Releases: JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json.Schema
Releases · JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json.Schema
- New feature - Added support for JSON Schema Draft 7
- New feature - Added support for if/then/else
- New feature - Added writeOnly/readOnly to JSchema
- New feature - Added contentEncoding/contentMediaType to JSchema
- Fix - Fixed incorrect error thrown when resolving reference where index equals length
- Fix - Fixed generating schemas with attributes inheriting from DescriptionAttribute and DisplayNameAttribute
- New feature - Added JSchema.Reference to optionally dereference schemas
- New feature - Added ResolveSchemaReferences to reader for reading schemas without resolving references
- New feature - Added support for DisplayAttribute when generating schemas
- Change - Changed regex to use RegexOptions.ECMAScript
- Remove - JSchemaReaderSettings.RegexTimeout was unused and removed
- Fix - Fixed using StringEnumGenerationProvider with DefaultValue
- Fix - Fixed validators not being used in referenced schemas
- Fix - Fixed using JSchemaReadersSetting in referenced schemas with base URI
- Fix - Fixed generated schemas with multiple required states not being placed in definitions
- Fix - Fixed validation of a contains schema when nested inside conditional context
- New feature - Improved schema generation performance
- Fix - Fixed reading DescriptionAttribute and DisplayNameAttribute in portable and .NET Standard builds
- Fix - Fixed writing schema with JSchemaType.None
- Fix - Fixed JSON Pointer format validation
- Fix - Fixed validating floating point values with no remainder as integer type
- Fix - Fixed error when resolving complex deferred schema relationship
- Fix - Fixed using propertyNames with non-string validation
- Fix - Fixed parsing schema ids starting with double slash
- New feature - Added support for JSON Schema Draft 6
- New feature - Added propertyNames schema validation
- New feature - Added contains schema validation
- New feature - Added support for reading schema id from $id properties
- New feature - Added support for boolean (valid/invalid) schemas
- New feature - Added support for reading and writing exclusiveMinimum and exclusiveMaximum with number values
- New feature - Added support for const validation
- New feature - Added support for uri-reference format
- New feature - Added support for uri-template format
- New feature - Added support for json-pointer format
- New feature - Added support for using schema version from $schema to correctly parse JSON during schema load
- New feature - Added support for using schema version from JSchema.SchemaVersion to correctly write JSON
- New feature - Added JSchema.ToString(SchemaVersion) to specify JSON Schema version when writing JSON
- New feature - Added JSchemaWriterSetting.Version to specify JSON Schema version when writing JSON
- New feature - Added support for falling back to getting definitions schema by original reference name
- Fix - Fixed resolving relative ids of schemas nested in loose JSON with id scope
- New feature - Added support for generating schema titles with DisplayNameAttribute
- New feature - Added RegexTimeout to JSchemaValidatingReader and JSchemaValidatingWriter
- New feature - Added SchemaTitle, SchemaDescription to JSchemaTypeGenerationContext
- New feature - Added title and description to output from StringEnumGenerationProvider if defined with attribute
- Fix - Fixed parsing ref where the result is a single items schema
- New feature - Added support for deriving date-time and uri formats from types when generating schemas
- New feature - Added support for DescriptionAttribute on properties when generating schemas
- Change - NuGet package has a minimum client version of 2.12
- Fix - Fixed unexpected error when schema with extension data references itself