regular = "\ue719";
+ public const string image_48_regular = "\uf48b";
+ public const string image_add_20_regular = "\ue71a";
+ public const string image_add_24_regular = "\uf48c";
+ public const string image_alt_text_16_regular = "\ue71b";
+ public const string image_alt_text_20_regular = "\uf48d";
+ public const string image_alt_text_24_regular = "\uf48e";
+ public const string image_arrow_back_20_regular = "\ue71c";
+ public const string image_arrow_back_24_regular = "\ue71d";
+ public const string image_arrow_counterclockwise_20_regular = "\ue71e";
+ public const string image_arrow_counterclockwise_24_regular = "\ue71f";
+ public const string image_arrow_forward_20_regular = "\ue720";
+ public const string image_arrow_forward_24_regular = "\ue721";
+ public const string image_border_16_regular = "\U000f0047";
+ public const string image_border_20_regular = "\U000f0048";
+ public const string image_border_24_regular = "\U000f0049";
+ public const string image_border_28_regular = "\U000f004a";
+ public const string image_border_32_regular = "\U000f004b";
+ public const string image_border_48_regular = "\U000f004c";
+ public const string image_circle_16_regular = "\U000f004d";
+ public const string image_circle_20_regular = "\U000f004e";
+ public const string image_circle_24_regular = "\U000f004f";
+ public const string image_circle_28_regular = "\U000f0050";
+ public const string image_circle_32_regular = "\U000f0051";
+ public const string image_circle_48_regular = "\U000f0052";
+ public const string image_copy_20_regular = "\uf48f";
+ public const string image_copy_24_regular = "\uf490";
+ public const string image_copy_28_regular = "\uf491";
+ public const string image_edit_16_regular = "\uf492";
+ public const string image_edit_20_regular = "\uf493";
+ public const string image_edit_24_regular = "\uf494";
+ public const string image_globe_20_regular = "\ue722";
+ public const string image_globe_24_regular = "\ue723";
+ public const string image_multiple_16_regular = "\ue724";
+ public const string image_multiple_20_regular = "\ue725";
+ public const string image_multiple_24_regular = "\ue726";
+ public const string image_multiple_28_regular = "\ue727";
+ public const string image_multiple_32_regular = "\ue728";
+ public const string image_multiple_48_regular = "\ue729";
+ public const string image_multiple_off_16_regular = "\ue72a";
+ public const string image_multiple_off_20_regular = "\ue72b";
+ public const string image_off_20_regular = "\ue72c";
+ public const string image_off_24_regular = "\uf498";
+ public const string image_off_28_regular = "\U000f01d9";
+ public const string image_off_32_regular = "\U000f01da";
+ public const string image_off_48_regular = "\U000f01db";
+ public const string image_prohibited_20_regular = "\ue72d";
+ public const string image_prohibited_24_regular = "\ue72e";
+ public const string image_reflection_20_regular = "\ue72f";
+ public const string image_reflection_24_regular = "\ue730";
+ public const string image_search_20_regular = "\uf499";
+ public const string image_search_24_regular = "\uf49a";
+ public const string image_shadow_20_regular = "\ue731";
+ public const string image_shadow_24_regular = "\ue732";
+ public const string image_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f01f0";
+ public const string image_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f01f1";
+ public const string image_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f01f2";
+ public const string image_split_20_regular = "\U000f0530";
+ public const string image_split_24_regular = "\U000f0531";
+ public const string image_stack_16_regular = "\U000f018d";
+ public const string image_stack_20_regular = "\U000f018e";
+ public const string image_table_16_regular = "\U000f0053";
+ public const string image_table_20_regular = "\U000f0054";
+ public const string image_table_24_regular = "\U000f0055";
+ public const string image_table_28_regular = "\U000f0056";
+ public const string image_table_32_regular = "\U000f0057";
+ public const string image_table_48_regular = "\U000f0058";
+ public const string immersive_reader_16_regular = "\ue733";
+ public const string immersive_reader_20_regular = "\uf49b";
+ public const string immersive_reader_24_regular = "\uf49c";
+ public const string immersive_reader_28_regular = "\ue734";
+ public const string important_12_regular = "\uf49d";
+ public const string important_16_regular = "\uf49e";
+ public const string important_20_regular = "\uf49f";
+ public const string important_24_regular = "\uf4a0";
+ public const string important_32_regular = "\U000f0444";
+ public const string incognito_20_regular = "\ue735";
+ public const string incognito_24_regular = "\uf4a1";
+ public const string info_12_regular = "\ue736";
+ public const string info_16_regular = "\uf4a2";
+ public const string info_20_regular = "\uf4a3";
+ public const string info_24_regular = "\uf4a4";
+ public const string info_28_regular = "\uf4a5";
+ public const string info_32_regular = "\U000f0059";
+ public const string info_48_regular = "\U000f005a";
+ public const string info_shield_20_regular = "\ue737";
+ public const string ink_stroke_20_regular = "\ue738";
+ public const string ink_stroke_24_regular = "\ue739";
+ public const string ink_stroke_arrow_down_20_regular = "\uef73";
+ public const string ink_stroke_arrow_down_24_regular = "\uef74";
+ public const string ink_stroke_arrow_up_down_20_regular = "\uef75";
+ public const string ink_stroke_arrow_up_down_24_regular = "\uef76";
+ public const string inking_tool_16_regular = "\uf4a6";
+ public const string inking_tool_20_regular = "\uf4a7";
+ public const string inking_tool_24_regular = "\uf4a8";
+ public const string inking_tool_32_regular = "\ue73a";
+ public const string inprivate_account_16_regular = "\uf4a9";
+ public const string inprivate_account_20_regular = "\uf4aa";
+ public const string inprivate_account_24_regular = "\uf4ab";
+ public const string inprivate_account_28_regular = "\uf4ac";
+ public const string insert_20_regular = "\uf4ad";
+ public const string ios_arrow_ltr_24_regular = "\ue73b";
+ public const string ios_arrow_rtl_24_regular = "\ue73c";
+ public const string ios_chevron_right_20_regular = "\uf4b2";
+ public const string iot_16_regular = "\U000f005b";
+ public const string iot_20_regular = "\ue73d";
+ public const string iot_24_regular = "\ue73e";
+ public const string iot_alert_16_regular = "\U000f005c";
+ public const string iot_alert_20_regular = "\U000f005d";
+ public const string iot_alert_24_regular = "\U000f005e";
+ public const string javascript_16_regular = "\uf4b3";
+ public const string javascript_20_regular = "\uf4b4";
+ public const string javascript_24_regular = "\uf4b5";
+ public const string joystick_20_regular = "\ue73f";
+ public const string key_16_regular = "\ue740";
+ public const string key_20_regular = "\uf4b6";
+ public const string key_24_regular = "\uf4b7";
+ public const string key_32_regular = "\ue741";
+ public const string key_command_16_regular = "\ue742";
+ public const string key_command_20_regular = "\ue743";
+ public const string key_command_24_regular = "\ue744";
+ public const string key_multiple_16_regular = "\U000f0274";
+ public const string key_multiple_20_regular = "\ue745";
+ public const string key_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f0275";
+ public const string key_reset_20_regular = "\ue746";
+ public const string key_reset_24_regular = "\ue747";
+ public const string keyboard_123_20_regular = "\ue748";
+ public const string keyboard_123_24_regular = "\ue749";
+ public const string keyboard_16_regular = "\ue74a";
+ public const string keyboard_20_regular = "\uf4b8";
+ public const string keyboard_24_regular = "\uf4b9";
+ public const string keyboard_dock_20_regular = "\ue74b";
+ public const string keyboard_dock_24_regular = "\uf4ba";
+ public const string keyboard_layout_float_20_regular = "\ue74c";
+ public const string keyboard_layout_float_24_regular = "\uf4bb";
+ public const string keyboard_layout_one_handed_left_20_regular = "\ue74d";
+ public const string keyboard_layout_one_handed_left_24_regular = "\uf4bc";
+ public const string keyboard_layout_resize_20_regular = "\ue74e";
+ public const string keyboard_layout_resize_24_regular = "\uf4bd";
+ public const string keyboard_layout_split_20_regular = "\ue74f";
+ public const string keyboard_layout_split_24_regular = "\uf4be";
+ public const string keyboard_mouse_16_regular = "\uf0ef";
+ public const string keyboard_shift_16_regular = "\ue750";
+ public const string keyboard_shift_20_regular = "\ue751";
+ public const string keyboard_shift_24_regular = "\uf4bf";
+ public const string keyboard_shift_uppercase_16_regular = "\ue752";
+ public const string keyboard_shift_uppercase_20_regular = "\ue753";
+ public const string keyboard_shift_uppercase_24_regular = "\uf4c0";
+ public const string keyboard_tab_20_regular = "\ue754";
+ public const string keyboard_tab_24_regular = "\uf4c1";
+ public const string kiosk_24_regular = "\U000f021b";
+ public const string laptop_16_regular = "\uf4c2";
+ public const string laptop_20_regular = "\uf4c3";
+ public const string laptop_24_regular = "\uf4c4";
+ public const string laptop_28_regular = "\uf4c5";
+ public const string laptop_32_regular = "\U000f04f3";
+ public const string laptop_48_regular = "\U000f0532";
+ public const string laptop_briefcase_20_regular = "\U000f0511";
+ public const string laptop_briefcase_24_regular = "\U000f0512";
+ public const string laptop_briefcase_32_regular = "\U000f0513";
+ public const string laptop_dismiss_16_regular = "\uf505";
+ public const string laptop_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue755";
+ public const string laptop_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f021c";
+ public const string laptop_person_20_regular = "\U000f056b";
+ public const string laptop_person_24_regular = "\U000f056c";
+ public const string laptop_person_48_regular = "\U000f056d";
+ public const string laptop_settings_20_regular = "\U000f04f4";
+ public const string laptop_settings_24_regular = "\U000f04f5";
+ public const string laptop_settings_32_regular = "\U000f04f6";
+ public const string laptop_shield_16_regular = "\U000f018f";
+ public const string laptop_shield_20_regular = "\U000f0190";
+ public const string laser_tool_20_regular = "\uef1f";
+ public const string lasso_20_regular = "\ue756";
+ public const string lasso_24_regular = "\uf4c9";
+ public const string lasso_28_regular = "\ue757";
+ public const string launcher_settings_20_regular = "\ue758";
+ public const string launcher_settings_24_regular = "\uf4ca";
+ public const string layer_20_regular = "\uf4cb";
+ public const string layer_24_regular = "\uf4cc";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_16_regular = "\U000f0445";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_20_regular = "\uef26";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_24_regular = "\U000f04ca";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_add_20_regular = "\U000f0402";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_add_24_regular = "\U000f05f0";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_person_16_regular = "\U000f0446";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_person_20_regular = "\uef27";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_person_24_regular = "\U000f04cb";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f0514";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f0515";
+ public const string layer_diagonal_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f0516";
+ public const string layout_cell_four_16_regular = "\U000f0486";
+ public const string layout_cell_four_20_regular = "\U000f0487";
+ public const string table_simple_24_regular = "\uec52";
+ public const string layout_column_four_16_regular = "\U000f0489";
+ public const string layout_column_four_20_regular = "\U000f048a";
+ public const string layout_column_four_24_regular = "\U000f048b";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_left_16_regular = "\U000f048c";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_left_20_regular = "\U000f048d";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_left_24_regular = "\U000f048e";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_right_16_regular = "\U000f048f";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_right_20_regular = "\U000f0490";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_right_24_regular = "\U000f0491";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_right_hint_16_regular = "\U000f0492";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_right_hint_20_regular = "\U000f0493";
+ public const string layout_column_one_third_right_hint_24_regular = "\U000f0494";
+ public const string layout_column_three_16_regular = "\U000f0495";
+ public const string layout_column_three_20_regular = "\U000f0496";
+ public const string layout_column_three_24_regular = "\U000f0497";
+ public const string layout_column_two_16_regular = "\U000f0498";
+ public const string layout_column_two_20_regular = "\U000f0499";
+ public const string layout_column_two_24_regular = "\U000f049a";
+ public const string layout_column_two_32_regular = "\U000f05d7";
+ public const string layout_column_two_split_left_16_regular = "\U000f049b";
+ public const string layout_column_two_split_left_20_regular = "\U000f049c";
+ public const string layout_column_two_split_left_24_regular = "\U000f049d";
+ public const string layout_column_two_split_right_16_regular = "\U000f049e";
+ public const string layout_column_two_split_right_20_regular = "\U000f049f";
+ public const string layout_column_two_split_right_24_regular = "\U000f04a0";
+ public const string layout_row_four_16_regular = "\U000f04a1";
+ public const string layout_row_four_20_regular = "\U000f04a2";
+ public const string layout_row_four_24_regular = "\U000f04a3";
+ public const string layout_row_three_16_regular = "\U000f04a4";
+ public const string layout_row_three_20_regular = "\U000f04a5";
+ public const string layout_row_three_24_regular = "\U000f04a6";
+ public const string layout_row_two_16_regular = "\U000f04a7";
+ public const string layout_row_two_20_regular = "\U000f04a8";
+ public const string layout_row_two_24_regular = "\U000f04a9";
+ public const string layout_row_two_28_regular = "\U000f05fe";
+ public const string layout_row_two_32_regular = "\U000f05d8";
+ public const string layout_row_two_48_regular = "\U000f05ff";
+ public const string layout_row_two_split_bottom_16_regular = "\U000f04aa";
+ public const string layout_row_two_split_bottom_20_regular = "\U000f04ab";
+ public const string layout_row_two_split_bottom_24_regular = "\U000f04ac";
+ public const string layout_row_two_split_top_16_regular = "\U000f04ad";
+ public const string layout_row_two_split_top_20_regular = "\U000f04ae";
+ public const string layout_row_two_split_top_24_regular = "\U000f04af";
+ public const string leaf_one_16_regular = "\ue759";
+ public const string leaf_one_20_regular = "\ue75a";
+ public const string leaf_one_24_regular = "\ue75b";
+ public const string leaf_one_32_regular = "\uef07";
+ public const string leaf_three_16_regular = "\ue75c";
+ public const string leaf_three_20_regular = "\ue75d";
+ public const string leaf_three_24_regular = "\ue75e";
+ public const string leaf_two_16_regular = "\uf4d0";
+ public const string leaf_two_20_regular = "\uf4d1";
+ public const string leaf_two_24_regular = "\uf4d2";
+ public const string leaf_two_32_regular = "\uef08";
+ public const string leaf_two_48_regular = "\uf03c";
+ public const string learning_app_20_regular = "\ue75f";
+ public const string learning_app_24_regular = "\ue760";
+ public const string library_16_regular = "\ue761";
+ public const string library_20_regular = "\ue762";
+ public const string library_24_regular = "\uf4d3";
+ public const string library_28_regular = "\uf4d4";
+ public const string library_32_regular = "\U000f0403";
+ public const string lightbulb_16_regular = "\uf4d5";
+ public const string lightbulb_20_regular = "\uf4d6";
+ public const string lightbulb_24_regular = "\uf4d7";
+ public const string lightbulb_28_regular = "\uf07c";
+ public const string lightbulb_32_regular = "\uf07d";
+ public const string lightbulb_48_regular = "\uf07e";
+ public const string lightbulb_checkmark_20_regular = "\U000f012a";
+ public const string lightbulb_circle_20_regular = "\ue763";
+ public const string lightbulb_circle_24_regular = "\uf4d8";
+ public const string lightbulb_filament_16_regular = "\uf4d9";
+ public const string lightbulb_filament_20_regular = "\uf4da";
+ public const string lightbulb_filament_24_regular = "\uf4db";
+ public const string lightbulb_filament_32_regular = "\U000f0404";
+ public const string lightbulb_filament_48_regular = "\ue764";
+ public const string lightbulb_person_16_regular = "\uf07f";
+ public const string lightbulb_person_20_regular = "\uf080";
+ public const string lightbulb_person_24_regular = "\uf081";
+ public const string lightbulb_person_28_regular = "\uf082";
+ public const string lightbulb_person_32_regular = "\uf083";
+ public const string lightbulb_person_48_regular = "\uf084";
+ public const string likert_16_regular = "\uf4dd";
+ public const string likert_20_regular = "\uf4de";
+ public const string likert_24_regular = "\uf4df";
+ public const string line_20_regular = "\ue765";
+ public const string line_24_regular = "\ue766";
+ public const string line_32_regular = "\ue767";
+ public const string line_48_regular = "\ue768";
+ public const string line_dashes_20_regular = "\ue769";
+ public const string line_dashes_24_regular = "\ue76a";
+ public const string line_dashes_32_regular = "\ue76b";
+ public const string line_dashes_48_regular = "\ue76c";
+ public const string line_flow_diagonal_up_right_16_regular = "\U000f0533";
+ public const string line_flow_diagonal_up_right_20_regular = "\U000f0534";
+ public const string line_flow_diagonal_up_right_24_regular = "\U000f0535";
+ public const string line_flow_diagonal_up_right_32_regular = "\U000f0536";
+ public const string line_horizontal_1_16_regular = "\U000f02b7";
+ public const string line_horizontal_1_20_regular = "\uf4e0";
+ public const string line_horizontal_1_24_regular = "\U000f02b8";
+ public const string line_horizontal_1_28_regular = "\U000f02b9";
+ public const string line_horizontal_1_dashes_16_regular = "\U000f02ba";
+ public const string line_horizontal_1_dashes_20_regular = "\U000f02bb";
+ public const string line_horizontal_1_dashes_24_regular = "\U000f02bc";
+ public const string line_horizontal_1_dashes_28_regular = "\U000f02bd";
+ public const string line_horizontal_2_dashes_solid_16_regular = "\U000f02be";
+ public const string line_horizontal_2_dashes_solid_20_regular = "\U000f02bf";
+ public const string line_horizontal_2_dashes_solid_24_regular = "\U000f02c0";
+ public const string line_horizontal_2_dashes_solid_28_regular = "\U000f02c1";
+ public const string line_horizontal_3_20_regular = "\uf4e1";
+ public const string line_horizontal_4_16_regular = "\U000f012b";
+ public const string line_horizontal_4_20_regular = "\U000f005f";
+ public const string line_horizontal_4_search_16_regular = "\U000f012c";
+ public const string line_horizontal_4_search_20_regular = "\U000f0060";
+ public const string line_horizontal_5_20_regular = "\uf4e2";
+ public const string line_horizontal_5_error_20_regular = "\ue76d";
+ public const string line_style_20_regular = "\ue76e";
+ public const string line_style_24_regular = "\ue76f";
+ public const string line_thickness_20_regular = "\U000f0061";
+ public const string line_thickness_24_regular = "\U000f0062";
+ public const string link_12_regular = "\ue770";
+ public const string link_16_regular = "\uf4e3";
+ public const string link_20_regular = "\uf4e4";
+ public const string link_24_regular = "\uf4e5";
+ public const string link_28_regular = "\uf4e6";
+ public const string link_32_regular = "\ue771";
+ public const string link_48_regular = "\uf4e7";
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+ public const string link_add_20_regular = "\U000f0406";
+ public const string link_add_24_regular = "\U000f021d";
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+ public const string link_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue773";
+ public const string link_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue774";
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+ public const string link_edit_20_regular = "\uf4e9";
+ public const string link_edit_24_regular = "\uf4ea";
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+ public const string link_multiple_20_regular = "\U000f0277";
+ public const string link_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f0278";
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+ public const string link_person_20_regular = "\U000f03bb";
+ public const string link_person_24_regular = "\U000f03bc";
+ public const string link_person_32_regular = "\U000f03bd";
+ public const string link_person_48_regular = "\U000f03be";
+ public const string link_settings_24_regular = "\U000f021e";
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+ public const string link_square_16_regular = "\ue776";
+ public const string link_square_20_regular = "\ue777";
+ public const string link_square_24_regular = "\uf4ec";
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+ public const string list_16_regular = "\ue779";
+ public const string list_20_regular = "\uf4ed";
+ public const string list_24_regular = "\uf4ee";
+ public const string list_28_regular = "\uf4ef";
+ public const string list_bar_16_regular = "\U000f0191";
+ public const string list_bar_20_regular = "\U000f0192";
+ public const string list_bar_tree_16_regular = "\U000f0193";
+ public const string list_bar_tree_20_regular = "\U000f0194";
+ public const string list_bar_tree_offset_16_regular = "\U000f0195";
+ public const string list_bar_tree_offset_20_regular = "\U000f0196";
+ public const string list_rtl_16_regular = "\U000f0197";
+ public const string list_rtl_20_regular = "\U000f0198";
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+ public const string live_24_regular = "\uf4f1";
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+ public const string live_off_24_regular = "\ue77b";
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+ public const string local_language_20_regular = "\uf4f3";
+ public const string local_language_24_regular = "\uf4f4";
+ public const string local_language_28_regular = "\uf4f5";
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+ public const string location_16_regular = "\uf4f7";
+ public const string location_20_regular = "\uf4f8";
+ public const string location_24_regular = "\uf4f9";
+ public const string location_28_regular = "\uf4fa";
+ public const string location_48_regular = "\ue77c";
+ public const string location_add_16_regular = "\ue77d";
+ public const string location_add_20_regular = "\ue77e";
+ public const string location_add_24_regular = "\ue77f";
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+ public const string location_add_right_20_regular = "\ue781";
+ public const string location_add_up_20_regular = "\ue782";
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+ public const string location_arrow_16_regular = "\U000f0064";
+ public const string location_arrow_20_regular = "\U000f0065";
+ public const string location_arrow_24_regular = "\U000f0066";
+ public const string location_arrow_28_regular = "\U000f0067";
+ public const string location_arrow_32_regular = "\U000f0068";
+ public const string location_arrow_48_regular = "\U000f0069";
+ public const string location_arrow_left_16_regular = "\U000f006a";
+ public const string location_arrow_left_48_regular = "\ue783";
+ public const string location_arrow_right_16_regular = "\U000f006b";
+ public const string location_arrow_right_48_regular = "\ue784";
+ public const string location_arrow_up_16_regular = "\U000f006c";
+ public const string location_arrow_up_48_regular = "\ue785";
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+ public const string location_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue787";
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+ public const string location_live_24_regular = "\uf4fc";
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+ public const string location_off_20_regular = "\ue789";
+ public const string location_off_24_regular = "\ue78a";
+ public const string location_off_28_regular = "\ue78b";
+ public const string location_off_48_regular = "\ue78c";
+ public const string location_ripple_12_regular = "\U000f05cb";
+ public const string location_ripple_16_regular = "\U000f056e";
+ public const string location_ripple_20_regular = "\U000f056f";
+ public const string location_ripple_24_regular = "\U000f0570";
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+ public const string location_target_square_20_regular = "\U000f04b1";
+ public const string location_target_square_24_regular = "\U000f04b2";
+ public const string location_target_square_32_regular = "\U000f04b3";
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+ public const string lock_closed_16_regular = "\ue78e";
+ public const string lock_closed_20_regular = "\ue78f";
+ public const string lock_closed_24_regular = "\ue790";
+ public const string lock_closed_28_regular = "\U000f021f";
+ public const string lock_closed_32_regular = "\ue791";
+ public const string lock_closed_48_regular = "\U000f0220";
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+ public const string lock_closed_key_20_regular = "\U000f00e0";
+ public const string lock_closed_key_24_regular = "\U000f00e1";
+ public const string lock_multiple_20_regular = "\ue792";
+ public const string lock_multiple_24_regular = "\ue793";
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+ public const string lock_open_16_regular = "\ue794";
+ public const string lock_open_20_regular = "\ue795";
+ public const string lock_open_24_regular = "\ue796";
+ public const string lock_open_28_regular = "\ue797";
+ public const string lock_open_32_regular = "\U000f0222";
+ public const string lock_open_48_regular = "\U000f0223";
+ public const string lock_shield_16_regular = "\U000f0407";
+ public const string lock_shield_20_regular = "\uf502";
+ public const string lock_shield_24_regular = "\uf503";
+ public const string lock_shield_28_regular = "\U000f0408";
+ public const string lock_shield_32_regular = "\U000f0409";
+ public const string lock_shield_48_regular = "\uf504";
+ public const string lottery_20_regular = "\ue798";
+ public const string lottery_24_regular = "\ue799";
+ public const string luggage_16_regular = "\ue79a";
+ public const string luggage_20_regular = "\ue79b";
+ public const string luggage_24_regular = "\ue79c";
+ public const string luggage_28_regular = "\ue79d";
+ public const string luggage_32_regular = "\ue79e";
+ public const string luggage_48_regular = "\ue79f";
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+ public const string mail_16_regular = "\ue7a1";
+ public const string mail_20_regular = "\uf506";
+ public const string mail_24_regular = "\uf507";
+ public const string mail_28_regular = "\uf508";
+ public const string mail_32_regular = "\U000f01f3";
+ public const string mail_48_regular = "\uf509";
+ public const string mail_add_16_regular = "\uf50d";
+ public const string mail_add_20_regular = "\uf51f";
+ public const string mail_add_24_regular = "\uf50a";
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+ public const string mail_alert_20_regular = "\uf52a";
+ public const string mail_alert_24_regular = "\uf52b";
+ public const string mail_alert_28_regular = "\ue7a2";
+ public const string mail_alert_32_regular = "\U000f05f1";
+ public const string mail_all_read_16_regular = "\ue7a3";
+ public const string mail_all_read_20_regular = "\uf50e";
+ public const string mail_all_read_24_regular = "\ue7a4";
+ public const string mail_all_read_28_regular = "\ue7a5";
+ public const string mail_all_unread_20_regular = "\uf50f";
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+ public const string mail_arrow_clockwise_20_regular = "\U000f0538";
+ public const string mail_arrow_clockwise_24_regular = "\U000f0539";
+ public const string mail_arrow_clockwise_32_regular = "\U000f05f2";
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+ public const string mail_arrow_double_back_20_regular = "\ue7a7";
+ public const string mail_arrow_double_back_24_regular = "\U000f006d";
+ public const string mail_arrow_double_back_32_regular = "\U000f0571";
+ public const string mail_arrow_down_16_regular = "\uf52c";
+ public const string mail_arrow_down_20_regular = "\ue7a8";
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+ public const string mail_arrow_forward_20_regular = "\ue7aa";
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+ public const string mail_arrow_up_20_regular = "\uf52d";
+ public const string mail_arrow_up_24_regular = "\uf54b";
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+ public const string mail_attach_20_regular = "\ue7ad";
+ public const string mail_attach_24_regular = "\ue7ae";
+ public const string mail_attach_28_regular = "\ue7af";
+ public const string mail_briefcase_48_regular = "\U000f0572";
+ public const string mail_checkmark_16_regular = "\uf54c";
+ public const string mail_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue7b0";
+ public const string mail_checkmark_24_regular = "\U000f006e";
+ public const string mail_clock_16_regular = "\uf551";
+ public const string mail_clock_20_regular = "\uf510";
+ public const string mail_clock_24_regular = "\uf552";
+ public const string mail_copy_20_regular = "\uf511";
+ public const string mail_copy_24_regular = "\uf512";
+ public const string mail_copy_32_regular = "\U000f05d9";
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+ public const string mail_dismiss_20_regular = "\uf553";
+ public const string mail_dismiss_24_regular = "\uf554";
+ public const string mail_dismiss_28_regular = "\ue7b2";
+ public const string mail_edit_20_regular = "\ue7b3";
+ public const string mail_edit_24_regular = "\ue7b4";
+ public const string mail_edit_32_regular = "\U000f05ad";
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+ public const string mail_error_20_regular = "\uf555";
+ public const string mail_error_24_regular = "\uf55d";
+ public const string mail_inbox_16_regular = "\uf513";
+ public const string mail_inbox_20_regular = "\uf514";
+ public const string mail_inbox_24_regular = "\uf515";
+ public const string mail_inbox_28_regular = "\uf516";
+ public const string mail_inbox_add_16_regular = "\uf517";
+ public const string mail_inbox_add_20_regular = "\uf518";
+ public const string mail_inbox_add_24_regular = "\uf519";
+ public const string mail_inbox_add_28_regular = "\uf51a";
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+ public const string mail_inbox_all_24_regular = "\ue7b7";
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+ public const string mail_inbox_arrow_down_20_regular = "\ue7b8";
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+ public const string mail_inbox_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue7ba";
+ public const string mail_inbox_arrow_up_20_regular = "\ue7bb";
+ public const string mail_inbox_arrow_up_24_regular = "\ue7bc";
+ public const string mail_inbox_checkmark_16_regular = "\ue7bd";
+ public const string mail_inbox_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue7be";
+ public const string mail_inbox_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue7bf";
+ public const string mail_inbox_checkmark_28_regular = "\ue7c0";
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+ public const string mail_inbox_dismiss_20_regular = "\uf51c";
+ public const string mail_inbox_dismiss_24_regular = "\uf51d";
+ public const string mail_inbox_dismiss_28_regular = "\uf51e";
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+ public const string mail_link_24_regular = "\uf58c";
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+ public const string mail_list_20_regular = "\ue7c2";
+ public const string mail_list_24_regular = "\ue7c3";
+ public const string mail_list_28_regular = "\ue7c4";
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+ public const string mail_multiple_20_regular = "\ue7c6";
+ public const string mail_multiple_24_regular = "\ue7c7";
+ public const string mail_multiple_28_regular = "\ue7c8";
+ public const string mail_multiple_32_regular = "\U000f0447";
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+ public const string mail_off_20_regular = "\ue7c9";
+ public const string mail_off_24_regular = "\ue7ca";
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+ public const string mail_open_person_20_regular = "\ue7cc";
+ public const string mail_open_person_24_regular = "\ue7cd";
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+ public const string mail_pause_20_regular = "\ue7ce";
+ public const string mail_prohibited_16_regular = "\ue7cf";
+ public const string mail_prohibited_20_regular = "\uf5cb";
+ public const string mail_prohibited_24_regular = "\uf5e2";
+ public const string mail_prohibited_28_regular = "\ue7d0";
+ public const string mail_read_16_regular = "\ue7d1";
+ public const string mail_read_20_regular = "\uf521";
+ public const string mail_read_24_regular = "\uf522";
+ public const string mail_read_28_regular = "\uf523";
+ public const string mail_read_32_regular = "\U000f0448";
+ public const string mail_read_48_regular = "\uf524";
+ public const string mail_read_briefcase_48_regular = "\U000f058d";
+ public const string mail_read_multiple_20_regular = "\ueeab";
+ public const string mail_read_multiple_32_regular = "\ueeac";
+ public const string mail_rewind_16_regular = "\U000f030a";
+ public const string mail_rewind_20_regular = "\U000f030b";
+ public const string mail_rewind_24_regular = "\U000f030c";
+ public const string mail_settings_16_regular = "\uf5e3";
+ public const string mail_settings_20_regular = "\ue7d5";
+ public const string mail_shield_16_regular = "\uf5e8";
+ public const string mail_shield_20_regular = "\ue7d6";
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+ public const string mail_template_20_regular = "\uf5e9";
+ public const string mail_template_24_regular = "\uf5ed";
+ public const string mail_unread_12_regular = "\U000f006f";
+ public const string mail_unread_16_regular = "\uf525";
+ public const string mail_unread_20_regular = "\uf526";
+ public const string mail_unread_24_regular = "\uf527";
+ public const string mail_unread_28_regular = "\uf528";
+ public const string mail_unread_32_regular = "\U000f0449";
+ public const string mail_unread_48_regular = "\uf529";
+ public const string mail_warning_16_regular = "\uf5ee";
+ public const string mail_warning_20_regular = "\ue7d8";
+ public const string mail_warning_24_regular = "\ue7d9";
+ public const string mailbox_16_regular = "\U000f044a";
+ public const string mailbox_20_regular = "\U000f044b";
+ public const string map_16_regular = "\U000f0070";
+ public const string map_20_regular = "\ue7da";
+ public const string map_24_regular = "\uf52e";
+ public const string map_drive_16_regular = "\uf52f";
+ public const string map_drive_20_regular = "\uf530";
+ public const string map_drive_24_regular = "\uf531";
+ public const string markdown_20_regular = "\ue7db";
+ public const string match_app_layout_20_regular = "\ue7dc";
+ public const string match_app_layout_24_regular = "\uf532";
+ public const string math_format_linear_20_regular = "\ue7dd";
+ public const string math_format_linear_24_regular = "\ue7de";
+ public const string math_format_professional_16_regular = "\U000f012d";
+ public const string math_format_professional_20_regular = "\ue7df";
+ public const string math_format_professional_24_regular = "\ue7e0";
+ public const string math_formula_16_regular = "\ue7e1";
+ public const string math_formula_20_regular = "\ue7e2";
+ public const string math_formula_24_regular = "\ue7e3";
+ public const string math_formula_32_regular = "\ue7e4";
+ public const string math_symbols_16_regular = "\ue7e5";
+ public const string math_symbols_20_regular = "\ue7e6";
+ public const string math_symbols_24_regular = "\ue7e7";
+ public const string math_symbols_28_regular = "\ue7e8";
+ public const string math_symbols_32_regular = "\ue7e9";
+ public const string math_symbols_48_regular = "\ue7ea";
+ public const string maximize_16_regular = "\uf533";
+ public const string maximize_20_regular = "\ue7eb";
+ public const string maximize_24_regular = "\ue7ec";
+ public const string maximize_28_regular = "\ue7ed";
+ public const string maximize_48_regular = "\ue7ee";
+ public const string meet_now_16_regular = "\ue7ef";
+ public const string meet_now_20_regular = "\uf534";
+ public const string meet_now_24_regular = "\uf535";
+ public const string meet_now_28_regular = "\uf5f6";
+ public const string meet_now_32_regular = "\uf5f7";
+ public const string meet_now_48_regular = "\uf631";
+ public const string megaphone_16_regular = "\uf536";
+ public const string megaphone_20_regular = "\uf537";
+ public const string megaphone_24_regular = "\uf538";
+ public const string megaphone_28_regular = "\uf539";
+ public const string megaphone_circle_20_regular = "\uef77";
+ public const string megaphone_circle_24_regular = "\uef78";
+ public const string megaphone_loud_16_regular = "\ueead";
+ public const string megaphone_loud_20_regular = "\uf64b";
+ public const string megaphone_loud_24_regular = "\ue7f0";
+ public const string megaphone_loud_28_regular = "\uf085";
+ public const string megaphone_loud_32_regular = "\uf086";
+ public const string megaphone_off_16_regular = "\ue7f1";
+ public const string megaphone_off_20_regular = "\ue7f2";
+ public const string megaphone_off_24_regular = "\uf53a";
+ public const string megaphone_off_28_regular = "\ue7f3";
+ public const string memory_16_regular = "\uf0f0";
+ public const string mention_12_regular = "\ueff0";
+ public const string mention_16_regular = "\uf53b";
+ public const string mention_20_regular = "\uf53c";
+ public const string mention_24_regular = "\uf53d";
+ public const string mention_32_regular = "\U000f0071";
+ public const string mention_48_regular = "\U000f0072";
+ public const string mention_arrow_down_20_regular = "\ue7f4";
+ public const string mention_brackets_20_regular = "\ue7f5";
+ public const string merge_16_regular = "\ue7f6";
+ public const string merge_20_regular = "\ue7f7";
+ public const string merge_24_regular = "\uf53e";
+ public const string mic_16_regular = "\ue7f8";
+ public const string mic_20_regular = "\ue7f9";
+ public const string mic_24_regular = "\ue7fa";
+ public const string mic_28_regular = "\ue7fb";
+ public const string mic_32_regular = "\ue7fc";
+ public const string mic_48_regular = "\ue7fd";
+ public const string mic_off_12_regular = "\uf53f";
+ public const string mic_off_16_regular = "\uf540";
+ public const string mic_off_20_regular = "\ue7fe";
+ public const string mic_off_24_regular = "\uf541";
+ public const string mic_off_28_regular = "\uf542";
+ public const string mic_off_32_regular = "\ue7ff";
+ public const string mic_off_48_regular = "\ue800";
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+ public const string mic_prohibited_20_regular = "\ue802";
+ public const string mic_prohibited_24_regular = "\ue803";
+ public const string mic_prohibited_28_regular = "\ue804";
+ public const string mic_prohibited_48_regular = "\ue805";
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+ public const string mic_pulse_20_regular = "\ue807";
+ public const string mic_pulse_24_regular = "\ue808";
+ public const string mic_pulse_28_regular = "\ue809";
+ public const string mic_pulse_32_regular = "\ue80a";
+ public const string mic_pulse_48_regular = "\ue80b";
+ public const string mic_pulse_off_16_regular = "\ue80c";
+ public const string mic_pulse_off_20_regular = "\ue80d";
+ public const string mic_pulse_off_24_regular = "\ue80e";
+ public const string mic_pulse_off_28_regular = "\ue80f";
+ public const string mic_pulse_off_32_regular = "\ue810";
+ public const string mic_pulse_off_48_regular = "\ue811";
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+ public const string mic_record_24_regular = "\U000f02c3";
+ public const string mic_record_28_regular = "\U000f02c4";
+ public const string mic_settings_20_regular = "\ue812";
+ public const string mic_settings_24_regular = "\uf548";
+ public const string mic_sparkle_16_regular = "\ue813";
+ public const string mic_sparkle_20_regular = "\ue814";
+ public const string mic_sparkle_24_regular = "\ue815";
+ public const string mic_sync_20_regular = "\ue816";
+ public const string microscope_20_regular = "\uf64c";
+ public const string microscope_24_regular = "\uf64f";
+ public const string midi_20_regular = "\uf549";
+ public const string midi_24_regular = "\uf54a";
+ public const string mobile_optimized_20_regular = "\ue817";
+ public const string mobile_optimized_24_regular = "\uf54d";
+ public const string mold_20_regular = "\U000f012e";
+ public const string mold_24_regular = "\U000f012f";
+ public const string mold_28_regular = "\U000f0130";
+ public const string molecule_16_regular = "\uf650";
+ public const string molecule_20_regular = "\uf659";
+ public const string molecule_24_regular = "\uf65a";
+ public const string molecule_28_regular = "\uf65d";
+ public const string molecule_32_regular = "\uf65e";
+ public const string molecule_48_regular = "\uf65f";
+ public const string money_16_regular = "\uf54e";
+ public const string money_20_regular = "\uf54f";
+ public const string money_24_regular = "\uf550";
+ public const string money_calculator_20_regular = "\ue818";
+ public const string money_calculator_24_regular = "\ue819";
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+ public const string money_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue81b";
+ public const string money_hand_16_regular = "\U000f01dc";
+ public const string money_hand_20_regular = "\ue81c";
+ public const string money_hand_24_regular = "\ue81d";
+ public const string money_off_20_regular = "\ue81e";
+ public const string money_off_24_regular = "\ue81f";
+ public const string money_settings_16_regular = "\U000f01dd";
+ public const string money_settings_20_regular = "\ue820";
+ public const string money_settings_24_regular = "\U000f01de";
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+ public const string more_circle_28_regular = "\uf0f3";
+ public const string more_circle_32_regular = "\ue822";
+ public const string more_circle_48_regular = "\uf0f4";
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+ public const string more_horizontal_24_regular = "\ue825";
+ public const string more_horizontal_28_regular = "\ue826";
+ public const string more_horizontal_32_regular = "\ue827";
+ public const string more_horizontal_48_regular = "\ue828";
+ public const string more_vertical_16_regular = "\ue829";
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+ public const string more_vertical_24_regular = "\uf557";
+ public const string more_vertical_28_regular = "\uf558";
+ public const string more_vertical_32_regular = "\ue82a";
+ public const string more_vertical_48_regular = "\uf559";
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+ public const string mountain_location_bottom_24_regular = "\U000f00e3";
+ public const string mountain_location_bottom_28_regular = "\U000f00e4";
+ public const string mountain_location_top_20_regular = "\U000f00e5";
+ public const string mountain_location_top_24_regular = "\U000f00e6";
+ public const string mountain_location_top_28_regular = "\U000f00e7";
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+ public const string mountain_trail_24_regular = "\U000f00e9";
+ public const string mountain_trail_28_regular = "\U000f00ea";
+ public const string movies_and_tv_16_regular = "\ue82b";
+ public const string movies_and_tv_20_regular = "\ue82c";
+ public const string movies_and_tv_24_regular = "\uf55a";
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+ public const string multiplier_1_2x_24_regular = "\ue82e";
+ public const string multiplier_1_2x_28_regular = "\ue82f";
+ public const string multiplier_1_2x_32_regular = "\ue830";
+ public const string multiplier_1_2x_48_regular = "\ue831";
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+ public const string multiplier_1_5x_24_regular = "\ue833";
+ public const string multiplier_1_5x_28_regular = "\ue834";
+ public const string multiplier_1_5x_32_regular = "\ue835";
+ public const string multiplier_1_5x_48_regular = "\ue836";
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+ public const string multiplier_1_8x_24_regular = "\ue838";
+ public const string multiplier_1_8x_28_regular = "\ue839";
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+ public const string multiplier_1_8x_48_regular = "\ue83b";
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+ public const string multiplier_1x_24_regular = "\ue83d";
+ public const string multiplier_1x_28_regular = "\ue83e";
+ public const string multiplier_1x_32_regular = "\ue83f";
+ public const string multiplier_1x_48_regular = "\ue840";
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+ public const string multiplier_2x_24_regular = "\ue842";
+ public const string multiplier_2x_28_regular = "\ue843";
+ public const string multiplier_2x_32_regular = "\ue844";
+ public const string multiplier_2x_48_regular = "\ue845";
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+ public const string multiplier_5x_24_regular = "\ue847";
+ public const string multiplier_5x_28_regular = "\ue848";
+ public const string multiplier_5x_32_regular = "\ue849";
+ public const string multiplier_5x_48_regular = "\ue84a";
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+ public const string multiselect_ltr_24_regular = "\ue84d";
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+ public const string multiselect_rtl_20_regular = "\ue84f";
+ public const string multiselect_rtl_24_regular = "\ue850";
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+ public const string music_note_1_24_regular = "\ue852";
+ public const string music_note_2_16_regular = "\ue853";
+ public const string music_note_2_20_regular = "\ue854";
+ public const string music_note_2_24_regular = "\ue855";
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+ public const string music_note_off_1_24_regular = "\ue858";
+ public const string music_note_off_2_16_regular = "\ue859";
+ public const string music_note_off_2_20_regular = "\ue85a";
+ public const string music_note_off_2_24_regular = "\ue85b";
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+ public const string my_location_20_regular = "\ue85e";
+ public const string my_location_24_regular = "\uf55f";
+ public const string navigation_16_regular = "\ue85f";
+ public const string navigation_24_regular = "\uf561";
+ public const string navigation_location_target_20_regular = "\ue860";
+ public const string navigation_play_20_regular = "\ue861";
+ public const string navigation_unread_20_regular = "\ue862";
+ public const string navigation_unread_24_regular = "\ue863";
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+ public const string network_check_24_regular = "\uf562";
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+ public const string new_24_regular = "\uf564";
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+ public const string note_24_regular = "\uf56c";
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+ public const string note_add_48_regular = "\ue86d";
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+ public const string note_edit_24_regular = "\ue86f";
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+ public const string notebook_add_24_regular = "\ue873";
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+ public const string notebook_error_24_regular = "\uf571";
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+ public const string notebook_lightning_24_regular = "\uf572";
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+ public const string notebook_question_mark_24_regular = "\uf573";
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+ public const string notebook_section_24_regular = "\uf574";
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+ public const string notebook_subsection_24_regular = "\ue87c";
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+ public const string notepad_person_20_regular = "\ue882";
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+ public const string notepad_sparkle_28_regular = "\U000f0603";
+ public const string notepad_sparkle_32_regular = "\U000f0604";
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+ public const string number_circle_0_32_regular = "\U000f0346";
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+ public const string number_circle_2_32_regular = "\U000f0252";
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+ public const string number_circle_3_32_regular = "\U000f0258";
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+ public const string number_circle_4_32_regular = "\U000f025e";
+ public const string number_circle_4_48_regular = "\U000f025f";
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+ public const string number_circle_5_48_regular = "\U000f0265";
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+ public const string number_circle_6_32_regular = "\U000f034c";
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+ public const string paint_brush_28_regular = "\U000f0605";
+ public const string paint_brush_32_regular = "\U000f0224";
+ public const string paint_brush_arrow_down_20_regular = "\ue8a7";
+ public const string paint_brush_arrow_down_24_regular = "\ue8a8";
+ public const string paint_brush_arrow_up_20_regular = "\ue8a9";
+ public const string paint_brush_arrow_up_24_regular = "\ue8aa";
+ public const string paint_brush_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f05da";
+ public const string paint_brush_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f05db";
+ public const string paint_brush_subtract_16_regular = "\U000f0606";
+ public const string paint_brush_subtract_20_regular = "\U000f0607";
+ public const string paint_brush_subtract_24_regular = "\U000f0608";
+ public const string paint_brush_subtract_28_regular = "\U000f0609";
+ public const string paint_brush_subtract_32_regular = "\U000f060a";
+ public const string paint_bucket_16_regular = "\uf594";
+ public const string paint_bucket_20_regular = "\uf595";
+ public const string paint_bucket_24_regular = "\uf596";
+ public const string pair_20_regular = "\ue8ab";
+ public const string pair_24_regular = "\uf597";
+ public const string panel_bottom_20_regular = "\ue8ac";
+ public const string panel_bottom_contract_20_regular = "\ue8ad";
+ public const string panel_bottom_expand_20_regular = "\ue8ae";
+ public const string panel_left_16_regular = "\ue8af";
+ public const string panel_left_20_regular = "\ue8b0";
+ public const string panel_left_24_regular = "\ue8b1";
+ public const string panel_left_28_regular = "\ue8b2";
+ public const string panel_left_32_regular = "\ueff6";
+ public const string panel_left_48_regular = "\ue8b3";
+ public const string panel_left_add_16_regular = "\ueff7";
+ public const string panel_left_add_20_regular = "\ueff8";
+ public const string panel_left_add_24_regular = "\ueff9";
+ public const string panel_left_add_28_regular = "\ueffa";
+ public const string panel_left_add_32_regular = "\ueffb";
+ public const string panel_left_add_48_regular = "\ueffc";
+ public const string panel_left_contract_16_regular = "\ue8b4";
+ public const string panel_left_contract_20_regular = "\ue8b5";
+ public const string panel_left_contract_24_regular = "\ue8b6";
+ public const string panel_left_contract_28_regular = "\ue8b7";
+ public const string panel_left_expand_16_regular = "\ue8b8";
+ public const string panel_left_expand_20_regular = "\ue8b9";
+ public const string panel_left_expand_24_regular = "\ue8ba";
+ public const string panel_left_expand_28_regular = "\ue8bb";
+ public const string panel_left_header_16_regular = "\U000f0073";
+ public const string panel_left_header_20_regular = "\U000f0074";
+ public const string panel_left_header_24_regular = "\U000f0075";
+ public const string panel_left_header_28_regular = "\U000f0076";
+ public const string panel_left_header_32_regular = "\U000f0077";
+ public const string panel_left_header_48_regular = "\U000f0078";
+ public const string panel_left_header_add_16_regular = "\U000f0079";
+ public const string panel_left_header_add_20_regular = "\U000f007a";
+ public const string panel_left_header_add_24_regular = "\U000f007b";
+ public const string panel_left_header_add_28_regular = "\U000f007c";
+ public const string panel_left_header_add_32_regular = "\U000f007d";
+ public const string panel_left_header_add_48_regular = "\U000f007e";
+ public const string panel_left_header_key_16_regular = "\U000f007f";
+ public const string panel_left_header_key_20_regular = "\U000f0080";
+ public const string panel_left_header_key_24_regular = "\U000f0081";
+ public const string panel_left_key_16_regular = "\ueffd";
+ public const string panel_left_key_20_regular = "\ueffe";
+ public const string panel_left_key_24_regular = "\uefff";
+ public const string panel_left_text_16_regular = "\U000f0199";
+ public const string panel_left_text_20_regular = "\U000f019a";
+ public const string panel_left_text_24_regular = "\U000f019b";
+ public const string panel_left_text_28_regular = "\U000f019c";
+ public const string panel_left_text_32_regular = "\U000f019d";
+ public const string panel_left_text_48_regular = "\U000f019e";
+ public const string panel_left_text_add_16_regular = "\U000f019f";
+ public const string panel_left_text_add_20_regular = "\U000f01a0";
+ public const string panel_left_text_add_24_regular = "\U000f01a1";
+ public const string panel_left_text_add_28_regular = "\U000f01a2";
+ public const string panel_left_text_add_32_regular = "\U000f01a3";
+ public const string panel_left_text_add_48_regular = "\U000f01a4";
+ public const string panel_left_text_dismiss_16_regular = "\U000f01a5";
+ public const string panel_left_text_dismiss_20_regular = "\U000f01a6";
+ public const string panel_left_text_dismiss_24_regular = "\U000f01a7";
+ public const string panel_left_text_dismiss_28_regular = "\U000f01a8";
+ public const string panel_left_text_dismiss_32_regular = "\U000f01a9";
+ public const string panel_left_text_dismiss_48_regular = "\U000f01aa";
+ public const string panel_right_16_regular = "\ue8bc";
+ public const string panel_right_20_regular = "\ue8bd";
+ public const string panel_right_24_regular = "\ue8be";
+ public const string panel_right_28_regular = "\ue8bf";
+ public const string panel_right_32_regular = "\uf000";
+ public const string panel_right_48_regular = "\ue8c0";
+ public const string panel_right_add_20_regular = "\ueeae";
+ public const string panel_right_contract_16_regular = "\ue8c1";
+ public const string panel_right_contract_20_regular = "\ue8c2";
+ public const string panel_right_contract_24_regular = "\ue8c3";
+ public const string panel_right_cursor_20_regular = "\uf03d";
+ public const string panel_right_cursor_24_regular = "\uf03e";
+ public const string panel_right_expand_20_regular = "\ue8c4";
+ public const string panel_right_gallery_16_regular = "\U000f030d";
+ public const string panel_right_gallery_20_regular = "\U000f030e";
+ public const string panel_right_gallery_24_regular = "\U000f030f";
+ public const string panel_right_gallery_28_regular = "\U000f0310";
+ public const string panel_separate_window_20_regular = "\ue8c5";
+ public const string panel_top_contract_20_regular = "\ue8c6";
+ public const string panel_top_expand_20_regular = "\ue8c7";
+ public const string panel_top_gallery_16_regular = "\U000f0311";
+ public const string panel_top_gallery_20_regular = "\U000f0312";
+ public const string panel_top_gallery_24_regular = "\U000f0313";
+ public const string panel_top_gallery_28_regular = "\U000f0314";
+ public const string password_16_regular = "\ue8c8";
+ public const string password_20_regular = "\ue8c9";
+ public const string password_24_regular = "\uf59e";
+ public const string password_32_regular = "\U000f05ae";
+ public const string password_48_regular = "\U000f05af";
+ public const string password_clock_48_regular = "\U000f05b0";
+ public const string password_reset_48_regular = "\U000f05b1";
+ public const string patch_20_regular = "\uf6ba";
+ public const string patch_24_regular = "\uf6bb";
+ public const string patient_20_regular = "\ue8ca";
+ public const string patient_24_regular = "\uf59f";
+ public const string patient_32_regular = "\ue8cb";
+ public const string pause_12_regular = "\ue8cc";
+ public const string pause_16_regular = "\uf5a0";
+ public const string pause_20_regular = "\uf5a1";
+ public const string pause_24_regular = "\uf5a2";
+ public const string pause_28_regular = "\ue8cd";
+ public const string pause_32_regular = "\ue8ce";
+ public const string pause_48_regular = "\uf5a3";
+ public const string pause_circle_20_regular = "\uf6bc";
+ public const string pause_circle_24_regular = "\ue8cf";
+ public const string pause_circle_32_regular = "\U000f0225";
+ public const string pause_circle_48_regular = "\U000f0226";
+ public const string pause_off_16_regular = "\ue8d0";
+ public const string pause_off_20_regular = "\ue8d1";
+ public const string pause_settings_16_regular = "\ue8d2";
+ public const string pause_settings_20_regular = "\ue8d3";
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+ public const string payment_20_regular = "\uf5a4";
+ public const string payment_24_regular = "\uf5a5";
+ public const string payment_28_regular = "\ue8d5";
+ public const string payment_32_regular = "\ueeda";
+ public const string payment_48_regular = "\ueedb";
+ public const string payment_wireless_16_regular = "\U000f0517";
+ public const string payment_wireless_20_regular = "\U000f0518";
+ public const string payment_wireless_24_regular = "\U000f0519";
+ public const string payment_wireless_28_regular = "\U000f051a";
+ public const string payment_wireless_32_regular = "\U000f051b";
+ public const string payment_wireless_48_regular = "\U000f051c";
+ public const string pen_16_regular = "\ue8d6";
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+ public const string pen_24_regular = "\ue8d8";
+ public const string pen_28_regular = "\ue8d9";
+ public const string pen_32_regular = "\ue8da";
+ public const string pen_48_regular = "\ue8db";
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+ public const string pen_dismiss_20_regular = "\U000f00ec";
+ public const string pen_dismiss_24_regular = "\U000f00ed";
+ public const string pen_dismiss_28_regular = "\U000f00ee";
+ public const string pen_dismiss_32_regular = "\U000f00ef";
+ public const string pen_dismiss_48_regular = "\U000f00f0";
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+ public const string pen_off_20_regular = "\ue8dd";
+ public const string pen_off_24_regular = "\ue8de";
+ public const string pen_off_28_regular = "\ue8df";
+ public const string pen_off_32_regular = "\ue8e0";
+ public const string pen_off_48_regular = "\ue8e1";
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+ public const string pen_prohibited_20_regular = "\ue8e3";
+ public const string pen_prohibited_24_regular = "\ue8e4";
+ public const string pen_prohibited_28_regular = "\ue8e5";
+ public const string pen_prohibited_32_regular = "\ue8e6";
+ public const string pen_prohibited_48_regular = "\ue8e7";
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+ public const string pen_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f0228";
+ public const string pen_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f0229";
+ public const string pen_sparkle_28_regular = "\U000f022a";
+ public const string pen_sparkle_32_regular = "\U000f022b";
+ public const string pen_sparkle_48_regular = "\U000f022c";
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+ public const string pentagon_32_regular = "\ue8e9";
+ public const string pentagon_48_regular = "\ue8ea";
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+ public const string people_20_regular = "\uf5a8";
+ public const string people_24_regular = "\uf5a9";
+ public const string people_28_regular = "\uf5aa";
+ public const string people_32_regular = "\ue8ec";
+ public const string people_48_regular = "\ue8ed";
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+ public const string people_add_24_regular = "\uf5ad";
+ public const string people_add_28_regular = "\ue8ee";
+ public const string people_add_32_regular = "\U000f0575";
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+ public const string people_audience_24_regular = "\uf5ae";
+ public const string people_audience_32_regular = "\U000f04f7";
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+ public const string people_call_20_regular = "\ue8f1";
+ public const string people_call_24_regular = "\U000f0082";
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+ public const string people_chat_20_regular = "\U000f03c0";
+ public const string people_chat_24_regular = "\U000f03c1";
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+ public const string people_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue8f3";
+ public const string people_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue8f4";
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+ public const string people_community_20_regular = "\uf5b0";
+ public const string people_community_24_regular = "\uf5b1";
+ public const string people_community_28_regular = "\uf5b2";
+ public const string people_community_32_regular = "\U000f0083";
+ public const string people_community_48_regular = "\U000f0084";
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+ public const string people_community_add_24_regular = "\uf5b3";
+ public const string people_community_add_28_regular = "\ue8f6";
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+ public const string people_edit_24_regular = "\U000f01e0";
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+ public const string people_error_20_regular = "\ue8f9";
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+ public const string people_eye_20_regular = "\U000f05b3";
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+ public const string people_list_28_regular = "\ue8fe";
+ public const string people_list_32_regular = "\U000f044e";
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+ public const string people_lock_24_regular = "\ue900";
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+ public const string people_money_24_regular = "\ue902";
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+ public const string people_prohibited_24_regular = "\ue904";
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+ public const string people_queue_24_regular = "\ue906";
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+ public const string person_search_24_regular = "\uef7e";
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+ public const string people_settings_24_regular = "\ue908";
+ public const string people_settings_28_regular = "\ue909";
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+ public const string people_subtract_24_regular = "\U000f058f";
+ public const string people_subtract_32_regular = "\U000f0590";
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+ public const string people_swap_20_regular = "\ue90b";
+ public const string people_swap_24_regular = "\ue90c";
+ public const string people_swap_28_regular = "\ue90d";
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+ public const string people_sync_20_regular = "\ue90e";
+ public const string people_sync_28_regular = "\ue90f";
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+ public const string people_team_add_24_regular = "\ue912";
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+ public const string people_team_delete_24_regular = "\ue915";
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+ public const string people_team_delete_32_regular = "\ue917";
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+ public const string people_team_toolbox_24_regular = "\ue919";
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+ public const string people_toolbox_20_regular = "\ue91a";
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+ public const string person_6_32_regular = "\ue91f";
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+ public const string person_alert_24_regular = "\uef93";
+ public const string person_alert_32_regular = "\U000f0576";
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+ public const string person_alert_off_24_regular = "\U000f0593";
+ public const string person_alert_off_32_regular = "\U000f0594";
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+ public const string person_arrow_back_24_regular = "\uef96";
+ public const string person_arrow_back_28_regular = "\uef97";
+ public const string person_arrow_back_32_regular = "\uef98";
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+ public const string person_arrow_right_24_regular = "\uf5c8";
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+ public const string person_board_20_regular = "\uf5cd";
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+ public const string person_board_32_regular = "\uf040";
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+ public const string person_call_24_regular = "\uf5cf";
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+ public const string person_chat_24_regular = "\uf6d3";
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+ public const string person_circle_24_regular = "\ue929";
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+ public const string person_circle_32_regular = "\uf042";
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+ public const string person_delete_24_regular = "\uf5d1";
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+ public const string person_edit_24_regular = "\ue92f";
+ public const string person_edit_48_regular = "\U000f027a";
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+ public const string person_feedback_32_regular = "\U000f0086";
+ public const string person_feedback_48_regular = "\U000f0087";
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+ public const string person_info_24_regular = "\U000f01f4";
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+ public const string person_lightbulb_24_regular = "\ue935";
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+ public const string person_lightning_20_regular = "\U000f01ac";
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+ public const string person_mail_24_regular = "\ue939";
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+ public const string person_note_24_regular = "\ue93f";
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+ public const string person_passkey_24_regular = "\U000f053c";
+ public const string person_passkey_28_regular = "\U000f053d";
+ public const string person_passkey_32_regular = "\U000f053e";
+ public const string person_passkey_48_regular = "\U000f053f";
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+ public const string person_pill_24_regular = "\ue941";
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+ public const string person_prohibited_28_regular = "\ue944";
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+ public const string person_question_mark_24_regular = "\uf5d7";
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+ public const string person_ribbon_20_regular = "\U000f0134";
+ public const string person_ribbon_24_regular = "\U000f0541";
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+ public const string person_search_32_regular = "\uf0fd";
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+ public const string person_settings_20_regular = "\ue946";
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+ public const string person_square_24_regular = "\uf044";
+ public const string person_square_32_regular = "\U000f0451";
+ public const string person_square_checkmark_16_regular = "\U000f0452";
+ public const string person_square_checkmark_20_regular = "\U000f0453";
+ public const string person_square_checkmark_24_regular = "\U000f0454";
+ public const string person_square_checkmark_32_regular = "\U000f0455";
+ public const string person_standing_16_regular = "\uf0fe";
+ public const string person_star_16_regular = "\uef0b";
+ public const string person_star_20_regular = "\uef0c";
+ public const string person_star_24_regular = "\uef0d";
+ public const string person_star_28_regular = "\uef0e";
+ public const string person_star_32_regular = "\uef0f";
+ public const string person_star_48_regular = "\uef10";
+ public const string person_starburst_20_regular = "\uf045";
+ public const string person_starburst_24_regular = "\uf046";
+ public const string person_subtract_16_regular = "\uf6ed";
+ public const string person_subtract_20_regular = "\ue947";
+ public const string person_subtract_24_regular = "\U000f022e";
+ public const string person_support_16_regular = "\uf5d8";
+ public const string person_support_20_regular = "\uf5d9";
+ public const string person_support_24_regular = "\uf5da";
+ public const string person_support_28_regular = "\U000f03c2";
+ public const string person_support_32_regular = "\U000f05f3";
+ public const string person_swap_16_regular = "\uf5db";
+ public const string person_swap_20_regular = "\uf5dc";
+ public const string person_swap_24_regular = "\uf5dd";
+ public const string person_sync_16_regular = "\ue948";
+ public const string person_sync_20_regular = "\ue949";
+ public const string person_sync_24_regular = "\ue94a";
+ public const string person_sync_28_regular = "\ue94b";
+ public const string person_sync_32_regular = "\ue94c";
+ public const string person_sync_48_regular = "\ue94d";
+ public const string person_tag_20_regular = "\ue94e";
+ public const string person_tag_24_regular = "\ue94f";
+ public const string person_tag_28_regular = "\ue950";
+ public const string person_tag_32_regular = "\ue951";
+ public const string person_tag_48_regular = "\ue952";
+ public const string person_tentative_16_regular = "\U000f05de";
+ public const string person_tentative_20_regular = "\U000f05df";
+ public const string person_tentative_24_regular = "\U000f05e0";
+ public const string person_voice_16_regular = "\U000f040a";
+ public const string person_voice_20_regular = "\uf5de";
+ public const string person_voice_24_regular = "\uf5df";
+ public const string person_walking_16_regular = "\uf0ff";
+ public const string person_walking_20_regular = "\uf087";
+ public const string person_walking_24_regular = "\uf088";
+ public const string person_warning_16_regular = "\U000f040b";
+ public const string person_warning_20_regular = "\U000f040c";
+ public const string person_warning_24_regular = "\U000f040d";
+ public const string person_warning_28_regular = "\U000f040e";
+ public const string person_warning_32_regular = "\U000f040f";
+ public const string person_warning_48_regular = "\U000f0410";
+ public const string person_wrench_20_regular = "\U000f0135";
+ public const string phone_12_regular = "\ue953";
+ public const string phone_16_regular = "\uf6ee";
+ public const string phone_20_regular = "\uf5e0";
+ public const string phone_24_regular = "\uf5e1";
+ public const string phone_28_regular = "\uefa0";
+ public const string phone_32_regular = "\uefa1";
+ public const string phone_48_regular = "\uefa2";
+ public const string phone_add_20_regular = "\ue954";
+ public const string phone_add_24_regular = "\ue955";
+ public const string phone_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ue956";
+ public const string phone_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ue957";
+ public const string phone_briefcase_24_regular = "\U000f022f";
+ public const string phone_chat_16_regular = "\uefa3";
+ public const string phone_chat_20_regular = "\uefa4";
+ public const string phone_chat_24_regular = "\uefa5";
+ public const string phone_chat_28_regular = "\uefa6";
+ public const string phone_checkmark_16_regular = "\uf6ef";
+ public const string phone_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue958";
+ public const string phone_desktop_16_regular = "\uf5e4";
+ public const string phone_desktop_20_regular = "\uf5e5";
+ public const string phone_desktop_24_regular = "\uf5e6";
+ public const string phone_desktop_28_regular = "\uf5e7";
+ public const string phone_desktop_32_regular = "\U000f0088";
+ public const string phone_desktop_48_regular = "\U000f0089";
+ public const string phone_desktop_add_20_regular = "\ue959";
+ public const string phone_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue95a";
+ public const string phone_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue95b";
+ public const string phone_edit_20_regular = "\U000f00f1";
+ public const string phone_edit_24_regular = "\U000f00f2";
+ public const string phone_eraser_16_regular = "\ue95c";
+ public const string phone_eraser_20_regular = "\ue95d";
+ public const string phone_footer_arrow_down_20_regular = "\U000f0456";
+ public const string phone_footer_arrow_down_24_regular = "\U000f0457";
+ public const string phone_header_arrow_up_20_regular = "\U000f0458";
+ public const string phone_header_arrow_up_24_regular = "\U000f0459";
+ public const string phone_key_20_regular = "\ue95e";
+ public const string phone_key_24_regular = "\ue95f";
+ public const string phone_laptop_16_regular = "\ue960";
+ public const string phone_laptop_20_regular = "\uf5ea";
+ public const string phone_laptop_24_regular = "\uf5eb";
+ public const string phone_laptop_32_regular = "\ue961";
+ public const string phone_link_setup_20_regular = "\ue962";
+ public const string phone_link_setup_24_regular = "\uf5ec";
+ public const string phone_lock_20_regular = "\ue963";
+ public const string phone_lock_24_regular = "\ue964";
+ public const string phone_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f0230";
+ public const string phone_multiple_settings_24_regular = "\U000f0231";
+ public const string phone_page_header_20_regular = "\ue965";
+ public const string phone_page_header_24_regular = "\uf5ef";
+ public const string phone_pagination_20_regular = "\ue966";
+ public const string phone_pagination_24_regular = "\uf5f0";
+ public const string phone_person_24_regular = "\U000f0232";
+ public const string phone_screen_time_20_regular = "\ue967";
+ public const string phone_screen_time_24_regular = "\uf5f1";
+ public const string phone_shake_20_regular = "\ue968";
+ public const string phone_shake_24_regular = "\uf5f2";
+ public const string phone_span_in_16_regular = "\ue969";
+ public const string phone_span_in_20_regular = "\ue96a";
+ public const string phone_span_in_24_regular = "\ue96b";
+ public const string phone_span_in_28_regular = "\ue96c";
+ public const string phone_span_out_16_regular = "\ue96d";
+ public const string phone_span_out_20_regular = "\ue96e";
+ public const string phone_span_out_24_regular = "\ue96f";
+ public const string phone_span_out_28_regular = "\ue970";
+ public const string phone_speaker_20_regular = "\ue971";
+ public const string phone_speaker_24_regular = "\ue972";
+ public const string phone_status_bar_20_regular = "\ue973";
+ public const string phone_status_bar_24_regular = "\uf5f3";
+ public const string phone_subtract_24_regular = "\U000f0233";
+ public const string phone_tablet_20_regular = "\uf5f4";
+ public const string phone_tablet_24_regular = "\uf5f5";
+ public const string phone_update_20_regular = "\ue974";
+ public const string phone_update_24_regular = "\uf5f8";
+ public const string phone_update_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue975";
+ public const string phone_update_checkmark_24_regular = "\ue976";
+ public const string phone_vertical_scroll_20_regular = "\ue977";
+ public const string phone_vertical_scroll_24_regular = "\uf5f9";
+ public const string phone_vibrate_20_regular = "\ue978";
+ public const string phone_vibrate_24_regular = "\uf5fa";
+ public const string photo_filter_20_regular = "\ue979";
+ public const string photo_filter_24_regular = "\uf5fb";
+ public const string pi_20_regular = "\ue97a";
+ public const string pi_24_regular = "\ue97b";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_16_regular = "\uf5fc";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_20_regular = "\uf5fd";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_24_regular = "\uf5fe";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_enter_16_regular = "\ue97c";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_enter_20_regular = "\ue97d";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_enter_24_regular = "\ue97e";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_exit_16_regular = "\ue97f";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_exit_20_regular = "\ue980";
+ public const string picture_in_picture_exit_24_regular = "\ue981";
+ public const string pill_16_regular = "\uf6f0";
+ public const string pill_20_regular = "\uf6f1";
+ public const string pill_24_regular = "\uf6f2";
+ public const string pill_28_regular = "\uf6f3";
+ public const string pin_12_regular = "\uf5ff";
+ public const string pin_16_regular = "\uf600";
+ public const string pin_20_regular = "\uf601";
+ public const string pin_24_regular = "\uf602";
+ public const string pin_28_regular = "\ue982";
+ public const string pin_32_regular = "\ue983";
+ public const string pin_48_regular = "\ue984";
+ public const string pin_globe_16_regular = "\U000f05b4";
+ public const string pin_globe_20_regular = "\U000f05b5";
+ public const string pin_off_16_regular = "\ue985";
+ public const string pin_off_20_regular = "\uf603";
+ public const string pin_off_24_regular = "\uf604";
+ public const string pin_off_28_regular = "\ue986";
+ public const string pin_off_32_regular = "\ue987";
+ public const string pin_off_48_regular = "\ue988";
+ public const string pipeline_20_regular = "\ue989";
+ public const string pipeline_24_regular = "\ueedd";
+ public const string pipeline_32_regular = "\ueede";
+ public const string pipeline_add_20_regular = "\ue98a";
+ public const string pipeline_add_32_regular = "\uef11";
+ public const string pipeline_arrow_curve_down_20_regular = "\ue98b";
+ public const string pipeline_play_20_regular = "\ue98c";
+ public const string pivot_20_regular = "\ue98d";
+ public const string pivot_24_regular = "\ue98e";
+ public const string plant_cattail_20_regular = "\U000f0542";
+ public const string plant_cattail_24_regular = "\U000f0543";
+ public const string plant_grass_20_regular = "\U000f0136";
+ public const string plant_grass_24_regular = "\U000f0137";
+ public const string plant_grass_28_regular = "\U000f0138";
+ public const string plant_ragweed_20_regular = "\U000f0139";
+ public const string plant_ragweed_24_regular = "\U000f013a";
+ public const string plant_ragweed_28_regular = "\U000f013b";
+ public const string play_12_regular = "\ue98f";
+ public const string play_16_regular = "\ue990";
+ public const string play_20_regular = "\uf605";
+ public const string play_24_regular = "\uf606";
+ public const string play_28_regular = "\ue991";
+ public const string play_32_regular = "\ue992";
+ public const string play_48_regular = "\uf607";
+ public const string play_circle_16_regular = "\ue993";
+ public const string play_circle_20_regular = "\ue994";
+ public const string play_circle_24_regular = "\uf608";
+ public const string play_circle_28_regular = "\ue995";
+ public const string play_circle_48_regular = "\ue996";
+ public const string play_circle_hint_16_regular = "\U000f008a";
+ public const string play_circle_hint_20_regular = "\U000f008b";
+ public const string play_circle_hint_24_regular = "\U000f008c";
+ public const string play_circle_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f060b";
+ public const string play_circle_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f060c";
+ public const string play_circle_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f060d";
+ public const string play_multiple_16_regular = "\uf100";
+ public const string play_settings_20_regular = "\ue997";
+ public const string playing_cards_20_regular = "\ue998";
+ public const string plug_connected_16_regular = "\U000f0393";
+ public const string plug_connected_20_regular = "\ue999";
+ public const string plug_connected_24_regular = "\ue99a";
+ public const string plug_connected_add_20_regular = "\ue99b";
+ public const string plug_connected_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue99c";
+ public const string plug_connected_settings_20_regular = "\U000f0234";
+ public const string plug_connected_settings_24_regular = "\U000f0235";
+ public const string plug_disconnected_16_regular = "\U000f0394";
+ public const string plug_disconnected_20_regular = "\uf609";
+ public const string plug_disconnected_24_regular = "\uf60a";
+ public const string plug_disconnected_28_regular = "\uf60b";
+ public const string plug_disconnected_48_regular = "\U000f027b";
+ public const string point_scan_20_regular = "\ue99d";
+ public const string point_scan_24_regular = "\uf60c";
+ public const string poll_16_regular = "\ue99e";
+ public const string poll_20_regular = "\ue99f";
+ public const string poll_24_regular = "\uf60d";
+ public const string poll_32_regular = "\U000f045a";
+ public const string poll_horizontal_16_regular = "\U000f008d";
+ public const string poll_horizontal_20_regular = "\U000f008e";
+ public const string poll_horizontal_24_regular = "\U000f008f";
+ public const string poll_off_16_regular = "\U000f04cc";
+ public const string poll_off_20_regular = "\U000f04cd";
+ public const string poll_off_24_regular = "\U000f04ce";
+ public const string poll_off_32_regular = "\U000f04cf";
+ public const string port_hdmi_20_regular = "\ue9a0";
+ public const string port_hdmi_24_regular = "\ue9a1";
+ public const string port_micro_usb_20_regular = "\ue9a2";
+ public const string port_micro_usb_24_regular = "\ue9a3";
+ public const string port_usb_a_20_regular = "\ue9a4";
+ public const string port_usb_a_24_regular = "\ue9a5";
+ public const string port_usb_c_20_regular = "\ue9a6";
+ public const string port_usb_c_24_regular = "\ue9a7";
+ public const string position_backward_20_regular = "\ue9a8";
+ public const string position_backward_24_regular = "\ue9a9";
+ public const string position_forward_20_regular = "\ue9aa";
+ public const string position_forward_24_regular = "\ue9ab";
+ public const string position_to_back_20_regular = "\ue9ac";
+ public const string position_to_back_24_regular = "\ue9ad";
+ public const string position_to_front_20_regular = "\ue9ae";
+ public const string position_to_front_24_regular = "\ue9af";
+ public const string power_20_regular = "\uf60e";
+ public const string power_24_regular = "\uf60f";
+ public const string power_28_regular = "\uf610";
+ public const string predictions_20_regular = "\ue9b0";
+ public const string predictions_24_regular = "\uf611";
+ public const string premium_12_regular = "\uefa7";
+ public const string premium_16_regular = "\uf612";
+ public const string premium_20_regular = "\uf613";
+ public const string premium_24_regular = "\uf614";
+ public const string premium_28_regular = "\uf615";
+ public const string premium_32_regular = "\ue9b1";
+ public const string premium_person_16_regular = "\ue9b2";
+ public const string premium_person_20_regular = "\ue9b3";
+ public const string premium_person_24_regular = "\ue9b4";
+ public const string presence_available_10_regular = "\ue9b5";
+ public const string presence_available_12_regular = "\ue9b6";
+ public const string presence_available_16_regular = "\ue9b7";
+ public const string presence_available_20_regular = "\ue9b8";
+ public const string presence_available_24_regular = "\ue9b9";
+ public const string presence_away_10_regular = "\U000f0090";
+ public const string presence_away_12_regular = "\U000f0091";
+ public const string presence_away_16_regular = "\U000f0092";
+ public const string presence_away_20_regular = "\U000f0093";
+ public const string presence_away_24_regular = "\U000f0094";
+ public const string presence_blocked_10_regular = "\uf616";
+ public const string presence_blocked_12_regular = "\uf617";
+ public const string presence_blocked_16_regular = "\uf618";
+ public const string presence_blocked_20_regular = "\ue9ba";
+ public const string presence_blocked_24_regular = "\ue9bb";
+ public const string presence_dnd_10_regular = "\ue9bc";
+ public const string presence_dnd_12_regular = "\ue9bd";
+ public const string presence_dnd_16_regular = "\ue9be";
+ public const string presence_dnd_20_regular = "\ue9bf";
+ public const string presence_dnd_24_regular = "\ue9c0";
+ public const string presence_offline_10_regular = "\uf619";
+ public const string presence_offline_12_regular = "\uf61a";
+ public const string presence_offline_16_regular = "\uf61b";
+ public const string presence_offline_20_regular = "\ue9c1";
+ public const string presence_offline_24_regular = "\ue9c2";
+ public const string presence_oof_10_regular = "\uf61c";
+ public const string presence_oof_12_regular = "\uf61d";
+ public const string presence_oof_16_regular = "\uf61e";
+ public const string presence_oof_20_regular = "\ue9c3";
+ public const string presence_oof_24_regular = "\ue9c4";
+ public const string presence_unknown_10_regular = "\uf61f";
+ public const string presence_unknown_12_regular = "\uf620";
+ public const string presence_unknown_20_regular = "\ue9c5";
+ public const string presence_unknown_24_regular = "\ue9c6";
+ public const string presenter_20_regular = "\ue9c7";
+ public const string presenter_24_regular = "\uf622";
+ public const string presenter_off_20_regular = "\ue9c8";
+ public const string presenter_off_24_regular = "\uf623";
+ public const string preview_link_16_regular = "\uf624";
+ public const string preview_link_20_regular = "\uf625";
+ public const string preview_link_24_regular = "\uf626";
+ public const string previous_16_regular = "\uf627";
+ public const string previous_20_regular = "\uf628";
+ public const string previous_24_regular = "\uf629";
+ public const string previous_28_regular = "\ue9c9";
+ public const string previous_32_regular = "\ue9ca";
+ public const string previous_48_regular = "\ue9cb";
+ public const string previous_frame_20_regular = "\U000f02de";
+ public const string previous_frame_24_regular = "\U000f02df";
+ public const string print_16_regular = "\uf6fa";
+ public const string print_20_regular = "\uf62a";
+ public const string print_24_regular = "\uf62b";
+ public const string print_28_regular = "\ue9cc";
+ public const string print_32_regular = "\ue9cd";
+ public const string print_48_regular = "\uf62c";
+ public const string print_add_20_regular = "\uf6fc";
+ public const string print_add_24_regular = "\ue9ce";
+ public const string production_20_regular = "\uf6fd";
+ public const string production_24_regular = "\uf6fe";
+ public const string production_checkmark_20_regular = "\uf703";
+ public const string production_checkmark_24_regular = "\uf704";
+ public const string prohibited_12_regular = "\ue9cf";
+ public const string prohibited_16_regular = "\uf705";
+ public const string prohibited_20_regular = "\uf62d";
+ public const string prohibited_24_regular = "\uf62e";
+ public const string prohibited_28_regular = "\uf62f";
+ public const string prohibited_32_regular = "\U000f01f5";
+ public const string prohibited_48_regular = "\uf630";
+ public const string prohibited_multiple_16_regular = "\ue9d0";
+ public const string prohibited_multiple_20_regular = "\ue9d1";
+ public const string prohibited_multiple_24_regular = "\ue9d2";
+ public const string prohibited_multiple_28_regular = "\U000f01f6";
+ public const string prohibited_note_20_regular = "\ue9d3";
+ public const string projection_screen_16_regular = "\ue9d4";
+ public const string projection_screen_20_regular = "\ue9d5";
+ public const string projection_screen_24_regular = "\ue9d6";
+ public const string projection_screen_28_regular = "\ue9d7";
+ public const string projection_screen_dismiss_16_regular = "\ue9d8";
+ public const string projection_screen_dismiss_20_regular = "\ue9d9";
+ public const string projection_screen_dismiss_24_regular = "\ue9da";
+ public const string projection_screen_dismiss_28_regular = "\ue9db";
+ public const string projection_screen_text_20_regular = "\U000f0395";
+ public const string projection_screen_text_24_regular = "\U000f0095";
+ public const string prompt_16_regular = "\U000f062f";
+ public const string prompt_20_regular = "\U000f0630";
+ public const string prompt_24_regular = "\U000f0631";
+ public const string prompt_28_regular = "\U000f0632";
+ public const string prompt_32_regular = "\U000f0633";
+ public const string prompt_48_regular = "\U000f0634";
+ public const string protocol_handler_16_regular = "\uf632";
+ public const string protocol_handler_20_regular = "\uf633";
+ public const string protocol_handler_24_regular = "\uf634";
+ public const string pulse_20_regular = "\ue9dc";
+ public const string pulse_24_regular = "\ue9dd";
+ public const string pulse_28_regular = "\ue9de";
+ public const string pulse_32_regular = "\ue9df";
+ public const string pulse_square_20_regular = "\ue9e0";
+ public const string pulse_square_24_regular = "\ue9e1";
+ public const string puzzle_cube_16_regular = "\ue9e2";
+ public const string puzzle_cube_20_regular = "\ue9e3";
+ public const string puzzle_cube_24_regular = "\ue9e4";
+ public const string puzzle_cube_28_regular = "\ue9e5";
+ public const string puzzle_cube_48_regular = "\ue9e6";
+ public const string puzzle_cube_piece_20_regular = "\ue9e7";
+ public const string puzzle_piece_16_regular = "\ue9e8";
+ public const string puzzle_piece_20_regular = "\ue9e9";
+ public const string puzzle_piece_24_regular = "\ue9ea";
+ public const string puzzle_piece_shield_20_regular = "\ue9eb";
+ public const string qr_code_20_regular = "\ue9ec";
+ public const string qr_code_24_regular = "\uf635";
+ public const string qr_code_28_regular = "\uf636";
+ public const string question_16_regular = "\uf637";
+ public const string question_20_regular = "\uf638";
+ public const string question_24_regular = "\uf639";
+ public const string question_28_regular = "\uf63a";
+ public const string question_32_regular = "\U000f045b";
+ public const string question_48_regular = "\uf63b";
+ public const string question_circle_12_regular = "\ue9ed";
+ public const string question_circle_16_regular = "\uf63c";
+ public const string question_circle_20_regular = "\uf63d";
+ public const string question_circle_24_regular = "\uf63e";
+ public const string question_circle_28_regular = "\uf63f";
+ public const string question_circle_32_regular = "\ue9ee";
+ public const string question_circle_48_regular = "\uf640";
+ public const string quiz_new_20_regular = "\ue9ef";
+ public const string quiz_new_24_regular = "\uf641";
+ public const string quiz_new_28_regular = "\uf642";
+ public const string quiz_new_48_regular = "\uf643";
+ public const string radar_20_regular = "\ue9f0";
+ public const string radar_checkmark_20_regular = "\ue9f1";
+ public const string radar_rectangle_multiple_20_regular = "\ue9f2";
+ public const string radio_button_16_regular = "\uf153";
+ public const string radio_button_24_regular = "\uf645";
+ public const string radio_button_off_16_regular = "\uf155";
+ public const string ram_16_regular = "\uf1d1";
+ public const string ram_20_regular = "\ue9f3";
+ public const string rating_mature_16_regular = "\uf646";
+ public const string rating_mature_20_regular = "\uf647";
+ public const string rating_mature_24_regular = "\uf648";
+ public const string ratio_one_to_one_20_regular = "\uf70a";
+ public const string ratio_one_to_one_24_regular = "\uf70b";
+ public const string re_order_16_regular = "\uf649";
+ public const string reorder_20_regular = "\uea11";
+ public const string re_order_24_regular = "\uf64a";
+ public const string re_order_dots_horizontal_16_regular = "\ue9f4";
+ public const string re_order_dots_horizontal_20_regular = "\ue9f5";
+ public const string re_order_dots_horizontal_24_regular = "\ue9f6";
+ public const string re_order_dots_vertical_16_regular = "\ue9f7";
+ public const string re_order_dots_vertical_20_regular = "\ue9f8";
+ public const string re_order_dots_vertical_24_regular = "\ue9f9";
+ public const string read_aloud_16_regular = "\ue9fa";
+ public const string read_aloud_20_regular = "\uf64d";
+ public const string read_aloud_24_regular = "\uf64e";
+ public const string read_aloud_28_regular = "\ue9fb";
+ public const string reading_list_16_regular = "\uf651";
+ public const string reading_list_20_regular = "\uf652";
+ public const string reading_list_24_regular = "\uf653";
+ public const string reading_list_28_regular = "\uf654";
+ public const string reading_list_add_16_regular = "\uf655";
+ public const string reading_list_add_20_regular = "\uf656";
+ public const string reading_list_add_24_regular = "\uf657";
+ public const string reading_list_add_28_regular = "\uf658";
+ public const string reading_mode_mobile_20_regular = "\uf65b";
+ public const string reading_mode_mobile_24_regular = "\uf65c";
+ public const string real_estate_20_regular = "\ue9fc";
+ public const string real_estate_24_regular = "\ue9fd";
+ public const string receipt_16_regular = "\uf089";
+ public const string receipt_20_regular = "\ue9fe";
+ public const string receipt_24_regular = "\ue9ff";
+ public const string receipt_28_regular = "\uf08a";
+ public const string receipt_32_regular = "\U000f0096";
+ public const string receipt_add_20_regular = "\uf70c";
+ public const string receipt_add_24_regular = "\uea00";
+ public const string receipt_bag_20_regular = "\uf715";
+ public const string receipt_bag_24_regular = "\uea01";
+ public const string receipt_cube_20_regular = "\uf72d";
+ public const string receipt_cube_24_regular = "\uea02";
+ public const string receipt_money_16_regular = "\U000f0097";
+ public const string receipt_money_20_regular = "\uf72e";
+ public const string receipt_money_24_regular = "\uea03";
+ public const string receipt_play_20_regular = "\uea04";
+ public const string receipt_play_24_regular = "\uea05";
+ public const string receipt_search_20_regular = "\uea06";
+ public const string receipt_sparkles_16_regular = "\uf08b";
+ public const string receipt_sparkles_20_regular = "\uf047";
+ public const string receipt_sparkles_24_regular = "\uf048";
+ public const string record_12_regular = "\uf72f";
+ public const string record_16_regular = "\uf660";
+ public const string record_20_regular = "\uf661";
+ public const string record_24_regular = "\uf662";
+ public const string record_28_regular = "\uf735";
+ public const string record_32_regular = "\uf736";
+ public const string record_48_regular = "\uf737";
+ public const string record_stop_12_regular = "\uf758";
+ public const string record_stop_16_regular = "\uf759";
+ public const string record_stop_20_regular = "\uf75a";
+ public const string record_stop_24_regular = "\uf75b";
+ public const string record_stop_28_regular = "\uf75c";
+ public const string record_stop_32_regular = "\uf764";
+ public const string record_stop_48_regular = "\uf765";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_12_regular = "\uea07";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_16_regular = "\uea08";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_20_regular = "\uea09";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_24_regular = "\uea0a";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_28_regular = "\uea0b";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_32_regular = "\uea0c";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_48_regular = "\uea0d";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_hint_copy_16_regular = "\U000f0236";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_hint_copy_20_regular = "\U000f0237";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_hint_copy_24_regular = "\U000f0238";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f0315";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f0316";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f0317";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sparkle_28_regular = "\U000f0318";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sparkle_32_regular = "\U000f0319";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sparkle_48_regular = "\U000f04d0";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sync_16_regular = "\U000f04d1";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sync_20_regular = "\U000f04d2";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sync_24_regular = "\U000f04d3";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sync_28_regular = "\U000f04d4";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sync_off_16_regular = "\U000f04d5";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sync_off_20_regular = "\U000f04d6";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sync_off_24_regular = "\U000f04d7";
+ public const string rectangle_landscape_sync_off_28_regular = "\U000f04d8";
+ public const string rectangle_portrait_location_target_20_regular = "\uea0e";
+ public const string recycle_20_regular = "\uef12";
+ public const string recycle_32_regular = "\uef13";
+ public const string remix_add_16_regular = "\U000f02c6";
+ public const string remix_add_20_regular = "\U000f02c7";
+ public const string remix_add_24_regular = "\U000f02c8";
+ public const string remix_add_32_regular = "\U000f02c9";
+ public const string remote_16_regular = "\uea0f";
+ public const string remote_20_regular = "\uea10";
+ public const string rename_16_regular = "\uf668";
+ public const string rename_20_regular = "\uf669";
+ public const string rename_24_regular = "\uf66a";
+ public const string rename_28_regular = "\uf66b";
+ public const string replay_16_regular = "\U000f060e";
+ public const string replay_20_regular = "\uea12";
+ public const string replay_24_regular = "\U000f060f";
+ public const string replay_28_regular = "\U000f0610";
+ public const string replay_32_regular = "\U000f0611";
+ public const string resize_16_regular = "\U000f04b4";
+ public const string resize_20_regular = "\uf66c";
+ public const string resize_24_regular = "\uea13";
+ public const string resize_28_regular = "\U000f04b5";
+ public const string resize_32_regular = "\U000f04b6";
+ public const string resize_48_regular = "\U000f04b7";
+ public const string resize_image_20_regular = "\uea14";
+ public const string resize_image_24_regular = "\uf66d";
+ public const string resize_large_16_regular = "\uea15";
+ public const string resize_large_20_regular = "\uea16";
+ public const string resize_large_24_regular = "\uea17";
+ public const string resize_small_16_regular = "\uea18";
+ public const string resize_small_20_regular = "\uea19";
+ public const string resize_small_24_regular = "\uea1a";
+ public const string resize_table_20_regular = "\uea1b";
+ public const string resize_table_24_regular = "\uf66e";
+ public const string resize_video_20_regular = "\uea1c";
+ public const string resize_video_24_regular = "\uf66f";
+ public const string reward_12_regular = "\uef14";
+ public const string reward_16_regular = "\uf671";
+ public const string reward_20_regular = "\uf672";
+ public const string reward_24_regular = "\uf673";
+ public const string rewind_16_regular = "\uea1d";
+ public const string rewind_20_regular = "\uf674";
+ public const string rewind_24_regular = "\uf675";
+ public const string rewind_28_regular = "\uea1e";
+ public const string rhombus_16_regular = "\uea1f";
+ public const string rhombus_20_regular = "\uea20";
+ public const string rhombus_24_regular = "\uea21";
+ public const string rhombus_28_regular = "\uea22";
+ public const string rhombus_32_regular = "\uea23";
+ public const string rhombus_48_regular = "\uea24";
+ public const string ribbon_12_regular = "\uea25";
+ public const string ribbon_16_regular = "\uea26";
+ public const string ribbon_20_regular = "\uea27";
+ public const string ribbon_24_regular = "\uea28";
+ public const string ribbon_32_regular = "\uea29";
+ public const string ribbon_add_20_regular = "\uf766";
+ public const string ribbon_add_24_regular = "\uf767";
+ public const string ribbon_off_12_regular = "\uea2a";
+ public const string ribbon_off_16_regular = "\uea2b";
+ public const string ribbon_off_20_regular = "\uea2c";
+ public const string ribbon_off_24_regular = "\uea2d";
+ public const string ribbon_off_32_regular = "\uea2e";
+ public const string ribbon_star_20_regular = "\uea2f";
+ public const string ribbon_star_24_regular = "\uea30";
+ public const string road_20_regular = "\U000f0577";
+ public const string road_24_regular = "\U000f0578";
+ public const string road_cone_16_regular = "\uea31";
+ public const string road_cone_20_regular = "\uea32";
+ public const string road_cone_24_regular = "\uea33";
+ public const string road_cone_28_regular = "\uea34";
+ public const string road_cone_32_regular = "\uea35";
+ public const string road_cone_48_regular = "\uea36";
+ public const string rocket_16_regular = "\uf676";
+ public const string rocket_20_regular = "\uf677";
+ public const string rocket_24_regular = "\uf678";
+ public const string rotate_left_20_regular = "\uea37";
+ public const string rotate_left_24_regular = "\uea38";
+ public const string rotate_right_20_regular = "\uea39";
+ public const string rotate_right_24_regular = "\uea3a";
+ public const string router_20_regular = "\uea3b";
+ public const string router_24_regular = "\uf679";
+ public const string row_triple_20_regular = "\uea3c";
+ public const string row_triple_24_regular = "\uf67a";
+ public const string rss_16_regular = "\U000f0396";
+ public const string rss_20_regular = "\uea3d";
+ public const string rss_24_regular = "\uea3e";
+ public const string ruler_16_regular = "\uf67b";
+ public const string ruler_20_regular = "\uf67c";
+ public const string ruler_24_regular = "\uf67d";
+ public const string ruler_28_regular = "\uf049";
+ public const string ruler_32_regular = "\uf04a";
+ public const string ruler_48_regular = "\uf04b";
+ public const string run_16_regular = "\uea3f";
+ public const string run_20_regular = "\uea40";
+ public const string run_24_regular = "\uf67e";
+ public const string run_28_regular = "\U000f05b6";
+ public const string run_32_regular = "\U000f05b7";
+ public const string run_48_regular = "\U000f05b8";
+ public const string sanitize_20_regular = "\uea41";
+ public const string sanitize_24_regular = "\uea42";
+ public const string save_16_regular = "\uea43";
+ public const string save_20_regular = "\uf67f";
+ public const string save_24_regular = "\uf680";
+ public const string save_28_regular = "\uea44";
+ public const string save_32_regular = "\U000f0579";
+ public const string save_arrow_right_20_regular = "\uea45";
+ public const string save_arrow_right_24_regular = "\uea46";
+ public const string save_copy_20_regular = "\uea47";
+ public const string save_copy_24_regular = "\uf683";
+ public const string save_edit_20_regular = "\uea48";
+ public const string save_edit_24_regular = "\uea49";
+ public const string save_image_20_regular = "\uea4a";
+ public const string save_multiple_16_regular = "\uf1d2";
+ public const string save_multiple_20_regular = "\uea4b";
+ public const string save_multiple_24_regular = "\uea4c";
+ public const string save_search_20_regular = "\uea4d";
+ public const string save_sync_20_regular = "\uea4e";
+ public const string savings_16_regular = "\uf684";
+ public const string savings_20_regular = "\uf685";
+ public const string savings_24_regular = "\uf686";
+ public const string scale_fill_20_regular = "\uea4f";
+ public const string scale_fill_24_regular = "\uf687";
+ public const string scale_fit_16_regular = "\uf688";
+ public const string scale_fit_20_regular = "\uf689";
+ public const string scale_fit_24_regular = "\uf68a";
+ public const string scales_20_regular = "\uea50";
+ public const string scales_24_regular = "\uea51";
+ public const string scales_32_regular = "\uea52";
+ public const string scan_16_regular = "\uea53";
+ public const string scan_20_regular = "\uea54";
+ public const string scan_24_regular = "\uf68b";
+ public const string scan_camera_16_regular = "\uea55";
+ public const string scan_camera_20_regular = "\uea56";
+ public const string scan_camera_24_regular = "\uea57";
+ public const string scan_camera_28_regular = "\uea58";
+ public const string scan_camera_48_regular = "\uea59";
+ public const string scan_dash_12_regular = "\uea5a";
+ public const string scan_dash_16_regular = "\uea5b";
+ public const string scan_dash_20_regular = "\uea5c";
+ public const string scan_dash_24_regular = "\uea5d";
+ public const string scan_dash_28_regular = "\uea5e";
+ public const string scan_dash_32_regular = "\uea5f";
+ public const string scan_dash_48_regular = "\uea60";
+ public const string scan_object_20_regular = "\uea61";
+ public const string scan_object_24_regular = "\uea62";
+ public const string scan_person_16_regular = "\U000f031a";
+ public const string scan_person_20_regular = "\U000f031b";
+ public const string scan_person_24_regular = "\U000f031c";
+ public const string scan_person_28_regular = "\U000f031d";
+ public const string scan_person_48_regular = "\U000f031e";
+ public const string scan_qr_code_24_regular = "\uf04c";
+ public const string scan_table_20_regular = "\uea63";
+ public const string scan_table_24_regular = "\uea64";
+ public const string scan_text_16_regular = "\uf08c";
+ public const string scan_text_20_regular = "\uea65";
+ public const string scan_text_24_regular = "\uea66";
+ public const string scan_text_28_regular = "\uf08d";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_16_regular = "\uea67";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_20_regular = "\uea68";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_24_regular = "\uea69";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_28_regular = "\uea6a";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_48_regular = "\uea6b";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_off_16_regular = "\uea6c";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_off_20_regular = "\uea6d";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_off_24_regular = "\uea6e";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_off_28_regular = "\uea6f";
+ public const string scan_thumb_up_off_48_regular = "\uea70";
+ public const string scan_type_20_regular = "\uea71";
+ public const string scan_type_24_regular = "\uea72";
+ public const string scan_type_checkmark_20_regular = "\uea73";
+ public const string scan_type_checkmark_24_regular = "\uea74";
+ public const string scan_type_off_20_regular = "\uea75";
+ public const string scan_type_off_24_regular = "\U000f0411";
+ public const string scratchpad_20_regular = "\uea76";
+ public const string scratchpad_24_regular = "\uf68c";
+ public const string screen_cut_20_regular = "\uea77";
+ public const string screen_person_20_regular = "\uea78";
+ public const string screen_search_20_regular = "\uea79";
+ public const string screen_search_24_regular = "\uea7a";
+ public const string screenshot_16_regular = "\U000f0412";
+ public const string screenshot_20_regular = "\uf68d";
+ public const string screenshot_24_regular = "\uf68e";
+ public const string screenshot_28_regular = "\U000f045c";
+ public const string screenshot_record_16_regular = "\U000f0413";
+ public const string screenshot_record_20_regular = "\U000f0414";
+ public const string screenshot_record_24_regular = "\U000f0415";
+ public const string screenshot_record_28_regular = "\U000f045d";
+ public const string script_16_regular = "\uf1db";
+ public const string script_20_regular = "\U000f0239";
+ public const string script_24_regular = "\U000f023a";
+ public const string script_32_regular = "\U000f023b";
+ public const string search_12_regular = "\uea7b";
+ public const string search_16_regular = "\uea7c";
+ public const string search_20_regular = "\uf68f";
+ public const string search_24_regular = "\uf690";
+ public const string search_28_regular = "\uf691";
+ public const string search_32_regular = "\uea7d";
+ public const string search_48_regular = "\uea7e";
+ public const string search_info_20_regular = "\uf692";
+ public const string search_info_24_regular = "\uf693";
+ public const string search_settings_20_regular = "\uea7f";
+ public const string search_shield_20_regular = "\uea80";
+ public const string search_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f0635";
+ public const string search_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f0636";
+ public const string search_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f0637";
+ public const string search_sparkle_28_regular = "\U000f0638";
+ public const string search_sparkle_32_regular = "\U000f0639";
+ public const string search_sparkle_48_regular = "\U000f063a";
+ public const string search_square_16_regular = "\U000f05cc";
+ public const string search_square_20_regular = "\uea81";
+ public const string search_square_24_regular = "\uf694";
+ public const string search_visual_16_regular = "\uea82";
+ public const string search_visual_20_regular = "\uea83";
+ public const string search_visual_24_regular = "\uea84";
+ public const string seat_16_regular = "\U000f04d9";
+ public const string seat_20_regular = "\U000f04da";
+ public const string seat_24_regular = "\U000f04db";
+ public const string seat_add_16_regular = "\U000f04dc";
+ public const string seat_add_20_regular = "\U000f04dd";
+ public const string seat_add_24_regular = "\U000f04de";
+ public const string select_all_off_16_regular = "\U000f04b8";
+ public const string select_all_off_20_regular = "\uea85";
+ public const string select_all_off_24_regular = "\uf696";
+ public const string select_all_on_16_regular = "\U000f04b9";
+ public const string select_all_on_20_regular = "\uea86";
+ public const string select_all_on_24_regular = "\uea87";
+ public const string select_object_20_regular = "\uf697";
+ public const string select_object_24_regular = "\uf698";
+ public const string select_object_skew_20_regular = "\uea88";
+ public const string select_object_skew_24_regular = "\uea89";
+ public const string select_object_skew_dismiss_20_regular = "\uea8a";
+ public const string select_object_skew_dismiss_24_regular = "\uea8b";
+ public const string select_object_skew_edit_20_regular = "\uea8c";
+ public const string select_object_skew_edit_24_regular = "\uea8d";
+ public const string send_16_regular = "\uea8e";
+ public const string send_20_regular = "\uf699";
+ public const string send_24_regular = "\uf69a";
+ public const string send_28_regular = "\uf69b";
+ public const string send_32_regular = "\U000f0098";
+ public const string send_48_regular = "\U000f0099";
+ public const string send_beaker_16_regular = "\U000f00f3";
+ public const string send_beaker_20_regular = "\U000f00f4";
+ public const string send_beaker_24_regular = "\U000f00f5";
+ public const string send_beaker_28_regular = "\U000f00f6";
+ public const string send_beaker_32_regular = "\U000f00f7";
+ public const string send_beaker_48_regular = "\U000f00f8";
+ public const string send_clock_20_regular = "\uf69c";
+ public const string send_clock_24_regular = "\uea8f";
+ public const string send_copy_20_regular = "\uea90";
+ public const string send_copy_24_regular = "\uf69d";
+ public const string send_person_16_regular = "\U000f0612";
+ public const string send_person_20_regular = "\U000f0613";
+ public const string send_person_24_regular = "\U000f0614";
+ public const string serial_port_16_regular = "\uf6a1";
+ public const string serial_port_20_regular = "\uf6a2";
+ public const string serial_port_24_regular = "\uf6a3";
+ public const string server_12_regular = "\U000f0360";
+ public const string server_16_regular = "\uf1dc";
+ public const string server_20_regular = "\uf769";
+ public const string server_24_regular = "\uf76c";
+ public const string server_link_16_regular = "\U000f032b";
+ public const string server_link_20_regular = "\U000f032c";
+ public const string server_link_24_regular = "\U000f023c";
+ public const string server_multiple_20_regular = "\uea91";
+ public const string server_play_20_regular = "\uea92";
+ public const string server_surface_16_regular = "\uf1dd";
+ public const string server_surface_multiple_16_regular = "\uf206";
+ public const string service_bell_16_regular = "\U000f009a";
+ public const string service_bell_20_regular = "\uea93";
+ public const string service_bell_24_regular = "\uf6a4";
+ public const string settings_16_regular = "\uf6a8";
+ public const string settings_20_regular = "\uf6a9";
+ public const string settings_24_regular = "\uf6aa";
+ public const string settings_28_regular = "\uf6ab";
+ public const string settings_32_regular = "\uea94";
+ public const string settings_48_regular = "\uea95";
+ public const string settings_chat_16_regular = "\U000f05cd";
+ public const string settings_chat_20_regular = "\uea96";
+ public const string settings_chat_24_regular = "\uea97";
+ public const string settings_cog_multiple_20_regular = "\U000f013c";
+ public const string settings_cog_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f013d";
+ public const string shape_exclude_16_regular = "\uea98";
+ public const string shape_exclude_20_regular = "\uea99";
+ public const string shape_exclude_24_regular = "\uea9a";
+ public const string shape_intersect_16_regular = "\uea9b";
+ public const string shape_intersect_20_regular = "\uea9c";
+ public const string shape_intersect_24_regular = "\uea9d";
+ public const string shape_organic_16_regular = "\U000f0397";
+ public const string shape_organic_20_regular = "\U000f0398";
+ public const string shape_organic_24_regular = "\U000f0399";
+ public const string shape_organic_28_regular = "\U000f039a";
+ public const string shape_organic_32_regular = "\U000f039b";
+ public const string shape_organic_48_regular = "\U000f039c";
+ public const string shape_subtract_16_regular = "\uea9e";
+ public const string shape_subtract_20_regular = "\uea9f";
+ public const string shape_subtract_24_regular = "\ueaa0";
+ public const string shape_union_16_regular = "\ueaa1";
+ public const string shape_union_20_regular = "\ueaa2";
+ public const string shape_union_24_regular = "\ueaa3";
+ public const string shapes_16_regular = "\uf6ac";
+ public const string shapes_20_regular = "\uf6ad";
+ public const string shapes_24_regular = "\uf6ae";
+ public const string shapes_28_regular = "\ueaa4";
+ public const string shapes_32_regular = "\U000f03c3";
+ public const string shapes_48_regular = "\ueaa5";
+ public const string share_16_regular = "\ueaa6";
+ public const string share_20_regular = "\uf6af";
+ public const string share_24_regular = "\uf6b0";
+ public const string share_28_regular = "\ueaa7";
+ public const string share_48_regular = "\ueaa8";
+ public const string share_android_16_regular = "\U000f04ba";
+ public const string share_android_20_regular = "\uf6b1";
+ public const string share_android_24_regular = "\uf6b2";
+ public const string share_android_32_regular = "\U000f04bb";
+ public const string share_close_tray_20_regular = "\ueaa9";
+ public const string share_close_tray_24_regular = "\uf6b3";
+ public const string share_ios_20_regular = "\uf6b5";
+ public const string share_ios_24_regular = "\uf6b6";
+ public const string share_ios_28_regular = "\uf6b7";
+ public const string share_ios_48_regular = "\uf6b8";
+ public const string share_multiple_16_regular = "\U000f05ce";
+ public const string share_multiple_20_regular = "\U000f05cf";
+ public const string share_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f05d0";
+ public const string share_screen_person_16_regular = "\ueaaa";
+ public const string share_screen_person_24_regular = "\ueaac";
+ public const string share_screen_person_28_regular = "\ueaad";
+ public const string share_screen_person_overlay_16_regular = "\ueaae";
+ public const string share_screen_person_overlay_20_regular = "\ueaaf";
+ public const string share_screen_person_overlay_24_regular = "\ueab0";
+ public const string share_screen_person_overlay_28_regular = "\ueab1";
+ public const string share_screen_person_overlay_inside_16_regular = "\ueab2";
+ public const string share_screen_person_overlay_inside_20_regular = "\ueab3";
+ public const string share_screen_person_overlay_inside_24_regular = "\ueab4";
+ public const string share_screen_person_overlay_inside_28_regular = "\ueab5";
+ public const string share_screen_person_p_16_regular = "\ueab6";
+ public const string share_screen_person_p_20_regular = "\ueab7";
+ public const string share_screen_person_p_24_regular = "\ueab8";
+ public const string share_screen_person_p_28_regular = "\ueab9";
+ public const string share_screen_start_20_regular = "\ueaba";
+ public const string share_screen_start_24_regular = "\ueabb";
+ public const string share_screen_start_28_regular = "\ueabc";
+ public const string share_screen_start_48_regular = "\ueabd";
+ public const string share_screen_stop_16_regular = "\ueabe";
+ public const string share_screen_stop_20_regular = "\ueabf";
+ public const string share_screen_stop_24_regular = "\ueac0";
+ public const string share_screen_stop_28_regular = "\ueac1";
+ public const string share_screen_stop_48_regular = "\ueac2";
+ public const string shield_12_regular = "\uf21f";
+ public const string shield_16_regular = "\ueac3";
+ public const string shield_20_regular = "\uf6be";
+ public const string shield_24_regular = "\uf6bf";
+ public const string shield_28_regular = "\ueac4";
+ public const string shield_32_regular = "\uef20";
+ public const string shield_48_regular = "\ueac5";
+ public const string shield_add_16_regular = "\uefa8";
+ public const string shield_add_20_regular = "\uefa9";
+ public const string shield_add_24_regular = "\uefaa";
+ public const string shield_badge_20_regular = "\uf76d";
+ public const string shield_badge_24_regular = "\ueac6";
+ public const string shield_checkmark_16_regular = "\ueac7";
+ public const string shield_checkmark_20_regular = "\ueac8";
+ public const string shield_checkmark_24_regular = "\ueac9";
+ public const string shield_checkmark_28_regular = "\ueaca";
+ public const string shield_checkmark_48_regular = "\ueacb";
+ public const string shield_dismiss_16_regular = "\ueacc";
+ public const string shield_dismiss_20_regular = "\uf6c0";
+ public const string shield_dismiss_24_regular = "\uf6c1";
+ public const string shield_dismiss_shield_20_regular = "\ueacd";
+ public const string shield_error_16_regular = "\ueace";
+ public const string shield_error_20_regular = "\uf6c2";
+ public const string shield_error_24_regular = "\uf6c3";
+ public const string shield_globe_16_regular = "\ueeb0";
+ public const string shield_globe_20_regular = "\ueeb1";
+ public const string shield_globe_24_regular = "\ueeb2";
+ public const string shield_keyhole_16_regular = "\uf6c4";
+ public const string shield_keyhole_20_regular = "\uf6c5";
+ public const string shield_keyhole_24_regular = "\uf6c6";
+ public const string shield_lock_16_regular = "\ueacf";
+ public const string shield_lock_20_regular = "\uead0";
+ public const string shield_lock_24_regular = "\uead1";
+ public const string shield_lock_28_regular = "\uead2";
+ public const string shield_lock_48_regular = "\uead3";
+ public const string shield_person_20_regular = "\uead4";
+ public const string shield_person_add_20_regular = "\uead5";
+ public const string shield_prohibited_20_regular = "\uf6c7";
+ public const string shield_prohibited_24_regular = "\uf6c8";
+ public const string shield_question_16_regular = "\uef21";
+ public const string shield_question_20_regular = "\uef22";
+ public const string shield_question_24_regular = "\uef23";
+ public const string shield_question_32_regular = "\uef24";
+ public const string shield_task_16_regular = "\uead6";
+ public const string shield_task_20_regular = "\uead7";
+ public const string shield_task_24_regular = "\uead8";
+ public const string shield_task_28_regular = "\uead9";
+ public const string shield_task_48_regular = "\ueada";
+ public const string shifts_16_regular = "\ueadb";
+ public const string shifts_20_regular = "\ueadc";
+ public const string shifts_24_regular = "\uf6c9";
+ public const string shifts_28_regular = "\uf6cc";
+ public const string shifts_30_minutes_20_regular = "\ueadd";
+ public const string shifts_30_minutes_24_regular = "\uf6cd";
+ public const string shifts_32_regular = "\ueade";
+ public const string shifts_activity_16_regular = "\U000f009b";
+ public const string shifts_activity_20_regular = "\uf6ce";
+ public const string shifts_activity_24_regular = "\uf6cf";
+ public const string shifts_add_20_regular = "\ueadf";
+ public const string shifts_add_24_regular = "\uf6d0";
+ public const string shifts_availability_20_regular = "\ueae0";
+ public const string shifts_availability_24_regular = "\uf6d2";
+ public const string shifts_checkmark_20_regular = "\ueae1";
+ public const string shifts_checkmark_24_regular = "\ueae2";
+ public const string shifts_day_20_regular = "\ueae3";
+ public const string shifts_day_24_regular = "\ueae4";
+ public const string shifts_open_20_regular = "\uf6d4";
+ public const string shifts_open_24_regular = "\uf6d5";
+ public const string shifts_prohibited_20_regular = "\ueae5";
+ public const string shifts_prohibited_24_regular = "\ueae6";
+ public const string shifts_question_mark_20_regular = "\ueae7";
+ public const string shifts_question_mark_24_regular = "\ueae8";
+ public const string shifts_team_20_regular = "\ueae9";
+ public const string shifts_team_24_regular = "\uf6d7";
+ public const string shopping_bag_16_regular = "\uf76e";
+ public const string shopping_bag_20_regular = "\uf76f";
+ public const string shopping_bag_24_regular = "\uf770";
+ public const string shopping_bag_add_16_regular = "\U000f0595";
+ public const string shopping_bag_add_20_regular = "\U000f04f8";
+ public const string shopping_bag_add_24_regular = "\U000f04f9";
+ public const string shopping_bag_arrow_left_20_regular = "\ueaea";
+ public const string shopping_bag_arrow_left_24_regular = "\ueaeb";
+ public const string shopping_bag_dismiss_20_regular = "\ueaec";
+ public const string shopping_bag_dismiss_24_regular = "\ueaed";
+ public const string shopping_bag_pause_20_regular = "\ueaee";
+ public const string shopping_bag_pause_24_regular = "\ueaef";
+ public const string shopping_bag_percent_20_regular = "\ueaf0";
+ public const string shopping_bag_percent_24_regular = "\ueaf1";
+ public const string shopping_bag_play_20_regular = "\ueaf2";
+ public const string shopping_bag_play_24_regular = "\ueaf3";
+ public const string shopping_bag_tag_20_regular = "\ueaf4";
+ public const string shopping_bag_tag_24_regular = "\ueaf5";
+ public const string shortpick_20_regular = "\ueaf6";
+ public const string shortpick_24_regular = "\ueaf7";
+ public const string showerhead_20_regular = "\uf04d";
+ public const string showerhead_24_regular = "\uf04e";
+ public const string showerhead_32_regular = "\uf04f";
+ public const string sidebar_search_ltr_20_regular = "\ueaf8";
+ public const string sidebar_search_rtl_20_regular = "\ueaf9";
+ public const string sign_out_20_regular = "\ueafa";
+ public const string sign_out_24_regular = "\uf6da";
+ public const string signature_16_regular = "\uf6db";
+ public const string signature_20_regular = "\uf6dc";
+ public const string signature_24_regular = "\uf6dd";
+ public const string signature_28_regular = "\uf6de";
+ public const string signature_32_regular = "\U000f023d";
+ public const string sim_16_regular = "\uf6e2";
+ public const string sim_20_regular = "\uf6e3";
+ public const string sim_24_regular = "\uf6e4";
+ public const string skip_back_10_20_regular = "\ueafb";
+ public const string skip_back_10_24_regular = "\ueafc";
+ public const string skip_back_10_28_regular = "\ueafd";
+ public const string skip_back_10_32_regular = "\ueafe";
+ public const string skip_back_10_48_regular = "\ueaff";
+ public const string skip_forward_10_20_regular = "\ueb00";
+ public const string skip_forward_10_24_regular = "\ueb01";
+ public const string skip_forward_10_28_regular = "\ueb02";
+ public const string skip_forward_10_32_regular = "\ueb03";
+ public const string skip_forward_10_48_regular = "\ueb04";
+ public const string skip_forward_30_20_regular = "\ueb05";
+ public const string skip_forward_30_24_regular = "\ueb06";
+ public const string skip_forward_30_28_regular = "\ueb07";
+ public const string skip_forward_30_32_regular = "\ueb08";
+ public const string skip_forward_30_48_regular = "\ueb09";
+ public const string skip_forward_tab_20_regular = "\ueb0a";
+ public const string skip_forward_tab_24_regular = "\ueb0b";
+ public const string slash_forward_12_regular = "\U000f009c";
+ public const string slash_forward_16_regular = "\U000f009d";
+ public const string slash_forward_20_regular = "\U000f009e";
+ public const string slash_forward_24_regular = "\U000f009f";
+ public const string sleep_20_regular = "\ueb0c";
+ public const string sleep_24_regular = "\uf6e5";
+ public const string slide_add_16_regular = "\ueb0d";
+ public const string slide_add_20_regular = "\ueb0e";
+ public const string slide_add_24_regular = "\uf6e6";
+ public const string slide_add_28_regular = "\ueb0f";
+ public const string slide_add_32_regular = "\ueb10";
+ public const string slide_add_48_regular = "\ueb11";
+ public const string slide_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ueb12";
+ public const string slide_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ueb13";
+ public const string slide_content_24_regular = "\U000f013e";
+ public const string slide_eraser_16_regular = "\ueb14";
+ public const string slide_eraser_20_regular = "\ueb15";
+ public const string slide_eraser_24_regular = "\ueb16";
+ public const string slide_grid_20_regular = "\ueb17";
+ public const string slide_grid_24_regular = "\ueb18";
+ public const string slide_hide_20_regular = "\ueb19";
+ public const string slide_hide_24_regular = "\uf6e8";
+ public const string slide_layout_20_regular = "\uf6e9";
+ public const string slide_layout_24_regular = "\uf6ea";
+ public const string slide_link_20_regular = "\uef15";
+ public const string slide_link_24_regular = "\uef16";
+ public const string slide_microphone_20_regular = "\ueb1a";
+ public const string slide_microphone_24_regular = "\uf6eb";
+ public const string slide_microphone_32_regular = "\ueb1b";
+ public const string slide_multiple_20_regular = "\ueb1c";
+ public const string slide_multiple_24_regular = "\ueb1d";
+ public const string slide_multiple_arrow_right_20_regular = "\ueb1e";
+ public const string slide_multiple_arrow_right_24_regular = "\ueb1f";
+ public const string slide_multiple_search_20_regular = "\uf773";
+ public const string slide_multiple_search_24_regular = "\uf774";
+ public const string slide_play_20_regular = "\U000f05d1";
+ public const string slide_play_24_regular = "\U000f05d2";
+ public const string slide_record_16_regular = "\U000f013f";
+ public const string slide_record_20_regular = "\U000f0140";
+ public const string slide_record_24_regular = "\U000f0141";
+ public const string slide_record_28_regular = "\U000f0142";
+ public const string slide_record_48_regular = "\U000f0143";
+ public const string slide_search_16_regular = "\U000f0416";
+ public const string slide_search_20_regular = "\ueb20";
+ public const string slide_search_24_regular = "\ueb21";
+ public const string slide_search_28_regular = "\ueb22";
+ public const string slide_search_32_regular = "\U000f0417";
+ public const string slide_settings_20_regular = "\ueb23";
+ public const string slide_settings_24_regular = "\ueb24";
+ public const string slide_size_20_regular = "\ueb25";
+ public const string slide_size_24_regular = "\ueb26";
+ public const string slide_text_16_regular = "\ueb27";
+ public const string slide_text_20_regular = "\ueb28";
+ public const string slide_text_24_regular = "\uf6ec";
+ public const string slide_text_28_regular = "\ueb29";
+ public const string slide_text_48_regular = "\ueb2a";
+ public const string slide_text_call_16_regular = "\U000f063b";
+ public const string slide_text_call_20_regular = "\U000f063c";
+ public const string slide_text_call_24_regular = "\U000f063d";
+ public const string slide_text_call_28_regular = "\U000f063e";
+ public const string slide_text_call_48_regular = "\U000f063f";
+ public const string slide_text_cursor_20_regular = "\U000f0640";
+ public const string slide_text_cursor_24_regular = "\U000f0641";
+ public const string slide_text_edit_16_regular = "\U000f03c4";
+ public const string slide_text_edit_20_regular = "\U000f03c5";
+ public const string slide_text_edit_24_regular = "\U000f03c6";
+ public const string slide_text_edit_28_regular = "\U000f03c7";
+ public const string slide_text_multiple_16_regular = "\uf050";
+ public const string slide_text_multiple_20_regular = "\uf051";
+ public const string slide_text_multiple_24_regular = "\uf052";
+ public const string slide_text_multiple_32_regular = "\uf053";
+ public const string slide_text_person_16_regular = "\uf22f";
+ public const string slide_text_person_20_regular = "\uf25b";
+ public const string slide_text_person_24_regular = "\uf25c";
+ public const string slide_text_person_28_regular = "\uf25d";
+ public const string slide_text_person_32_regular = "\uf25e";
+ public const string slide_text_person_48_regular = "\uf2d9";
+ public const string slide_text_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f00f9";
+ public const string slide_text_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f00fa";
+ public const string slide_text_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f00fb";
+ public const string slide_text_sparkle_28_regular = "\U000f00fc";
+ public const string slide_text_sparkle_32_regular = "\U000f00fd";
+ public const string slide_text_sparkle_48_regular = "\U000f00fe";
+ public const string slide_transition_20_regular = "\ueb2b";
+ public const string slide_transition_24_regular = "\ueb2c";
+ public const string smartwatch_20_regular = "\uf775";
+ public const string smartwatch_24_regular = "\uf776";
+ public const string smartwatch_dot_20_regular = "\uf786";
+ public const string smartwatch_dot_24_regular = "\uf787";
+ public const string snooze_16_regular = "\uf6f4";
+ public const string snooze_20_regular = "\ueb2d";
+ public const string snooze_24_regular = "\uf6f5";
+ public const string sound_source_20_regular = "\ueb2e";
+ public const string sound_source_24_regular = "\uf6f6";
+ public const string sound_source_28_regular = "\uf6f7";
+ public const string sound_wave_circle_20_regular = "\ueb2f";
+ public const string sound_wave_circle_24_regular = "\ueb30";
+ public const string space_3d_16_regular = "\U000f00a0";
+ public const string space_3d_20_regular = "\U000f00a1";
+ public const string space_3d_24_regular = "\U000f00a2";
+ public const string space_3d_28_regular = "\U000f00a3";
+ public const string space_3d_32_regular = "\U000f00a4";
+ public const string space_3d_48_regular = "\U000f00a5";
+ public const string spacebar_20_regular = "\ueb31";
+ public const string spacebar_24_regular = "\uf6f8";
+ public const string sparkle_16_regular = "\ueb32";
+ public const string sparkle_20_regular = "\ueb33";
+ public const string sparkle_24_regular = "\ueb34";
+ public const string sparkle_28_regular = "\ueb35";
+ public const string sparkle_32_regular = "\U000f00a6";
+ public const string sparkle_48_regular = "\ueb36";
+ public const string sparkle_circle_16_regular = "\U000f00a7";
+ public const string sparkle_circle_20_regular = "\uefab";
+ public const string sparkle_circle_24_regular = "\uefac";
+ public const string sparkle_circle_28_regular = "\U000f00a8";
+ public const string sparkle_circle_32_regular = "\U000f00a9";
+ public const string sparkle_circle_48_regular = "\U000f00aa";
+ public const string spatula_spoon_16_regular = "\U000f0596";
+ public const string spatula_spoon_20_regular = "\U000f0597";
+ public const string spatula_spoon_24_regular = "\U000f0598";
+ public const string spatula_spoon_28_regular = "\U000f0599";
+ public const string spatula_spoon_32_regular = "\U000f059a";
+ public const string spatula_spoon_48_regular = "\U000f059b";
+ public const string speaker_0_16_regular = "\ueb37";
+ public const string speaker_0_20_regular = "\ueb38";
+ public const string speaker_0_24_regular = "\uf6f9";
+ public const string speaker_0_28_regular = "\ueb39";
+ public const string speaker_0_32_regular = "\ueb3a";
+ public const string speaker_0_48_regular = "\ueb3b";
+ public const string speaker_1_16_regular = "\ueb3c";
+ public const string speaker_1_20_regular = "\ueb3d";
+ public const string speaker_1_24_regular = "\uf6fb";
+ public const string speaker_1_28_regular = "\ueb3e";
+ public const string speaker_1_32_regular = "\ueb3f";
+ public const string speaker_1_48_regular = "\ueb40";
+ public const string speaker_2_16_regular = "\ueb41";
+ public const string speaker_2_20_regular = "\ueb42";
+ public const string speaker_2_24_regular = "\ueb43";
+ public const string speaker_2_28_regular = "\ueb44";
+ public const string speaker_2_32_regular = "\ueb45";
+ public const string speaker_2_48_regular = "\ueb46";
+ public const string speaker_bluetooth_20_regular = "\ueb47";
+ public const string speaker_bluetooth_24_regular = "\uf6ff";
+ public const string speaker_bluetooth_28_regular = "\ueb48";
+ public const string speaker_box_16_regular = "\U000f04df";
+ public const string speaker_box_20_regular = "\U000f04e0";
+ public const string speaker_box_24_regular = "\U000f04e1";
+ public const string speaker_edit_16_regular = "\uf700";
+ public const string speaker_edit_20_regular = "\uf701";
+ public const string speaker_edit_24_regular = "\uf702";
+ public const string speaker_mute_16_regular = "\ueb49";
+ public const string speaker_mute_20_regular = "\ueb4a";
+ public const string speaker_mute_24_regular = "\ueb4b";
+ public const string speaker_mute_28_regular = "\ueb4c";
+ public const string speaker_mute_32_regular = "\U000f023e";
+ public const string speaker_mute_48_regular = "\ueb4d";
+ public const string speaker_off_16_regular = "\ueb4e";
+ public const string speaker_off_20_regular = "\ueb4f";
+ public const string speaker_off_24_regular = "\uf706";
+ public const string speaker_off_28_regular = "\uf707";
+ public const string speaker_off_48_regular = "\ueb50";
+ public const string speaker_settings_20_regular = "\ueb51";
+ public const string speaker_settings_24_regular = "\uf708";
+ public const string speaker_settings_28_regular = "\ueb52";
+ public const string speaker_usb_20_regular = "\ueb53";
+ public const string speaker_usb_24_regular = "\ueb54";
+ public const string speaker_usb_28_regular = "\ueb55";
+ public const string spinner_ios_16_regular = "\U000f01f7";
+ public const string spinner_ios_20_regular = "\uf709";
+ public const string split_hint_20_regular = "\ueb56";
+ public const string split_horizontal_12_regular = "\ueb57";
+ public const string split_horizontal_16_regular = "\ueb58";
+ public const string split_horizontal_20_regular = "\ueb59";
+ public const string split_horizontal_24_regular = "\ueb5a";
+ public const string split_horizontal_28_regular = "\ueb5b";
+ public const string split_horizontal_32_regular = "\ueb5c";
+ public const string split_horizontal_48_regular = "\ueb5d";
+ public const string split_vertical_12_regular = "\ueb5e";
+ public const string split_vertical_16_regular = "\ueb5f";
+ public const string split_vertical_20_regular = "\ueb60";
+ public const string split_vertical_24_regular = "\ueb61";
+ public const string split_vertical_28_regular = "\ueb62";
+ public const string split_vertical_32_regular = "\ueb63";
+ public const string split_vertical_48_regular = "\ueb64";
+ public const string sport_16_regular = "\ueb65";
+ public const string sport_20_regular = "\ueb66";
+ public const string sport_24_regular = "\ueb67";
+ public const string sport_american_football_20_regular = "\ueb68";
+ public const string sport_american_football_24_regular = "\ueb69";
+ public const string sport_baseball_20_regular = "\ueb6a";
+ public const string sport_baseball_24_regular = "\ueb6b";
+ public const string sport_basketball_20_regular = "\ueb6c";
+ public const string sport_basketball_24_regular = "\ueb6d";
+ public const string sport_hockey_20_regular = "\ueb6e";
+ public const string sport_hockey_24_regular = "\ueb6f";
+ public const string sport_soccer_16_regular = "\ueb70";
+ public const string sport_soccer_20_regular = "\ueb71";
+ public const string sport_soccer_24_regular = "\ueb72";
+ public const string spray_can_16_regular = "\uf2da";
+ public const string square_28_regular = "\ueb77";
+ public const string square_32_regular = "\ueb78";
+ public const string square_48_regular = "\ueb79";
+ public const string square_add_16_regular = "\ueb7a";
+ public const string square_add_20_regular = "\ueb7b";
+ public const string square_arrow_forward_16_regular = "\ueb7c";
+ public const string square_arrow_forward_20_regular = "\ueb7d";
+ public const string square_arrow_forward_24_regular = "\ueb7e";
+ public const string square_arrow_forward_28_regular = "\ueb7f";
+ public const string square_arrow_forward_32_regular = "\ueb80";
+ public const string square_arrow_forward_48_regular = "\ueb81";
+ public const string square_dismiss_16_regular = "\ueb82";
+ public const string square_dismiss_20_regular = "\ueb83";
+ public const string square_dovetail_joint_12_regular = "\U000f0615";
+ public const string square_dovetail_joint_16_regular = "\U000f0616";
+ public const string square_dovetail_joint_20_regular = "\U000f0617";
+ public const string square_dovetail_joint_24_regular = "\U000f0618";
+ public const string square_dovetail_joint_28_regular = "\U000f0619";
+ public const string square_dovetail_joint_32_regular = "\U000f061a";
+ public const string square_dovetail_joint_48_regular = "\U000f061b";
+ public const string square_eraser_20_regular = "\ueb84";
+ public const string square_hint_16_regular = "\ueb85";
+ public const string square_hint_20_regular = "\ueb86";
+ public const string square_hint_24_regular = "\ueb87";
+ public const string square_hint_28_regular = "\ueb88";
+ public const string square_hint_32_regular = "\ueb89";
+ public const string square_hint_48_regular = "\ueb8a";
+ public const string square_hint_apps_20_regular = "\ueb8b";
+ public const string square_hint_apps_24_regular = "\ueb8c";
+ public const string square_hint_arrow_back_16_regular = "\ueb8d";
+ public const string square_hint_arrow_back_20_regular = "\ueb8e";
+ public const string square_hint_hexagon_12_regular = "\U000f0361";
+ public const string square_hint_hexagon_16_regular = "\U000f0362";
+ public const string square_hint_hexagon_20_regular = "\U000f0363";
+ public const string square_hint_hexagon_24_regular = "\U000f0364";
+ public const string square_hint_hexagon_28_regular = "\U000f0365";
+ public const string square_hint_hexagon_32_regular = "\U000f0366";
+ public const string square_hint_hexagon_48_regular = "\U000f0367";
+ public const string square_hint_sparkles_16_regular = "\ueb8f";
+ public const string square_hint_sparkles_20_regular = "\ueb90";
+ public const string square_hint_sparkles_24_regular = "\ueb91";
+ public const string square_hint_sparkles_28_regular = "\ueb92";
+ public const string square_hint_sparkles_32_regular = "\ueb93";
+ public const string square_hint_sparkles_48_regular = "\ueb94";
+ public const string square_multiple_16_regular = "\ueb95";
+ public const string square_multiple_20_regular = "\ueb96";
+ public const string square_multiple_24_regular = "\uf78c";
+ public const string square_multiple_28_regular = "\ueeb3";
+ public const string square_multiple_32_regular = "\ueeb4";
+ public const string square_multiple_48_regular = "\ueeb5";
+ public const string square_shadow_12_regular = "\ueb97";
+ public const string square_shadow_20_regular = "\ueb98";
+ public const string squares_nested_20_regular = "\ueb99";
+ public const string stack_16_regular = "\uf78d";
+ public const string stack_20_regular = "\uf792";
+ public const string stack_24_regular = "\uf7a6";
+ public const string stack_32_regular = "\ueedf";
+ public const string stack_add_20_regular = "\U000f0144";
+ public const string stack_add_24_regular = "\U000f0145";
+ public const string stack_arrow_forward_20_regular = "\ueb9a";
+ public const string stack_arrow_forward_24_regular = "\ueb9b";
+ public const string stack_star_16_regular = "\ueb9c";
+ public const string stack_star_20_regular = "\ueb9d";
+ public const string stack_star_24_regular = "\ueb9e";
+ public const string stack_vertical_20_regular = "\U000f00ff";
+ public const string stack_vertical_24_regular = "\U000f0100";
+ public const string star_12_regular = "\uf70d";
+ public const string star_16_regular = "\uf70e";
+ public const string star_20_regular = "\uf70f";
+ public const string star_24_regular = "\uf710";
+ public const string star_28_regular = "\uf711";
+ public const string star_32_regular = "\U000f045e";
+ public const string star_48_regular = "\ueb9f";
+ public const string star_add_16_regular = "\uf712";
+ public const string star_add_20_regular = "\uf713";
+ public const string star_add_24_regular = "\uf714";
+ public const string star_add_28_regular = "\ueba0";
+ public const string star_arrow_back_16_regular = "\U000f00ab";
+ public const string star_arrow_back_20_regular = "\U000f00ac";
+ public const string star_arrow_back_24_regular = "\U000f00ad";
+ public const string star_arrow_right_end_20_regular = "\ueba1";
+ public const string star_arrow_right_end_24_regular = "\ueba2";
+ public const string star_arrow_right_start_20_regular = "\ueba3";
+ public const string star_arrow_right_start_24_regular = "\uf716";
+ public const string star_checkmark_16_regular = "\U000f0146";
+ public const string star_checkmark_20_regular = "\U000f0147";
+ public const string star_checkmark_24_regular = "\U000f0148";
+ public const string star_checkmark_28_regular = "\U000f0149";
+ public const string star_dismiss_16_regular = "\ueba4";
+ public const string star_dismiss_20_regular = "\ueba5";
+ public const string star_dismiss_24_regular = "\ueba6";
+ public const string star_dismiss_28_regular = "\ueba7";
+ public const string star_edit_20_regular = "\ueba8";
+ public const string star_edit_24_regular = "\ueba9";
+ public const string star_emphasis_16_regular = "\U000f01f8";
+ public const string star_emphasis_20_regular = "\uebaa";
+ public const string star_emphasis_24_regular = "\uf717";
+ public const string star_emphasis_32_regular = "\uebab";
+ public const string star_half_12_regular = "\uebac";
+ public const string star_half_16_regular = "\uebad";
+ public const string star_half_20_regular = "\uebae";
+ public const string star_half_24_regular = "\uebaf";
+ public const string star_half_28_regular = "\uebb0";
+ public const string star_line_horizontal_3_16_regular = "\uebb1";
+ public const string star_line_horizontal_3_20_regular = "\uebb2";
+ public const string star_line_horizontal_3_24_regular = "\uebb3";
+ public const string star_off_12_regular = "\uf718";
+ public const string star_off_16_regular = "\uf719";
+ public const string star_off_20_regular = "\uf71a";
+ public const string star_off_24_regular = "\uf71b";
+ public const string star_off_28_regular = "\uf71c";
+ public const string star_one_quarter_12_regular = "\uebb4";
+ public const string star_one_quarter_16_regular = "\uebb5";
+ public const string star_one_quarter_20_regular = "\uebb6";
+ public const string star_one_quarter_24_regular = "\uebb7";
+ public const string star_one_quarter_28_regular = "\uebb8";
+ public const string star_prohibited_16_regular = "\uf71d";
+ public const string star_prohibited_20_regular = "\uf71e";
+ public const string star_prohibited_24_regular = "\uf71f";
+ public const string star_settings_20_regular = "\uebb9";
+ public const string star_settings_24_regular = "\uf720";
+ public const string star_three_quarter_12_regular = "\uebba";
+ public const string star_three_quarter_16_regular = "\uebbb";
+ public const string star_three_quarter_20_regular = "\uebbc";
+ public const string star_three_quarter_24_regular = "\uebbd";
+ public const string star_three_quarter_28_regular = "\uebbe";
+ public const string status_12_regular = "\uf001";
+ public const string status_16_regular = "\uf721";
+ public const string status_20_regular = "\uf722";
+ public const string status_24_regular = "\uf723";
+ public const string status_28_regular = "\U000f051d";
+ public const string status_32_regular = "\U000f051e";
+ public const string status_48_regular = "\U000f051f";
+ public const string step_16_regular = "\uf2e7";
+ public const string step_20_regular = "\U000f032d";
+ public const string step_24_regular = "\U000f032e";
+ public const string steps_16_regular = "\uf2e8";
+ public const string steps_20_regular = "\uebbf";
+ public const string steps_24_regular = "\uebc0";
+ public const string stethoscope_20_regular = "\uf724";
+ public const string stethoscope_24_regular = "\uf725";
+ public const string sticker_12_regular = "\uebc1";
+ public const string sticker_20_regular = "\uf726";
+ public const string sticker_24_regular = "\uf727";
+ public const string sticker_add_20_regular = "\uebc2";
+ public const string sticker_add_24_regular = "\uf728";
+ public const string stop_16_regular = "\uf729";
+ public const string stop_20_regular = "\uf72a";
+ public const string stop_24_regular = "\uf72b";
+ public const string storage_16_regular = "\U000f0544";
+ public const string storage_20_regular = "\uebc3";
+ public const string storage_24_regular = "\uf72c";
+ public const string storage_28_regular = "\U000f0545";
+ public const string storage_32_regular = "\U000f0546";
+ public const string storage_48_regular = "\U000f0547";
+ public const string store_microsoft_16_regular = "\uf730";
+ public const string store_microsoft_20_regular = "\uf731";
+ public const string store_microsoft_24_regular = "\uf732";
+ public const string stream_20_regular = "\uebc4";
+ public const string stream_24_regular = "\uebc5";
+ public const string stream_32_regular = "\U000f014a";
+ public const string stream_48_regular = "\U000f027c";
+ public const string stream_input_20_regular = "\uebc6";
+ public const string stream_input_output_20_regular = "\uebc7";
+ public const string stream_output_20_regular = "\uebc8";
+ public const string street_sign_20_regular = "\U000f04fa";
+ public const string street_sign_24_regular = "\U000f04fb";
+ public const string style_guide_20_regular = "\uebc9";
+ public const string style_guide_24_regular = "\uf733";
+ public const string sub_grid_20_regular = "\uebca";
+ public const string sub_grid_24_regular = "\uf734";
+ public const string subtitles_16_regular = "\uebcb";
+ public const string subtitles_20_regular = "\uebcc";
+ public const string subtitles_24_regular = "\uebcd";
+ public const string subtract_12_regular = "\uebce";
+ public const string subtract_16_regular = "\uebcf";
+ public const string subtract_20_regular = "\uebd0";
+ public const string subtract_24_regular = "\uebd1";
+ public const string subtract_28_regular = "\uebd2";
+ public const string subtract_48_regular = "\uebd3";
+ public const string subtract_circle_12_regular = "\uebd4";
+ public const string subtract_circle_16_regular = "\uf7a7";
+ public const string subtract_circle_20_regular = "\uf7b0";
+ public const string subtract_circle_24_regular = "\uf7b1";
+ public const string subtract_circle_28_regular = "\uf7b4";
+ public const string subtract_circle_32_regular = "\uf7b5";
+ public const string subtract_circle_48_regular = "\U000f03c8";
+ public const string subtract_circle_arrow_back_16_regular = "\uebd5";
+ public const string subtract_circle_arrow_back_20_regular = "\uebd6";
+ public const string subtract_circle_arrow_forward_16_regular = "\uebd7";
+ public const string subtract_circle_arrow_forward_20_regular = "\uebd8";
+ public const string subtract_parentheses_16_regular = "\U000f03c9";
+ public const string subtract_parentheses_20_regular = "\U000f03ca";
+ public const string subtract_parentheses_24_regular = "\U000f03cb";
+ public const string subtract_parentheses_28_regular = "\U000f03cc";
+ public const string subtract_parentheses_32_regular = "\U000f03cd";
+ public const string subtract_parentheses_48_regular = "\U000f03ce";
+ public const string subtract_square_16_regular = "\U000f014b";
+ public const string subtract_square_20_regular = "\uebd9";
+ public const string subtract_square_24_regular = "\uebda";
+ public const string subtract_square_multiple_16_regular = "\uebdb";
+ public const string subtract_square_multiple_20_regular = "\uebdc";
+ public const string surface_earbuds_20_regular = "\uf738";
+ public const string surface_earbuds_24_regular = "\uf739";
+ public const string surface_hub_20_regular = "\uf73a";
+ public const string surface_hub_24_regular = "\uf73b";
+ public const string swimming_pool_20_regular = "\uf054";
+ public const string swimming_pool_24_regular = "\uf055";
+ public const string swimming_pool_32_regular = "\uf056";
+ public const string swimming_pool_48_regular = "\uf057";
+ public const string swipe_down_20_regular = "\uebdd";
+ public const string swipe_down_24_regular = "\uf73c";
+ public const string swipe_right_20_regular = "\uebde";
+ public const string swipe_right_24_regular = "\uf73d";
+ public const string swipe_up_20_regular = "\uebdf";
+ public const string swipe_up_24_regular = "\uf73e";
+ public const string symbols_16_regular = "\uebe0";
+ public const string symbols_20_regular = "\uebe1";
+ public const string symbols_24_regular = "\uf73f";
+ public const string sync_off_16_regular = "\uf740";
+ public const string sync_off_20_regular = "\uf741";
+ public const string syringe_20_regular = "\uebe2";
+ public const string syringe_24_regular = "\uebe3";
+ public const string system_20_regular = "\uebe4";
+ public const string system_24_regular = "\uf742";
+ public const string tab_16_regular = "\uf743";
+ public const string tab_20_regular = "\uf744";
+ public const string tab_add_20_regular = "\uebe5";
+ public const string tab_add_24_regular = "\uebe6";
+ public const string tab_arrow_left_20_regular = "\uebe7";
+ public const string tab_arrow_left_24_regular = "\uebe8";
+ public const string tab_desktop_16_regular = "\uebe9";
+ public const string tab_desktop_20_regular = "\uf747";
+ public const string tab_desktop_24_regular = "\uebea";
+ public const string tab_desktop_28_regular = "\U000f023f";
+ public const string tab_desktop_arrow_clockwise_16_regular = "\uf748";
+ public const string tab_desktop_arrow_clockwise_20_regular = "\uf749";
+ public const string tab_desktop_arrow_clockwise_24_regular = "\uf74a";
+ public const string tab_desktop_arrow_left_20_regular = "\uebeb";
+ public const string tab_desktop_bottom_20_regular = "\uebec";
+ public const string tab_desktop_bottom_24_regular = "\uebed";
+ public const string tab_desktop_clock_20_regular = "\uf74b";
+ public const string tab_desktop_copy_20_regular = "\uf74c";
+ public const string tab_desktop_image_16_regular = "\uf74d";
+ public const string tab_desktop_image_20_regular = "\uf74e";
+ public const string tab_desktop_image_24_regular = "\uf74f";
+ public const string tab_desktop_link_16_regular = "\U000f0240";
+ public const string tab_desktop_link_20_regular = "\U000f0241";
+ public const string tab_desktop_link_24_regular = "\U000f0242";
+ public const string tab_desktop_link_28_regular = "\U000f0243";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_16_regular = "\U000f0368";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_20_regular = "\uf750";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f057a";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_add_16_regular = "\U000f0369";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_add_20_regular = "\U000f032f";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_bottom_20_regular = "\uebee";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_bottom_24_regular = "\uebef";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_sparkle_16_regular = "\U000f057b";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f057c";
+ public const string tab_desktop_multiple_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f057d";
+ public const string tab_desktop_new_page_20_regular = "\uf751";
+ public const string tab_desktop_search_16_regular = "\U000f05e1";
+ public const string tab_desktop_search_20_regular = "\U000f05e2";
+ public const string tab_desktop_search_24_regular = "\U000f05e3";
+ public const string tab_group_16_regular = "\U000f05b9";
+ public const string tab_group_20_regular = "\U000f05ba";
+ public const string tab_group_24_regular = "\U000f05bb";
+ public const string tab_in_private_16_regular = "\uf752";
+ public const string tab_in_private_20_regular = "\uf753";
+ public const string tab_in_private_24_regular = "\uf754";
+ public const string tab_in_private_28_regular = "\uf755";
+ public const string tab_inprivate_account_20_regular = "\uf756";
+ public const string tab_inprivate_account_24_regular = "\uf757";
+ public const string tab_prohibited_20_regular = "\uebf0";
+ public const string tab_prohibited_24_regular = "\uebf1";
+ public const string tab_shield_dismiss_20_regular = "\uebf2";
+ public const string tab_shield_dismiss_24_regular = "\uebf3";
+ public const string table_16_regular = "\uebf4";
+ public const string table_20_regular = "\uf75d";
+ public const string table_24_regular = "\uf75e";
+ public const string table_28_regular = "\uebf5";
+ public const string table_32_regular = "\uebf6";
+ public const string table_48_regular = "\uebf7";
+ public const string table_add_16_regular = "\uebf8";
+ public const string table_add_20_regular = "\uebf9";
+ public const string table_add_24_regular = "\uf75f";
+ public const string table_add_28_regular = "\uebfa";
+ public const string table_arrow_up_20_regular = "\U000f0244";
+ public const string table_arrow_up_24_regular = "\U000f0245";
+ public const string table_bottom_row_16_regular = "\uebfb";
+ public const string table_bottom_row_20_regular = "\uebfc";
+ public const string table_bottom_row_24_regular = "\uebfd";
+ public const string table_bottom_row_28_regular = "\uebfe";
+ public const string table_bottom_row_32_regular = "\uebff";
+ public const string table_bottom_row_48_regular = "\uec00";
+ public const string table_calculator_16_regular = "\uf08e";
+ public const string table_calculator_20_regular = "\ueeb6";
+ public const string table_cell_edit_16_regular = "\uec01";
+ public const string table_cell_edit_20_regular = "\uec02";
+ public const string table_cell_edit_24_regular = "\uec03";
+ public const string table_cell_edit_28_regular = "\uec04";
+ public const string table_cells_merge_16_regular = "\uec05";
+ public const string table_cells_merge_20_regular = "\uf760";
+ public const string table_cells_merge_24_regular = "\uf761";
+ public const string table_cells_merge_28_regular = "\uec06";
+ public const string table_cells_split_16_regular = "\uec07";
+ public const string table_cells_split_20_regular = "\uf762";
+ public const string table_cells_split_24_regular = "\uf763";
+ public const string table_cells_split_28_regular = "\uec08";
+ public const string table_checker_20_regular = "\uec09";
+ public const string table_column_top_bottom_20_regular = "\U000f0101";
+ public const string table_column_top_bottom_24_regular = "\U000f0102";
+ public const string table_copy_20_regular = "\uec0a";
+ public const string table_cursor_16_regular = "\U000f061c";
+ public const string table_cursor_20_regular = "\U000f061d";
+ public const string table_cursor_24_regular = "\U000f061e";
+ public const string table_default_32_regular = "\U000f014c";
+ public const string table_delete_column_16_regular = "\uec0b";
+ public const string table_delete_column_20_regular = "\uec0c";
+ public const string table_delete_column_24_regular = "\uec0d";
+ public const string table_delete_column_28_regular = "\uec0e";
+ public const string table_delete_row_16_regular = "\uec0f";
+ public const string table_delete_row_20_regular = "\uec10";
+ public const string table_delete_row_24_regular = "\uec11";
+ public const string table_delete_row_28_regular = "\uec12";
+ public const string table_dismiss_16_regular = "\uec13";
+ public const string table_dismiss_20_regular = "\uec14";
+ public const string table_dismiss_24_regular = "\uec15";
+ public const string table_dismiss_28_regular = "\uec16";
+ public const string table_edit_16_regular = "\uec17";
+ public const string table_edit_20_regular = "\uec18";
+ public const string table_edit_24_regular = "\uf768";
+ public const string table_edit_28_regular = "\uec19";
+ public const string table_freeze_column_16_regular = "\uec1a";
+ public const string table_freeze_column_20_regular = "\uec1b";
+ public const string table_freeze_column_24_regular = "\uf76a";
+ public const string table_freeze_column_28_regular = "\uec1c";
+ public const string table_freeze_column_and_row_16_regular = "\uec1d";
+ public const string table_freeze_column_and_row_20_regular = "\uec1e";
+ public const string table_freeze_column_and_row_24_regular = "\uec1f";
+ public const string table_freeze_column_and_row_28_regular = "\uec20";
+ public const string table_freeze_row_16_regular = "\uec21";
+ public const string table_freeze_row_20_regular = "\uec22";
+ public const string table_freeze_row_24_regular = "\uf76b";
+ public const string table_freeze_row_28_regular = "\uec23";
+ public const string table_image_20_regular = "\uec24";
+ public const string table_insert_column_16_regular = "\uec25";
+ public const string table_insert_column_20_regular = "\uec26";
+ public const string table_insert_column_24_regular = "\uec27";
+ public const string table_insert_column_28_regular = "\uec28";
+ public const string table_insert_row_16_regular = "\uec29";
+ public const string table_insert_row_20_regular = "\uec2a";
+ public const string table_insert_row_24_regular = "\uec2b";
+ public const string table_insert_row_28_regular = "\uec2c";
+ public const string table_lightning_16_regular = "\uec2d";
+ public const string table_lightning_20_regular = "\uec2e";
+ public const string table_lightning_24_regular = "\uec2f";
+ public const string table_lightning_28_regular = "\uec30";
+ public const string table_link_16_regular = "\uec31";
+ public const string table_link_20_regular = "\uec32";
+ public const string table_link_24_regular = "\uec33";
+ public const string table_link_28_regular = "\uec34";
+ public const string table_lock_16_regular = "\uf2e9";
+ public const string table_lock_20_regular = "\uf2ec";
+ public const string table_lock_24_regular = "\uf2ed";
+ public const string table_lock_28_regular = "\uf2ee";
+ public const string table_lock_32_regular = "\uf302";
+ public const string table_lock_48_regular = "\uf309";
+ public const string table_move_above_16_regular = "\uec35";
+ public const string table_move_above_20_regular = "\uec36";
+ public const string table_move_above_24_regular = "\uec37";
+ public const string table_move_above_28_regular = "\uec38";
+ public const string table_move_below_16_regular = "\uec39";
+ public const string table_move_below_20_regular = "\uec3a";
+ public const string table_move_below_24_regular = "\uec3b";
+ public const string table_move_below_28_regular = "\uec3c";
+ public const string table_move_left_16_regular = "\uec3d";
+ public const string table_move_left_20_regular = "\uec3e";
+ public const string table_move_left_24_regular = "\uf771";
+ public const string table_move_left_28_regular = "\uec3f";
+ public const string table_move_right_16_regular = "\uec40";
+ public const string table_move_right_20_regular = "\uec41";
+ public const string table_move_right_24_regular = "\uf772";
+ public const string table_move_right_28_regular = "\uec42";
+ public const string table_multiple_20_regular = "\uec43";
+ public const string table_offset_20_regular = "\U000f0103";
+ public const string table_offset_24_regular = "\U000f0104";
+ public const string table_offset_add_20_regular = "\U000f0105";
+ public const string table_offset_add_24_regular = "\U000f0106";
+ public const string table_offset_less_than_or_equal_to_20_regular = "\U000f0107";
+ public const string table_offset_less_than_or_equal_to_24_regular = "\U000f0108";
+ public const string table_offset_settings_20_regular = "\U000f0109";
+ public const string table_offset_settings_24_regular = "\U000f010a";
+ public const string table_resize_column_16_regular = "\uec44";
+ public const string table_resize_column_20_regular = "\uec45";
+ public const string table_resize_column_24_regular = "\uec46";
+ public const string table_resize_column_28_regular = "\uec47";
+ public const string table_resize_row_16_regular = "\uec48";
+ public const string table_resize_row_20_regular = "\uec49";
+ public const string table_resize_row_24_regular = "\uec4a";
+ public const string table_resize_row_28_regular = "\uec4b";
+ public const string table_search_20_regular = "\uec4c";
+ public const string table_settings_16_regular = "\uec4d";
+ public const string table_settings_20_regular = "\uec4e";
+ public const string table_settings_24_regular = "\uf777";
+ public const string table_settings_28_regular = "\uec4f";
+ public const string table_simple_16_regular = "\uec50";
+ public const string table_simple_20_regular = "\uec51";
+ public const string table_simple_28_regular = "\uec53";
+ public const string table_simple_32_regular = "\U000f014d";
+ public const string table_simple_48_regular = "\uec54";
+ public const string table_simple_checkmark_16_regular = "\uf08f";
+ public const string table_simple_checkmark_20_regular = "\uf090";
+ public const string table_simple_checkmark_24_regular = "\uf091";
+ public const string table_simple_checkmark_28_regular = "\uf092";
+ public const string table_simple_checkmark_32_regular = "\uf093";
+ public const string table_simple_checkmark_48_regular = "\uf094";
+ public const string table_simple_exclude_16_regular = "\U000f014e";
+ public const string table_simple_exclude_20_regular = "\U000f014f";
+ public const string table_simple_exclude_24_regular = "\U000f0150";
+ public const string table_simple_exclude_28_regular = "\U000f0151";
+ public const string table_simple_exclude_32_regular = "\U000f0152";
+ public const string table_simple_exclude_48_regular = "\U000f0153";
+ public const string table_simple_include_16_regular = "\U000f0154";
+ public const string table_simple_include_20_regular = "\U000f0155";
+ public const string table_simple_include_24_regular = "\U000f0156";
+ public const string table_simple_include_28_regular = "\U000f0157";
+ public const string table_simple_include_32_regular = "\U000f0158";
+ public const string table_simple_include_48_regular = "\U000f0159";
+ public const string table_simple_multiple_20_regular = "\U000f00ae";
+ public const string table_simple_multiple_24_regular = "\U000f00af";
+ public const string table_sparkle_20_regular = "\U000f05e4";
+ public const string table_sparkle_24_regular = "\U000f05e5";
+ public const string table_split_20_regular = "\uec55";
+ public const string table_stack_above_16_regular = "\uec56";
+ public const string table_stack_above_20_regular = "\uec57";
+ public const string table_stack_above_24_regular = "\uec58";
+ public const string table_stack_above_28_regular = "\uec59";
+ public const string table_stack_below_16_regular = "\uec5a";
+ public const string table_stack_below_20_regular = "\uec5b";
+ public const string table_stack_below_24_regular = "\uec5c";
+ public const string table_stack_below_28_regular = "\uec5d";
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+ public const string table_stack_left_20_regular = "\uec5f";
+ public const string table_stack_left_24_regular = "\uec60";
+ public const string table_stack_left_28_regular = "\uec61";
+ public const string table_stack_right_16_regular = "\uec62";
+ public const string table_stack_right_20_regular = "\uec63";
+ public const string table_stack_right_24_regular = "\uec64";
+ public const string table_stack_right_28_regular = "\uec65";
+ public const string table_switch_16_regular = "\uec66";
+ public const string table_switch_20_regular = "\uec67";
+ public const string table_switch_24_regular = "\uf778";
+ public const string table_switch_28_regular = "\uec68";
+ public const string tablet_12_regular = "\uec69";
+ public const string tablet_16_regular = "\uec6a";
+ public const string tablet_20_regular = "\uf779";
+ public const string tablet_24_regular = "\uf77a";
+ public const string tablet_32_regular = "\uec6b";
+ public const string tablet_48_regular = "\uec6c";
+ public const string tablet_laptop_20_regular = "\U000f015a";
+ public const string tablet_laptop_24_regular = "\U000f0246";
+ public const string tablet_speaker_20_regular = "\uec6d";
+ public const string tablet_speaker_24_regular = "\uec6e";
+ public const string tabs_16_regular = "\uf095";
+ public const string tabs_20_regular = "\uec6f";
+ public const string tabs_24_regular = "\uf77b";
+ public const string tag_16_regular = "\uec70";
+ public const string tag_20_regular = "\uf77c";
+ public const string tag_24_regular = "\uf77d";
+ public const string tag_28_regular = "\uec71";
+ public const string tag_32_regular = "\uec72";
+ public const string tag_circle_20_regular = "\uec73";
+ public const string tag_dismiss_16_regular = "\uec74";
+ public const string tag_dismiss_20_regular = "\uec75";
+ public const string tag_dismiss_24_regular = "\uec76";
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+ public const string tag_error_20_regular = "\uec78";
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+ public const string tag_lock_32_regular = "\uec7d";
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+ public const string tag_multiple_24_regular = "\uec7f";
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+ public const string tag_question_mark_24_regular = "\uec84";
+ public const string tag_question_mark_32_regular = "\uec85";
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+ public const string tag_reset_24_regular = "\uec87";
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+ public const string tag_search_24_regular = "\uec89";
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+ public const string tap_double_48_regular = "\uec8c";
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+ public const string tap_single_32_regular = "\uec8e";
+ public const string tap_single_48_regular = "\uec8f";
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+ public const string target_20_regular = "\uf781";
+ public const string target_24_regular = "\uf782";
+ public const string target_32_regular = "\uec90";
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+ public const string target_add_24_regular = "\U000f036b";
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+ public const string target_dismiss_24_regular = "\U000f036d";
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+ public const string target_edit_20_regular = "\uf784";
+ public const string target_edit_24_regular = "\uf785";
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+ public const string task_list_add_24_regular = "\uf789";
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+ public const string task_list_ltr_24_regular = "\uec93";
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+ public const string task_list_rtl_24_regular = "\uec95";
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+ public const string task_list_square_rtl_20_regular = "\uec9c";
+ public const string task_list_square_rtl_24_regular = "\uec9d";
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+ public const string teardrop_bottom_right_24_regular = "\U000f039f";
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+ public const string teddy_24_regular = "\uf78e";
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+ public const string temperature_20_regular = "\uf78f";
+ public const string temperature_24_regular = "\uf790";
+ public const string temperature_32_regular = "\uf058";
+ public const string temperature_48_regular = "\uf059";
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+ public const string tent_28_regular = "\ueca5";
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+ public const string vault_20_regular = "\uf842";
+ public const string vault_24_regular = "\uf843";
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+ public const string vehicle_car_collision_32_regular = "\uedde";
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+ public const string vehicle_car_parking_24_regular = "\uf003";
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+ public const string vehicle_car_parking_48_regular = "\uf05d";
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+ public const string vehicle_motorcycle_28_regular = "\U000f0645";
+ public const string vehicle_motorcycle_32_regular = "\U000f0646";
+ public const string vehicle_motorcycle_48_regular = "\U000f0647";
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+ public const string vehicle_tractor_24_regular = "\U000f057f";
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+ public const string vehicle_truck_20_regular = "\uede9";
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+ public const string video_background_effect_horizontal_32_regular = "\U000f00c8";
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+ public const string video_clip_multiple_24_regular = "\uee02";
+ public const string video_clip_off_16_regular = "\uee03";
+ public const string video_clip_off_20_regular = "\uee04";
+ public const string video_clip_off_24_regular = "\uee05";
+ public const string video_clip_optimize_16_regular = "\U000f041b";
+ public const string video_clip_optimize_20_regular = "\U000f041c";
+ public const string video_clip_optimize_24_regular = "\U000f041d";
+ public const string video_clip_optimize_28_regular = "\U000f041e";
+ public const string video_clip_wand_16_regular = "\U000f0548";
+ public const string video_clip_wand_20_regular = "\U000f0549";
+ public const string video_clip_wand_24_regular = "\U000f054a";
+ public const string video_link_24_regular = "\U000f04fc";
+ public const string video_link_28_regular = "\U000f04fd";
+ public const string video_off_16_regular = "\U000f0520";
+ public const string video_off_20_regular = "\uf851";
+ public const string video_off_24_regular = "\uf852";
+ public const string video_off_28_regular = "\uf853";
+ public const string video_off_32_regular = "\uee06";
+ public const string video_off_48_regular = "\uee07";
+ public const string video_people_32_regular = "\uf061";
+ public const string video_person_12_regular = "\uee08";
+ public const string video_person_16_regular = "\uee09";
+ public const string video_person_20_regular = "\uee0a";
+ public const string video_person_24_regular = "\uf854";
+ public const string video_person_28_regular = "\uee0b";
+ public const string video_person_32_regular = "\uf327";
+ public const string video_person_48_regular = "\uee0c";
+ public const string video_person_call_16_regular = "\uee0d";
+ public const string video_person_call_20_regular = "\uee0e";
+ public const string video_person_call_24_regular = "\uee0f";
+ public const string video_person_call_32_regular = "\uee10";
+ public const string video_person_clock_16_regular = "\uf38e";
+ public const string video_person_clock_20_regular = "\uf392";
+ public const string video_person_clock_24_regular = "\uf3f5";
+ public const string video_person_clock_28_regular = "\uf3f6";
+ public const string video_person_clock_32_regular = "\uf3f7";
+ public const string video_person_clock_48_regular = "\uf3f8";
+ public const string video_person_off_20_regular = "\uee11";
+ public const string video_person_off_24_regular = "\uf855";
+ public const string video_person_pulse_16_regular = "\U000f041f";
+ public const string video_person_pulse_20_regular = "\U000f0420";
+ public const string video_person_pulse_24_regular = "\U000f0421";
+ public const string video_person_pulse_28_regular = "\U000f0422";
+ public const string video_person_sparkle_16_regular = "\uee12";
+ public const string video_person_sparkle_20_regular = "\uee13";
+ public const string video_person_sparkle_24_regular = "\uee14";
+ public const string video_person_sparkle_28_regular = "\uee15";
+ public const string video_person_sparkle_48_regular = "\uee16";
+ public const string video_person_sparkle_off_20_regular = "\U000f02ca";
+ public const string video_person_sparkle_off_24_regular = "\U000f02cb";
+ public const string video_person_star_20_regular = "\uee17";
+ public const string video_person_star_24_regular = "\uf856";
+ public const string video_person_star_off_20_regular = "\uee18";
+ public const string video_person_star_off_24_regular = "\uee19";
+ public const string video_play_pause_20_regular = "\uee1a";
+ public const string video_play_pause_24_regular = "\uf857";
+ public const string video_prohibited_16_regular = "\uee1b";
+ public const string video_prohibited_20_regular = "\uee1c";
+ public const string video_prohibited_24_regular = "\uee1d";
+ public const string video_prohibited_28_regular = "\uee1e";
+ public const string video_recording_20_regular = "\uee1f";
+ public const string video_security_20_regular = "\uf858";
+ public const string video_security_24_regular = "\uf859";
+ public const string video_switch_20_regular = "\uee20";
+ public const string video_switch_24_regular = "\uf85a";
+ public const string video_sync_20_regular = "\uee21";
+ public const string view_desktop_20_regular = "\uf85b";
+ public const string view_desktop_24_regular = "\uf85c";
+ public const string view_desktop_mobile_20_regular = "\uf85d";
+ public const string view_desktop_mobile_24_regular = "\uf85e";
+ public const string virtual_network_20_regular = "\uee22";
+ public const string virtual_network_toolbox_20_regular = "\uee23";
+ public const string voicemail_16_regular = "\uf862";
+ public const string voicemail_20_regular = "\uf863";
+ public const string voicemail_24_regular = "\uf864";
+ public const string voicemail_28_regular = "\uee24";
+ public const string voicemail_32_regular = "\uf3f9";
+ public const string voicemail_48_regular = "\U000f00cd";
+ public const string voicemail_arrow_back_16_regular = "\uf7eb";
+ public const string voicemail_arrow_back_20_regular = "\uee25";
+ public const string voicemail_arrow_forward_16_regular = "\uf7ec";
+ public const string voicemail_arrow_forward_20_regular = "\uee26";
+ public const string voicemail_arrow_subtract_20_regular = "\uee27";
+ public const string voicemail_shield_16_regular = "\U000f031f";
+ public const string voicemail_shield_20_regular = "\U000f02cc";
+ public const string voicemail_shield_24_regular = "\U000f02cd";
+ public const string voicemail_shield_32_regular = "\U000f02ce";
+ public const string voicemail_subtract_16_regular = "\uf7fc";
+ public const string vote_20_regular = "\uee28";
+ public const string vote_24_regular = "\uee29";
+ public const string walkie_talkie_20_regular = "\uee2a";
+ public const string walkie_talkie_24_regular = "\uf865";
+ public const string walkie_talkie_28_regular = "\uf866";
+ public const string wallet_16_regular = "\uee2b";
+ public const string wallet_20_regular = "\uee2c";
+ public const string wallet_24_regular = "\uee2d";
+ public const string wallet_28_regular = "\uee2e";
+ public const string wallet_32_regular = "\uee2f";
+ public const string wallet_48_regular = "\uee30";
+ public const string wallet_credit_card_16_regular = "\uee31";
+ public const string wallet_credit_card_20_regular = "\uee32";
+ public const string wallet_credit_card_24_regular = "\uee33";
+ public const string wallet_credit_card_28_regular = "\U000f05f6";
+ public const string wallet_credit_card_32_regular = "\uee34";
+ public const string wallet_credit_card_48_regular = "\U000f05f7";
+ public const string wallpaper_20_regular = "\uee35";
+ public const string wallpaper_24_regular = "\uf867";
+ public const string wand_16_regular = "\uee36";
+ public const string wand_20_regular = "\uee37";
+ public const string wand_24_regular = "\uee38";
+ public const string wand_28_regular = "\uee39";
+ public const string wand_48_regular = "\uee3a";
+ public const string warning_12_regular = "\uee3b";
+ public const string warning_16_regular = "\uf868";
+ public const string warning_20_regular = "\uf869";
+ public const string warning_24_regular = "\uf86a";
+ public const string warning_28_regular = "\uee3c";
+ public const string warning_32_regular = "\U000f024a";
+ public const string warning_48_regular = "\U000f03cf";
+ public const string warning_shield_20_regular = "\uee3d";
+ public const string washer_20_regular = "\uf006";
+ public const string washer_24_regular = "\uf007";
+ public const string washer_32_regular = "\uf008";
+ public const string washer_48_regular = "\uf009";
+ public const string water_16_regular = "\uf062";
+ public const string water_20_regular = "\uf063";
+ public const string water_24_regular = "\uf064";
+ public const string water_32_regular = "\uf065";
+ public const string water_48_regular = "\uf066";
+ public const string weather_blowing_snow_20_regular = "\uf86b";
+ public const string weather_blowing_snow_24_regular = "\uf86c";
+ public const string weather_blowing_snow_48_regular = "\uf86d";
+ public const string weather_cloudy_20_regular = "\uf86e";
+ public const string weather_cloudy_24_regular = "\uf86f";
+ public const string weather_cloudy_48_regular = "\uf870";
+ public const string weather_drizzle_20_regular = "\uee3e";
+ public const string weather_drizzle_24_regular = "\uee3f";
+ public const string weather_drizzle_48_regular = "\uee40";
+ public const string weather_duststorm_20_regular = "\uf871";
+ public const string weather_duststorm_24_regular = "\uf872";
+ public const string weather_duststorm_48_regular = "\uf873";
+ public const string weather_fog_20_regular = "\uf874";
+ public const string weather_fog_24_regular = "\uf875";
+ public const string weather_fog_48_regular = "\uf876";
+ public const string weather_hail_day_20_regular = "\uf877";
+ public const string weather_hail_day_24_regular = "\uf878";
+ public const string weather_hail_day_48_regular = "\uf879";
+ public const string weather_hail_night_20_regular = "\uf87a";
+ public const string weather_hail_night_24_regular = "\uf87b";
+ public const string weather_hail_night_48_regular = "\uf87c";
+ public const string weather_haze_20_regular = "\uee41";
+ public const string weather_haze_24_regular = "\uee42";
+ public const string weather_haze_48_regular = "\uee43";
+ public const string weather_moon_16_regular = "\uee44";
+ public const string weather_moon_20_regular = "\uf87d";
+ public const string weather_moon_24_regular = "\uf87e";
+ public const string weather_moon_28_regular = "\uee45";
+ public const string weather_moon_48_regular = "\uf87f";
+ public const string weather_moon_off_16_regular = "\uee46";
+ public const string weather_moon_off_20_regular = "\uee47";
+ public const string weather_moon_off_24_regular = "\uee48";
+ public const string weather_moon_off_28_regular = "\uee49";
+ public const string weather_moon_off_48_regular = "\uee4a";
+ public const string weather_partly_cloudy_day_16_regular = "\uee4b";
+ public const string weather_partly_cloudy_day_20_regular = "\uf880";
+ public const string weather_partly_cloudy_day_24_regular = "\uf881";
+ public const string weather_partly_cloudy_day_48_regular = "\uf882";
+ public const string weather_partly_cloudy_night_20_regular = "\uf883";
+ public const string weather_partly_cloudy_night_24_regular = "\uf884";
+ public const string weather_partly_cloudy_night_48_regular = "\uf885";
+ public const string weather_rain_20_regular = "\uf886";
+ public const string weather_rain_24_regular = "\uf887";
+ public const string weather_rain_48_regular = "\uf888";
+ public const string weather_rain_showers_day_20_regular = "\uf889";
+ public const string weather_rain_showers_day_24_regular = "\uf88a";
+ public const string weather_rain_showers_day_48_regular = "\uf88b";
+ public const string weather_rain_showers_night_20_regular = "\uf88c";
+ public const string weather_rain_showers_night_24_regular = "\uf88d";
+ public const string weather_rain_showers_night_48_regular = "\uf88e";
+ public const string weather_rain_snow_20_regular = "\uf88f";
+ public const string weather_rain_snow_24_regular = "\uf890";
+ public const string weather_rain_snow_48_regular = "\uf891";
+ public const string weather_snow_20_regular = "\uf892";
+ public const string weather_snow_24_regular = "\uf893";
+ public const string weather_snow_48_regular = "\uf894";
+ public const string weather_snow_shower_day_20_regular = "\uf895";
+ public const string weather_snow_shower_day_24_regular = "\uf896";
+ public const string weather_snow_shower_day_48_regular = "\uf897";
+ public const string weather_snow_shower_night_20_regular = "\uf898";
+ public const string weather_snow_shower_night_24_regular = "\uf899";
+ public const string weather_snow_shower_night_48_regular = "\uf89a";
+ public const string weather_snowflake_20_regular = "\uf89b";
+ public const string weather_snowflake_24_regular = "\uf89c";
+ public const string weather_snowflake_32_regular = "\uefd4";
+ public const string weather_snowflake_48_regular = "\uf89d";
+ public const string weather_squalls_20_regular = "\uf89e";
+ public const string weather_squalls_24_regular = "\uf89f";
+ public const string weather_squalls_48_regular = "\uf8a0";
+ public const string weather_sunny_16_regular = "\uee4c";
+ public const string weather_sunny_28_regular = "\uee4d";
+ public const string weather_sunny_32_regular = "\uee4e";
+ public const string weather_sunny_48_regular = "\uf8a3";
+ public const string weather_sunny_high_20_regular = "\uee4f";
+ public const string weather_sunny_high_24_regular = "\uee50";
+ public const string weather_sunny_high_48_regular = "\uee51";
+ public const string weather_sunny_low_20_regular = "\uee52";
+ public const string weather_sunny_low_24_regular = "\uee53";
+ public const string weather_sunny_low_48_regular = "\uee54";
+ public const string weather_thunderstorm_20_regular = "\uf8a4";
+ public const string weather_thunderstorm_24_regular = "\uf8a5";
+ public const string weather_thunderstorm_48_regular = "\uf8a6";
+ public const string web_asset_16_regular = "\uf3fa";
+ public const string web_asset_20_regular = "\uee55";
+ public const string web_asset_24_regular = "\uf8a7";
+ public const string whiteboard_16_regular = "\U000f04c4";
+ public const string whiteboard_20_regular = "\uf8aa";
+ public const string whiteboard_24_regular = "\uf8ab";
+ public const string whiteboard_48_regular = "\uee56";
+ public const string whiteboard_off_16_regular = "\U000f04c5";
+ public const string whiteboard_off_20_regular = "\U000f04c6";
+ public const string whiteboard_off_24_regular = "\U000f04c7";
+ public const string wifi_1_20_regular = "\uf8ac";
+ public const string wifi_1_24_regular = "\uf8ad";
+ public const string wifi_2_20_regular = "\uf8ae";
+ public const string wifi_2_24_regular = "\uf8af";
+ public const string wifi_3_20_regular = "\uf8b0";
+ public const string wifi_3_24_regular = "\uf8b1";
+ public const string wifi_4_20_regular = "\uf8b2";
+ public const string wifi_4_24_regular = "\uf8b3";
+ public const string wifi_lock_20_regular = "\uee57";
+ public const string wifi_lock_24_regular = "\uee58";
+ public const string wifi_off_20_regular = "\uee59";
+ public const string wifi_off_24_regular = "\uee5a";
+ public const string wifi_settings_20_regular = "\uee5b";
+ public const string wifi_warning_20_regular = "\uee5c";
+ public const string wifi_warning_24_regular = "\uf7fd";
+ public const string window_16_regular = "\uee5d";
+ public const string window_20_regular = "\uf8b5";
+ public const string window_24_regular = "\uee5e";
+ public const string window_28_regular = "\uee5f";
+ public const string window_48_regular = "\uee61";
+ public const string window_ad_20_regular = "\uf8b6";
+ public const string window_ad_24_regular = "\U000f04e3";
+ public const string window_ad_off_20_regular = "\uee62";
+ public const string window_ad_person_20_regular = "\uee63";
+ public const string window_apps_16_regular = "\uee64";
+ public const string window_apps_20_regular = "\uee65";
+ public const string window_apps_24_regular = "\uee66";
+ public const string window_apps_28_regular = "\uee67";
+ public const string window_apps_32_regular = "\uee68";
+ public const string window_apps_48_regular = "\uee69";
+ public const string window_arrow_up_16_regular = "\uee6a";
+ public const string window_arrow_up_20_regular = "\uee6b";
+ public const string window_arrow_up_24_regular = "\uee6c";
+ public const string window_bullet_list_20_regular = "\uee6d";
+ public const string window_bullet_list_add_20_regular = "\uee6e";
+ public const string window_console_20_regular = "\uee6f";
+ public const string window_database_20_regular = "\uee70";
+ public const string window_database_24_regular = "\uefd5";
+ public const string window_database_32_regular = "\U000f02cf";
+ public const string window_dev_edit_16_regular = "\uee71";
+ public const string window_dev_edit_20_regular = "\uee72";
+ public const string window_dev_tools_16_regular = "\uf8b7";
+ public const string window_dev_tools_20_regular = "\uf8b8";
+ public const string window_dev_tools_24_regular = "\uf8b9";
+ public const string window_edit_16_regular = "\uf804";
+ public const string window_edit_20_regular = "\uee73";
+ public const string window_fingerprint_16_regular = "\U000f054b";
+ public const string window_fingerprint_20_regular = "\U000f054c";
+ public const string window_fingerprint_24_regular = "\U000f054d";
+ public const string window_fingerprint_28_regular = "\U000f054e";
+ public const string window_fingerprint_32_regular = "\U000f054f";
+ public const string window_fingerprint_48_regular = "\U000f0550";
+ public const string window_header_horizontal_20_regular = "\uee74";
+ public const string window_header_horizontal_off_20_regular = "\uee75";
+ public const string window_header_vertical_20_regular = "\uee76";
+ public const string window_inprivate_20_regular = "\uf8ba";
+ public const string window_inprivate_account_20_regular = "\uf8bb";
+ public const string window_location_target_20_regular = "\uee77";
+ public const string window_multiple_16_regular = "\uee78";
+ public const string window_multiple_20_regular = "\uf8bc";
+ public const string window_multiple_swap_20_regular = "\uee79";
+ public const string window_new_16_regular = "\uee7a";
+ public const string window_new_20_regular = "\uf8bd";
+ public const string window_new_24_regular = "\uee7b";
+ public const string window_play_20_regular = "\uee7c";
+ public const string window_settings_20_regular = "\uee7d";
+ public const string window_shield_16_regular = "\uf8be";
+ public const string window_shield_20_regular = "\uf8bf";
+ public const string window_shield_24_regular = "\uf8c0";
+ public const string window_text_20_regular = "\uee7e";
+ public const string window_wrench_16_regular = "\uee7f";
+ public const string window_wrench_20_regular = "\uee80";
+ public const string window_wrench_24_regular = "\uee81";
+ public const string window_wrench_28_regular = "\uee82";
+ public const string window_wrench_32_regular = "\uee83";
+ public const string window_wrench_48_regular = "\uee84";
+ public const string wrench_16_regular = "\uee85";
+ public const string wrench_20_regular = "\uee86";
+ public const string wrench_24_regular = "\uf8c1";
+ public const string wrench_screwdriver_20_regular = "\uee87";
+ public const string wrench_screwdriver_24_regular = "\uee88";
+ public const string wrench_screwdriver_32_regular = "\U000f0461";
+ public const string wrench_settings_20_regular = "\U000f04e4";
+ public const string wrench_settings_24_regular = "\U000f04e5";
+ public const string xbox_console_20_regular = "\uf8c2";
+ public const string xbox_console_24_regular = "\uf8c3";
+ public const string xbox_controller_16_regular = "\ueeb7";
+ public const string xbox_controller_20_regular = "\ueeb8";
+ public const string xbox_controller_24_regular = "\ueeb9";
+ public const string xbox_controller_28_regular = "\ueeba";
+ public const string xbox_controller_32_regular = "\ueebb";
+ public const string xbox_controller_48_regular = "\ueebc";
+ public const string xbox_controller_error_20_regular = "\uf098";
+ public const string xbox_controller_error_24_regular = "\uf099";
+ public const string xbox_controller_error_32_regular = "\uf09a";
+ public const string xbox_controller_error_48_regular = "\uf09b";
+ public const string xray_20_regular = "\uee89";
+ public const string xray_24_regular = "\uee8a";
+ public const string zoom_fit_16_regular = "\uee8b";
+ public const string zoom_fit_20_regular = "\uee8c";
+ public const string zoom_fit_24_regular = "\uee8d";
+ public const string zoom_in_16_regular = "\uee8e";
+ public const string zoom_in_20_regular = "\uf8c4";
+ public const string zoom_in_24_regular = "\uf8c5";
+ public const string zoom_out_16_regular = "\uee8f";
+ public const string zoom_out_20_regular = "\uf8c6";
+ public const string zoom_out_24_regular = "\uf8c7";
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf b/Resources/Fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d31b8ab
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf differ
diff --git a/Resources/Fonts/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf b/Resources/Fonts/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533c52e
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Fonts/OpenSans-Semibold.ttf differ
diff --git a/Resources/Fonts/SegoeUI-Semibold.ttf b/Resources/Fonts/SegoeUI-Semibold.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80c08fc
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Fonts/SegoeUI-Semibold.ttf differ
diff --git a/Resources/Images/dotnet_bot.png b/Resources/Images/dotnet_bot.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d1b981
Binary files /dev/null and b/Resources/Images/dotnet_bot.png differ
diff --git a/Resources/Raw/AboutAssets.txt b/Resources/Raw/AboutAssets.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89dc758
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Raw/AboutAssets.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Any raw assets you want to be deployed with your application can be placed in
+this directory (and child directories). Deployment of the asset to your application
+is automatically handled by the following `MauiAsset` Build Action within your `.csproj`.
+These files will be deployed with your package and will be accessible using Essentials:
+ async Task LoadMauiAsset()
+ {
+ using var stream = await FileSystem.OpenAppPackageFileAsync("AboutAssets.txt");
+ using var reader = new StreamReader(stream);
+ var contents = reader.ReadToEnd();
+ }
diff --git a/Resources/Raw/SeedData.json b/Resources/Raw/SeedData.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f331ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Raw/SeedData.json
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ "Projects": [
+ {
+ "Name": "Balance",
+ "Description": "Improve work-life balance.",
+ "Icon": "\uea28",
+ "Category": { "Title": "work", "Color": "#3068df" },
+ "Tags": [
+ { "Title": "work", "Color": "#3068df" }
+ ],
+ "Tasks": [
+ { "Title": "Survey Employees", "IsCompleted": false },
+ { "Title": "Analyze Survey Results", "IsCompleted": false },
+ { "Title": "Develop Action Plan", "IsCompleted": false }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Personal",
+ "Description": "Learn to speak another language.",
+ "Icon": "\uf8fe",
+ "Category": { "Title": "education", "Color": "#8800FF" },
+ "Tags": [
+ { "Title": "personal", "Color": "#FF4500" }
+ ],
+ "Tasks": [
+ { "Title": "Read a Book", "IsCompleted": false },
+ { "Title": "Attend a Workshop", "IsCompleted": false },
+ { "Title": "Practice a Hobby", "IsCompleted": false }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Fitness",
+ "Description": "Promote health and fitness activities",
+ "Icon": "\uf837",
+ "Category": { "Title": "self", "Color": "#FF3300" },
+ "Tags": [
+ { "Title": "health", "Color": "#32CD32" }
+ ],
+ "Tasks": [
+ { "Title": "Morning Yoga", "IsCompleted": false },
+ { "Title": "Evening Run", "IsCompleted": false },
+ { "Title": "Healthy Cooking Class", "IsCompleted": false }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "Name": "Family and Friends",
+ "Description": "Strengthen relationships with family and friends.",
+ "Icon": "\uf5a9",
+ "Category": { "Title": "relationships", "Color": "#FF9900" },
+ "Tags": [
+ { "Title": "family", "Color": "#1E90FF" },
+ { "Title": "friends", "Color": "#FF69B4" }
+ ],
+ "Tasks": [
+ { "Title": "Plan a Family Reunion", "IsCompleted": false },
+ { "Title": "Organize a Friends' Get-together", "IsCompleted": false },
+ { "Title": "Weekly Phone Calls", "IsCompleted": false }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Splash/splash.svg b/Resources/Splash/splash.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21dfb25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Splash/splash.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Styles/AppStyles.xaml b/Resources/Styles/AppStyles.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aec313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Styles/AppStyles.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+ 0
+ 2
+ 4
+ 6
+ 8
+ 10
+ 12
+ 16
+ 20
+ 24
+ 28
+ 32
+ 36
+ 40
+ 48
+ 52
+ 56
+ 32
+ 18
+ 30
+ 15
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Styles/Colors.xaml b/Resources/Styles/Colors.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1250bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Styles/Colors.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ #512BD4
+ #ac99ea
+ #242424
+ #DFD8F7
+ #9880e5
+ #2B0B98
+ #17171a
+ #C3C3C3
+ #F2F2F2
+ #0D0D0D
+ #E0E0E0
+ #222228
+ White
+ Black
+ #D600AA
+ #190649
+ #1f1f1f
+ #E1E1E1
+ #C8C8C8
+ #919191
+ #6E6E6E
+ #404040
+ #212121
+ #141414
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resources/Styles/Styles.xaml b/Resources/Styles/Styles.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1180fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/Styles/Styles.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
diff --git a/Services/IErrorHandler.cs b/Services/IErrorHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c069958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Services/IErrorHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Services
+ ///
+ /// Error Handler Service.
+ ///
+ public interface IErrorHandler
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Handle error in UI.
+ ///
+ /// Exception being thrown.
+ void HandleError(Exception ex);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Services/ModalErrorHandler.cs b/Services/ModalErrorHandler.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d599b90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Services/ModalErrorHandler.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Services
+ ///
+ /// Modal Error Handler.
+ ///
+ public class ModalErrorHandler : IErrorHandler
+ {
+ SemaphoreSlim _semaphore = new(1, 1);
+ ///
+ /// Handle error in UI.
+ ///
+ /// Exception.
+ public void HandleError(Exception ex)
+ {
+ DisplayAlert(ex).FireAndForgetSafeAsync();
+ }
+ async Task DisplayAlert(Exception ex)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ await _semaphore.WaitAsync();
+ if (Shell.Current is Shell shell)
+ await shell.DisplayAlert("Error", ex.Message, "OK");
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ _semaphore.Release();
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utilities/ProjectExtentions.cs b/Utilities/ProjectExtentions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6c34c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/ProjectExtentions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+using BRTDataTools.App.Models;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Utilities
+ ///
+ /// Project Model Extentions
+ ///
+ public static class ProjectExtentions
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Check if the project is null or new.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ public static bool IsNullOrNew([NotNullWhen(false)] this Project? project)
+ {
+ return project is null || project.ID == 0;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utilities/TaskUtilities.cs b/Utilities/TaskUtilities.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fb28de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/TaskUtilities.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+using BRTDataTools.App.Services;
+namespace BRTDataTools.App.Utilities
+ ///
+ /// Task Utilities.
+ ///
+ public static class TaskUtilities
+ {
+ ///
+ /// Fire and Forget Safe Async.
+ ///
+ /// Task to Fire and Forget.
+ /// Error Handler.
+ public static async void FireAndForgetSafeAsync(this Task task, IErrorHandler? handler = null)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ await task;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ handler?.HandleError(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file