Parameters shared by all goals.
Parameter | Description | Required |
installDirectory | Local installation directory of the Liberty server. | Yes, only when runtimeArchive , runtimeArtifact , and install parameters are not set. |
runtimeArchive | Location of the Liberty server compressed archive. The archive will be unpacked into a directory as specified by the runtimeInstallDirectory parameter. |
Yes, only when installDirectory , runtimeArtifact , and install parameters are not set. |
runtimeArtifact | Maven artifact name of the Liberty runtime. The runtime will be installed into a directory as specified by the runtimeInstallDirectory parameter. The default runtime is the latest version of io.openliberty:openliberty-kernel . |
No |
libertyRuntimeVersion | Liberty runtime version to use instead of the runtimeArtifact version. This can also be specified with -Dliberty.runtime.version from the command line. |
No |
install | Install Liberty runtime from the Liberty repository. | Yes, only when installDirectory , runtimeArchive , and runtimeArtifact parameters are not set. |
licenseArtifact | Maven artifact name of the Liberty license jar. It will be used to upgrade the installation at the location specified by the runtimeInstallDirectory parameter. |
No |
serverName | Name of the Liberty server instance. The default value is defaultServer . |
No |
userDirectory | Alternative user directory location that contains server definitions and shared resources (WLP_USER_DIR ). |
No |
outputDirectory | Alternative location for server generated output such as logs, the workarea directory, and other generated files (WLP_OUTPUT_DIR ). The default value for the package and install-feature goals is ${}/liberty-alt-output-dir . |
No |
runtimeInstallDirectory | Local installation directory location of the Liberty server when the server is installed using the runtime archive, runtime artifact or repository option. The default value is ${}/liberty . |
No |
refresh | If true, re-install Liberty server into the local directory. This is only used when when the server is installed using the runtime archive or runtime artifact option. The default value is false. | No |
skip | If true, the specified goal is bypassed entirely. The default value is false. | No |