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AngelScript interface

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.

The SNES system is frozen during script execution and clock cycles are not advanced until the invoked script function returns.

bsnes can bind to these optional functions defined by scripts:

  • void init() - called once immediately after script loaded or reloaded
  • void pre_frame() - called immediately before scanline 0 rendering begins for the current frame
  • void post_frame() - called after a frame is rendered by the PPU but before it is swapped to the display

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.

Global Functions

  • void message(const string &in msg) - show a message on emulator status bar, like a notification
  • string &fmtHex(uint64 value, int precision = 0) - formats a uint64 in hexadecimal using precision number of digits
  • string &fmtBinary(uint64 value, int precision = 0) - formats a uint64 in binary using precision number of digits
  • string &fmtInt(int64 value) - formats a int64 as a string
  • string &fmtUint(uint64 value) - formats a uint64 as a string

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.


All definitions in this section are defined in the bus namespace, e.g. bus::read_u8.

Memory read functions:

  • uint8 bus::read_u8(uint32 addr) - reads a uint8 value from the given bus address (24-bit)
  • uint16 bus::read_u16(uint32 addr0, uint32 addr1) - reads a uint16 value from the given bus addresses (24-bit), using addr0 for the low byte and addr1 for the high byte. addr0 and addr1 can be any address or even the same address. addr0 is always read before addr1 is read.
  • void read_block_u8(uint32 addr, uint offs, uint16 size, const array<uint8> &in output) - reads a block of uint8 data from address addr to a slice of an array<uint8> specified by offs and size (bytes).
  • void read_block_u16(uint32 addr, uint offs, uint16 size, const array<uint16> &in output) - reads a block of uint16 data from address addr to a slice of an array<uint16> specified by offs and size (words).

Memory write functions:

  • void bus::write_u8(uint32 addr, uint8 data) - writes a uint8 value to the given bus address (24-bit)
  • void bus::write_u16(uint32 addr0, uint32 addr1, uint16 data) - writes a uint16 value to the given bus addresses (24-bit), using addr0 for the low byte and addr1 for the high byte. addr0 and addr1 can be any address or even the same address. addr0 is always written before addr1 is written.
  • void bus::write_block_u8(uint32 addr, uint offs, uint16 size, const array<uint8> &in output) - writes a block of uint8 data to address addr from a slice of an array<uint8> specified by offs and size (bytes).
  • void write_block_u16(uint32 addr, uint offs, uint16 size, const array<uint16> &in output) - writes a block of uint16 data to address addr from a slice of an array<uint16> specified by offs and size (words).

Reads and writes are done on the main bus and clock cycles are not advanced unless the addresses being read from or written to cross any special memory-mapped hardware registers like for the PPU. Reads and writes to WRAM-mapped addresses are always guaranteed to not advance clock cycles.

Memory write interception:

  • void WriteInterceptCallback(uint32 addr, uint8 value) - callback function definition for intercepting memory writes.
  • void add_write_interceptor(const string &in addr, uint32 size, WriteInterceptCallback @cb) - registers a script function to be called when any address within a memory address range is written to. An example of the addr string format is 00-10,20-40,7e-7f:2000-2fff,4000-4fff. The string is split by ':' to separate bank ranges from address ranges. Multiple bank ranges and address ranges are split by ','. Bank ranges are specified as hex values split by '-' to define lower range inclusive and upper range inclusive; bank ranges only need to be at most 2 hex characters because they are 8-bit values. Address ranges are specified as hex values split by '-' to define lower range inclusive and upper range inclusive; address ranges only need to be at most 4 hex characters because they are 16-bit values. The combination of a bank and an address create a full 24-bit address. When size is 0, the mapping is non-contiguous, otherwise the mapping is treated as a contiguous range of size size bytes from lowest address to highest address across all address ranges.

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.

DMA interception

All definitions in this section are defined in the cpu namespace.

DMAIntercept class:

  • uint8 channel
  • uint8 transferMode
  • uint8 fixedTransfer
  • uint8 reverseTransfer
  • uint8 unused
  • uint8 indirect
  • uint8 direction
  • uint8 targetAddress
  • uint16 sourceAddress
  • uint8 sourceBank
  • uint16 transferSize
  • uint16 indirectAddress
  • uint8 indirectBank


  • void DMAInterceptCallback(DMAIntercept @dma) - callback function definition for DMA interception
  • void register_dma_interceptor(DMAInterceptCallback @cb) - registers the DMA interceptor callback function

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.

Graphics Integration

Post-Frame Rendering

The best way to affect the rendering of a frame is to wait for the PPU to finish rendering a frame and then draw directly on top of the final frame. This mode is useful for making large-scale annotations on the frame for debugging purposes or for creating in-game mechanics that don't need tight integration with the PPU. This mode draws directly onto the rendered PPU frame and is destructive by nature. Supported features are drawing pixels directly, drawing horizontal and vertical lines, drawing rectangles, and drawing text using an 8x8 or 8x16 pixel font. Drawing operations can make use of alpha-blending and colors are represented with 15-bit BGR values.

This post-frame mode may only be meaningfully used within the context of the emulator calling the void post_frame() function defined in the script. Do note that if reading SNES memory during post_frame(), most values will be relevant for the next frame and not the current already-rendered frame. This is because most SNES games execute their game logic while the PPU is rendering a frame and so most RAM is updated while rendering. To avoid this 1 frame delay, it is advised to read/write memory during void pre_frame() and store copies of values read into script variables to be later drawn or acted upon in void post_frame(). Although it is not illegal to call post-frame drawing operations in pre_frame() function, their effect would be meaningless because the frame would be cleared out by the PPU and will be redrawn.

Rendering Interfaces for Scripts

Note that the SNES works internally with 15-bit BGR color values.

  • For scripts, the uint16 type is used for representing 15-bit BGR color values.
  • Each color channel is allocated 5 bits, from least-significant bits for red, to most-significant bits for blue.
  • The most significant bit of the uint16 value for color should always be 0.
  • Reference colors:
    • 0x7fff is 100% white.
    • 0x0000 is 100% black.
    • 0x7c00 is 100% blue.
    • 0x03e0 is 100% green.
    • 0x001f is 100% red.
  • Since it is cumbersome to mentally compose hex values for 15-bit RGB colors, the ppu::rgb function is provided to construct the final uint16 color value given each color channel's 5-bit value.

General PPU Data Access Interface

ppu namespace methods and properties:

  • uint16 ppu::rgb(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) - function used to construct 15-bit RGB color values; each color channel is a 5-bit value between 0..31.
  • uint8 ppu::luma { get; } - global read-only property representing the current PPU luminance value (0..15) where 0 is very dark and 15 is full brightness.
  • uint8 ppu::sprite_width(uint8 baseSize, uint8 size) - calculates a sprite's width given the base size and sprite size
  • uint8 ppu::sprite_height(uint8 baseSize, uint8 size) - calculates a sprite's height given the base size and sprite size
  • uint8 ppu::sprite_base_size() - fetches the current sprite base size from PPU state
  • uint16 ppu::tile_address(bool nameselect) - calculates the tile address in VRAM depending on the nameselect bit
  • ppu::VRAM ppu::vram - global property to access VRAM with
  • ppu::CGRAM ppu::cgram - global property to access CGRAM with
  • ppu::OAM ppu::oam - global property to access OAM with

ppu::VRAM object for direct access to VRAM:

  • uint16 opIndex(uint16 addr) - reads a 16-bit value from VRAM at absolute address addr
  • uint16 chr_address(uint16 chr) - computes the VRAM address for a given sprite CHR value (9-bit), valid return values are from 0x4000 to 0x5fff.
  • void read_block(uint16 addr, uint offs, uint16 size, array<uint16> &inout output) - reads 16-bit VRAM data from address addr into output array at offset offs for size size words. Does not advance clock cycles; reads directly from emulator's representation of VRAM and not via the main bus.
  • "void write_block(uint16 addr, uint offs, uint16 size, const array<uint16> &in data)" - writes 16-bit VRAM data to address addr from output array at offset offs for size size words. Does not advance clock cycles; writes directly into emulator's representation of VRAM and not via the main bus.

ppu::CGRAM object for direct access to CGRAM:

  • uint16 opIndex(uint16 addr) - reads a 16-bit color value from CGRAM at absolute address addr

ppu::OAMSprite object represents a copy of an OAM sprite:

  • uint8 index { get; set; } - gets/sets the current OAM sprite index to read from
  • bool is_enabled { get; } - determines if the OAM sprite is on screen
  • uint16 x { get; } - gets the X coordinate (9-bit) of the current OAM sprite
  • uint8 y { get; } - gets the Y coordinate (8-bit) of the current OAM sprite
  • uint16 character { get; } - gets the CHR value (9-bit) of the current OAM sprite
  • bool vflip { get; } - gets the vertical flip flag of the current OAM sprite
  • bool hflip { get; } - gets the horizontal flip flag of the current OAM sprite
  • uint8 priority { get; } - gets the priority (2-bit) of the current OAM sprite
  • uint8 palette { get; } - gets the palette (3-bit) of the current OAM sprite
  • uint8 size { get; } - gets the size (1-bit) of the current OAM sprite
  • uint8 width { get; } - gets the width in pixels of the current OAM sprite (convenience property calculated from size)
  • uint8 height { get; } - gets the height in pixels of the current OAM sprite (convenience property calculated from size)

ppu::OAM object represents direct access to OAM memory:

  • OAMSprite @get_opIndex(uint8 chr) - gets a copy of an OAM sprite given its index (7-bit)
  • void set_opIndex(uint8 chr, OAMSprite @sprite) - writes an OAM sprite to the OAM table given its index (7-bit)

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.

Extra OAM Sprite Definition Interface

All features for defining "extra" OAM sprites are found in ppu::extra script object.

Global properties:

  • ppu::Extra ppu::extra

ppu::Extra methods and properties:

  • uint16 get_color() - gets the current drawing color
  • void set_color(uint16 color) - sets the current drawing color for drawing operations that don't otherwise have parameters to specify which color or colors to draw
  • bool get_text_shadow() - gets the current flag for rendering shadows under text
  • void set_text_shadow(bool color) - enables or disables a black shadow +1 pixel right and +1 pixel below and underneath any future calls to text()
  • int measure_text(const string &in text) - measures the width of a text string in pixels
  • void reset() - resets all ExtraTile objects to their initial states
  • uint get_count() - gets the number of valid ExtraTile objects for the PPU to render
  • void set_count(uint count) - sets the number of valid ExtraTile objects for the PPU to render, starting from index 0 in the get_opIndex(uint i) array.
  • ExtraTile @get_opIndex(uint i) - gets a reference to the ExtraTile object at index i; valid values for i are [0..127], i.e. there is a maximum of 128 extra sprites that can be drawn.

ppu::ExtraTile methods and properties:

  • int x - X coordinate on screen for top-left of sprite
  • int y - Y coordinate on screen for top-left of sprite
  • uint source - What source layer the sprite should be drawn into. Use 4 for OBJ1 and 5 for OBJ2 (only values currently supported; 0..3 represent BG layers but extra sprites cannot be drawn there yet)
  • bool hflip - Set to true to horizontally flip the sprite when rendering
  • bool vflip - Set to true to vertically flip the sprite when rendering
  • uint priority - when source is OBJ1 or OBJ2, use priority values 0..3 which have identical meaning to hardware OAM priority values, e.g. 0 is lowest priority and 3 is highest priority. When a priority conflict exists against hardware OAM sprites, the hardware OAM sprites will win (i.e. be drawn over extra sprites).
  • uint width - Width in pixels of the sprite
  • uint height - Height in pixels of the sprite
  • uint index - Which OAM index to emulate the sprite being at 0..127; hardware OAM sprite index order affects which sprites are drawn on top of other sprites. OAM indexes with lower numbers override those with higher indexes.
  • void reset() - resets all fields to defaults and clears pixel data.
  • void pixels_clear() - clears pixel data to be all transparent pixels.
  • void pixel_set(int x, int y, uint16 color) - sets the pixel at x,y to the specific 15-bit BGR color
  • void pixel_off(int x, int y) - turns off the opacity of the pixel at x,y (retains existing color data)
  • void pixel_on(int x, int y) - turns on the opacity of the pixel at x,y (retains existing color data)
  • void pixel(int x, int y) - sets the pixel at x,y to the current global ppu::Extra.color value
  • void draw_sprite(int x, int y, int width, int height, const array<uint32> &in tiledata, const array<uint16> &in palette) - Renders a VRAM 4bpp sprite at the x,y coordinate within this extra sprite. tiledata is organized like VRAM for 4bpp sprite tiles; compatible with data retrieved from ppu::vram.read_sprite() function. palette is a 16 value array of 15-bit BGR color values which may be directly copied from ppu::CGRAM[].
  • void hline(int lx, int ty, int w) - draws a horizontal line using current drawing color
  • void vline(int lx, int ty, int h) - draws a vertical line using current drawing color
  • void rect(int x, int y, int w, int h) - draws a rectangle using current drawing color
  • void fill(int x, int y, int w, int h) - fills a rectangle using current drawing color
  • int text(int x, int y, const string &in text) - renders text using an 8x8 pixel font using the current drawing color

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.

Post-Frame Rendering Interface


  • Coordinate system used
    • x = 0..255 from left to right
    • y = 0..239 from top to bottom
    • Top and bottom 8 rows are for overscan
    • The visible portion of the screen is 256x224 resolution
    • In absolute coordinates, the visible top-left coordinate is (0,8) and the visible bottom-right coordinate is (255,223)
    • ppu::frame.y_offset property exists to offset all drawing Y coordinates (in 480 column scale) to account for overscan. It defaults to +16 so that (0,0) in drawing coordinates is the visible top-left coordinate for all drawing functions. Scripts are free to change this property to 0 (to draw in the overscan area) or to any other value.
    • ppu::frame.x_scale is a multiplier to X coordinates to scale to a unified 512x480 pixel buffer; default = 2 which implies a lo-res 256 column mode; switch to 1 to use hi-res 512 column mode
    • ppu::frame.y_scale is a multiplier to Y coordinates to scale to a unified 512x480 pixel buffer; default = 2 which implies a lo-res 240 row mode; switch to 1 to use hi-res 480 row mode
  • alpha channel is represented in a uint8 type as a 5-bit value between 0..31 where 0 is completely transparent and 31 is completely opaque.
  • alpha blending equation is [src_rgb*src_a + dst_rgb*(31 - src_a)] / 31
  • ppu::draw_op - enum of drawing operations used to draw pixels; available drawing operations are:
    • ppu::draw_op::op_solid - draw solid pixels, ignoring alpha (default)
    • ppu::draw_op::op_alpha - draw new pixels alpha-blended with existing pixels
    • ppu::draw_op::op_xor - XORs new pixel color value with existing pixel color value
  • IMPORTANT: All drawing operations are performed immediately and directly on the PPU frame buffer.
    • Drawing operations are destructive to the PPU rendered frame.


  • uint16 ppu::rgb(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b) - function used to construct 15-bit RGB color values; each color channel is a 5-bit value between 0..31.
  • uint8 ppu::luma { get; } - global read-only property representing the current PPU luminance value (0..15) where 0 is very dark and 15 is full brightness.
  • ppu::Frame ppu::frame { get; } - global read-only property representing the current rendered PPU frame that is ready to swap to the display. Contains methods and properties that allow for drawing things on top of the frame.

ppu::Frame properties:

  • int y_offset { get; set; } - property to adjust Y-offset of drawing functions (default = +16; skips top overscan area so that x=0,y=0 is top-left of visible screen)
  • ppu::draw_op draw_op { get; set; } - current drawing operation used to draw pixels
  • uint16 color { get; set; } - current color for drawing with (0..0x7fff)
  • uint8 luma { get; set; } - current luminance for drawing with (0..15); color is luma-mapped (applied before alpha blending) for drawing
  • uint8 alpha { get; set; } - current alpha value for drawing with (0..31)
  • int font_height { get; set; } - current font height in pixels; valid values are 8 or 16 (default = 8).
  • bool text_shadow { get; set; } - determines whether to draw a black shadow one pixel below and to the right behind any text; text does not overdraw the shadow in order to avoid alpha-blending artifacts.

ppu::Frame methods:

  • uint16 read_pixel(int x, int y) - gets the 15-bit RGB color at the x,y coordinate in the PPU frame
  • void pixel(int x, int y) - sets the 15-bit RGB color at the x,y coordinate in the PPU frame
  • void hline(int lx, int ty, int w) - draws a horizontal line between ty <= y < ty+h
  • void vline(int lx, int ty, int h) - draws a vertical line between lx <= x < lx+w
  • void rect(int lx, int ty, int w, int h) - draws a rectangle at the boundaries lx <= x < lx+w and ty <= y < ty+h; does not overdraw corners
  • void fill(int lx, int ty, int w, int h) - fills a rectangle within lx <= x < lx+w and ty <= y < ty+h; does not overdraw
  • int text(int lx, int ty, const string &in text) - draws a horizontal span of ASCII text using the current font_height
    • returns len as number of characters drawn
    • all non-printable and control characters (CR, LF, TAB, etc) are skipped for rendering and do not contribute to the width of the text's bounding box
    • top-left corner of text bounding box is specified by (lx, ty) coordinates
    • bottom-right corner of text bounding box is computed as (lx+(8*len), ty+font_height) where len is the number of characters to be drawn (excludes non-printable chars)
    • bounding box coordinates are not explicitly computed by the function up-front but serve to define the exact rendering behavior of the function
    • character glyphs are rendered relative to their top-left corner
  • void draw_4bpp_8x8(int lx, int ty, uint32[] tile_data, uint16[] palette_data) - draws an 8x8 tile in 4bpp color mode using the given tile_data from VRAM and palette_data from CGRAM. pixels are drawn using the current drawing operations; color is ignored; luma is used to luma-map the palette colors for display. WARNING: this method is likely to be deprecated as it is not directly compatible with VRAM read_block/write_block functions which return data as uint16[] and not uint32[].

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.

Network Access for Scripts

net::UDPSocket@ type represents a UDP socket which can listen for and send UDP packets.

  • net::UDPSocket@ constructor(const string &in host, const int port) - construct a UDP socket listening at host address on port port number.
  • int sendto(const array<uint8> &in msg, const string &in host, const int port) - sends a UDP packet to the given destination address and port; non-blocking.
  • int recv(const array<uint8> &in msg) - attempts to receive a UDP packet into the msg array and returns 0 if no packet available, or returns the number of bytes received; non-blocking. (internally uses a poll() followed by recvfrom() if the poll indicates that data is available to be read)

WARNING: this API is likely to be refactored to extract out IPAddress structures instead of specifying host as string and port as integer. This change will also make these functions more performant due to not having to call getaddrinfo() every time.

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.

GUI Integrations for Scripts

TODO: document gui namespace members.

NOTE: Always refer to script-interface.cpp for the latest definitions of script functions.